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North Vietnamese troops launched the Tet Offensive in January 1968, which was successful against South Vietnam and the U.S. There were two main reasons for their concern. Diem was assassinated by his own military on November 2, 1963, and Kennedy was killed in Dallas three weeks later. The total death toll is believed to be over 3 million. In the territory that had been South Vietnam that meant collectivization of the means of production and distribution. When Northern soldiers poured into the South, they had appeared to our eyes as country folks who had strayed into a big town…Living in their company, observing their way of life and thinking, and especially experiencing our treatment in the camp, we had come to realize that between us and them was a barrier that could never be overcome.13, Finding the “bad elements”: One tool the government used to identify so-called “bad elements”—those who were opposed to the North’s communist ideology—was the personal dossier. Fleeing Vietnam: Some who were targeted by the government, or who generally faced worsening conditions, made the decision to leave. The North Vietnamese captured Saigon on April 30, accepting the surrender of South Vietnam. Within a year, South Vietnam no longer existed after the fall of Saigon. These were written biographies that included a person’s name and the names of his or her family members, as well as his or her ethnicity, religious affiliation, and current job. Neither Diem nor Kennedy would survive the year. Not any case I know of. That same day, North Vietnamese tanks crashed through the gates of the Presidential Palace in Saigon. She has written a book, to be released on May 9, called South Vietnamese Soldiers: Memories of the Vietnam War and After. As a result, the Vietnamese suffered the … The country’s infrastructure was ravaged by bombing and landmines, and parts of its otherwise lush landscape had been stripped by toxic chemicals like Agent Orange. That doesn’t even include soldiers, which would add another approximately 1.35 million Vietnamese deaths. After the United States left Vietnam, the South Vietnamese were slaughtered by the communist army (Viet Cong). Lewy estimates that 40,000 South Vietnamese civilians were assassinated by the PAVN/VC; 250,000 were killed as a result of combat in South Vietnam, and 65,000 were killed in North Vietnam. Not any case I know of. It was difficult to distinguish between civilians and military personnel in many instances as many individuals were part-time guerrillas or impressed laborer… Nguyen’s book draws on 54 oral history interviews with veterans of the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces (RVNAF) and their relatives. Areas where southern capitalists could keep their businesses. These elections, it was believed, would unite the country under one of the two governments (Ho Chi Minh was heavily favoured). (This system was already in place in the north.) The war’s toll was immense. Image 3: Vietnamese man in a re-education camp (other camps were more like prisons). The people received no food and were reduced to eating the leaves off the trees and bushes. The first wave of departures was the 140,000 southerners who fled during the fall of Saigon in 1975. U.S. military leaders had difficulty fighting a guerrilla army, yet repeatedly claimed that Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces were losing the war. Whatever they may have learned from their elders, they are lured by a sense that they can benefit from Vietnam’s energy and rapidly growing economy. 1  Another 1,643 were missing in action. That’s the day the North Vietnamese finally won the long battle that saw over a million Vietnamese people lose their lives. With decreasing productivity, the economy contracted. De-urbanizing the population: The population of cities like Saigon swelled in size during the war as people fled the fighting and bombing in rural areas. I was maybe 20-years old and I was put on a chopper and went directly into the battle. “More than 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died during the war,” she told SBS News. Some southerners described their time in these camps as the first time they interacted with northerners in many years. To continue the protection of the South Vietnamese government, Johnson increased the number of U.S. soldiers fighting in South Vietnam from 20,000 to 500,000 during the next three years. The optimism Vietnamese people feel about their future suggests that the war may not be the most important issue for a majority of the country’s people. Some who were taken away to the camps were never seen again.12 In total, about a million people in the former South Vietnam were subjected to some form of “re-education.”. Image 7: Vietnamese youth on a motorbike in Hanoi. They often had to bribe police and border agents to allow them to leave, and had to sell almost all their valuables in order to pay smugglers to get them out of the country. The U.S. military has estimated that between 200,000 and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died in the war. Australia, Canada, France, and the United States led a group of more than 20 countries in speeding up the process to 25,000 per month (see Figure 1). The government was especially suspicious of Christianity, which it saw as a holdover from the colonial years. More than 58,000 American soldiers died in the fighting between 1960 and 1975; the estimated number of Vietnamese soldiers and civilians killed … New Zealand fought for South Korea and lost abo… In 1982 the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated in Washington, D.C., inscribed with the names of 57,939 members of U.S. armed forces who had died or were missing as a result of the war. France had been a long-time occupier of Vietnam before 1954. The North and its allies’ defeat of the Republic of Vietnam cleared the way for the long-awaited reunification of the country. The most significant of these was the Indochinese Communist Party created by nationalist leader Ho Chi Minh in 1930. Map 2: East, Southeast Asian Signatories to 1951 UN Refugee Convention, as of 1979. This (re)connection with the Viet kieu (overseas Vietnamese) has been encouraged by the Vietnamese government, which hopes these overseas Vietnamese will bring investment and the types of capitalist businesses the communists once disapproved of so strongly. As many as two million civilians died in the conflict, along with 1.3 million Vietnamese soldiers. The second outcome was an agreement by the two Vietnams to hold elections in 1956. These were people who had worked with the Americans, and most were permanently re-settled in the United States. Nevertheless, America’s campaign in Vietnam, which lasted more than a decade, had a profound impact on millions of Vietnamese. In 1954, he had left North Vietnam with his family to escape the communist regime; they walked to South Vietnam and to peace. Return of Overseas Vietnamese: Some of the people who left Vietnam 40 years ago are now returning. The U.S. military has estimated that between 200,000 and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died in the war. When Barack Obama visited the country in 2016, the U.S. president’s comments reflected this mood as he spoke to a crowd in the capital city of Hanoi. By the end of the following year, the numbers reached alarming levels, quadrupling to 62,000.27 An estimated 70 percent of them were ethnic Chinese.28, By 1979, members of the international community were recognizing that the situation had become a humanitarian crisis. Vietnam outranked every other country in its optimism about the future, with 94 percent saying they believed their children would be better off (see Figure 3). The U.S. military has estimated that between 200,000 and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died in the war. Over 3,000 villages were in the spray zone. The war killed 58,220 American soldiers and wounded 153,303 more. This chaotic evacuation has been captured in … This includes members of the government. Some did so voluntarily, but others were relocated against their will to New Economic Zones (NEZs) set up by the government. Image 6: Vietnamese peasants selling their goods at a market. Professor Nguyen has written a book about the war called South Vietnamese Soldiers: Memories of the Vietnam War and After. There were well known cases of people [in] the NEZs dying from eating manioc leaves that they had cooked.21, Many people “escaped or bribed their way back to the city [and the] new economic zones came to be widely perceived as places of internal exile.”22 In addition, many of the highland areas where NEZs were set up were inhabited by Vietnam’s indigenous peoples, and they generally did not welcome outsiders who viewed them as “backwards and uneducated.”23, Collectivizing peasants: About half of all rural families in the south were organized into agricultural collectives. Some religious buildings were closed down or required to place a portrait of Ho Chi Minh on their altars.16 The government also burned books that it felt were not supportive of the revolution, and it replaced many teachers in the south with teachers from the north, who they believed would be more loyal. The U.S. Military estimated that approximately 200,000 to 250,000 South Vietnamese perished in … Others chose to leave, even when doing so was fraught with danger and uncertainty. It is estimated by the US Military that over 200,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died during the Vietnam War. Today, that number is estimated to be less than 20 percent. It wanted no part of the new conflict.After World War II, France reoccupied Vietnam as part of its attempt to reclaim its prewar empire. Singapore refused to disembark [allow to go ashore] any refugees who did not have guarantees of resettlement [in other countries] within 90 days. “The war was terrible then, in the early 70s,” he told SBS News. Image 2: Viet Cong soldiers waving NLF flag. The Vietnamese civil war began in 1959. By 1960, a civil war was brewing, especially after the North created the National Liberation Front (NLF), a political organization and army, better known as the Viet Cong, in the south. The decision was made without any meaningful discussion or debate. APF Canada is responsible for the content of this background reading. It is estimated by the US Military that over 200,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died during the Vietnam War. It is estimated by the US Military that over 200,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died during the Vietnam War. As the Viet Cong expanded its control over the south, the U.S. responded by sending more military advisers. She added that at the end of the war South Vietnamese soldiers not only lost their country but their freedom, imprisoned in “bamboo gulags”, or re-education camps, for years. In figures released in 1995, Vietnam claimed 2 million civilians died on both sides, while 1.1 million North Vietnamese soldiers and between 200,000 and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers lost their lives in the war. France, however, was not willing to give up its profitable colony. By comparison, including both north and south, approximately 2 million Vietnamese civilians died . The U.S. military has estimated that between 200,000 and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died in the war. A Communist uprising across South Vietnam claimed thousands of lives, and their perceived success had turned public opinion against the war … Malaysia and Thailand frequently resorted to pushing boats away from their coastlines. The best guess is about 15,000. Most still think of Vietnam as a war the U.S. and its South Vietnamese allies fought against the North. 1972 in the Vietnam War saw foreign involvement in South Vietnam slowly declining. In many ways the Tet Offensive signaled a turning point in America’s war in Vietnam, as 1968 and 1969 were the peak years of American in activity in Vietnam. We also look at the dramatic changes that have taken place in Vietnam since economic reforms were introduced in 1986— changes that, according to recent surveys, have made Vietnam one of the most optimistic societies in the world. The Vietnam War was described as a civil war within South Vietnam, although it became a proxy war between Cold War powers. At first, the French had the upper hand, but the Viet Minh wore them down, dealing them a decisive blow in 1954 in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. In the Vietnam War, 58,220 Americans died. These zones were usually located in remote highland areas, where living conditions were harsh. This included eliminating potential rivals, “re-educating” those who were suspected of disloyalty, and preventing other ideologies and beliefs from competing with socialism. By the early 1980s, Vietnam’s government was coming to realize that communism would not provide a miracle cure for rapidly modernizing the country and growing its economy.37 As Goscha observes, “raw peasant hunger brought the Viet Minh to power in August 1945,” and it could also bring down the communists 50 years later.38 In 1986, Vietnam introduced a series of market reforms called doi moi (“renovation”). Worried that Ngo Dinh Diem was failing to stop the communists from taking over, U.S. President John F. Kennedy supported the South Vietnamese military’s overthrow of Ngo Dinh Diem in 1963. In the cities, new factories began producing items like shoes, clothes, and computers that would be sold in other countries.40 By 2001, Vietnam’s economy was growing rapidly at about eight percent per year. Our skin was the same color, we spoke the same language, our ethnic origin and geographic location were the same, and yet we were completely different from them. As one of the United State’s longest and most hated wars, soldiers bringing back Vietnamese immigrants after the Vietnam War obviously brought forth problems for the Vietnamese people. Instead, property is “collectively” owned and controlled by the government, which makes decisions about what to produce and how much to distribute to different groups. But reconciliation—“healing the wounds and divisions of a society in the aftermath of sustained violence”—was a bigger challenge.5 One thing standing in the way of reconciliation was the North Vietnamese government’s deep suspicion of many people in the south and their doubts about southerners’ loyalty to the communist regime. Many POWs … After 10 years of economic crisis, the Vietnamese government introduced a series of market reforms. Figure 2: Resettlement of Vietnamese Refugees, by destination, 1975-95. Captured U.S.-backed South Vietnamese Army soldiers are escorted by Vietnamese communist soldiers in Saigon, April 30, 1975, In Vietnam today, the conflict is referred to as the American War… Southerners were not entirely passive in responding to these changes. In 1979, China invaded Vietnam and the two countries fought a brief border war, known as the Third Indochina War or the Sino-Vietnamese War. There were two outcomes of the Geneva Conference. Rather than carry the NLF flag, his troops (divisions) were carrying the Democratic Republic of Vietnam flag, the flag of North Vietnam. Some accepted and adapted to life under the new system, whereas others found “safe” ways to push back, especially against the new economic system (although there were no safe ways to push back against the political system). Most of these soldiers died fighting for or alongside North Vietnam. In this two-year period, the U.S. had the largest number of troops on the ground. First, a ceasefire ended the war between France and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam; however, this also resulted in the country being divided at its “waist” (the 17th parallel) (see Map 1). Countries of resettlement: At the time of the UN meeting, only about 9,000 Indochinese refugees per month were being permanently resettled—a pace far slower than what was needed to keep up with the number arriving in neighbouring countries and territories. They had “prevailed against all odds,” says historian Christopher Goscha, first beating the French in a violent war of de-colonization, then beating the Americans in one of the most brutal conflicts of the Cold War.3. The government of Vietnam set up New Economic Zones in post-war Vietnam. Although both countries were led by communist governments, members of the Khmer Rouge leadership were suspicious of Vietnam, believing that it wanted to expand its control over Cambodia. As the Southern … At the end of January, the PAVN and VC launched the Tet Offensive. These measures did not totally end the “boat people” crisis, but they did help to prevent an even larger humanitarian crisis that was brewing by the late 1970s. Everyday resistance: Some peasants who were forced to join rural collectives resisted in ways that were quiet and indirect. Some people spent several years in camps. Both sides lost more than 2 million civilians. At least 250,000 Montagnard men died during the war, according to community leaders and historians.. After the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam in 1973, some … On September 2, 1945, Ho Chi Minh declared the country’s independence, naming it the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. In rural areas, the government ended collectivization and allowed farmers to keep what they grew and sell it at markets.39 Rice production rebounded dramatically, making Vietnam one of the world’s largest rice exporters. Death comes to South Vietnam: On April 30, 1975, Saigon fell and was captured by the North Vietnamese army. The government used this information to categorize people as “good” or “bad.” If a person had a sister, father, or uncle who had worked with the French, American, or South Vietnamese government, for example, he or she would likely be put in the “bad” category. The first was economic; after withdrawing from the country in 1975, the United States imposed a trade embargo on Vietnam, “cutting off the war-wrecked country not only from US exports and imports, but also from those of other nations that bowed to American pressure.” In addition, the United States pressured other international bodies to deny assistance to Vietnam.35. However, those instances are dwarfed by American use of napalm in the Vietnam War, where the US dropped almost 400,000 tons of napalm bombs in the decade between 1963 and 1973. In 1982 the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated in Washington, D.C., inscribed with the names of 57,939 members of U.S. armed forces who had died or were missing as a result of the war. Civil wars result from, and sometimes deepen, divisions within societies. Although the benefits of doi moi have been uneven, with some benefiting more than others, almost everyone has seen improvements in their lives. Professor Nguyen has written a book about the war called South Vietnamese Soldiers: Memories of the Vietnam War and After. One of the groups most affected was the ethnic Chinese minority, known as the Hoa. By comparison, including both north and south, approximately 2 million Vietnamese civilians died . The NLF included both communists and non-communists, and its purpose was to bring down the Ngo Dinh Diem government and unify the country on the North’s terms. S independence, naming it the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, made the to! 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