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In each municipality there is a school board consisting of the president of the municipality and from four to six other members as the division superintendent shall determine; one-half of them are elected by the municipal council and one-half are appointed by the division superintendent. The French municipality is worked on similar lines, except that every vote and every disbursement of money is subject to the approval of the French consul-general. International Volunteer Day (sometimes abbreviated to IVD) takes place annually on December 5th. All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. The municipality trucks try, nonetheless, to sneak into villages to dump the garbage. Learn more. On re-entering Milan Charles Albert was badly received and reviled as a traitor by the Republicans, and although he declared himself ready to die defending the city the municipality treated with Radetzky for a capitulation; the mob, urged on by the demagogues, made a savage demonstration against him at the Palazzo Greppi, whence he escaped in the night with difficulty and returned to Piedmont with his defeated armp. All Years Pop. NORTH SYDNEY, a municipality in the county of Cumberland, New South Wales, Australia, on the N. Since 1876 each municipality has a council of twenty members to exercise control over its administration. administrative district, administrative division, territorial division - a district defined for administrative purposes. - The value of the homestead exempt from judicial sale for the satisfaction of liabilities is limited to $1500; the homestead must be owned and occupied by some member of the family claiming the exemption and may not exceed in area one block in a town or city or 160 acres outside of a municipality. For administrative purposes the province is divided into 4 districts and an autonomous municipality, Gorz (pop. Last 100 years Download our English Dictionary apps - available for both iOS and Android. Invercargill became a municipality in 1871, and there are five suburban municipalities. 2. countable noun In the United States, a municipality is a city or town that is incorporated and … noun. It became a free settlement in 1821, and in 1859 was erected into a municipality. The long struggle between the municipality and the Austrian ministry arising out of the refusal to sanction the election (1895) of Dr Lueger, the anti-Semitic leader and champion, recalls in some respects the Wilkes incident in London. Commission, and the property, activities, and income of the Commission, are hereby expressly exempted from taxation in any manner or form by any State, county, municipality, or any subdivision thereof. The municipality owns and operates the water-works, the water-supply being obtained from artesian wells. The municipality has natural gas for heating, lighting and manufacturing. The municipality owns and operates the waterworks. Example sentences containing municipality A great improvement, planned for many years, was brought nearer by the completion of the new Cambridge Bridge. After the fall of Numantia, and still more after the death of Sertorius (72 B.C. Plastic is one of the most discussed recycled product and most municipality trash services recycle your plastic curbside. 24, attended by all but three of the Serbo-Croat deputies of Dalmatia, and delegates of almost every municipality in the province. They may call special town-meetings; they appoint election officers and may appoint additional constables or ' The usual allotment of the cost of this work is as follows: 65% isaid by the railwa y company, 25% by the commonwealth and 10% by the municipality in which the crossing is located. The municipality owns and operates the waterworks and electric-lighting plant. having its own incorporated government for local. South African municipalities, grouped by province (Image: Paul Berkowitz Research) The country has 278 municipalities: eight metropolitan, 44 … Meaning of municipalities. It is governed by an active municipality, whose revenue and expenditure have rapidly increased. Related words - municipality synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms. of the municipality (1890) 20,182, of whom about 12,000 belonged to the city. (1903) 34,454; in 1903, after the census had been taken, the municipality of San Nicolas (pop. In Lyons their views were publicly known; Roland was elected a member of the municipality, and when the depression of trade in the south demanded representation in Paris he was deputed by the council of Lyons to ask the Constituent Assembly that the municipal debt of Lyons, which had been contracted for the benefit of the state, should be regarded as national debt. /mjuːˌnɪsɪˈpæləti/. BAGE, a town and municipality of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, about 176 m. The municipality owns and operates its waterworks and street-lighting plants. 1. Accra, the first town in the Gold Coast colony to be raised (July 1, 1896) to the rank of a municipality, is governed by a town council with power to raise and spend money. In November he was elected a member of the municipality of Roye, but was expelled. The municipality owns and operates the electriclighting plant. ), the Celtiberians became gradually romanized, and town life grew up among their valleys; Clunia, for instance, became a Roman municipality, and ruins of its walls, gates and theatre testify to its civilization; while Bilbilis (Bambola), another municipality, was the birthplace of the eminently Roman poet Martial. His simple manners, easy speech, ardent temperament and irreproachable private life gave him great influence in Paris, and he was elected president of the Commune, defending the municipality in that capacity at the bar of the Convention on the 31st of October 1792. In its broader sense, pertaining to the public or governmental affairs of a state, nation, or of a people. Sometimes a municipality takes on itself to construct and maintain a caravanserai; but in any case the institution is tax-free, and its revenues are inalienable. The municipality of Bologna formed a Giunta, to which Romagna and the Marches adhered, and invoked the dictatorship of Victor Emmanuel; at Perugia, too, a provisional government was constituted under F. The municipality maintains an efficient forestry department. It is distinct from city , which is a different category of local government unit. Last 10 years Eh up, me duck! Victrix was situated near the site of the cathedral, and a municipality (colonia) grew up, near where the railway station now is, on the opposite side of the Ouse. radius, but outside the city limits proper, there was a further population equal in number to that within the municipality itself. The Khartum Zoological Gardens are free to the public and are under the control of the municipality, but the collection of animals is under the Game Preservation Department. Golden Gate Park (about 1014 acres) was a waste of barren sand dunes when acquired by the municipality in 1870, but skilful planting and cultivation have entirely transformed its character. The municipality owns and operates the waterworks and an electric-lighting plant. The municipality owns and operates the waterworks and the electric-lighting plant. The municipality owns and operates the water works and the electric lighting plant. The municipality owns and operates the waterworks, and gas and electriclighting plants. If you are having difficultly qualifying for a conventional or federal government guaranteed mortgage, you may also want to check with your local state, county, and municipality about housing programs. The site is now occupied by the village of Kadikeui ("Village of the Judge"), which forms the tenth "cercle" of the municipality of Constantinople. The municipality owns and operates the water system, water being drawn from lakes near Pike's Peak. A city, town, or other area that has its own local government. The municipality owns its waterworks and filtration plant. There are a number of grey and blue limestone quarries, one of which is owned and operated by the municipality. All governments, whether municipal, provincial, state, federal etc have a basic fundamental purpose: To support broad opportunity for their citizens and protect their citizens from abuse and exploitation. 8 synonyms of municipality from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 13 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Every commune or municipality has its own elected ayuntamiento, which has complete control over municipal administration, with power to levy and collect taxes. Each Roman municipality ruled itself and a territory perhaps as large as a small county which belonged to it. A municipality may be municipality definition: 1. a city or town with its own local government, or the local government itself: 2. a city or town…. The municipality owns and operates its water-works and electric-lighting plant. Pop. Under the new system modelled upon that of the Bombay municipality, this body, styled the corporation, remains comparatively unaltered; but a large portion of their powers is transferred to a general committee, composed of twelve members, of whom one-third are elected by the corporation, one-third by certain public bodies and one-third are nominated by the government. Get the latest news and gain access to exclusive updates and offers, Eight Gaelic words from the Collins English Dictionary. municipality was preceded by a large-scale area based social experiment where 25% of the country's municipalities were assigned to the reform. If a homeowner or property owner is delinquent in the payment of taxes, the county or municipality may impose a lien on that property. was succeeded by that of Joseph Bonaparte, the municipality of Mexico invited Iturrigaray, the viceroy, to declare the country independent. The town is governed by a municipality composed partly of ex officio, nominated and elected members. The earlier governors had their country residence near the town, but the domain is now a public park in the hands of the municipality. Its suburb, East Orange, in the county of Bathurst, is a separate municipality. The two most important works undertaken by the old municipality were the provision of a supply of filtered water and the construction of a main drainage system. It once included the municipality of Campos, now belonging to the state of Rio de Janeiro. The municipality owns the water-works, the water-supply being obtained from artesian wells. The water-works and the electric lighting plant are owned and operated by the municipality. The position it has at length attained is due not alone to the enterprise of its citizens and the municipality. The municipality owns its water-works and its electric-lighting plant. Gorlitz is one of the handsomest, and, owing to the extensive forests of 70,000 acres, which are the property of the municipality, one of the wealthiest towns in Germany. municipality of the first municipalities in the country is drastically phasing out pesticides on its county golf courses beginning this spring. The result of the Social War which broke out in 91 B.C. Municipality meaning and example sentences with municipality. The tramway service, opened in 1891, was taken over by the municipality in 1904. The creditor has the right of claiming the aid of the law against the defaulting municipality; and the amounts, the terms, and the time of duration of local debt are supervised in order to prevent injustice to particular persons or improvidence with regard to the revenue and property of the local units. He embraced the revolutionary ideas, and after the taking of the Bastille became a member of the provisional municipality of Paris. And best of all it's ad free, so sign up now and start using at home or in the classroom. It was a self-governing municipality, striking its, own coins, and stood on the Apamea-Synnada-Pessinus road, by which the celebrated marble called Synnadic, Docimian and Phrygian was conveyed to the coast. The city has bottling works, and manufactures fertilizers, lumber, coffins, ice, &c. The municipality owns and operates the water-works; the water-supply comes from a spring 2 m. Finding most of its valuable rates hypothecated to the meeting of old debts, the municipality of Palermo has embarked upon municipal ownership and trading in various directions. An example of a municipality is the government of an incorporated village. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Though this prince continued to develop the city, giving it a municipality in 1866 1 and new harbour works in 1871-1878, he developed Cairo still more; and the centre of gravity definitely shifted to the inland capital. of the municipality (1903) 1 4,945; after the census of 1903 was taken there were united to Vigan the municipalities of Bantay (pop. The waterworks and electric-lighting plant are owned and operated by the municipality. If you are interested in finding local government job listings, contact the human resources department for the municipality or county where you would like to work and inquire about openings and the hiring process. a town, city or district with its own local government; the group of officials who govern it. When Tarquinii came under Roman domination is uncertain, as is also the date at which it became a municipality; in 181 B.C. Pop. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. We have almost 200 lists of words from topics as varied as types of butterflies, jackets, currencies, vegetables and knots! 1; noun plural municipality a community under municipal jurisdiction. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. A district with a government that typically encloses no other governed districts; a borough, city, or incorporated town … municipality (plural municipalities) A district with a government that typically encloses no other governed districts; a borough, city, or incorporated town or village. In spite of shortsighted parsimony in the matter of schools, &c., and increased resources through the allocation to the municipality of a certain percentage of new state and provincial taxation, their anti-Semitic successors have been unable to avoid a deficit, and have been obliged to increase the rates. (1890) of the city and municipality, 33,921. '. The municipality owns and operates the waterworks, a natural gas plant, and an electric lighting plant. NEWTOWN, a municipality of Cumberland county, New South Wales, Australia, 32 m. He became a barrister at a at h ers Bastia in June 1788, and was soon elected a councillor of the municipality of Ajaccio. At the head of the lyce is the principal (proviseur), an official nominated by the minister, and assisted by a teaching staff of professors and charges de cours or teachers of somewhat lower standing. The Philippine " municipality " is an administrative area, often sparsely settled, is often called a town, and may be compared to a New England township; the municipalities are the units into which the provinces are divided. Chinsura is included in the Hugh municipality. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. It is controlled by the Zoological Society of New York, with representatives of the municipality of the City of New York, and is financed largely out of municipal funds, and is open free to the public five days a week. The ancient walls and ditches, which formerly environed the city, were dismantled between 1881 and 1885, and the site of the old fortifications, bought from the government by the municipality, were converted into a fine boulevard, the Ring, nearly 4 m. long; the beach is owned and controlled by the municipality. The municipality owns and operates its water-works, water being obtained from artesian wells. Video shows what municipality means. A voter must be twenty-three years of age, must have been a resident of the municipality for six months, must not be a citizen or subject of any foreign country, and must possess at least one of the following qualifications: have been an office-holder under Spanish rule, own real estate worth Soo pesos, pay taxes amounting annually to 30 pesos, or be able to speak, read and write either Spanish or English. All Rights Reserved. Barmen, although mentioned in chronicles in the 11th century, did not attain civic rights until 1808, when it was formed into a municipality by the grand-duke of Berg. The municipality was created in 1859; and Goulburn became a city in 1864. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. PENRITH, a municipality of Cumberland county, New South Wales, Australia, on the Nepean River, 34 m. For administrative purposes, the province is divided into seven districts, and an autonomous municipality, Klagenfurt (pop. Budapest possesses, besides an opera house, eight theatres, of which two are subsidized by the government and one by the municipality. Narbonne) and its trade route by Toulouse to the Atlantic, was formed into the province of Gallia Narbonensis and Narbo itself into a Roman municipality. Other area that has corporate status and powers of self-government, discussion forums... Off may be offered for children can provide information to those unsure about their home municipality recycle., East orange, in the suburbs and so may the governor of the town are administered a! To a city or its local government unit a system of water-works, electric-lighting plant April Pius created Consulta! Radius, but within the municipality separate municipality, take the place of adjoining..., 17,815 and councillors, the two burgomasters, now chiefs of the city and municipality,.... Been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage nation, village! 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