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He wants her to grant this request to him. Question 2. The location of the scene is now at Belmont. Thus, he has treated her like a begger. Question 4. It cannot be changed by any other person. Question 2. What is humorous in that incident? The word ‘gratify’ here means to give reward for something done by the young lawyer. Answer: Shylock is delighted to Portia’s argument while rejecting Bassanio’s appeal to interfere with law. Question 4. NERISSA : It’s well you offer it behind her back; The wish would other make a noisy house. And, I beg you, Twist the law once to your authority; To do a great right, do a little wrong, And deprive this cruel devil of his will. PORTIA : So, get ready to cut off the flesh. Nerissa remarks that it is better for Gratiano to make this offer in the absence of his wife. (a) A tainted wether of the flock- an infected male sheep of a flock of sheep; a sheep which has caught some disease and which is likely to infect the other sheep as well, by its contact with the others. I Lines 182 to 203). Do you think that Bassanio is sincere in giving the assurance which he gives to Antonio in his speech? Elopement of a daughter is always scandalous for a father. Select the desired chapter to access all the relevant notes, study material, practice papers, sample papers, questions & test solutions and videos. Question 3. Question 1. Bassanio is willing to make this payment But the r young lawyer pushes the Jew into a tight corner by telling him that he would be given no payment. That prayer teaches us to perform merciful acts. Question 3. Passage – 17 (Act IV, Sc.I, Lines 372-386). Then she asks if Antonio cannot make the payment. Where are Portia and the Duke? The court has awarded it according to the provisions of the law. Shylock will be deprived of only half of his property which will be held in trust by Antonio, the other half will remain with him if executes a will bequeathing all his possessions to his daughter and son-in-law. She had then appealed to Shylock to show mercy to Antonio and spare his life. Why is he preferred in comparison to a Christian? This oath he cannot break, without committing a serious sin against his religion, according to the tenour : according to the strict wording and meaning, a well deserving pillar : “a worthy representative.” Shylock says that Portia is an equally strong supporter of the structure of the law. She stole her father’s ? Does Shylock continue to claim a pound of flesh from the merchant’s body? Question 5. What causes a turn in the course of events as depicted here? Don’t hurry:- He shall have nothing but the penalty. How does to Duke expect Shylock to conduct himself in regard to the demand of a pound of flesh? Answer: Antonio makes several comparisons to explain the stubbornness of the Jew. Shylock says that he would prefer his daughter to marry a Jew. Whom does Shylock call a “learned judge”? So, Jew, Though justice is your plea, consider this, That if we all got justice, none of us Would see salvation; we pray for mercy, And that same prayer teaches us all to do The deeds of mercy. If he sheds one drop of Christian blood, his lands, hjs goods shall be confiscated by the state of Venice. He earns his profit by charging interest on the loans he gives to people. forbidding “the mountain pines’ To wag their high tops.”, “bid the main flood bate his usual height”, it is as futile as arguing with the wolf and asking him why he has devoured the lamb and thus. Answer: The word “sole” means the bottom side of a shoe, and the word “souel” means the spirit of a man. The Duke, being a Christian, forgave Shylock’s life even without his asking for it. Notes. She asserts that there is no power in Venice which change law. Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 3 Scene 1 Questions and Answers, Passage Based Questions. Question 2. It is as futile as going and standing on the sea-shore and calling upon the high tide to remain lower than its usual level. Shylock is delighted to hear a verdict favourable to him. Whose arguments are here more convincing : Bassanio’s or Shylock’s? No not for Venice : Shylock gives us an additional reason that he has sworn a sacred oath (in the Jewish synagogue) not to be dissuaded from exacting what is due under the bond. Answer: Justice itself would deserve to be condemned and denounced if it allows a revengeful and savage man like Shylock to continue to live in this world. This answer will be very much helpful to you for the Exam. What have they said about their wives? Passage – 11 (Act IV, Sc.I, Lines 223-241). Learn how your comment data is processed. He wants to be true to his oath to his wife. It is actually the nature of a man which makes him like or dislike something. Notes. Question 2. She has been fully compensated by having succeeded in saving the gentleman from a harsh penalty. I am sorry that your leisure serves you not : I am sorry that you do not have the leisure time to come, gratify this gentleman : “reward this gentleman”, much bound to him : under a deep obligation to him.” in lieu whereof : “in requital of your services.” we freely cope your pains withal : “we freely remunerate you for your kindly labours.” No other case of cope being used in this sense is found in Shakespeare. To whom are Gratiano’s remarks addressed, and what is the significance of these remarks? Don’t shed any blood; or cut less nor more, Exactly just a pound of flesh: if you take more, or less, than a just pound, whether it is only so much That makes it light or heavy in the substance, or the division of the twentieth part of one poor scruple; no, if the scale turns only by a hair,You die, and all your goods are seized. Antonio rightly compares Shylock to a wolf who kills a lamb and eats it up to satisfy his hunger. But half of his wealth was given to Antonio. Portia begs to be excused for not being able to join him. He has declared that he loves his wife, but he wishes that she were in heaven, so that she could request some heavenly power to change the mind of the villainous Jew. to relent then, strange apparent cruelty : this strange cruelty of yours, which I think only apparent or assumed . ANTONIO : Please, if you think you question the Jew: You may as well go stand on the beach, And ask the main ocean to decrease his usual height; You may as well use questions with the wolf, Why he has made the mother sheep cry for the lamb; Current of the cruelty : cruel course of action, think you question with the Jew : Do you think you can argue with the Jew? Why does Gratiano blame justice? He tactfully tells the Jew that everybody thinks that Shylock is only putting up an appearance of malice against Antonio. So, kneel down, and beg mercy of the Duke. There, Gratiano is also going to lose his ring to Nerissa who will make such a demand from him. Answer: She finds Shylock guilty of having plotted against the life of Antonio. On what basis does Shylock say that the pound of flesh being demanded by him is his, and that he will have it? Workbook Answers/ Solutions in The Merchant of Venice, Act 1 Scene 1: In this post, we will provide you complete details about the well-known play “Merchant of Venice” Act 1 Scene 1 by Shakespeare. At what stage does Antonia intervene to settle the issue? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is followed by Bassanio’s request to the Jew to relent in his cruel attitude towards that helpless merchant. Answer: Portia will not listen to any of Bassanio’s entreaties. He is unable to provide … What is the outcome of her sentence? The trial scene is the longest in the play and stands as one of the most dramatic scenes in all of Shakespeare. Shylock talks of a “sentence”. What is the state of the speaker’s mind? Question 1. Merchant of Venice. (c) And write mine epitaph- and compose the epitaph to be inscribed on my tomb. We are filled with deep pity at the fate which Antonio is on the verge of meeting; and we certainly admire Bassanio for his sincerity towards his friend who is in deep trouble. The slaves are regarded as the property of the owner, and may be treated in any manner. Your dog-like spirit That must have been ruled by a wolf Hanged for killing a human, his evil soul Falling quickly even from the gallows, And, while you lay in your unholy mother, Sent itself into you, because your desires Are wolfish, bloody, starved, and hungry. Answer: He is fully prepared for his death. Here, the answer is explained in a crispy and light way using simple points so that you can grasp easily. Shylock stands for law, and abusing or cursing him is altogether foolish. Answer: Antonio thinks himself to be a useless man now when he has become a bankrupt, and has completely lost his flourishing business. Question 3. Act IV, Scenes 1-2: Questions and Answers Act V, Scene 1: Questions and Answers Start Free Trial Turks and Tartars : in the vague and imperfect knowledge of Asiatic races which the Elizabethans possess, such people were looked upon as types of barbarians, offices of tender courtesy : obligations imposed by courtesy and kindness. Answer: Both the duke and Bassanio failed to convince the Jew to have mercy on Antonio. “Tarry a little, there is something else,” What has been said already, to which something need be added? Question 2. And Antonio then rightly points out that it is as futile to try to alter the Jew’s attitude of cruelty as it would be to ask the pine trees on the mountains not to let their branches move at all when strong winds are blowing in the sky. GRATIANO : Oh, upright judge! The Duke asks Antonio to thank and reward the young lawyer, Portia, who is solely responsible for saving his life. I will give you the most expensive in Venice, And find out where it is by proclamation: Only for this ring, please, excuse me. GRATIANO : Oh, Jew! But he leaves his legal share for the Jew’s daughter. Then this spirit fled from the body of wolf, and entered Shylock’s mother’s womb. He delivered judgments which were unique in their wisdom and their justice. For this he gladly offers that sum of three ‘ thousand ducats as compensation for the lawyer’s efforts. The owners of those animals had paid a price to buy them and then to use them to carry goods from one place to another or for any other purpose, according to their requirements. “Epitaph” means the words (in prose or in verse) which are inscribed on a tombstone. Thus, Portia passes the judgement that the court gives Shylock the right to get a pound of Antonio’s flesh according to the provisions of the law. Antonio is now in a position to take mercy on the Jew’. Question 4. Passage – 12 (Act IV Sc. Question 3. Answer: Antonio’s assessment of the Jew’s attitude is perfectly sound. How does mercy confer a double blessing? Gratiano shows an exceptional talent for making sarcastic remarks which are most appropriate at this time, and which the audience in a theatre would greatly relish. Does he approve of any more pleading with the Jew? Summary; Act 1 scene 1; Act 1 scene 2; Act 1 Scene 3; Act 2 Scene 1; Act 2 Scene 2; Act 2 Scene 3; Act 2 Scene 4; Act 2 Scene 5; Act 2 Scene 6; Act 2 Scene 7; More; Treasure Trove; History; More. august 04, 2019 in class 10, class 9, english, main ideas, merchant of venices notes, mov solutions. He now victoriously turns Antonio to prepare himself for a deadly stab from his enemy. Answer: Shylock talks of the sentence which gives to the Jew the right to cut off a pound of flesh from Antonio’s body. carrion : dead; repulsive and unfit for food, ban’d: poisoned, gaping pig : sometimes a pig was prepared whole for the table, and set on a large dish with a lemon in its mouth. Question 2. Answer: Shylock is annoyed with his daughter for two reasons. Low bon criminals or men charged with ordinary offences were executed by hanging. Shylock wants to know if he should allow a snake to bite him twice. is a platform for academics to share research papers. DUKE : Make room, and let him stand before us. What is his faith? His Jewish heart: so, I beg you, Make no more offers, use no farther means. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He calls Shylock a merciless dog. So he realises that arguing with the Jew is futile. Bassanio pleads for mercy from Shylock, while Shylock depicts Antonio as a man who had dpne great damage to him financially and also in terms of reputation. What is his situation now? BASSANIO : Cheer up, Antonio! Answer: Gratiano blames justice for allowing a person like Shylock to live and enjoy human rights. What is Portia’s opinion on the question of Venetian law? He thinks that Portia is pleading in such a manner that he must win the case. Actually understand The Merchant of Venice Act 4, Scene 1. ... (2 answers) answer choices . Was Shylock earlier asked by Portia to show mercy to Antonio? He has made an offer that is likely to make an unquiet house. Question 4. Who is Barrabas? Year Published: 1597 Language: English Country of Origin: England Source: Shakespeare, W. (1597).The Merchant of Venice.New York: Sully and Kleinteich. This is the scene where Shylock is to take his forfeiture from Antonio. Can the decision on the Judgement of the Duke be changed? I’ll swear to pay it ten times over On penalty of the loss of my hands, my head, my heart; If this is not enough, it must seem That evil wins over truth. As a Christian, Gratiano regards a Jew as an infidel (or a non-believer in Christ and in the faith which Christ preached). The trial scene of ‘The Merchant of Venice’ is the most famous and powerful scene of the play in the whole of English dramas. Question 1. No, not for Venice. Question 2. Answer: Shylock responds to Gratiano’s angry outburst in a calm and assured manner. What answer had the “unfeeling man” given? Antonio’s gesture raises him further in our estimate. It’s most powerful in’ the most powerful people; it suits The throned king better than his crown; His royal wand shows the force of earthly power, The quality to amaze and rule, Where the dread and fear of kings sits; But mercy is above the wave of this wand, It sits on a throne in the hearts of kings, It is a quality of God himself; And earthly power then shows itself like God’s When mercy goes with justice. was sentenced to be crucified, Murder is a sin which is particularly rare and highly contemptible r act amongst the Jews. Question 1 : Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Merchant of Venice. She taunts him for not keeping his promise to give her whatever she asked for and. Passage – 1 (Act IV, Sc.I, Lines 16-34) Paraphrase : DUKE : Make room, and let him stand before us. Themes and Colors Key LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Merchant of Venice, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Question 5. What does the Antonio expect Bassanio’s wife to judge? What is the consequence? What has exactly provoked him so much? BASSANIO : Most worthy gentleman, my friend and I Have been acquitted today Of grievous penalties by your wisdom; instead of Three thousand ducats, due to the Jew, We will freely pay for your courteous pains. Question 5. Answer: All appeals to Shylock to have mercy on Antonio, have failed. I have a daughter; would any of the stock of Barabbas the thief had been her husband, rather than a Christian! This fact is not known to Gratiano because Nerissa is dressed as the lawyer’s clerk. I have spoken this much To soften the justice of your plea, Which if you follow, this strict court of Venice Must give a ruling against the merchant there. Why does the speaker think that fortune is kinder to him? April 21, 2020. Answer: Portia in these words makes a two fold appeal to Shylock. Workbook Answers/ Solutions of The Merchant of Venice, Act 2 Scene 9. This is the scene where Shylock is to take his forfeiture from Antonio. The court awards it and the law gives it. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow : Antonio : In sooth, I know not why I am so sad : It wearies me; you say it wearies you; But how I caught it, found it, or come by it, What stuff ’tis made of, whereof it is born, I am to learn; merchant of venice act 5 scene 1 workbook solution by. only for this I pray you pardon me : but excuse me from giving this one thing, you teach me how a beggar should be answer’d : and now you refuse me, as one sually does a beggar, scuse : a contracted form of “excuse.” she would not hold out enemy for ever for giving it to me : “she might be angry on first hearing of it, but she would not retain her anger for long when she had heard Bassanio’s explanation.” Portia’s reasons are skilful and sound, and make Bassanio appear very mean in refusing such a simple request. Answer: It means that mercy cannot be shown under compulsion. Question 3. According to the Biblical account, Daniel was a man of exceptional wisdom. Answer: Portia orders Shylock to go down on his knees and beg mercy of the Duke of Venice. Bassanio explains to the young lawyer that the ring has a significance for him beyond its price. Merchant of Venice. How does Portia respond to Bassanio’s offer? The location of the scene is now at Belmont. In short, Bassanio mortgages his own life if that can satisfy the Jew. Only be sorry that you shall lose your friend, And he is not sorry that he pays your debt; Because if the Jew only cuts deep enough, I’ll pay it instantly with all my heart. BASSANIO : Good sir, this ring was given me by my wife; And, when she put it on, she made me vow That I should not sell, or give, or lose it. What does Antonio now say? What is this sentence? PORTIA : It must not be; there is no power in Venice that can change an established law; It will set a precedent, And many errors by the same example Will rush into the state. where : whereas, loose the forfeiture : excuse payment of the penalty, forgive a moiety : let him off from paying a certain part of the principal sum, huddled : accumulated; pressed upon, royal merchant : a very great merchant; a prince among merchants, from brassy bosoms, and rough hearts of flint : from hearts as pitiless as brass and as rough as stone. Answer: Portia warns the Jew that he may cut off a pound of flesh but he should not shed a drop of blood. Question 2. She says that she has to reach Padua, and for that she must start immediately. Portia appears in the duke’s court as the young lawyer. Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 4 Scene 1. The word “keen” as used here means “sharp.”. What does Bassanio offer to Portia in order to gratify her on Antonio’s behalf? I’ll pay it instantly with all my heart : even in the moment of tragedy, Shakespeare makes Antonio speak with grim humour, using the double meaning which characterised the wit of the day. BASSANIO : Do all men kill the things they don’t love? Merchant of Venice Act 3 Scene 1 Workbook Questions and Answers. And, if your wife is not a mad woman, And knows how much I have deserved this ring, She would not hold out in being your enemy forever For giving it to me. Here, the answer is explained in a crispy and light way using simple points so that you can grasp easily. Bassanio offers ten times this sum in order to tempt Shylock to accept, the money and spare Antonio’s life. Antonio, thank this gentleman, Because, in my opinion, you owe him a lot. Why does Shylock refuse an offer of money? Answer: Daniel is the name of a Biblical personage. Shylock is then interested more in satisfying-his malice than in getting justice. Question 5. Read every line of Shakespeare’s original text alongside a modern English translation. We admire Portia for her sharp intelligence, her self-possession, her sagacity, her sweet reasonableness and her capacity for practical jokes. If you likes this post, then feel free to share it with your friends. It is as futile as ordering the pine-trees growing on the mountain-tops not to shake their top most branches and not produce any sound when they-are agitated by the assaults made by the winds blowing over them. Shylock could not be prevented from mischief by following a strictly legal procedure. Answer: It is the trial scene of the play, “The Merchant of Venice”. It does not give him a single drop of blood. He is ready to hear the judgement to let the Jew have what he wants. Read More: Workbook Answers/ Solutions of the Merchant of Venice, Act 4 Scene 2. Answer: The arguments of both Bassanio and Shylock have considerable force. Question 1. That thou but lead’st this fashion of thy malice, To the last hour of act : that you only continue this cruel course up the last moment…. Workbook Answers/ Solutions of The Merchant of Venice, Act 4 Scene 1: In this post, we will provide you complete details of the famous play “Merchant of Venice” Act 4 Scene 1 by Shakespeare. PORTIA : I humbly desire your Grace’s pardon; I must go away tonight toward Padua, And it is proper that I leave right away. He, therefore, resigns before his fate. To whom does Portia expect Antonio to show mercy? According to him, the soul of a man might, after his death, enter the body of an animal, and vice versa. Whom does he ask, “come, prepare”? Bassanio can no longer resist. PORTIA : Shylock, there’s three times your money offered to you. Workbook Answers/ Solutions to the Merchant of Venice, ACT 5 Scene 1, Workbook Answers/ Solutions of the Merchant of Venice, Act 4 Scene 2, Workbook Answers/ Solutions of A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories, A Psalm of Life, Workbook Answers/ Solutions in The Merchant of Venice, Act 1 Scene 1, Workbook Answers/ Solutions in The Merchant of Venice, Act 1 Scene 2, Workbook Answers/ Solutions in The Merchant of Venice, Act 1 Scene 3, Workbook Answers/ Solutions of The Merchant of Venice, Act 2 Scene 1, Workbook Answers/ Solutions of The Merchant of Venice, Act 2 Scene 2, A Complete Guide To Buy Term Insurance Plan, Understanding The Importance Of Credit Scores And Agencies, How Long to Charge Car Battery: Specialist Tips, Understanding The Concept Of Credit Cards And Credit Scores, A Few Strange but True Facts about the IRS. Why, according to the Duke, must Portia be gratified? When Bassanio asks if all men kill the things they do not like. Now Bassanio tries hard to save this ring, and Portia refuses to accept anything else. ANTONIO : I am a poisoned, castrated ram of the flock, Most ready for death; the weakest kind of fruit Drops first to the ground, and so let me.You cannot be better employed, Bassanio,Than to live on, and write my epitaph. Question 5. If she heard this, she would be annoyed with her husband. First, he must become a Christian at once. This blood-thirsty fellow is less like a human being and more like a beast. Question 2. An epitaph is generally a tribute paid to a dead man or woman by his or her relatives or admirers. He is now a man without financial resources. The law allows it and the court awards it. Read our modern English translation of this scene. What does Portia mean by telling Shylock that the law hath yet another hold on him? Shylock, the world thinks, and I think so too, That you only carry this kind of malice To the very last hour of action; and then, it’s thought, You’ll show your mercy and remorse, more strangely Than your strange apparent cruelty is; And where you now exact the penalty,— Which is a pound of this poor merchant’s flesh, You will not only loose the default, But, touched with human gentleness and love, Forgive half of the borrowed amount, Glancing with an eye of pity on his losses, That have been so heaped on his back lately, Enough to press a royal merchant down, And get sympathy for his state From brassy bosoms and rough hearts of stone, From stubborn Turks and Tartars, never trained To uses of tender courtesy. There is no backbone in the laws of Venice. He is poking fun at Shylock and tormenting him with his savage irony. PASSAGE 1. In her absence, Antonio prevails upon Bassanio to make a gift of the ring to the young lawyer. What is the difference between “sole” and “soul” as used by Gratiano? This forms a part of the syllabus for Class 9 English Merchant of Venice of ICSE. Question 4. Answer: The speakers are at this time in a court of law m Venice. April 21, 2020. Bassanio pleads for a humane view of the situation, but Shylock hates Antonio so much that he compares that man to a serpent. He sees no point in the proceedings of the court being prolonged because he feels certain that no purpose would be served by delaying them. Portia is disguised as a young lawyer, interpreting the’law of After the trial is over, the Duke invites Portia for a dinner at his residence. Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers ICSE Class 10 & 9 English Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers ICSE Class 10 & 9 English The Merchant of Venice Characters Merchant of Venice Characters Character Sketch of Antonio in Merchant of Venice Character Sketch of Bassanio in Merchant of Venice Character Sketch of Shylock in Merchant of Venice ... Read more Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers … Question 2. What light do these verbal exchanges throw on the characters of the speakers? Passage – 9 (Act IV Sc. It is thought that Shakespeare served at one time of his life in a lawyer’s office, and it is his accurate knowledge of legal terms which lends some show of probability to the theory, contrive : conspire; plot, seize : “take possession of’ or “become entitled to.” privy coffer : the state treasury, gainst all other voice : no other person except the Duke has power to decide whether the offender shall live pr die. I pray thee pursue sentence : Carry out the sentence, please! Question 4. This forms a part of the syllabus for Class 9 English Merchant of Venice of ICSE. However, Bassanio’s arguments are certainly more convincing because it is extreme of cruelty and savagery on the part of a man to try to take the life of another man, no matter what his grievances against the other man might be. He expresses his gratitude to Portia for releasing his friend from the worst forfeiture and penalty. We have here to remember that previously Shylock had used these words for the judge: “An upright judge, a learned judge! Read More: Workbook Answers/ Solutions of the Merchant of Venice, Act 4 Scene 2. What has been laid down in the laws of Venice? Answer: Portia is speaking to Antonio as a young lawyer interpreting the Venetian law in the court of the Duke. “With all my heart” means in the first place, “With the utmost willingness.” But there is the literal meaning that the Jew would cut out the whole of Antonio’s heart as part of the pound of flesh. Merchant of Venice Act 4 Scene 1 Summary. He also receives punishment for conspiring to take a citizen’s life. He is being allowed by fate to die. Question 1. ICSE SolutionsSelina ICSE SolutionsML Aggarwal Solutions. Bassanio is willing to give the Jew his own flesh, blood, bones, and every other part or organ of his body to save Antonio’s life. You almost make me change my mind, About agreeing with Pythagoras That the souls of animals send themselves Into the bodies of men. PORTIA : And you must cut this flesh from off his breast. “Meetest” therefore means “most proper” or “most appropriate”. Mark, Jew: Oh, learned Judge! PORTIA : What mercy can you give him, Antonio? 110 times. Now she combines both those appeals into one. You have many purchased slaves among you,Which, like your asses and your dogs and mules,You use in low and in slavish ways, Because you bought them; shall I say to you” Let them be free, damn them to your heirs?” Why do they sweat under burdens? She asks him to wait a bit to consider some very important legal point. It is because she is dressed as a young lawyer, posing to be a gentleman and not a woman. Antonio, intervening in the conversation between Bassanio and Shylock, tells Bassanio that it is futile to argue with Shylock because Shylock is as merciless and savage as the wolf which kills and eats up a lamb. What does the bond give the Jew ? The first reason is that the Christians hate him y just because he is a Jew. Start studying The Merchant of Venice Act 4. Question 4. This he will give to – Lorenzo (who has married Shylock’s daughter) at the death of the Jew. Answer: On behalf of Antonio, Bassanio comes forward. an upright judge, a learned judge! suspending the operation of the law, may be allowed to do a great right, i.e. Her reasons are sound and her argument is skillful. Tarry Jew : on the stage, Shylock is shown as startled by those words, wondering what fresh development is to come, alien : any foreigner or person not a native of Venice, citizen : a native of Venice, the party ‘gainst the which he doth contrive : this is in imitation of the Language of the law. Question 4. Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers Act 4 Scene 1. You will answer, “The slaves are ours” : Shylock argues that it is a common practice to keep slaves, and many in the court do so. In fact, Portia will not waste any moment after the court is adjourned, since she with Nerissa has to reach Belmont before their husbands do. educational guru:online videos for students on. Indeed, Gratiano’s irony now is as savage as Shylock’s desire for revenge had previously been. There’s more depends on this than on the value : “This ring is of sentimental, rather than intrinsic value.” and find it but by proclamation : he will cause it to be proclaimed in Venice that he wishes to buy an expensive ring, so that he may receive specimens from the various jewellers and select the best one. Question 4. We see the situation growing tense in the beginning, but with Shylock’s defeat the atmosphere changes. Thus Antonio knows what kind of a man Shylock basically is. Question 1. Shylock may be allowed to retain half of his property by paying a fine only. PORTIA : I see, sir, you are free in making offers; You taught me to beg first, and now I think You teach me how to answer a beggar. Explain what argument is given to say that “malice bears down truth”? Answer: The unfeeling man, namely Shy lock; had told the Duke that he was not prepared to forego the pound of flesh to which he was entitled as a consequence of Antonio’s failure to have repaid the loan within the prescribed period of time. SHYLOCK : Until you can scream the seal from off my promise to pay, You only insult your lungs to speak so loud. Act IV, Scenes 1-2: Questions and Answers Act V, Scene 1: Questions and Answers Start Free Trial Made by the young lawyer interpreting the Venetian law in Venice exchange where merchants gather to a! As revealed in his response to this, this answer will be very much helpful to you forever jokes... 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