Fried Jalapenos Mexican, Sevin Dust Organic, Eco Friendly Songs, Identify Dunbar Furniture, Milani Infinite Liquid Eyeliner Canada, Xochitl Gomez Wikipedia, Mr Lockwood Vampire Diaries, " />

Media, Geopolitics, and Power: A View from the Global South (University of Illinois Press, 2018). Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Fake News from Africa: Panics, Politics and Paradigms. Let us know and understand the significance of media through the following most important points: 1. The convergence and digitalisation of media has shifted the platforms that marketers use to reach out to consumers. Neural networks for art and a dialogue of cultures. In view of the diversity of applications of digital media in Africa, especially those facilitated through mobile phones, we have to consider the impact on the whole range of human experience – economic, political, and social. Global media assemblages have reconfigured aspects of territory, authority, and rights, but they are deeply implicated in non-media forces and deeply entangled with local places. For citizens, digitalization promises much needed improvement both in the delivery of public services, such as Government/Bank issued certificates, and other services, financial or other consultancy services. ( Log Out /  Tandwa, L.  (2016, March 17). Benefits Of Digitalisation. This could mean great profit opportunities for companies, which is why marketing has greatly benefited from digitalisation. In these contexts, digital media – especially when accessed via mobile phones – can provide new channels for citizens to engage with politics on various levels. Digital media provide African users opportunities to connect with a globalised media landscape, but these connections take place by means of a domestication and localisation of those digital technologies. The strategy entails that by sending consistent and valuable information to the buyer about the product, the company will receive their business and loyalty (Patrutiu-Baltes, 2015). There are a lot of benefits such as overhead costs reducing by a whopping 80% and improved response turnaround times. Zuma, like his counterpart Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, has been the subject of countless satirising memes, gifs, remixes, photo-shopped pictures, and YouTube videos. Since the start of this millennium, the mobile device has gone from being no more than a simple GPS to being a mobile phone with GPS navigation, a web Jenkins, H. (2006). The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the original author(s) and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions of the Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute, its co-founders, or its staff members. Optimistic predictions for what digital media might mean for social change and democratic politics in Africa have, in the past, frequently been based on these technologically determinist assumptions. Willems, W. & Mano, W. Arguably the most important example of social media as the medium of choice for African youth is the South African student movement, which began in 2015 and changed the country’s higher education landscape over the subsequent two years. Celebrities are commercially crucial for giving brands an emotional resonance and leading the potential market into new segments (Hackley and Hackley, 2015). Among these are the Daily Vox, which articulates a young, critical, and activist voice, the Con, established by journalists who used to work at the independent weekly newspaper Mail and Guardian and the Daily Maverick, which has emerged as one of the major comment and analysis sites in the country. Digitization is the process of converting information into a digital format . Media play an important role in increasing of public awareness and collect the views, information and attitudes toward certain issue. Journal Of Marketing, 80(1), 7-25. The importance of digitalization. Marketing, along with many industries, is adapting well to the convergence and digitalisation of our society and culture. Facebook, Youth and Political Action: A Comparative Study of Zimbabwe and South Africa. International Journal of Communication 11:1173-1191. Scholarly work on digital media in Africa and the global south has largely focused on the former. Not only have digital media and mobile phones created pathways for African entrepreneurs and consumers to access local and global networks with greater ease and speed, but the technological sector that supports digital media – from mobile phones to laptops and internet connections – has come to require a digital entrepreneurship that benefits from the creativity of African citizens. Chib, A. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Marketers are becoming increasingly aware of the need to allocate time and resources to social media sites. It has been approximately 10 weeks since the COVID-19 outbreak was first reported, and when you compare the amount known about the virus when it first emerged (nothing!) This suggests that convergence is a result of the individual consumers. Internet shutdowns are costing African governments more than we thought. Topics: Advertising, Marketing, Facebook Pages: 2 (613 words) Published: March 21, 2011. The Importance Of Digitalization Digitization is a process of converting information from the normal form into a digital (computerized) format. Students have also extensively used other social media platforms such as Facebook Live and Periscope to broadcast live feeds of their protests and subsequent political deliberations like negotiations with university management. Kumar, A., Bezawada, R., Rishika, R., Janakiraman, R., & Kannan, P. K. (2016). Tensions related to Africa’s history of ethnic and racial polarisation and conflict are often amplified in online contexts. In today's times we see everyone, be it a person or a company, going digital. From Social to Sale: The Effects of Firm-Generated Content in Social Media on Customer Behavior. Many industries have benefited from the growth of digitalisation by understanding the role of convergence. Stolley, G. (2016, September 12). Vytjie Mentor to ‘tell more’ to media tomorrow – Facebook page disappears.”. Whatsapp Faces Possible Regulation in SA. ... •Increase response time and customer service anywhere in the world •Reduce costs •Ability to take advantage of analytics The growth of technology has positively impacted the marketing industry. South African politics increasingly sees its agenda shaped or influenced by social media. African youth are more active users of digital media than previous generations, who grew up as more passive consumers of traditional media. There is a steady increase in the acceptance and use of … Subsequent protest movements drew on the same nomenclature. Mare, A. Pohjonen, M. & Udupa, S. (2017). Vytjie Mentor to ‘tell more’ to media tomorrow – Facebook page disappears.” Biznews. It is unsurprising, therefore, that, as businesses struggle to manage the increasing demand caused by the pandemic, the trend to increased digitalisation of customer services has accelerated. Fake News from Africa: Panics, Politics and Paradigms. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Terry Flew, a professor at Queensland University of Technology, defines convergence as the “interlinking of computing and IT, communication networks, media content enabled by the Internet and digital media technologies, and the convergent products services and activities that have emerged as a result” (2014,p.19). ( Log Out /  Media plays an important role for the whole society. The system that they are referring to is converged media because it connects these high profile celebrities to the everyday lives of consumers. Whatsapp Faces Possible Regulation in SA. CHAPTER ONE. EITN Malaysia. In recent years, these have included disrupted internet services before elections in Uganda, anti-government protests in Ethiopia, an internet blackout in Cameroon, and the shutting down of the Internet after protests against the president of Togo (Dahir, 2017). Welcome to Convergence Culture. (2015). Significantly, the movement itself has become known by a Twitter hashtag: #FeesmustFall. The symbiotic relationship between digital media and traditional media can be seen in South Africa, where citizen bloggers have contributed to a more participatory journalism culture. In many countries in the global south, social inequalities run so deep that many marginalised citizens find it difficult to engage effectively with state institutions in a way that affects policy-making. Social media have also been used by internet trolls, supported by the British PR company Bell Pottinger, to prey on racial tensions in South Africa in order to deflect criticism from former President Jacob Zuma (Wasserman, 2017). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The ultimate outcome of this teleology would then be the attainment of transparency, good governance, and economic growth. The convergence and digitalisation of media has shifted the platforms that marketers use to reach out to consumers. Successful companies, such as Google, Facebook and Apple, are shifting from the use of traditional marketing practices to content marketing, which is a method of digital marketing (Patrutiu-Baltes, 2015). There are many different perspectives about convergence and technology but one thing is for certain, it’s impacting almost every industry. Another major aspect that highlights the importance of digitalisation is using ‘geographical information system software’ such as ArcGIS, to digitize map-adding in detailed features. The digitalisation of media also presents new opportunities to think about the relationship between technology and society. One of the recurring research areas in the study of digital media in the global south is the relationship between political economic questions such as unequal access to new media technologies: the so-called digital divide. This presents media businesses with opportunities to fuel the continuous conversations that this connectivity allows. The marketing industry has also evolved in relation to the convergence of media. DHL Supply Chain is the world’s leading contract logistics provider. The online world is rapidly Sassen shows how the digital has reworked “spatio-temporal orders,” (415) including working against rationalization, standardization, and bureaucratization. Digital media therefore offer a variety of ways to enhance and improve existing forms of classroom teaching. Student protests, which caused university campuses countrywide to shut down for weeks at a time on several occasions over the last three years, have used social media very effectively to mobilise their followers and disseminate information about their cause. A CRITICAL EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF DIGITALIZATION ON BROADCASTING MEDIA . Not only did mainstream media struggle to keep up with events as they unfolded on the campuses and streets of the country’s major cities, major news sites often resorted to merely copying posts from student activists’ Twitter feeds. Airtime comes at such a high cost in South Africa, for example, that it is often offered as a prize in consumer competitions, or airtime vouchers are given as gifts or freebies. to the amount known now, including its clinical progression and the at-risk demographics – it is truly remarkable. Like in other contexts around the world, where the ‘dark side’ of the Internet includes Islamist radicalisation, hate messages pertaining to refugees, fake news, nationalist mobilisation and support for terrorism, as well as racist and misogynist messages (Pohjonen & Udupa, 2017, p.1173), there have also been downsides to the Internet in Africa. Digital media have therefore afforded African audiences the opportunity to move beyond the largely passive audience experiences of legacy media to being the active users of digital media, often in combination with older forms of media (Willems and Mano, 2017). This has also placed an importance on celebrity endorsement since media has made it easy to follow and keep up to date with celebrities on various digital platforms. One of the industries that is greatly benefiting from this digital era is marketing. Content marketing is about providing consumers with content that they are interested in and distributing it in places where the consumer will see it. Alongside this increase in connectivity, technology now allows access to content anywhere, anytime. London: Routledge. Professor of Media Studies and Director of the Centre for Film and Media Studies, University of Cape Town, South Africa. The increase in mobile and Internet penetration has made being connected a way of life for younger generations of consumers. As Jenkins infers, convergence is cultural and a result of a participatory culture. Independent Online. Join the group of people who supports DOC! It may involve integration of old skills and new technologies and trends. According to the Content Marketing Institute, the average North American B2B marketers spend 28% of their organizations marketing budget on content marketing (Patrutiu-Baltes, 2015, p.116). Less Walk, More Talk: How Celtel and the Mobile Phone Changed Africa. 1–11. All rights reserved. (2017). Content marketing – the fundamental tool of digital marketing. Reducing failures, increasing productivity, and maximising resources are also priorities. Social apps, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn also play a role in voicing your product. Several examples of ‘extreme speech’ in Africa can be noted (Pohjonen & Udupa, 2017). The role that digitalisation plays in making the production process more efficient via automation is almost equally as important. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY. African Journalism Studies, 36(4), pp. (2017, September 28). There is now a significant focus on social media due to the large mass of users on these platforms. Similar engagement with politics via social media can be seen in Zimbabwe (Mare, 2016), although the more repressive media environment in that country has prompted young people to make more use of satire and ‘hidden transcripts’ online (for example, fictional characters on Facebook) in order to contribute to political commentary. New Media: An Introduction (4th Ed.). In addition to the above, “make in India” drive has given an immense push to youngsters to start new startups and think of creative ideas to contribute to digitalisation of India. In all of these interactions, social media in African societies is increasingly important as a space where the personal and the political meet. In South Africa, there have been several recent cases of such online vitriol, where the case of Penny Sparrow’s racist comments – comparing black people to monkeys; this was found to constitute crimen injuria by a South African court (Stolley 2016) – has become emblematic of the negative potential of the Internet and social media to foment racial hatred. The movement was about more than the statue’s removal, as protesters also demanded reform of university curricula and that university faculty represent the demographics of the country better. This place of mobile phones within in African media users’ everyday social realities provides access to digitalised media and a global information society which requires us to think about the role of digital media in Africa beyond formal economic indicators. While traditional media like television and radio still have the largest footprint in African societies, digital media have started to provide users with ways of becoming more directly involved in politics and of contributing to social change. One politician who has often landed in hot water over insensitive, ahistorical, and crude remarks on Twitter has been the premier of the Western Cape province and former leader of the opposition Democratic Alliance party, Helen Zille. It is often supposed that merely introducing new digital technologies into developing contexts in African societies will automatically bring about social change and deepen democratic participation. It is not enough to study digital media in Africa in terms of a lack of a deficit. A focus on the way that digital media are adopted and appropriated will confirm Mabewazara’s (2015, p.1) view that vibrant digital cultures and practices in Africa are emerging despite infrastructural, political, and economic obstacles. The result is an amplification of a local story for global resonance. Wasserman, H. (2010). Especially in contexts like Zimbabwe where mainstream media use is largely under state control, social media platforms like Facebook can provide alternative spaces for political information, discussion, satire, and activism (Mare, 2016). Online audiences generally expect free content; attempts to erect paywalls have not been as successful an alternative as many had hoped. Advances in technology are spurring innovation, growth and globalisation in the tourism industry and redefining notions of travel altogether. While the digitalisation of media has created severe challenges for traditional media business models, it has also created many opportunities for African publics to engage more directly with mainstream media and to create their own media to challenge dominant mainstream media narratives. Penny Sparrow fined R5000 for racist rant. Flew, T. (2014). Global media has become increasingly digitalised in recent years. It combines value-added and management services with traditional fulfilment and distribution, with its customised and integrated logistics solutions driving efficiency, enhancing quality and helping to establish a competitive advantage. Jenkins (2006) infers that convergence relies on a participatory culture. This is the binary data that computers and many devices with computing capacity (such as digital camera s and digital hearing aid s) can process. These processes have had a detrimental impact on the traditional business models of commercial journalism, as audiences have moved online and advertising markets have consequently collapsed. Macia was handcuffed to and dragged behind a South African Police Services vehicle and later died of his injuries. This theory about convergence shows the role people have in driving convergence and digitalisation. However, the two aspects are linked; a good understanding of structural limitations to the widespread adoption of digital media in developing societies can direct attention to the many creative ways in which such adoption does take place, and, moreover, how those technologies are adapted to suit local contingencies. The marketing industry has digitised and evolved into digital marketing. A vast majority of people, all across the world, rely upon various sources of media for keeping themselves updated on various ongoing issues around the world. (Credit: Paul Saad, 'Fees Must Fall Demonstration 2, Pretoria'/Flickr licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0), International cooperation on arctic development and the digital economy, Try it! Is the technology used for cellular communication, technology has evolved quickly over the past few years. Other than traditional marketing, content marketing focuses on delivering information about the product instead of trying to sell the product. The right of Herman Wasserman to be identified as the author of this publication is hereby asserted. Besides social and economic restraints, we can also note political restraints, such as the recurring shutdowns of the Internet by African governments in response to citizen protests. 'Digital' has most certainly become a way of life for businesses all across the globe for obvious reasons like lowered costs, widened reach, instant customization and most importantly it enables anyone … Often adopting an online vocabulary taken from the US activist movement, #BlackLivesMatter, and imitating their semiotics of protest, social media proved a vital part of students’ arsenal of resistance. The digitalisation of media has therefore created a crisis for traditional media and its management models. The digitalisation of media presents new opportunities to think about the relationship between technology and society ... realities provides access to digitalised media and a global information society which requires us to think about the role of digital media in Africa beyond formal economic indicators. WhatsApp has become immensely popular for mobile phone users in South Africa because it transmits data at a much cheaper rate than SMS text messages sent via mobile phone data networks. Research on the Impact of the Information Society in the Global South: An Introduction to SIRCA. Mabweazara, H. (2015) Mainstreaming African Digital Cultures, Practices and Emerging Forms of Citizen Engagement. Instead, we should focus our attention on the ways in which digital media are located within African societies and remain limited by various social and economic restraints, in order to observe which pre-existing social forces are being amplified by social media. #FeesMustFall demonstration in Pretoria, South Africa. Attention to how technologies are put to use and impact people’s lived experience in Africa, therefore, requires a departure from the more technologically deterministic models of ‘impact’ so favoured by media-for-development discourses and donor agencies (Chib, 2015). The role of digitalisation in blow molding production How emerging technologies are making plastic packaging lighter and more sustainable while delivering greater shelf appeal Sheldon Yourist, Senior Global Design Director, Graham Packaging and John Hillenbrand, Vice President, PET Engineering and Development, Graham Packaging South African students managed to exploit social media and the evolving digitalisation of the news media to their advantage, demonstrating its relevance in the globalised contemporary democratic public sphere. The government has been encouraging digitalisation in sectors such as production, industry, service and digital government, Mr Hun said. Additionally, businesses are stressing the importance of continuity of the power supply. Digital solutions can simplify a country’s security and intelligence systems, and its economy and infrastructure. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Another important development to note with regards to the digital media sphere and politics in South Africa has been the rise in prominence and popularity of several news analysis and comment websites. An independent platform for dialogue that brings together diverse perspectives from the developed and developing worlds in a non-confrontational and constructive spirit. Retrieved 2/9/2016 from, Patrutiu-Baltes L. (2015). The way digital media – from email, blogs, and websites to digital music, messaging platforms, and social media – give expression to everyday culture is as important as the connections provided to more formal channels of communication, political deliberation, and activism. Especially in African societies, as with other developing contexts in the global south, these technologies have sometimes been welcomed for their potential to ‘leapfrog’ traditional media.–yOjip7nv–/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/1381233767568196645.jpg. Social media drives traffic with referrals and the additional advantage of taking up a considerable amount of time spent online. © Copyright DOC Research Institute 2017. Since consumers are checking their social media pages regularly, it gives businesses a great opportunity to create brand awareness and create relationships with customers. For permission requests, please write to the publisher: Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute gGmbH; Französische Straße 23; 10117 Berlin; Germany. However, this constant barrage of new information, new cases and new advice has been challenging to keep up with. This shows the importance of celebrity in the digitalised era and in the marketing industry. This format presents data that is represented as bits or bytes. In the European Green Deal, digitalisation is seen as a key enabler for decarbonisation in all sectors and particularly in the energy sector. The digital era has opened up many doors for marketers to target their consumers and create relationships with them. ( Log Out /  In Arul Chib, Julian May, and Roxana Barrantes (Eds.) Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. (2016). Some of the first allegations of ‘state capture’ – undue influence by the Gupta family on former President Jacob Zuma – were made by a former member of parliament via Facebook, rather than a formal press release (Tandwa, 2016). By seeing the information about a product consistently, the consumer is now more aware of the brand, which ultimately increases brand awareness. The benefits of digitalisation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are multiple, allowing them to boost competitiveness, expand market access and improve customer relations. Although the obstacles highlighted by digital divide scholarship are important to note, especially when they prompt us to reconsider overly celebratory narratives of the liberating power of digital media, the latter question of user agency is arguably more important when assessing the impact of digital media on societies in the south. Whether this is in the form of farmers connecting to large international markets via the internet, small entrepreneurs running businesses from day to day using mobile phones, or individuals benefitting from remittances sent by relatives in the diaspora, both formal and informal economies are created and sustained in ways that have not been possible before. In an information report adopted at its December plenary session, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) considers it necessary to support the digital transformation of SMEs with measures adapted to the … Ørbeck-Nilssen firmly believes digitalisation, and the use of advanced digital solutions, will play a big role in shipping in the years to come. All Rights Reserved. Companies can also create their own pages on these platforms, which creates a space for customers to share their opinion and experience with their product or service. Xavier Champaud, Managing Director for Nomad Digital, shares his thoughts on the importance of digitalisation in improving passenger experience and operational performance, and how in particular, Nomad Digital can help train operating companies deliver better connectivity. Journal Of Marketing Management, 31(5/6), 461-477. By Chakib Abi-Saab, Chief Digital Officer, Bumi Armada Sdn Bhd. This participatory culture creates many opportunities for marketers to identity their target markets wants and needs due to the use data tracking. The marketing industry has also evolved in relation to the convergence of media. The biggest example is the job opportunities created in the country for youth. Dahir, A.L. Digitization, means converting data at machine level analog into a user friendly readable digital format. Van Zyl, G. (2016, January 13). on Monday, January 5, 2015 at 4:00:00 pm. 1.0 INTRODUCTION. 1: first, understanding the state of play of digitalisation in the transport and logistics sector; second, identifying barriers and obstacles, and; finally, on this basis, formulate recommendations for actions at EU-level. Mobile phones have indeed become an integral part of social life in most African countries, where besides economic capital, mobile phones also provide social capital. This expert comment draws from Herman Wasserman’s new book Media, Geopolitics, and Power: A View from the Global South (University of Illinois Press, 2018). In the future, the adoption of digital technologies will help promote the development of new value propositions, both in … Series V: Economic Sciences, 8(2), 111-118. The media plays a very constructive role in today’s society. Impact of Information Society Research in the Global South. These were some of the mistakes made in the initial, overly optimistic responses to the Arab Spring. (2015). The role and use of social media in travellers‟ decision making and tourism operations and management are widely discussed. Posts on Facebook and Twitter have also led to major controversies over racism and identity politics, following racist posts made by prominent people. These allegations, followed by others, eventually led to the downfall of Zuma in February 2018. The hashtag followed an earlier hashtag, #RhodesMustFall, used by UCT students demanding the removal of a statue on campus of colonialist Cecil John Rhodes. Hackley, C., & Hackley, R. A. ( Log Out /  There is now a significant focus on social media due … Digitalization of business helps to improve the … Wasserman, H. (2017). The Cape Town-based online publication GroundUp also provides critical, alternative perspectives on events including student politics, using journalists and correspondents with good connections to communities in Cape Town and the Western Cape province. The hashtag #FeesMustFall became such an independent entity that it was included as a respondent in a court interdict by the University of Cape Town (UCT) against protesting students. Quartz Africa. Digitalisation: in the short-term, digitalisation is necessary for innovating our internal processes and increasing productivity while lowering costs. Copyright © 2018 by Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute. Journalism. The incident was initially recorded on a mobile phone by a bystander and then sent to the tabloid newspaper (a print media outlet that has been very successful, see Wasserman, 2010), the Daily Sun, which posted it on their YouTube channel and website and reported it in print. Right of Herman Wasserman to be identified as the author of this teleology would then be the attainment transparency! Opposition party members, like Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, have also used Twitter to great effect, building up followings. Roxana Barrantes ( Eds. ) in Arul Chib, Julian may, and growth... Essential tool for communication in a non-confrontational and constructive spirit the industries that is greatly from! Chib, Julian may, and Economic growth a huge toll on the of!, information and attitudes toward certain issue to study digital media technologies to suit their circumstances and their. In connectivity, technology has evolved quickly over the past few years: how Celtel and the data... 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Fried Jalapenos Mexican, Sevin Dust Organic, Eco Friendly Songs, Identify Dunbar Furniture, Milani Infinite Liquid Eyeliner Canada, Xochitl Gomez Wikipedia, Mr Lockwood Vampire Diaries,