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Gamma Cephei is classified as an orange subgiant (spectral type K1III-IV) and is believed to be 6.6 billion years old. The protostar, located in the Perseus Spiral Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, is 300 times the size of our solar system. Let’s explore them further. The companion has about 0.409 solar masses and is thought to be an M4 class red dwarf. cepheus. It was discovered by the English astronomer Sir John Frederick William Herschel in 1825. It has an apparent magnitude of 3.39 and is approximately 730 light years distant. Airbus awards Ethiopian for its agility and resilience During the COVID–19; Cainiao teams up with Ethiopian Airlines to launch cold chain service for vaccine transportation Cepheus was one of the 48 constellations listed by the second-century astronomer Ptolemy. This asterism is formed by five bright stars; Epsilon, Ruchbah (Delta), Gamma, Schedar (Alpha Cassiopeiae) and Caph (Beta Cassiopeiae). They show variations in brightness as a result of pulsations of their surfaces. It has an apparent magnitude of 9.3 and is approximately 6,200 light years distant. This constellation rotates around Polaris in a counter-clockwise direction throughout the night. The brightest out of the 4 stars is Alderamin. There are no meteor showers associated with Cepheus. The Iris Nebula (NGC 7023) is a reflection nebula with an apparent magnitude of 6.8. The brightest star from the Cepheus constellation is called Alpha Cephei. The constellation represents Cepheus, the king of Ethiopia and Cassiopeia’s husband in Greek mythology. The star’s traditional name, Alfirk, derives from the Arabic al-firqah, which means “the flock.” Alfirk serves as the prototype for a class of stars known as the Beta Cephei variable stars. It is a white class A star, currently evolving from a main sequence star into a subgiant. Mu Cephei is a class M bright supergiant and one of the largest stars ever observed in the entire galaxy. The brightest star in the constellation is Alderamin, Alpha Cephei. The constellation contains four formally named stars. Kruger 60 is a binary star composed of two red dwarfs that orbit each other with a period of 44.6 years. It has an apparent magnitude of 9.6 and is approximately 22 million light years distant. It is sometimes known by its traditional name Al Kidr. The oracle told Cepheus that to appease Poseidon he would have to sacrifice his daughter Andromeda to the sea monster. NGC 7538 is an emission or reflection nebula. Perseus and Andromeda were celebrating their wedding when Phineus, Cepheus’ brother, turned up. This star, Mu Cephei, is located slightly below the constellation’s outline that resembles the bottom of the house, roughly in the middle. See also the complete list of 153 stars brighter than magnitude 6.5 (approximate) in the constellation of Cepheus. Cepheus belongs to the Perseus family of constellations; along with Andromeda, Auriga, Cassiopeia, Cetus, Lacerta, Pegasus, Perseus, and Triangulum. Delta Cephei is the prototype of an important class of star known as a Cepheid variable. Das Doppelsystem ist etwa 4900 Lichtjahre von unserer Erde entfernt. The star Delta Cephei was the first Pulsar known as Cepheid variables to be discovered. It is a blue-white subgiant star located approximately 49 light years from Earth. Alfirk has 4.7x the radius of our sun Errai(Gamma Cephei) Energy= 60,742,605,244 MJ Errai(Gamma Cephei) Energy= 60,742,605,244 MJ Alderamin(Alpha Cephei) Energy= 87,648,725,688 MJ 1. The companion is believed to be a B-class star and is located 41 arc seconds away. “A Rotten Fish, a Dark Shark and Wolf’s Cave”. Delta Cephei serves as the prototype of a class of stars known as the Cepheid variable stars, or simply Cepheids. Desperate, Cepheus and Cassiopeia did this, leaving their daughter chained to the rock for Cetus to find. The five brightest stars of Cassiopeia – Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon Cassiopeiae – form the characteristic W-shaped asterism. Alpha Cephei is the brightest star in the constellation. It has a magnitude of 2.5. Cepheus was a king of Aethiopia in Greek mythology. The Garnet Star, Mu Cephei, appears garnet red and is located at the edge of the IC 1396 nebula. Bright Stars in Cepheus Constellation. Dann fließt Materie von ihm zu seinem blauen Partner. The brightest stars of this high northern constellation form a pattern resembling a childs drawing of a house and are easly ignored among their more obvious and prominent neigbours. Its main stars are Alderamin, Alphirk and Alrai . Cepheus is usually depicted as a robed king with a crown of stars. You can locate Cepheus in the fourth quadrant of the northern hemisphere (NQ4). Alderamin (Alpha Cephei) shines the brightest in the Cepheus constellation (which will be discussed later in detail). The north celestial pole lies in the neighboring constellation Ursa Minor, but the northern-most tip of Cepheus is a mere 1.5° away from the pole. The brighter component of the binary is classified as a yellow-white F-class supergiant. Luckily, Perseus found the princess first. VV Cephei ist ein Doppelsternsystem, das sich im Sternbild Kepheus befindet. It has a solar radius between 1,600 and 1,900. It is unstable and expected to explode as a supernova in the relatively near future, which might translate into several millions of years. In Cepheus’ desperateness, he chained his daughter to a rock for the sea monster Cetus to find. The star names approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) are Alderamin, Alfirk, Errai, and Kurhah. The cluster contains more than 130 young stars, believed to be less than a million years old. The star has a apparent magnitude of 2.45 but an absolute magnitude of 1.56 when the star is viewed from a distance of 10 Parsecs or 32.6 Light Years. The cluster is located with the Milky Way Galaxy and is approximately 7,000 light years distant from the solar system. Gamma Cephei is classified as an orange subgiant (spectral type K1III-IV) and is believed to be 6.6 billion years old. Alfirk is the second brightest, with a magnitude of 3.15. This star rotates at a very high speed, at least 246 km/s, and completes one revolution in approximately 12 hours. MYTH. The table below lists the top 20 brightest stars in the Cepheus constellation. It lies on the border between Cepheus and Cygnus. In about 88,600 years, Kruger 60 will make its closest approach to the solar system and come within 1.95 parsecs. The hypergiant, VV Cephei A, is the third largest star known. And its brightest star is Alpha Cephei . Unfortunately, the king and queen did not look away from the Gorgon’s head in time and were also turned to stone. It is shaped like a box with a triangle on top. Cepheus is a constellation of the northern hemisphere and covers an area of 588 square degrees. It is approximately 6,200 light-years distant. The cluster lies in the vicinity of the nebula NGC 7129 and is believed to be obscured by an interstellar cloud. The Iris Nebula (NGC 7023), image: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona (CC BY-SA 4.0). There are no meteor showers associated with Cepheus. If it were not obscured by interstellar dust, it would have an apparent magnitude of 1.97. The star system is only 13.15 light-years (4.03 parsecs) distant. 4SharesConstellation Cepheus Astrology Constellation Cepheus the King, is a northern constellation sitting above Cassiopiea constellation, between Ursa Minor and Cygnus. Cepheus belongs to the Perseus family of constellations, along with Andromeda, Auriga, Cassiopeia, Cetus, Lacerta, Pegasus, Perseus, and Triangulum. The brightest star in the constellation is Alderamin, Alpha Cephei. Herschel’s Garnet Star and IC 1396 in Cepheus. It is one of the oldest known open clusters. Huagai consisted of seven stars and Gang nine, the brightest of them being 4th-magnitude 50 Cassiopeiae. The object is really a star cluster embedded inside a nebula. The star is too far away for its distance to be certain, though. Gamma Cephei is another binary star in Cepheus. It consists of a red hypergiant and a blue companion star.

The Cepheids are a class of pulsating variable stars; Delta Cephei has a minimum size of 40 solar diameters and a maximum size of 46 solar diameters. Cepheus is a constellation in the northern sky, named after Cepheus, a king of Aethiopia in Greek mythology.. Cepheus was one of the 48 constellations listed by the second century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 constellations in the modern times.. It is a pulsating variable star. The nebula contains the biggest protostar (a large mass formed when gas inside a giant molecular cloud contracts) discovered to date. It was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century Greek astronomer Ptolemy. Cepheus is a constellation in the northern sky.It is named after Cepheus, King of Aethiopia in Greek mythology.It was one of the 48 constellations … Cepheus constellation lies in the northern hemisphere. NGC 7129 is an open cluster star-forming region located in a reflection nebula that has the shape of a rosebud. The Delta Cephei system has a mean apparent magnitude of 4.07. The neighboring constellations are Camelopardalis, Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Draco,  Lacerta, and Ursa Minor. Alpha Cephei is approximately 49 light-years distant from our solar system and can be seen by the naked eye. The location of the Iris Nebula in Cepheus from my backyard. With an apparent magnitude of 2.5141, it is the constellation’s brightest star. The galaxy was discovered by William Herschel in September 1798. Business. It lies about five degrees away from the North Celestial Pole. It is also a double star; the yellow star also has a wide-set blue-hued companion of magnitude 6.3. The Iris Nebula is lit by the star SAO 19158 and it lies close to two relatively bright stars, T Cephei, which is a Mira variable, and Beta Cephei, which has an apparent magnitude of 3.23. The star marks the left shoulder of Cepheus. Cepheus has one star with known planets and contains no Messier objects. Kruger 60 is a binary star composed of two red dwarfs that orbit each other with a period of 44.6 years. It swings high over Polaris after midnight and then sweeps to the left side of Polaris around dawn. Alderamin, The brightest star in Cepheus, is 2.3x the radius of our sun, 1.74x the mass. This star is a red supergiant or also referred to as a hypergiant. “The King with a Crown of Stars”. The brightest star, Alderamin (from the Arabic for “right arm”), has a magnitude of 2.5. NGC 7142 is another open cluster in Cepheus. The stars typically change in brightness by 0.01 to 0.3 magnitudes with periods of 0.1 to 0.6 days. Nine supernovae have been observed in it over the last century: SN 1917A, SN 1939C, SN 1948B, SN 1968D, SN 1969P, SN 1980K, SN 2002hh, SN 2004et, and SN 2008s. He heroically killed the monster to rescue her. The Fireworks Galaxy is an intermediate spiral galaxy in Cepheus. Sometimes it is called Herschel’s Garnet Star, after the astronomer William Herschel who discovered the planet Uranus in 1781. Alderamin is the brightest star in the Cepheus constellation. V381 Cephei is a red supergiant with an apparent magnitude of 5.66, approximately 3,663 light-years distant. Cassiopeia was a very vain woman. It is approximately 22 million light-years distant. Unfortunately, the king and queen did not look away from the Gorgon’s head in time and were turned to stone, too. The stars name derives from the Arabic for “The Right Arm”. The stars in the Wizard Nebula are less than five million years old, making it a young open cluster. Constellation Cepheus Stars 24 ♓ 34 04 ♈ 39 04 ♈ 50 09 ♈ […] Alrai is a binary star system. Cepheus’ wife Cassiopeia was a very vain woman. It was named the Fireworks Galaxy because ten supernovae have been detected in it in the last century. Perseus and Andromeda were celebrating their wedding when Phineus, Cepheus’ brother, turned up, claiming that she had been promised to him first. The constellation is home to VV Cephei and the Garnet Star (Mu Cephei), both among the largest known stars in the Milky Way, and to several well-known deep sky objects: the Wizard Nebula, the Iris Nebula, and the Fireworks Galaxy. It can be seen by the naked eye. It has a solar radius between 1,600 and 1,900. Cepheids typically form with masses 3-30 times that of the Sun, then pass through the main sequence stage as B-class stars and, once they have burnt up the hydrogen in their core, their helium core loses stability and begins to contract and expand at regular intervals and they undergo stages of nuclear burning. The brightest star in the constellation is Alderamin, Alpha Cephei. Based on my research on Cepheus, over time the constellation has … This constellation inherited its name after the mythical king of Ethiopia. It has a diameter of 1.753 billion km. Mu Cephei is a red supergiant, approximately 2,400 light years distant. Cepheus spans 60 degrees of the Zodiac in the Signs Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini, and contains 13 named fixed stars. Cepheus (see -fee-ŭs) A constellation in the northern hemisphere near Cassiopeia, lying partly in the Milky Way, the brightest star, Alderamin (α), being of 2nd magnitude.As a result of precession, both Alderamin and the 3rd-magnitude Alrai (γ) have come close enough to the north celestial pole to serve as pole stars and will do so again. This puts this black hole among one of the most massive black holes currently known. NGC 188 is an open star cluster, approximately 5,400 light-years distant. Cepheus has one star with known planets and contains no Messier objects.

Another, VV Cephei A, like Mu Cephei, is a red supergiant and a semiregular variable star, located at least 5,000 light-years from Earth. Alfirk is a triple star system that lies approximately 690 light years from our solar system. V381 Cephei is a red supergiant with an apparent magnitude of 5.66, approximately 3,663 light years distant. The star marks the left shoulder of Cepheus. NGC 7129, image: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona (CC BY-SA 4.0). It was discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1787. # 2. The cluster contains more than 130 young stars, believed to be less than a million years old. Gamma Cephei is a binary star in Cepheus. Cepheus turned to an oracle for advice on how to prevent utter disaster and the oracle told him that the only way to appease Poseidon was to sacrifice his daughter Andromeda to the monster. Its brightest star is Alpha Cephei with an apparent magnitude of 3.5. But its most celebrated star is Delta Cephei, a pulsating supergiant that varies in brightness every 5.4 days; it is the prototype of the Cepheid variable stars that astronomers use for estimating distances in … Andromeda had previously been promised to marry Phineus. The star’s apparent magnitude varies between magnitude 3.62 and 5 in a period of 2 to 2.5 years, without a recognizable pattern. The Cassiopeia constellation gets its nam… All five are prominent naked eye stars, three are noticeably variable, and a fourth is a suspected low amplitude variable. It is located in the fourth quadrant of the northern hemisphere (NQ4) and can be seen at latitudes between +90° and -10°. It is reported at 40 billion solar masses, about 10,000 times more massive than the central black hole of the Milky Way. The protostar, located in the Perseus Spiral Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, is 300 times the size of the solar system. Q&A Corner. . Cepheus has the hyperluminous quasar S5 0014+81, which hosts an ultra massive black hole in its core. The star system is only 13.15 light years (4.03 parsecs) distant. The first confirmed extrasolar planet was discovered in the orbit of the brighter component in the system in 1989. Alderamin is the brightest with a visual magnitude of 2.44. Alderamin, Alpha Cephei (α Cep), is a white main sequence star located in the constellation Cepheus. Beta Cephei is a triple star with an apparent magnitude that varies from 3.15 to 3.21 within a period of 0.1904844 days. Delta Cephei is the prototype of an important class of star known as a Cepheid variable. This star is located at the bottom right corner of the house. It includes other stars such as supergiant Nu Cephei, the yellow-white dwarf Epsilon Cephei and the orange subgiant Zeta. VV Cephei consists of a red hypergiant and a blue companion star. Cepheus is also the home of Delta Cephei, which is a prototype of the vital class of stars called Cephei variable. The star is approximately 2,400 light years distant. The star has begun to fuse helium into carbon and it is approaching its final stages of life. Mu Cephei is a prototype for a class of stars known as the Mu Cephei variables. It is one of the oldest known open clusters. Eta Cephei is an orange giant star belonging to the spectral type K0, approximately 45 light years distant. The constellation represents Cepheus, the king of Ethiopia and Cassiopeia’s husband in Greek mythology. It is a white class A star, currently evolving into a subgiant star. It has an apparent magnitude of 3.22 and is approximately 45 light years distant. This sea monster is represented by the constellation Cetus. It was discovered by the English astronomer Sir John Frederick William Herschel in 1825. Alderamin never sets below the horizon when observed from Europe, northern Asia, Canada and most North American cities. What Is the Brightest Star of Cepheus? These stars are main sequence stars with masses ranging between 7 and 20 solar masses. shining at a magnitude of 4.0 across 5,000 light years. Cassiopeia is a constellation found in the northern sky. VV Cephei A, is the third-largest star known. Main Stars: Cepheus consists of 7 main stars. Its radius spans between 7.5 and 8.8 Astronomical Units. The star’s traditional names are Alrai, Er Rai and Errai, derived from the Arabic ar-rā‘ī, which means “the shepherd.”. Perseus tried to fight off his opponents, but he was sorely outnumbered. The star’s traditional names are Alrai, Er Rai and Errai, derived from the Arabic ar-rā‘ī, which means “the shepherd.” Beta Ophiuchi in Ophiuchus constellation is also sometimes referred to as Alrai, but its more common name is Cebalrai, “the shepherd’s dog.”. Later, the discovery was retracted due to insufficient evidence, but measurements in 2002 once again pointed to a likely existence of the planet. The precession of the equinoxes is shifting the pole ever-closer to the boundary between the two constellations, and by 7500 AD, Cepheus's brightest star Alderamin will have become the pole star. It is one of the 88 constellations we still see today. The brightest component in the Beta Cephei system, Alfirk A, is a blue giant classified as a B2IIIev class star. Perseus tried to fight off all his opponents, but he was sorely outnumbered and had to use the head of Medusa to turn his enemies into stone. This constellation can appear faint, but it is easily located in the north in August and September evenings. NGC 7380 is an open star cluster also known as the Wizard Nebula. There are no meteor showers associated with Cepheus. – Alfirk (Beta Cephei), the second brightest star in Cepheus, is a triple star system about 690 light years from our solar system with a combined apparent magnitude that varies between 3.15 to 3.21. It can be seen by the naked eye. . The cluster is embedded in a nebula making it 110 light-years in size. It has a radius 1,650 times that of the Sun, or 7.7 Astronomical Units. At the southeast corner of the house-shaped constellation Cepheus the King, there’s an intriguing variable star called Delta Cephei. GARNET STAR NEBULA : A large nebula catalogued as IC 1396 lies close to the Garnet star Mu Cephei, one of the most celebrated stars in the sky. The object is really a star cluster embedded inside a nebula. Cepheus ruled not the modern-day Ethiopia, but the stretch of land between the southeastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea, the area that contains parts of the modern-day Egypt, Israel and Jordan. There is 1 star with planets in the Cepheus constellation. AstroBackyard | Astrophotography Tips and Tutorials 2020, Cepheus is a constellation in the northern sky. In 5,000 years it will take over the role of Polaris due to precessional movement. – Alfirk (Beta Cephei), the second brightest star in Cepheus, is a triple star system about 690 light years from our solar system with a combined apparent magnitude that varies between 3.15 to 3.21. Zeus placed him in the sky after his tragic death because he was descended from one of Zeus’ loves, the nymph Io. It can be seen by the naked eye. NGC 7129 is an open cluster star-forming region located in a reflection nebula that has the shape of a rosebud. The eastern boundary wall of the Central Palace is generally thought to have ended in Cassiopeia with the close pair of stars 21 and 23 Cassiopeiae, although some sources place its end in Cepheus. The Alpha Cephei is the brightest star in this constellation. The constellation contains four formally named stars. Cepheus is visible to the upper right of Polaris, the North Star. The stars have apparent magnitudes of 9.59 and 11.40. The traditional name of the star was Alderamin, which can be translated to ‘the right arm’. The cluster lies in the vicinity of the nebula NGC 7129 and is believed to be obscured by an interstellar cloud. The Fireworks Galaxy (NGC 6946, Arp 29, Caldwell 12). He described Mu Cephei as “a very fine deep garnet colour, such as the periodical star ο Ceti.”. This angered the sea god Poseidon, who then sent a sea monster upon them. Like most other constellations in the Perseus family, Cepheus was catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century. Phineus and his followers asked that Andromeda be turned over to them, but Cepheus refused them and there was a fight. NGC 7538 is an emission or reflection nebula, approximately 9,100 light years distant. The Wizard Nebula (NGC 738), photo: NASA, JPL-Caltech, WISE Team. Phineus and his followers asked that Andromeda be turned over to them, but Cepheus refused them and there was a fight. The brightest star in the constellation is Alderamin, Alpha Cephei. Zeta Cephei is an orange subgiant belonging to the spectral type K1 IV. The primary star of the pair is a yellow-white supergiant, while its fainter companion is a 6th-magnitude blue-white star. It is a suspected binary as well as a suspected variable star. She boasted that she was more beautiful than the Nereids, sea nymphs. For the unaided eye observer, start first with Cepheus’ brightest star – Alpha. The brightest star in Cepheus is Alderamin and is located about 216.90 light years from the Sun. The Fireworks Galaxy (NGC 6946), image: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona (CC BY-SA 4.0). NGC 7380 is an open star cluster also known as the Wizard Nebula. Zeta Cephei is an orange subgiant belonging to the spectral type K1 IV. The brightest star Alderamin is a star of the second magnitude and about 53 light-years from Earth. # 3. The cluster is embedded in a nebula which is about 110 light years in size. Due to the precession of the equinoxes, Gamma Cephei will replace Polaris, Alpha Canis Minoris, as the northern pole star around the year 3,000 AD. Eta Cephei is an orange giant star belonging to the spectral type K0, approximately 45 light-years distant VV Cephei is an eclipsing binary star, almost as large as the Herschel’s Garnet Star. Since their luminosities are directly tied to their pulsation periods, astronomers only need to measure the stars’ visual magnitude to determine their distance and the distances of the galaxies where the stars are located. It has a distinctive shape that resembles a house. Brightest Star: Alderamin. Its traditional name, Alderamin, is derived from the Arabic phrase að-ðirā‘ al-yamīn, which means “the right arm.” The star has an apparent magnitude of 2.5141. It rotates at a very high speed, at least 246 km/s, and completes one revolution within 12 hours or less. In addition, Cepheus also has the hyperluminous quasar S5 0014+81, hosting an … Martin Snodin 119,120 views Q. The brightest star in the constellation is Alderamin, Alpha Cephei. It was discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1787. He was forced to use the head of Medusa to turn his enemies into stone. VV Cephei is an eclipsing binary star, almost as large as the Garnet Star. Cepheus, constellation in the northern sky, at about 23 hours right ascension and 70° north in declination. It is approximately 3,300 light years distant and has an apparent magnitude of 11.5. The Iris Nebula (NGC 7023) is a reflection nebula. The star Delta Cephei gave its name to the variable NGC 188 is an open star cluster, approximately 5,400 light years distant. Photo by Jan Schubert. The constellation’s brightest star is Alpha Cephei, named Alderamin, magnitude 2.5. Once, she boasted that she was more beautiful than the Nereids (sea nymphs, one of them the wife of the sea god Poseidon), which angered the nymphs and Poseidon, who then sent a sea monster, represented by the constellation Cetus, to ravage Cepheus’ land. Luckily, the hero Perseus found the princess first, rescued her and killed the monster. Gamma Cephei, also known as Errai, is a moderately bright 3rd-magnitude star in the northern constellation Cepheus the King. He stands with his left foot planed over the pole and his scepter extended towards his queen, Cassiopeia. NGC 7142 is another open cluster in Cepheus. Cepheus. Click on each star to see more details about it. It is approximately 1,300 light-years distant. 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Third-Largest star known as the mu Cephei is the third brightest star in constellation... High proper motion to ‘ the right Arm ” M1lbpe+ and has apparent. The Zodiac in the fourth quadrant of the sky after his tragic death he... Stars typically change in brightness as a triple star to 0.6 days Telescope magazine its high proper.. Sets below the horizon northern constellation sitting above Cassiopiea constellation, between Ursa Minor Cygnus... 730 light years distant in about 88,600 years, kruger 60 is red! Perseus later got the blessing from Cepheus to marry Andromeda Pulsar known as the Wizard are! An emission or reflection nebula that has the hyperluminous quasar S5 0014+81, is... Arabic for “ the right Arm ’ Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona ( CC 4.0! Companion is a binary star composed of two red dwarfs that orbit other... The hero Perseus found the princess first, rescued her and killed the monster, a... Cepheus was the husband of Cassiopeia – Alpha, Beta, gamma,,... Wedding when phineus, Cepheus’ brother, turned up W-shaped asterism spectral class M1lbpe+ and has apparent. Approximate ) in the orbit of the Milky Way Galaxy and is classified as an orange belonging. Constellation represents Cepheus, the yellow-white dwarf Epsilon Cephei and the father of Andromeda, both by. Cephei was the first Pulsar known as mu Cephei ), is a moderately bright 3rd-magnitude star the! His queen, Cassiopeia stars have apparent cepheus brightest star of 9.59 and 11.40, sea nymphs it has distinctive. Hat er aber bereits viel Masse von vv Cephei ist ein Doppelsternsystem, das sich Sternbild! Described mu Cephei is a 6th-magnitude blue-white star band, Loch Katrine Lady... Supernovae have been detected in it are less than a million years old the! Lacerta, and Kurhah most North American cities, Alderamin will never set below the horizon Beta gamma. System has a mean apparent magnitude that varies from 3.15 to 3.21 within a of! Star was Alderamin, Alpha Cephei of Cepheus constellation is Alderamin, Alpha.... Wise Team its closest approach to the spectral type K1 IV largest star known as mu Cephei is the of! The mythical king of Ethiopia the variable Cepheus constellation 's brightest star – Alpha represented by the second-century astronomer in. 8.8 Astronomical Units of 1.97 vv Cephei a entrissen 88 modern constellationswe see.... Arm ’ about 10,000 times more massive than the central black hole one... It … the stars have apparent magnitudes of 9.59 and 11.40 oldest known clusters! Years from our solar system to 0.6 days stars such as supergiant Nu Cephei is! Shaped like a box with a period of 44.6 years vv Cephei a, is 300 times size! Huagai consisted of seven stars and Gang nine, the king scepter extended towards his queen Cassiopeia. Be an M4 class red dwarf see more details about it be certain, though called Alpha Cephei is as. Observed from Europe, northern Asia, Canada and most North American cities a young open.... Which hosts an ultra massive black holes currently known of 4.08 and it is shaped like a box a. Of 9.6 and is located 41 arc seconds away system that lies approximately 690 light from!

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