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R5D Zoning in NYC is a low density contextual residential zoning district. About Zoning Zoning Text Zoning Maps Districts & Tools ... go. The bulk regulations for these districts, introduced in 1961, encourage the development of buildings without height limits set back from the street and surrounded by open space. Like lower-density residence districts, however, the character of these neighborhoods varies widely. Department of City Planning. ZONING TOOLS Contextual Districts (Citywide) New residential and commercial contextual zones … Moderate- and higher-density residential districts are broadly characterized as either contextual or non-contextual. For example, on a wide street in an R6 district outside of Manhattan, a developer may choose to build under the optional R6 bulk regulations (which are the same as those for a contextual R6A district). Designated areas include all such zoning districts in Staten Island and in Bronx Community District 10, as well as all developments accessed by private roads in R1 through R5 and C3A districts. Bay Ridge District (BR) Substantially modified. An increase in floor area (attic allowance) is permitted for space beneath a pitched roof. C1, C2 and C4 districts in Staten Island are also designated areas. Some are defined entirely by rowhouses, others by low apartment houses or high-rise buildings and still others by a mixture of all building types. These districts, which have an A, B, D or X letter suffix (R6A, R6B, R7A, R7B, R7D, R7X, R8A, R8B, R8X, R9A, R9D, R9X, R10A and R10X) are mapped where buildings of similar size and shape form a strong neighborhood context, or where redevelopment would create a uniform context. To encourage an alternative to both height factor buildings and tower buildings, the Quality Housing Program was introduced in the 1980’s and is allowed to be used as an option instead of height factor or tower regulations in any R6 through R10 non-contextual district. For detailed information, and a comparison of district requirements, open the Residence Districts Zoning Data Tables. In applicable commercial districts, the size of a residential building or the residential portion of a mixed building is governed by the bulk provisions of a specified equivalent residential district. NYC Zoning Resolution Article I General Provisions Article II Residence District Regulations Article III Commercial District Regulations ... For zoning lots that are divided by zoning district boundary lines, floor area may be distributed within a zoning lot without regard to zoning district boundary lines. Zoning Data Tables R1–R3 Lower-Density Residence Districts R1–1 R1–2 R2 R2A R2X R3A R3X R3–1 R3–2 Single-family detached residences Two-family detached residences– – – – – Whenever a zoning lot is divided by a boundary between two or more districts and such zoning lot existed on December 15, 1961, or any applicable subsequent amendment thereto, the provisions of this Resolution may be applied to such zoning lot as set forth in subsequent Sections of this Chapter. R9X Zoning Code - New York City What is an R9X Zoning District? In R9 and R10 districts, as well as commercial districts with an R9 or R10 residential district equivalent, developers may choose to build pursuant to tower regulations, which allow a building to penetrate a sky exposure plane. 080100(A) ZRM. Commercial zoning refers to areas within the city where commercial activity takes place. NYC Zoning Resolution, Residence District Regulations, Section 25-23, “Requirements Where Group Parking Facilities Are Provided.” These include reductions for developments in predominantly built-up areas in R4 and R5 Districts and for quality housing buildings in R6 and R7-1 Districts. Basic R7 Zoning Districts. They also permit office buildings. R3A, R3X, R4A and R5A districts allow only detached single- and two-family residences.R3-1 and R4-1 districts permit both detached and semi-detached one- and two-family houses. These areas are characterized by bulkier buildings, a greater range of building heights and less automobile ownership than lower-density areas. Zoning Districts beginning with the Letter C are Commercial Zoning Districts. Posted On Thu, April 28, 2016 By Cait Etherington, , , , VIEW PHOTO IN GALLERY Posted … The building form is a product of the “tower-in-the-park” vision of urban planning popular in the 1950s. NYC Zoning Handbook: Special Zoning Techniques Chapter 10. These districts are meant to preserve a certain character and scale of the neighborhood. The taller heights permitted for height factor buildings, for example, cannot be combined with the higher lot coverage permitted for Quality Housing buildings. Open space is controlled by a lot coverage requirement. NYC Zoning Handbook: Commercial Districts: C6. R7-1 Zoning It's now easier to research zoning regulations, find your property's zoning, and discover neighborhood proposals and City Planning initiatives. A commercial overlay is a C1 or C2 district mapped within residential districts to serve local retail needs. All other zoning lots are subject to the use provisions of the underlying C5-3 District and the bulk provisions of an M1-4/R6B designated district, pursuant to the regulations of Article XII, Chapter 3 (Special Mixed Use District), as modified by Sections 117-00 through 117-22, inclusive. R8X districts are governed by Quality Housing bulk regulations. M1, M2 and M3 zones also allow most retail uses (although there are size limits on many) and hotels. R9A Zoning Code - New York City What is an R9A Zoning District? ZONING. regulations for the R4 district, for example, encompass R4-1, R4A and R4B districts, except where specific differences are noted. The numbers refer to the permitted density (R1 having the lowest density; R10 the highest) and certain other controls such as required parking. Brief explanations of terms in blue italics can be viewed by clicking on the term. 114-00. The mandatory Quality Housing regulations in R9A districts typically result in high lot coverage 14- to 15-story buildings set at or near the street line. Ground level setbacks in front of a building must be planted and parking spaces must be located in an underground garage or behind or to the side of a building – never in front of the building. NYC Zoning Handbook: Residence Districts Chapter 3. 5c 6a 6b. C6 districts are zoned for a wide range of high bulk commercial uses requiring a central location. 2020 All Rights Reserved, NYC is a trademark and service mark of the City of New York, A single-family detached residence in an R1-2 district in Fieldston, The Bronx, Moderate- and Higher-Density Residence Districts (R6-R10). 84-00. 2011 New York City Coastal Boundary. A zoning district is a residential, commercial or manufac­turing area of the city within which zoning regulations govern land use and building bulk. Instead, a building is not allowed to penetrate a sky exposure plane, which slopes inwards from a specified base height above the street line. City of New York. 9/25/78. 3/10/08. For example you can not develop a building that is closer to the street than the neighboring building. Unless otherwise stated, the regulations for each district apply to all subcategories within that district. Some zoning districts in NYC are Contextual Zoning Districts. GIS data: This data set consists of 6 classes of zoning features: zoning districts, special purpose districts, special purpose district subdistricts, limited height districts, commercial overlay districts, and zoning map amendments. Battery Park City District (BPC) Substantially modified. For example, R6 is the residential district equivalent of C4-2 and C4-3 districts. 12/28/73. These districts accommodate an extraordinary variety of residential building forms - ranging from the single-family homes set amid wide lawns on the city’s outskirts to the soaring towers of Manhattan. The NYC Zoning Map is split into three main zoning districts: Commercial (C) Residential (R) Manufacturing (M) Within each of these districts, low, medium, and high-density districts are mapped out. City of New York. Zoning districts may in turn be overlaid by one of the City’s 64 special purpose districts.The City Planning Commission has been designating special purpose districts since 1969 to achieve specific planning and urban design objectives in defined areas with unique characteristics. R7X is found in Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn , and Queens. Since 1989, R3, R4 and R5 districts with an A, B, D, X or 1 suffix have been created or revised as contextual districts to prevent the out-of-scale development that can blur distinctions among residence districts and alter the character of the city’s traditional low-rise neighborhoods. It is a contextual zone and must follow the regulations for the Quality Housing Program. Developing scenarios and proposals to add… The three basic districts are further divided into a range of lower-, medium- and higher-density residence, commercial and manufacturing districts to accommodate an extraordinary variety of building forms and permitted uses. All residence districts permit most community facilities, such as schools, houses of worship and medical facilities. Certain higher-density commercial districts mapped primarily in Manhattan are, in fact, substantially residential in character. Special Midtown Zoning Districts. Residence districts are the most common zoning districts in New York City, accounting for about 75 percent of the city’s zoned land area. The higher Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and permitted rear yard encroachment in R2X districts produce buildings with greater bulk than in any other single-family residence district. Creating district-level strategic plans; and 5. R2X districts allow large single-family detached houses on lots with a minimum width of 30 feet. Commercial Overlays Some information may not be visible at this zoom level. 91-23 Floor Area Increase for Provision of Recreation Space . Another 10 percent is vacant or occupied by parking or miscellaneous uses. Instead of a single floor area ratio for each district, higher floor area ratios are allowed for tall buildings on lots where large areas of open space can be provided. I know this is confusing NYC Zoning … C5 and C6 districts, central business districts that serve the city, the region and the nation, are mapped in Midtown, Lower Manhattan, Downtown Brooklyn and Long Island City. Learn more by visiting the tabs on the left, which summarize the regulations for each respective district and illustrate the typical building forms you are likely to see. Below I will list these districts and their corresponding underlying district. There are ten standard residence districts in New York City -- R1 through R10. The city is divided into three basic zoning districts: Residence (R), Commercial (C) and Manufacturing (M). In addition to the three main zoning district categories, plus the special purpose districts, as explained above, complementary tools have been added over time to address specific types of development or the design and quality of public spaces. In certain districts, the maximum permitted floor area ratio (FAR) for community facilities exceeds the maximum permitted FAR for residential uses in order to accommodate needed services, such as medical centers or schools. The NYC Zoning Resolution determines the allowable size and use of buildings, where they are located and the densities of the city's neighborhoods. Lower floor area ratios are allowed on smaller lots where less open space is possible. The City is divided into three basic zoning districts: Residential (R), Commercial (C), and Manufacturing (M), which are then further divided into low, medium, and high density districts. Most C6 districts are in Manhattan and provide for corporate headquarters, large hotels, entertainment facilities, retail stores and some residential development in mixed buildings. Residence districts are designated by the prefix R in the Zoning Resolution. R7-3 and R9-1 districts, where special bulk, height and setback provisions apply, may be mapped only within waterfront areas and certain special purpose districts. NYC Zoning is broken into different districts. Detached and semi-detached buildings typically accommodate either a single family or two families in separate dwelling units. All residential towers on wide streets in R9 and R10 districts, and C1 and C2 districts with an R9 or R10 residential district equivalent, must be built above a building base of between five and eight stories that is built at the street line. The District Plan includes the following maps in the Appendix to this Chapter. MAP(S) CP/ULURP NUMBER* CPC ADOPTION. Special floor area rules ensure that the height of the towers does not exceed approximately 35 stories. R1 and R2 districts allow only detached single-family residences. Developers must determine which of the two sets of regulations is more appropriate for any given site but cannot mix and match the two on the same zoning lot. In response to concerns of excessive tower height in predominantly residential areas, tower-on-a-base regulations were introduced in 1994. One example is R6A zoning. The higher maximum building height permitted in R8X districts typically produces 14- to 16-story apartment buildings, taller than permitted in R8A districts. permitted uses listed in one or more of 18 use groups; the size of the building in relation to the size of the zoning lot, known as the floor area ratio, commonly referred to as FAR; for residential uses, the number of dwelling units permitted, the amount of open space and plantings required on the zoning lot and the maximum amount of the lot that can be covered by a building; the distance between the building and the front, side and rear lot lines; the amount of required or permitted parking; and. Height limits, rules for the placement of the street wall of a building in relation to neighboring buildings, and rules governing the minimum and maximum height of a street wall are among the contextual regulations that promote the development of buildings that are compatible with their surroundings. (Lot area is exclusive of streets, which comprise about 21 percent of the city’s gross land area.). Attached buildings may house one, two or more families. The regulations for these new and revised districts aim to preserve neighborhood scale by reflecting bulk distinctions, building configurations and established lot sizes of many residential neighborhoods. Each zoning lot, regardless of its size, has a floor area ratio of 10.0. So if the neighbor building is 5 feet back from … ZoLa! R3-2, R4, R5, R5B and R5D districts are general residence districts that permit all housing types and are distinguished by differing bulk and density, height and setback, lot coverage or open space, and parking requirements. And, the new mixed use zoning districts allow housing! In general, the regulations allow moderately larger but lower buildings set at or near the street line, with more apartments than might be achievable under non-contextual regulations, as a way of encouraging the mid-rise apartment buildings that reflect the traditional scale of many neighborhoods. In districts limited to one- and two-family homes, however, certain facilities are not permitted or are restricted in size. Non-contextual districts are generally mapped where there is a diverse mix of building types and no predominant context. The city is divided into three basic zoning districts: Residence (R), Commercial (C) and Manufacturing (M). other features applicable to specific residence, commercial or manufacturing districts. Some lower-density neighborhoods are comprised entirely of single-family detached homes on large lots, others have one- and two-family detached homes on smaller lots, and still other neighborhoods have detached, semi-detached and attached buildings all mixed together. Map 1. R6, R7-1, R7-2, R8, R9 and R10 are non-contextual districts. This post will focused on R7X Contextual Zoning, here is a list of all the R7 Zoning Districts. The floor area ratio in R8X districts is 6.02. 2. Created in the 1980’s to promote high-quality housing harmonious with its neighbors, the Quality Housing Program was a response to concerns that height factor buildings were often out-of-scale with the surrounding neighborhood. The numbers refer to permitted bulk and density (with R1 having the lowest density and R10 the highest) and other controls such as required parking. Engaging communities and stakeholders to identify needs and priorities; 2. In addition, zero lot line buildings are permitted in R3A, R4-1, R4B, R5B and R5D districts. 4/30/08. Items accompanied by this symbol require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. Reviewing district data and space in buildings; 3. In general, the larger the size of the lot, the taller the building permitted. This polygon shapefile layer represents zones marked by the NYC Department of City Planning, Planning Coordination and Waterfront Division as Lower... New York (City). It is a subdistrict of R5 zoning. For example, some initiatives allow the modification of underlying regulations when developing large sites, while others fine-tune those same regulations to address lower-density areas or the particular challenges and opportunities at the water’s edge. Some R1, R2, R3, R4-1, R4A and C3A districts are designated as Lower Density Growth Management Areas (LDGMA), where residential developments are required to provide more parking spaces, larger yards and more open space. The Quality Housing bulk regulations allow higher lot coverage, and in many instances greater FAR in exchange for height limits that are often more compatible with the surrounding context. Because less open space is available for parking, slightly less parking is required than for height factor developments. To regulate such diversity, the Zoning Resolution designates 10 basic residence districts - R1 through R10. In non-contextual R6 through R10 districts, developers may choose the optional Quality Housing Program instead of height factor or tower regulations. All of the Quality Housing Program rules and regulations are mandatory in contextual R6 through R10 districts. Residences are permitted in all commercial districts except C7 and C8. R7-3 and R9-1 districts, where special bulk, height and setback provisions apply, may be mapped only within waterfront areas and certain special purpose districts. Therefore, the further a building is set back from the street line, the taller it can be. The program assigns a single floor area ratio to each district, and includes bulk regulations that typically produce buildings that are shorter and have higher lot coverage than height factor buildings. See another post we wrote for a complete list of Commercial Zoning Districts in NYC. For Example C5-2 and C6-9 are Commercial Zoning Districts. R10H, a district allowing transient hotels by special permit in addition to residential and community facility uses, is mapped only along Central Park South, and Fifth Avenue between East 59th and East 61st Streets in Manhattan. 2015. Although higher lot coverage and, often, greater FAR can be achieved in exchange for height limits, sometimes height factor regulations may be preferable because the surrounding blocks do not have a consistent character or because the views attainable by a taller building outweigh the advantages of greater bulk. 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