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Youth were almost three times as likely as adults to be unemployed, with unemployment rates of 12.8 per cent and 4.4 per cent, respectively, in 2016. Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services, Indicator 8.3.1: Proportion of informal employment in non-agriculture employment, by sex, 8.4. The decline has slowed since 2009, when it hit 5.9 per cent. Downloads. Labour productivity (measured by GDP per worker) spurs economic growth. Sustainable Development Goals. Target 3.8 achieve universal health coverage (UHC), including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health care services, and … <br> Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita, Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors, Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person, Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services, Proportion of informal employment in non‑agriculture employment, by sex. Increasing labour productivity, reducing the unemployment rate, especially for young people, and improving access to financial services and benefits are essential components of sustained and inclusive economic growth. Owing to the unemployment and underemployment caused by the current crisis, some 1.6 billion workers in the informal economy, half of the global workforce, are affected significantly. SDG 3.3.3 Malaria Incidence per 1,000 Population 35 11. Moreover, in more than 76 per cent of countries with data, more than 1 in 10 youth are neither in the educational system nor working. As listed below, there are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) comprising 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from Australian statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other Australia-specific metadata information. The targets are either "outcome" targets (circumstances to be attained) or "means of implementation" targets. Globally, there were 60 automated teller machines and 17 commercial bank branches per 100,000 adults in 2015. After a brief interruption during the global economic downturn of 2008–2009, labour productivity has continued to grow; in 2019, it increased by 1.4 per cent from the previous year. It provides in-depth analysis of selected indicators, both globally and across regions, and supported by an array of charts and maps. This is the first report of SDG indicators and also subsequent report from The Initial Assessment of Sustainable Development Goals Indicators for Malaysia 2018 which was published in December 2018. Target 8.8: Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment 8.8 Indicator 8.8.1: Frequency rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries, by sex and migrant status Goal description Target Description Indicator ; 1. Source: Report of the Secretary-General, The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018. Growth in labour productivity in developing regions far outpaced that of developed regions, especially in Asia. In 2017, aid-for-trade commitments increased to $58 billion and more than doubled when compared to the 2002–2005 baseline, when they represented $23.1 billion. Young women were more than twice as likely as young men to be unemployed or outside the labour force and not in education or training. SDG 3.3.2 Tuberculosis Incidence per 100,000 Population 34 10. Access to financial services enables individuals and firms to manage changes in income, deal with fluctuating cash flows, accumulate assets and make productive investments. The SDG targets 8.1 Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances, and in particular at least 7% per annum GDP growth in the least-developed countries Target 3.1: By 2030, reduce the global … Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavor to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in accordance with the 10-year framework of programs on sustainable consumption and production, with developed countries taking the lead, Indicator 8.4.1: Material footprint, material footprint per capita, and material footprint per GDP, Indicator 8.4.2: Domestic material consumption, domestic material consumption per capita, and domestic material consumption per GDP, 8.5. More than half of child labourers (85 million children) participate in hazardous work and 59 per cent of them work in the agricultural sector. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and … Excluding the agricultural sector, 51 per cent of all workers fell into this employment category. Below we quote the original text of all Targets and show the data on the agreed Indicators. Developing regions grew far faster than developed regions, with average annual growth rates in 2014 of 3.1 per cent and 1.4 per cent, respectively. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. In 2016, real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita grew at 1.3 per cent globally, less than the 1.7 per cent average growth rate recorded in 2010–2016. <br> Frequency rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries, by sex and migrant status, Increase in national compliance of labour rights (freedom of association and collective bargaining) based on International Labour Organization (ILO) textual sources and national legislation, by sex and migrant status. vi ASEAN Sustainable Development Goals Indicators 2020 7. Data on average hourly earnings cast light on income inequality. Explore more SDSN publications on data, monitoring & accountability. Source: Report of the Secretary-General, "Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals", E/2017/66, Source: Report of the Secretary-General, "Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals", E/2016/75, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Employment, decent work for all and social protection, High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, UN Conferences and High-Level Events related to sustainable development, Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs, Second Committee of the UN General Assembly ⭧, Goal 8 infographic, source:, Special edition: progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018. 8.5. More progress is needed to increase employment opportunities, particularly for young people, reduce informal employment and the gender pay gap and promote safe and secure working environments to create decent work for all. On a per capita basis, however, the least developed countries received $10 per capita, more than any other income group and more than twice the global average. This is the fastest growth registered since 2010. The slowdown represents a negative development for the global economy, with adverse effects on living standards and real wages. In a global study conducted by the International Labour Organization, a factor-weighted gender pay gap of 19 per cent in 2017 was revealed. This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from Australia closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Globally, women and youth (aged 15 to 24) are more likely to face unemployment than men and adults aged 25 and over. Aid for trade commitments to the least developed countries increased in 2015 by $4.3 billion, reaching $17.2 billion. Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances and, in particular, at least 7 per cent gross domestic product growth per annum in the least developed countries In addition, the rate for least developed countries was 4.5 per cent in 2018, less than the 7 per cent growth rate targeted in the 2030 Agenda. Source: Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, Report of the Secretary-General, The proportion of women who are account holders is 9 percentage points lower than the proportion of men who are account holders. Donor commitments to the Framework stood at $55.3 million in 2016, with $17.3 million already disbursed to the Trust Fund. Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances and, in particular, at least 7 per cent gross domestic product growth per annum in the least developed countries, Indicator 8.1.1: Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita, 8.2. The median gender pay gap exceeded 20 per cent in managerial and professional occupations, among workers in crafts and related trades and among plant machine operators and assemblers. Each goal typically has 8-12 targets, and each target has between 1 and 4 indicators used to measure progress toward reaching the targets. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from Australian statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other Australia-specific metadata information. The rate was considerably higher among young workers than for adults in all regions in 2019, with the difference reaching 18 percentage points in Northern Africa and Western Asia, 15 percentage points in Central and Southern Asia and 12 percentage points in Latin America and the Caribbean. Even before the current crisis, the global economy was growing at a slower rate than in previous years notwithstanding improvements in labour productivity and unemployment. The need to rely on informal employment was more prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa and Central and Southern Asia, where 89 per cent and 86 per cent of workers, respectively, were in such employment. SDG 3.2.1 Under-Five Mortality Rate 32 8. Issue 5 Women’s bank account ownership. By 2030, achieve full and … Across all regions, women lag behind men in this regard. In 2018, one fifth of the world’s youth were not in education, employment or training, meaning that they were neither gaining professional experience nor acquiring or developing skills through educational or vocational programmes in their prime years. Real GDP growth rate for least developed countries is expected to increase from 4.5 per cent in 2017 to 5.7 per cent in 2020, which is less than the 7 per cent envisioned by the 2030 Agenda. The pandemic has abruptly and profoundly disrupted it, pushing the world into a recession. Girls have made greater progress than boys, with the number of girls engaged in child labour declining by 40 per cent during the period 2000-2012, compared to a decline of 25 per cent for boys. There is a stark gender difference. Between 2010 and 2015, labour productivity grew by 0.9 per cent per year, on average, in developed regions, while rising by 6.7 per cent per year, on average, in Eastern Asia, the region with the fastest growth. The global unemployment rate in 2017 was 5.6 per cent, down from 6.4 per cent in 2000. Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all, Indicator 8.10.1: Number of commercial bank branches and automated teller machines (ATMs) per 100,000 adults, Indicator 8.10.2: Proportion of adults (15 years and older) with an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, 8.a. In 2018, the global unemployment rate stood at 5.0 per cent – matching pre-crisis levels. The global unemployment rate stood at 5.7 per cent in 2016, with women more likely to be unemployed than men across all age groups. Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labor in all its forms, Indicator 8.7.1: Proportion and number of children aged 5–17 years engaged in child labour, by sex and age, 8.8. Access to finance is on the rise globally, but the mode of access seems to be changing with growing reliance on technology. By 2020, develop and operationalize a global strategy for youth employment and implement the Global Jobs Pact of the International Labour Organization, Indicator 8.b.1: Total government spending in social protection and employment programmes as a proportion of the national budgets and GDP, Fresh, local food in Botswana: “We are ready to meet this demand.”, Waste not, want not; meeting rural energy needs and cutting CO2 emissions, ‘Problem Child’ Murdered Eight Neighbors Including Five Children, Top 5 Weird and Beautiful Arabic Expressions That Don’t Exist in English.

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