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First Name. How could this happen in a party that has derisively been labelled as “conservatives with composters”? In the September 2020 foreign policy focused leadership debate, Paul’s silence took centre stage. By Paul Shindman, World Israel News - The Green Party of Canada announced Saturday that Annamie Paul won the party leadership race, beating out seven other candidates to take the leadership of the fringe party that has had little success to date in Canadian federal politics. Preferred Language. With a call to “wrest power from private corporations and bring the economy under democratic control”, he gained 10,081 of 22,171 votes on the final ballot. The strategic importance of the area is immense: through it pass the main roads from Egypt to Syria and from the Mediterranean to the hills beyond the Jordan River. Silent complicity really is what we can expect on foreign policy from a Paul led Green Party. The party's parliamentary leader is Elizabeth May, who previously served as party leader from 2006 to 2019.. Join Us at our next event December 26. CJPME and IJV are both non-partisan and regularly provide evaluations of candidates during party leadership races, and during general elections. There are many ways you can donate. Where do you stand on the Green Party's support of boycott, diverstment and sanctions, Ms. Paul? Request a sign. In choosing Annamie Paul the Greens further divide the pragmatic left - October 6, 2020 [image: Annamie Paul, the new leader of the federal Green party. Volunteer with us. Thank you for visiting the IJV Canada website. While left-leaning candidates such as Meryam Haddad and Dimitri Lascaris offered improvements from the foreign policy status quo, Paul’s policy is a continuation of the neo-liberal consensus established under Elizabeth May. Volunteer with us. “more than 60% of the voting members present vote in favour of the motion”, Elizabeth May denounced her party’s decision, Green Party’s International Affairs Critic, Canada's complicity in the colonization of the Western Sahara and Palestine exposed, International campaign to free kidnapped socialist activist in Pakistan ramps up | Op-Ed, Canada’s military seeks to cover its tracks following damning report on Australian war crimes in Afghanistan, Documents reveal Five Eyes and US influence led to cancellation of Canada-China military training exercise, North American Media Circus Undermines Regime-Change Operation in Venezuela, Boycott Puma for its complicity in Israeli apartheid | Op-Ed. Rather than stand up against imperialism, Paul chose silent complicity, endorsing rampant imperialism through a refusal to resist it. The gap between Annamie Paul and you, in policy terms, seems huge. To be clear, this is no endorsement of the NDP. Annamie Paul a souligné qu’elle est la première femme juive noire à diriger un grand parti politique au Canada, mettant ainsi l’accent sur les questions identitaires plutôt que sur son programme. Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East. Thank you for your support! C- Annamie Paul. Annamie Paul | Toronto, Canada Area | Leader at Green Party of Canada | 181 connections | View Annamie's homepage, profile, activity, articles Last Name. Join Us. We are focused on the impact of Canada's foreign policy on the world. For Canadians parroting these dog whistles, let me decipher them for you: 0:34 - "Intifada Intifada, viva Intifada" - A call for violence. boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israel. Over the weekend, Paul captured the leadership of the Green Party of Canada after a … The eventual winner of the race to replace May was Annamie Paul, who represented the liberal establishment of the Green Party and a continuation of May’s pro-capitalist environmentalism. Global News hit-job on Lascaris another attempt to crush Palestine solidarity activists in the Green Party | Op-Ed. Request a sign. Annamie Paul's candidacy for the leadership of the Green Party appears to have ignited what some say is a troubling anti-Semitic undercurrent in some corners of the party. Sign up if you'd like to stay informed. The response uncritically parroted a fraudulent OAS Electoral Observer Mission report, … Le gouvernement canadien a présenté jeudi un projet de loi pour permettre au Canada d'atteindre la "carboneutralité" dans ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre d'ici 2050. At the Green Party of Canada’s federal convention in 2016, party members voted in favour of Dimitri Lascaris’ motion on boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israel. save. Oakville Palestinian Rights Association, Oakville, Ontario. 24 likes. First Name. Annamie Paul. Annamie Paul. En tant que parti progressiste, aucun des candidats n’a exprimé de point de vue fondamentalement contraire aux droits de la personne ou au droit international. This is the official Facebook page for The Canada Files. Annamie Paul. carbon tax). While she is on record opposing Israel annexation as illegal, she is one of only two GPC candidates who did not endorse the anti-annexation pledge, and she has generally pursued a neutral “both sides are at fault” approach to … On Tuesday afternoon, Montreal visual artist and designer Aboozar Beheshti posted a petition calling on newly elected Green Party leader Annamie Paul to … Paul refused to submit the questionnaire sent out by the group. The Green Party’s current policies on Middle East issues, including on Israel and Palestine, are particularly bold and forward-looking, and as a progressive party none of the candidates expressed views fundamentally contrary to principles of human rights or international law. While Lascaris was nearly denied entry onto the ballot, Haddad was temporarily expelled from the race, both for farcical reasons which didn’t hold up to public scrutiny, ensuring they could stay in the race. Michael Bueckert, VP CJPME: 613-315-7947 or michael.bueckert@cjpme.org. Let's stay connected and work together to find the answers! In addition to the anti-Palestinian Annamie Paul, Green Party leadership candidate David Merner has also opposed 90% of the Green Party’s membership, who voted in favour of the BDS movement in 2016, by calling BDS "extremist" and “divisive". Over the weekend, Paul captured the leadership of the Green Party of Canada after a nearly year-long race to replace Elizabeth May. Palestine solidarity activist and BDS supporter, and he has made foreign policy a distinguishing part of his campaign. Annamie Paul. This dovetailed with Elizabeth May’s constant attacks on the two left-leaning candidates, with May consistently retweeting tweets stating the Haddad and Lascaris were unfit to become the party’s new leader. In the CJPME’s GPC Leadership Assessment, focused on Middle East policy, Paul received a ‘C-‘, the lowest out of nine candidates. Volunteer with us. Annamie Paul has made history by becoming the first Black and female Jewish leader of a political party in Canada. Annamie Paul elected leader of the federal Green Party | Sunday Scrum October 4, 2020, 2:06 p.m. Green Party members have picked Toronto lawyer Annamie Paul as their next leader, making her the first Black permanent leader of a major federal political party in Canada and bringing to a close the year-long race to replace Elizabeth May. Annamie Paul, leader of the Green Party of Canada Bob Rae (1948–), Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and 21st Premier of Ontario [414] Simon Reisman OC (1991–2008), civil servant [218] Devant des partis à court d’idées, il faut choisir le Parti vert, dit Annamie Paul 2020-10-06; SEDD 2020 : tous acteurs pour préserver la biodiversité 2020-10-06; Catégories A Propos (1) Alberta (1) Best of City à TO (31) Best place à TO (42) Bon plan à TO (2) City Easy … The defining foreign policy issue of the race was the push for Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions against Israel, for the apartheid it has maintained against the Palestinian people for nearly a century. She denounced your position on Palestine as redolent of anti-Semitism, a trope of the Zionist apartheid camp in world politics. Annamie Paul was elected as the leader of the federal greens in a contentious and extremely tight race, which she won on October 3. She is going to have to apologize for this statement if she wants to unite the party. Article: The people versus war profiteers and their propaganda machine - Despite polls that suggest most Canadians do not support warplanes used to … Annamie Paul Makes History as New Green Party Leader Oct. 4, 2020 – Annamie Paul has made history by becoming the first Black and female Jewish leader of a political party in Canada. Written by: Connor Kelly . report. I am so inspired by the solidarity I have seen from the many Green members asking "What can Greens do?". La question d’Israël et de la Palestine a historiquement été controversée au sein du parti, Donate Today. Both organizations understand that Middle East-related issues are not the sole concerns of GPC members, but hope that this assessment will help voters make an informed choice when casting their ballots for a new leader. Annamie Paul is a foreign policy expert, but she has not been very forthcoming with her own positions on the Middle East, and she declined to submit responses to our questionnaire. There are 4 ways you can donate to Annamie's Campaign. In January 2020, Paul signaled her support for “internationally facilitated negotiations culminating in free and fair elections” for Venezuela. Annamie Paul became the Green Party’s International Affairs Critic in August 2019. However, Canadians should not assume that the leadership contest doesn’t matter. Palestine, area of the eastern Mediterranean, comprising parts of modern Israel along with the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Request a sign. For a party that's supposed to be the boldest of the bold on this issue, not a lot of bold. Les politiques actuelles du Parti vert sur les questions du Moyen-Orient, y compris sur Israël et la Palestine, sont particulièrement audacieuses et tournées vers l’avenir. La nouvelle cheffe du Parti vert du Canada, Annamie Paul, annonce que son parti n'appuiera pas le discours du Trône du gouvernement libéral. Canada, which has never met any of its climate change targets, on Thursday unveiled measures to toughen Ottawa's stance on global warming and ensure the country hit … les chiffres consignés par Défense des enfants international -Palestine (DEI, un partenaire de l ’Église Unie dans la défense des droits de la personne), au 30 septembre 2020, pas moins de 7 enfants palestiniens (en anglais) ont été tués en une seule année , résultat d’opérations illégales menées par l’armée israélienne et les colons. “Many of the Green Party leadership candidates have expressed courageous positions, from imposing sanctions on Israel to phasing out Canada’s international arms trade,” said Michael Bueckert, Vice President of CJPME, “but Dimitri Lascaris stands out from the rest, due to his extensive public record as a long-time activist for Palestinian human rights.”. A female lawyer who is Black and Jewish made Canadian history this past weekend after being elected to lead the country’s Green Party in the face of a strong challenge from a … However, after this motion passed, Elizabeth May denounced her party’s decision and threatened to resign.”. 2.6K likes. As it happens, the GPC’s current policies on Middle East issues, including on Israel and Palestine, are particularly bold and forward-looking. Mobile Phone Text me updates. Annamie Paul, avocată specializată pe relaţii internaţionale originară din Toronto, a … C- Annamie Paul; Bien que le Parti Vert ait toujours eu une petite présence au sein du Parlement, il a néanmoins une voix importante et un rôle à jouer dans l'élaboration des discours canadiens sur le Moyen-Orient. Annamie Paul REPRESENTS THE STATUS QUO. At the bottom of the ranking were Glen Murray with a C and Annamie Paul with a C-. Connect. Oct. 10, 2020 Annamie Paul was elected as the leader of the federal greens in a contentious and extremely tight race, which she won on October 3. The front-runner on that score, as of Aug. 31, was Annamie Paul, a Toronto lawyer who wants to ban fracking, put a carbon tax on imported goods from countries with … Volunteer with us. It would be a mistake to say that Paul’s imperialist nature is only applicable to Israeli apartheid. Personal Endorsement for Lascaris from a Progressive Palestinian … While left-leaning candidates such as Meryam Haddad and Dimitri Lascaris offered improvements from the foreign policy status quo, Paul’s policy is a continuation of the neo-liberal consensus established under Elizabeth May. Moreover, at one stage in the leadership race, Paul stated that you should not be allowed to remain in the contest. Never forget: "Paul said that she did not think it was appropriate for Lascaris to be a candidate for the party’s leadership." Paul hailed her victory as .. The deadline to become a member and vote in the race is September 3rd. The response uncritically parroted a fraudulent OAS Electoral Observer Mission report, inferred that Morales’ resignation was a voluntary choice, and called for “all parties to exercise maximum restraint”. 70. There are many reasons why leftists left the party to support Haddad and Lascaris, and support for imperialism is a major one. She denounced your position on Palestine as redolent of anti-Semitism, a trope of … Veuillez noter que si vous avez moins de 18 ans, vous ne pourrez pas accéder à ce site. “Many of the Green Party leadership candidates have expressed courageous positions, from imposing sanctions on … The 47-year-old mother of two, the daughter of immigrants from the Caribbean, described herself as a descendant of slaves. Paul, 47, defeated seven other candidates for the leadership. Thank you for your support! Canadian BDS Coalition. C- Annamie Paul. THE TIME IS NOW: Canadian and Global Recognition of the Right to a Healthy Environment. On the eve of the election, Annamie Paul signaled to half of Green Party members that the candidate they preferred over her should not have been in the race. Of particular concern to the organization was Paul’s opposition to BDS, refusal to endorse their pledge to oppose Israeli annexation and that she “has generally pursued a neutral ‘both sides are at fault’ approach” to Israeli apartheid.” Paul pursued a smear campaign against Lascaris and Haddad for their support of BDS, and said that Lascaris shouldn’t have been allowed to run for the position of GPC leader. Check out related campaigns: #Gaza2020#NoUNSC4Canada THE TIME IS NOW: Canadian and Global Recognition of the Right to a Healthy Environment. David Merner Calls Palestine Rights Supporters “Extremists”. Corey Balsam, National Coordinator IJV: (514) 437-2940 or corey@ijvcanada.org. C- Annamie Paul Bien que le Parti Vert ait toujours eu une petite présence au sein du Parlement, il a néanmoins une voix importante et un rôle à jouer dans l'élaboration des discours canadiens sur le Moyen-Orient. Join Us at our next event December 26. Meanwhile, Paul was allowed to enter the race with no issues, and received constant support from Elizabeth May in fundraising for her leadership bid. Montreal, August 20, 2020 — Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) and Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) have conducted a comprehensive analysis of each of the nine Green Party of Canada (GPC) leadership candidates on Middle East-related issues, awarding Dimitri Lascaris the best score with an A rating. Donate Today. His questionnaire responses indicate bold support for concrete action in response to human rights violations, on par with only Meryam Haddad, and he has prompted a Oct. 5, 2020: Why Annamie Paul, Canada's first Black party leader, is on your radar Email Email me updates. This assessment was based in part on candidates’ responses to a questionnaire on key Canadian policy issues related to the Middle East, as well as the candidates’ social media, press statements, published interviews, leadership town halls, and more. The foreign policy establishment’s favourite. C- Annamie Paul; Les politiques actuelles du Parti vert sur les questions du Moyen-Orient, y compris sur Israël et la Palestine, sont particulièrement audacieuses et tournées vers l'avenir. The only aspect of foreign policy Paul will be vocal on, is purging Palestine solidarity protesters from the party. We now wait for the government’s required response. This statement failed to address the US-backed coup attempt in Venezuela, attempted to take a “neutral” position between supporting US puppet Juan Guaido and the democratically elected president Nicholas Maduro, and served to delegitimize the free and fairly held 2018 elections, in which Maduro won a majority and retained the presidency. Meryam Haddad was next with an A-, followed by Judy Green and Amita Kuttner each with a B+. As Justice Greens member Connor Kelly noted, support for BDS is Green Party policy: “At the Green Party of Canada’s federal convention in 2016, party members voted in favour of Dimitri Lascaris’ motion on boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israel. Phone. Toronto lawyer Annamie Paul was Saturday named head of the Green Party, becoming the first Black woman to lead a national political party in Canada. The Green Party of Canada (French: Parti vert du Canada) is a federal political party in Canada that was founded in 1983 focused on green politics.Since 3 October 2020, the party has been led by Annamie Paul. Donate Today. Annamie Paul has made history by becoming the first Black and female Jewish leader of a political party in Canada. Devant des partis à court d’idées, il faut choisir le Parti vert, dit Annamie Paul 2020-10-06; SEDD 2020 : tous acteurs pour préserver la biodiversité 2020-10-06; Catégories A Propos (1) Alberta (1) Best of City à TO (31) Best place à TO (42) Bon plan à TO (2) City Easy … Annamie Paul's policy page seems ok and more compelling than Eliz May's, though I'm kind of surprised that vis a vis environmentalism it hems so close to existing things we're doing (ie. Over the weekend, Paul captured the leadership of the Green Party of Canada after a nearly year-long race to replace Elizabeth May. The gap between Annamie Paul and you, in policy terms, seems huge. CJPME and IJV encourage Canadians who share Green Party values to get involved in the process of choosing the next GPC leader. In addition to the anti-Palestinian Annamie Paul, Green Party leadership candidate David Merner has also opposed 90% of the Green Party’s membership, who voted in favour of the BDS movement in 2016, by calling BDS "extremist" and “divisive". On Sukkot in 1945, my parents and other Holocaust survivors were able to contemplate a future in which happiness might be possible, writes Menachem Z. Rosensaft. If we want real, fundamental, progressive, and systemic change, the most viable candidate is Dimitri Lascaris and that is why I encourage my fellow Green Party members to vote for Lascaris to be the next leader of the Green Party. Request a sign. The sooner the left accepts this, the sooner the movement to grow a revolutionary socialist organization can truly begin. Donate to Annamie's Toronto Centre Campaign. In November 2019, the cowardly Green Party response to the violent coup against Bolivian socialist leader Evo Morales was led by Paul. Annamie Paul. Paul highlighted that she is the first black Jewish woman to lead a major political party in Canada, focusing on questions of identity rather than policy. The left-leaning candidates pushed for Canada to leave NATO, impose sanctions on apartheid Israel, and challenge the mining sector which drives much of Canadian imperialism. Eco-socialist Dimitri Lascaris came within a narrow margin of winning the Green Party leadership race on October 3. Annamie Paul Leader of the Green Party of Canada. On the eve of the election, Annamie Paul signaled to half of Green Party members that the candidate they preferred over her should not have been in the race. Annamie Paul. Annamie Paul donne une conférence de presse pour se présenter officiellement aux médias. There was a dream of a democratic socialist led Green Party, but that dream is dead. Annamie Paul has made history by becoming the first Black and female Jewish leader of a political party in Canada. Request a sign. En tant que parti progressiste, aucun des candidats n'a exprimé de point de vue fondamentalement contraire aux droits de la personne ou au droit international. Throughout the race, Paul received extensive support from Elizabeth May and the party apparatus. The Canadian BDS Coalition is comprised of groups across Canada which support the Palestinian-led call for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS). Volunteer with us. Is purging Palestine solidarity protesters from the Party 's parliamentary leader is Elizabeth May and the Gaza Strip to a. A lot of bold August 2019 happen in a Party that 's supposed to be the of! The cowardly Green Party of Canada 's stay connected and annamie paul palestine together to find the answers candidates... Focused on the impact of Canada after a nearly year-long race to replace Elizabeth May, previously... 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