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This blog may at times appear to be rather cynical, sometimes comical (hence the pen name Gun Shy Tourist), and often critical in its evaluation and reporting. In North America, the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA led by its chairman Bob Avakian organises for a revolution to overthrow the capitalist system and replace it with a socialist state. Extrapolating from five philosophical bases of Marxism, namely that human history is the history of class struggle between a ruling class and an exploited class; that capitalism creates antagonistic social classes, i.e. [66][67][68] Other leftists, including Marxist–Leninists, criticise it for its repressive state actions while recognising certain advancements such as egalitarian achievements and modernisation under such states. The war became a Soviet equivalent of the Vietnam War to the United States and it remained a stalemate throughout the 1980s. The Marxist–Leninist regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu in Romania was forcefully overthrown in 1989 and Ceaușescu was executed. In response to Mao's apparently unorthodox deviations, Enver Hoxha, head of the Albanian Labor Party, theorised anti-revisionist Marxism–Leninism, referred to as Hoxhaism, which retained orthodox Marxism–Leninism when compared to the ideology of the post-Stalin Soviet Union. Marxism vs Socialism Difference between Marxism and Socialism may be a bit difficult to understand to some. Industrialisation led to a massive urbanisation in the country. "Revising History". Under Lenin, the education system allowed relaxed discipline in schools that became based upon Marxist theory, but Stalin reversed this in 1934 with a conservative approach taken with the reintroduction of formal learning, the use of examinations and grades, the assertion of full authority of the teacher and the introduction of school uniforms. They tended to be interested in social history and to argue that the Communist Party leadership had had to adjust to social forces. [105], In 1921, the New Economic Policy restored some private enterprise to animate the Russian economy. On 30 January 1968, North Vietnam launched the Tet Offensive (the General Offensive and Uprising of Tet Mau Than, 1968). [120] Unemployment was virtually eliminated in the country during the 1930s. [48] Juche has been described by Michael Seth as a version of Korean ethnic nationalism which eventually developed after losing its original Marxist–Leninist elements. [169] It opposes colonialism and imperialism and advocates decolonisation and anti-colonial forces. He had a set of ideas based on Marxism. In the Philippines, the Maoist-oriented Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed wing, the New People's Army, have been waging armed revolution against the existing Philippine government since 1968 and are still participating in a low-scale guerrilla insurgency. [170] It supports anti-fascist international alliances and has advocated the creation of popular fronts between communist and non-communist anti-fascists against strong fascist movements. American Maoists associated with the Revolutionary Communist Party (USA) subsequently coined the term Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to refer to what they saw as the tradition of revolutionary thought abandoned by Mao's successors in China and carried on by committed revolutionaries such as themselves. The five-year plans were prepared in the 1920s whilst the Bolshevik government fought the internal Russian Civil War (1917–1922) and repelled the external Allied intervention to the Russian Civil War (1918–1925). Yugoslavia was dissolved in 1992. (2003). [175] In most Marxist–Leninist states, this has taken the form of directly electing representatives to fill positions, although in some states such as People's Republic of China, the Republic of Cuba and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia this system also included indirect elections such as deputies being elected by deputies as the next lower level of government. The pragmatic Stalin then entered the Soviet Union to the Grand Alliance, a common front against the Axis Powers (Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan). Most of these groups can be classified under the following three categories: Lenin himself never used the term "Leninism", nor did he refer to his views as "Marxism-Leninism". [16][17] After the death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924, Marxism–Leninism became a distinct movement in the Soviet Union when Stalin and his supporters gained control of the party. [110] Stalin then completed his political purging of the party by exiling Trotsky from the Soviet Union in 1929. In the First Indochina War (1946–1954), the Việt Minh led by Ho Chi Minh defeated the French re-establishment of European colonialism in Vietnam. In the 1943–1944 period, the Yugoslav Partisans liberated territories with Red Army assistance and established the communist political authority that became the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. [110] In that time, Stalin's centralised, socialism in one country régime had negatively associated Lenin's revolutionary Bolshevism with Stalinism, i.e. Stalin on How to Teach. Marxist–Leninist states have been described as authoritarian, or accused of being totalitarian, for suppressing and killing political dissidents and social classes (so-called "enemies of the people"), religious persecution, ethnic cleansing, forced collectivisation and use of forced labour in labour camps. Colonial imperialism is the inevitable consequence in the course of economic relations among countries when the domestic price-fixing of monopoly capitalism has voided profitable competition in the capitalist homeland. This was especially easy in eastern Europe where they inherited the punitive structures of the Third Reich. [26][27][28][29] Historians such as Michael Geyer and Sheila Fitzpatrick propose other explanations and criticize the focus on the upper levels of society and use of Cold War concepts such as totalitarianism which have obscured the reality of the system. AKEL has consistently been the first and third most popular party, winning the 1970, 1981, 2001 and 2006 legislative elections. Failing to elect the president, new parliamentary elections were held in November 2010 which resulted in roughly the same representation in the parliament. [6] Generally, Marxist–Leninists support proletarian internationalism, socialist democracy, and oppose anarchism, fascism, imperialism, and liberal democracy. Ghodsee, Kristen R.; Sehon, Scott; Dresser, Sam, ed. Marxism-Leninism, also known as Scientific Socialism, allows human beings to understand the problems of history and humanity and find our way in a complex and chaotic modern world. [172], In the vertical perspective (social-class relations) of Marxism–Leninism, the internal and international affairs of a country are a political continuum, not separate realms of human activity. [123] After Germany and Britain signed the Munich Agreement (29 September 1938) which allowed the German occupation of Czechoslovakia (1938–1945), Stalin adopted pro-German policies for the Soviet Union's dealings with Nazi Germany. Elsewhere, the successful October Revolution in Russia had facilitated the German Revolution of 1918–1919 and revolutions and interventions in Hungary (1918–1920) which produced the First Hungarian Republic and the Hungarian Soviet Republic. Since 2017, the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia supports the ANO 2011–ČSSD minority government while the Portuguese Communist Party has provided confidence and supply along with the Ecologist Party "The Greens" and Left Bloc to the Socialist minority government from 2015 to 2019. However, remember, that Marxism and Socia If Mao’s ideas and their contribution to Marxism-Leninism is not recognized, Marxism-Leninism shall be incomplete and Marxism-Leninism shall be a dogma instead of a guide to action. Service (2007), p. 293: "The new communist states in eastern Europe and east Asia … had much in common. Lenin explained their conceptual similarity to Marx's descriptions of the lower-stage and the upper-stage of economic development, namely that immediately after a proletarian revolution in the socialist lower-stage society the practical economy must be based upon the individual labour contributed by men and women[167] and that paid labour would be the basis of the communist upper-stage society that has realised the social precept of the slogan "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. The state expropriated large sectors of the economy … Religion was persecuted … Marxism-Leninism in its Stalinist variant was disseminated, and rival ideologies were persecuted". As a result, the election of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party government in Germany initially caused the Soviet Union to sever diplomatic relations that had been established in the 1920s. Lenin was forced to look at economic matters in much more detail than Marx. food and shelter). [12][13][14][15], As an ideology, it was developed by Joseph Stalin in the 1920s based on his understanding and synthesis of orthodox Marxism and Leninism. Lenin said that Stalin should be removed from being the General Secretary of the party and that he be replaced with "some other person who is superior to Stalin only in one respect, namely, in being more tolerant, more loyal, more polite, and more attentive to comrades. Marxism … [177], Marxism–Leninism supports the emancipation of women and ending the exploitation of women. By 1924, considerable economic progress had been achieved and by 1926 the Bolshevik government had achieved economic production levels equal to Russia's production levels in 1913. In the 1976–1977 period of the Cold War, the United States and other Western countries found it morally untenable to politically support Apartheid South Africa, especially when the Afrikaner government killed 176 people (students and adults) in the police suppression of the Soweto uprising (June 1976), a political protest against Afrikaner cultural imperialism upon the non-white peoples of South Africa, specifically the imposition of the Germanic language of Afrikaans as the standard language for education which black South Africans were required to speak when addressing white people and Afrikaners; and the police assassination of Steven Biko (September 1977), a politically moderate leader of the internal resistance to apartheid in South Africa.[148]. Marxism-Leninism. [114], Beginning in 1928, Stalin's five-year plans for the national economy of the Soviet Union achieved the rapid industrialisation (coal, iron and steel, electricity and petroleum, among others) and the collectivisation of agriculture. [134], The events that precipitated the Cold War in Europe were the Soviet and Yugoslav, Bulgarian and Albanian military interventions to the Greek Civil War (1944–1949) on behalf of the Communist Party of Greece;[135] and the Berlin Blockade (1948–1949) by the Soviet Union. "[230], Communist ideology and state ideology of socialist states, This article is about the political philosophy and state ideology of several self-professed socialist states. In practise, the formalities of political participation (the electoral plurality of a multi-party system with the State Duma and the Russian Constitution of 1906) were the Tsar's piecemeal and cosmetic concessions to social progress because public office remained available only to the aristocracy, the gentry and the bourgeoisie. The state would control the economy and means of production, suppress opposition and the bourgeoisie, promote collectivism in society, and pave the way for an eventual communist society, which would be both classless and stateless. Live Music Archive. Hardline Marxist–Leninist leaders in the military reacted to Gorbachev's policies with the August Coup of 1991 in which hardline Marxist–Leninist military leaders overthrew Gorbachev and seized control of the government. Some have started identifying themselves as 'Marxist, Leninist' or 'Marxist and Leninist' rather than 'Marxist-Leninist'. Table of Contents. Stalin, in contrast to many contemporary revolutionaries, did … Vladimir Lenin was a Russian Marxist. [93], In Swiss exile, Lenin developed Marx's philosophy and extrapolated decolonisation by colonial revolt as a reinforcement of proletarian revolution in Europe. [213] Graeme Gill argues that Stalinism was "not a natural flow-on of earlier developments; [it was a] sharp break resulting from conscious decisions by leading political actors." In addi - tion, changes were made to reflect the modern spelling of Chinese names. [100], In March 1917, the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II led to the Russian Provisional Government (March–July 1917), who then proclaimed the Russian Republic (September–November 1917). everything" in the words of Lenin. In 1983, the United States invasion of Grenada (25–29 October 1983) thwarted the assumption of power by the elected government of the New Jewel Movement (1973–1983), a Marxist–Leninist vanguard party led by Maurice Bishop. [180], Marxist–Leninist cultural policy modernises social relations among citizens by eliminating the capitalist value system of traditionalist conservatism, by which Tsarism classified, divided and controlled people with stratified social classes without any socio-economic mobility. [44] Moreover, Trotskyists within the party identified their anti-Stalinist communist ideology as Bolshevik–Leninism and supported the permanent revolution to differentiate themselves from Stalin's justification and implementation of socialism in one country. [179] With the advent of a classless society and the abolition of private property, society collectively assume many of the roles traditionally assigned to mothers and wives, with women becoming integrated into industrial work. The event that precipitated the Cold War in continental Asia was the resumption of the Chinese Civil War (1927–1949) fought between the anti-communist Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China. "[202], Anarcho-communists, classical, libertarian and orthodox Marxists as well as council and left communists are critical of Marxism–Leninism, particularly for what they see as its authoritarianism. You may be familiar with Taoism the way your parents were familiar with the music you and your friends listened to when you were a kid. [220] David L. Hoffmann argues that many forms of state interventionism used by Marxist–Leninist governments, including social cataloging, surveillance and internment camps, pre-dated the Soviet regime and originated outside Russia. [110] As Old Bolshevik revolutionaries, Bukharin, Rykov and Tomsky recommended amelioration of the dekulakization to lessen the negative social impact in the relations between the Soviet peoples and the party, but Stalin took umbrage and then accused them of uncommunist philosophical deviations from Lenin and Marx. In the Americas, there have been several insurgencies. [183], The Marxist–Leninist worldview is atheist, wherein all human activity results from human volition and not the will of supernatural beings (gods, goddesses and demons) who have direct agency in the public and private affairs of human society. As the Soviet state was born at this moment of total war, it institutionalised state intervention as permanent features of governance. Lichtenstein, Nelson (2011). In South Africa, the South African Communist Party is a member of the Tripartite alliance alongside the African National Congress and the Congress of South African Trade Unions. Marxism-Leninism soon became the official name for the ideology of the Cominternand of communist partiesaround the world. [94] This political defeat was aggravated by Tsar Nicholas II's political reformations of Imperial Russian government. "[194] According to Gray and Walker, political dissidents were deemed to be "distorting the true path to communism. This page is intended for people looking into Marxism for the first time, and is not intended as a substitute for a thorough study of Marxist writings, biographies and group discussions. [110] Afterwards, the political opposition to the practical régime of Stalinism was denounced as Trotskyism (Bolshevik–Leninism), described as a deviation from Marxism–Leninism, the state ideology of the Soviet Union. The Hegelian dialectic reduced to its simplest form could be summed up as problem, reaction, solution.The “agent of change” employing the strategy creates the problem or crisis, foments the reaction (tension), then attempt to control the outcome by providing the solution (resolution). PLENUM SESSION OF THE CENTRAL COMMITEE - NOVEMBER, 1982 EXTRACTS FROM THE REPORT "MAOISM. The example is the European Scramble for Africa (1881–1914) in which imperialism was safeguarded by the national military. [76] In "How to Be a Socialist Without Being an Apologist for the Atrocities of Communist Regimes", Robinson writes it is "incredibly easy to be both in favor of socialism and against the crimes committed by 20th century communist regimes. [126] On concluding the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945), the Soviet Union was a military superpower with a say in determining the geopolitical order of the world. (2000). However many of us are not so sure as to what exactly is meant by communist ideology or MLM and what are its various parts or aspects. For countries governed by Marxist–Leninist parties, see, Bolsheviks, February Revolution and Great War (1903–1917), October Revolution and Russian Civil War (1917–1922), Cold War, de-Stalinisation and Maoism (1945–1980). The first leader to exploit such nationalism for political purposes was Slobodan Milošević, who used it to seize power as president of Serbia and demanded concessions to Serbia and Serbs by the other republics in the Yugoslav federation. [186], As a basis of Marxism–Leninism, the philosophy of materialism (the physical universe exists independently of human consciousness) is applied as dialectical materialism (a philosophy of science and nature) to examine the socio-economic relations among people and things as parts of a dynamic, material world that is unlike the immaterial world of metaphysics. [45] In the post-Mao period of Sino-American détente, the Deng Xiaoping government (1982–1987) affected policies of economic liberalisation that allowed continual growth for the Chinese economy. The reformation of civil law made marriage secular into a "free and voluntary union" between persons who are social-and-legal equals; facilitated divorce; legalised abortion, eliminated bastardy ("illegitimate children"); and voided the political power of the bourgeoisie and the private property-status of the means of production. [102] The principal obstacles to Russian economic development and modernisation were great material poverty and the lack of modern technology which were conditions that orthodox Marxism considered unfavourable to communist revolution. [122] In 1933, the Marxist–Leninist geopolitical perspective was that the Soviet Union was surrounded by capitalist and anti-communist enemies. Stalin punished Tito's refusal by denouncing him as an ideological revisionist of Marxism–Leninism; by denouncing Yugoslavia's practice of Titoism as socialism deviated from the cause of world communism; and by expelling the Communist Party of Yugoslavia from the Communist Information Bureau (Cominform). It was noted that "Marxist–Leninist norms disparaged laissez-faire individualism (as when housing is determined by one's ability to pay)" and condemned "wide variations in personal wealth as the West has not" whilst emphasizing equality, by which they mean "free education and medical care, little disparity in housing or salaries, and so forth. This included Kampuchea and Laos. [56][page needed], As a term, Marxism–Leninism is simultaneously misleading and revealing. In the Czech Republic and Portugal, the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia and the Portuguese Communist Party have been the second and fourth most popular parties until the 2017 and 2009 legislative elections, respectively. This facilitates the political emancipation of women from traditional social inferiority and economic exploitation. "[90] He added that the development of socialism would proceed according to the actual material and socio-economic conditions in Russia and not as abstractly described by Marx for industrialised Europe in the 19th century. "[52] The major Korean elements are the emphasis on traditional Confucianism and the memory of the traumatic experience of Korea under Japanese rule as well as a focus on autobiographical features of Kim Il-sung as a guerrilla hero. However, his ideas clearly diverged from classical Marxist theory on several important points (see the articles on Marxism and Leninism for more information), so it quickly became evident that some new name was required to describe these ideas. To answer the survey, no, I had not heard of Charles Fourier, but I was surprised to learn that fully automated luxury space communism was actually invented 300 years ago. [171] This Marxist–Leninist approach to international relations derives from the analyses (political, economic, sociological and geopolitical) that Lenin presented in the essay Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1917). "[214] Historians such as Michael Geyer and Sheila Fitzpatrick criticize the focus upon the upper levels of society and the use of Cold War concepts such as totalitarianism which have obscured the reality of Marxist–Leninist systems such as that of the Soviet Union. Similarly, inequality went back up after the collapse of the Soviet system. Among the innovations of Marxism-Leninism is an explanation of why social revolutions which had been predicted by Marx had not occurred in the world's more advanced economies. Such freedom of action allowed local communist functionaries much discretion to interpret the intent of orders from Moscow, but this allowed their corruption. Whether Stalinist practices actually followed the principles of Marxism-Leninism is still a subject of debate among historians and political scientists. Leninism allowed the Bolshevik party to assume command of the October Revolution in 1917. Marxist–Leninist policy on family law has typically involved the elimination of the political power of the bourgeoisie, the abolition of private property and an education that teaches citizens to abide by a disciplined and self-fulfilling lifestyle dictated by the social norms of communism as a means to establish a new social order. The atrocious understanding of how the physical world functions that is exhibited by the average product of Western education systems is truly mindboggling. [36][37], In the establishment of socialism in the former Russian Empire, Bolshevism was the ideological basis for the Soviet Union. Any errors made in this regard are solely the responsibility of the copyeditors.” Printing: According to Ion Marandici, a Moldovan political scientist, the Party of Communists differs from those in other countries because it managed to appeal to the ethnic minorities and the anti-Romanian Moldovans. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Although a military failure for the guerrillas and the army, it was a successful psychological warfare operation that decisively turned international public opinion against the United States intervention to the Vietnamese civil war, with the military withdrawal of the United States from Vietnam in 1973 and the subsequent and consequent Fall of Saigon to the North Vietnamese army on 30 April 1975. [81] Academic Sovietology after World War II and during the Cold War was dominated by the "totalitarian model" of the Soviet Union,[82] stressing the absolute nature of Stalin's power. In 1989, the Contra War concluded with the signing of the Tela Accord at the port of Tela, Honduras. [87] Lenin's leadership transformed the Bolsheviks into the party's political vanguard which was composed of professional revolutionaries who practised democratic centralism to elect leaders and officers as well as to determine policy through free discussion, then decisively realised through united action. [106] Importantly, Lenin declared that the development of socialism would not be able to be pursued in the manner originally thought by Marxists. [121] Organised religion was repressed, especially minority religious groups. [60][61][62][63] Anti-Stalinist left and other left-wing critics see it as an example of state capitalism[64][65] and have referred to it as a "red fascism" contrary to left-wing politics. Several communist parties, especially those previously associated with Eurocommunism, have distanced themselves from the concept of 'Marxism-Leninism' and in many cases omitted it from their official documents. In Asia, a number of Marxist–Leninist regimes and movements continue to exist. Under President Jimmy Carter, the West joined the Soviet Union and others in enacting sanctions against weapons trade and weapons-grade material to South Africa. The claim that Mao had adapted Marxism–Leninism to Chinese conditions evolved into the idea that he had updated it in a fundamental way applying to the world as a whole. Hoxhaists believe that the People's Republic of China was always state capitalist and uphold the People's Socialist Republic of Albania as the only socialist state after the Soviet Union under Stalin. Communist governments, wherever they arose, sought to increase the purview of their states by homogenizing, categorizing and making more transparent their populations. Neumayer, Laure (November 2018). Such was the case in the Soviet Union, where the economy was largely agrarian and urban industry was in a primitive stage. Pons, p. 306: "Elections in the Communist states, at least until the final years when the systems were undergoing reform, were generally not competitive, with voters having no choice or only a strictly limited choice. Understanding 9/11. Lenin's development of Marxism has become known as Leninism. But China too was quick in developing its camp network. [92], Despite secret-police persecution by the Okhrana (Department for Protecting the Public Security and Order), émigré Bolsheviks returned to Russia to agitate, organise and lead, but then they returned to exile when peoples' revolutionary fervour failed in 1907. With the Soviet Union collapsing, Gorbachev prepared the country to become a loose federation of independent states called the Commonwealth of Independent States. [208] Italian left communist Amadeo Bordiga dismissed Marxism–Leninism as political opportunism that preserved capitalism because of the claim that the exchange of commodities would occur under socialism. The government would control all … [114] The party's ranks grew in numbers, with the party modifying its organisation to include more trade unions and factories. [216] Philipp Ther [de] posits that there was a rise in living standards throughout Eastern Bloc countries as the result of modernisation programs under Marxist–Leninist governments. The armed wing of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) has been fighting a war against the government of India since 1967 and is still active in half the country. Mao, Zedong; Moss Roberts, trans. [110] In 1925, the 14th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) chose Stalin's policy, defeating Trotsky as a possible leader of the party and of the Soviet Union. As part of the planned economy, the Marxist–Leninist state is meant to develop the proletariat's universal education (academic and technical) and their class consciousness (political education) to facilitate their contextual understanding of the historical development of communism as presented in Marx's theory of history. While socially utilised means of production are under public control, personal belongings or property of a personal nature that does not involve mass production of goods remains unaffected by the state. Flq condemned English-Canadian imperialism in French Quebec and called for an independent socialist. Uprising which began as a general strike of genocidal acts in China, and. Government of Ronald Reagan sponsored the counter-revolutionary Contras in the country to become a loose federation independent. Major famines such as Silvio Pons and Robert Service argue that repression totalitarianism... Have modified it to adapt to new political conditions Robert K. ;,! ; see Leninism to some parties continue to exist representation in the 1800s, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 1820-1895... International relations for most of the horizontal perspectives ( country-to-country ) of the Marxist–Leninist geopolitical perspective that! 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