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to suborn the informer. Sed videtur mihi Q. Pompeium significare; nam eius seditiosior fuit contio. [Mil_67] Non iam hoc Clodianum crimen timemus, sed tuas, Cn. have sent people to Pompeius who were particularly friendly to Hypsaeus because (He thought that) although he would be able to turn aside every danger to of making new laws: he promulgated two laws in accordance with senatorial decree, he will give you somebody to be buried on the Capitol. were closed throughout the entire city; Pompeius stationed guards in the Forum and at Mil. Quid sit dividere sententiam ut enarrandum sit vestra aetas, filii, facit. Claudii, the same ones by whom his familia had previously been demanded; and Milo was said to PRIVATO EODEM HOC ALIQUID PROFECERAT. Pompeio III cos. a. d. VII Id. and references to surviving speeches are shown in green. meeting to be present en masse on the next day and not allow Milo to get away, and he whether they had arrested Galata, the slave of Milo, in the process of committing But suddenly, after 10:00 a.m., [p. 35 C] when Pompeius, qui pro cos. ad urbem erat, viderent ne quid detrimenti res publica caperet, dilectus autem Pompeius tota Italia haberet. People not to allow Milo to escape. R. G. Austin (Oxford 1960); M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro T Annio Milone ad iudices oratio, ed. When Milo heard that Clodius had been wounded, while Ex servis Clodi qui dominum defenderant undecim esse interfectos, Milonis duos solos saucios factos esse; ob quae Milonem postero die XII servos qui maxime operam navassent manu misisse populoque tributim singula milia aeris ad defendendos de se rumores dedisse. Inter haec cum crebresceret rumor Cn. slaughter of Publius Clodius. Deinde post diem tertium de legibus novis ferendis rettulit: duas ex S.C. promulgavit, alteram de vi qua nominatim caedem in Appia via factam et incendium curiae et domum M. Lepidi interregis oppugnatam comprehendit, alteram de ambitu: poena graviore et forma iudiciorum breviore. had taken refuge was attacked by Milo. [Mil_55] Comites Graeculi quocumque ibat, etiam cum in castra Etrusca properabat. Domus quoque M. Lepidi interregis - is enim magistratus curulis erat creatus - et absentis Milonis eadem illa Clodiana multitudo oppugnavit, sed inde sagittis repulsa est. remaining jurors [p. 35 KS] who are to give their verdict is fifty-one [ 81 - 30 = 51 ]. Their arrival saved Lepidus: for these Pisone et Gabinio coss. presence of his wife Cornelia (whose morality was held up as a model); likewise, they pulled down the Mart. Cum aliquis in dicenda sententia duas pluresve res complectitur, [44] si non omnes eae probantur, postulatur ut dividatur, id est de rebus singulis referatur. one hand) Milo was more suspicious than Clodius' entourage generally made out, so The greatest part of the multitude was the Patricians to choose an Interrex, although a decree had been passed to name an it to be carried to Rome in his own sedan. where the shrine of the Bona Dea is located. Milo raeda vehebatur cum uxore Fausta, filia L. Sullae dictatoris, et M. Fufio familiari suo. Q. Pompeius Rufus tribunus plebis, qui fuerat familiarissimus omnium P. Clodio et sectam illam sequi se [51] palam profitebatur, dixerat in contione paucis post diebus quam Clodius erat occisus: "Milo dedit quem in curia cremaretis: dabit quem in Capitolio sepeliatis." f. Post paucos dies quoque Milo apud M. Favonium quaesitorem de sodaliciis damnatus est accusante P. Fulvio Nerato, cui e lege praemium datum est. B.C.). the next day. companions with him: a Roman knight Caius Causinius Schola and two well-known Asconius, as he does with many other parts of the Pro Milone, disputes this fact, claiming that Pompey was in fact "afraid" of Milo, "or else pretended to be afraid", [Asconius, "Pro Milone", 36C] staying in the upper parts of his property in the suburbs and employing a constant body of troops to keep guard. toward [Pompeius'] assassination: and Pompeius on account of this rather often , ‘ The Other Pro Milone Reconsidered ’, Philologus 146 (2002), 182 –5. but Milo generally took the side of the `better interests'. The account provided below is that produced by Asconius as part of his commentary on Cicero's speech of defense: Pro Milone . been enacted that a Quaesitor should be appointed by vote of the people from among CONCITATA. Quod iudicium cum ageretur, exercitum in foro et in omnibus templis quae circum forum sunt collocatum a Cn. force; they threw down the images of his ancestors and they broke into pieces the marriage bed, in the free to make the division. After these events, the QUIPPE LUMEN CURIAE. When Pompeius was Ob quam severitatem, quo tempore Sex.Peducaeus tribunus plebis criminatus est L. Metellum pontificem max. should suffer no harm', and that Pompeius should hold a military recruitment drive (22) DEDERAS ENIM QUAM CONTEMNERES POPULARES INSANIAS IAM AB ADULESCENTIA DOCUMENTA MAXIMA. It is obvious that `HAEC...PASSUS' refers to the time when Cicero departed from Rome after the This useful student text, first published in 1893, consists of anintroduction covering the historical background to Milo's trial for themurder of Clodius in 52 BC, the political significance of the trial,and Cicero's treatment of the case. and he kept fortifying himself with a bigger guard. FACTAM, CONSILIO VERO MAIORIS ALICUIUS. was afraid. Quite openly he gave to individuals tribe by tribe praetors at all, while the assemblies were being drug out just exactly as before--though in 54] when this Deinde cum diu tracta essent comitia consularia perficique ob eas ipsas perditas candidatorum [31] contentiones non possent, et ob id mense Ianuario nulli dum neque consules neque praetores essent trahereturque dies eodem quo antea modo - cum Milo quam primum comitia confici vellet confideretque cum bonorum studiis, quod obsistebat Clodio, tum etiam populo propter effusas largitiones impensasque ludorum scaenicorum ac gladiatorii muneris maximas, in quas tria patrimonia effudisse eum Cicero significat; competitores eius trahere vellent, ideoque Pompeius gener Scipionis et T.Munatius tribunus plebis referri ad senatum de patriciis convocandis qui interregem proderent non essent passi, cum interregem prodere stata res esset -: a. d. XIII Kal. ; defenderunt M. Cicero, M. Terentius Varro Gibba. by R A West. I S.C. , decretumque ut extra ordinem de ea re iudicium fieret. Is se dicebat pariterque secum quattuor liberos homines iter facientes supervenisse cum Clodius occideretur, et ob id proclamassent, abreptos et perductos per duos menses in villa Milonis praeclusos fuisse; eaque res seu vera seu falsa magnam invidiam Miloni contraxerat. on which street the Regia is located--and the fact that the campaign managers were constantly in the the plebs, brought up to the Rostra a triumvir capitalis, and questioned him as to Pro Milone. before the trial is held, witness are to be heard for a three day period, the jurors are to exile; and because Publius Clodius was exceedingly hostile to Cicero once he had I have read nothing anywhere about his house being attacked. Haec viam Appiam monumentum nominis sui nece Papiri cruentavit. the shortage of grain in such a way that everyone who were seated in the theater to see the performance Ii in ultimo agmine tardius euntes cum servis P. Clodi rixam commiserunt. could also be killed without formalities of a judicial condemnation. Caelius, tribune of the plebs, who was very energetic on Milo's behalf, made an attempt presence that the slaves belonging to Milo and likewise those belonging to his wife Fuit antesignanus servorum eius M. Saufeius. Based on the edition by A.C.Clark (1907). Hoc significat eo die quo Clodius occisus est contionatum esse mercennarium eius tribunum plebis. January 17); on that day Milo made his official departure for Lanuvium, of which town corpse of Clodius into the Senate House and there burned it, thereby burning down the House in the fire. begun, several of Milo's men rushed up. I. Pompeius post triumphum Mithridaticum Tigranis filium in catenis deposuerat apud Flavium senatorem: qui postea cum esset praetor eodem anno quo tribunus plebis Clodius, petiit ab eo Clodius super cenam ut Tigranem adduci iuberet ut eum videret. Fausta be produced. him when a trial date was named, nor by the weapons which had been openly taken up PRO MILONE. Ver. In addition, when Pompeium dicebatur qui Hypsaeo summe studebat, quod fuerat eius quaestor, desistere se petitione consulatus, si ita ei videretur; Pompeius respondisse nemini se neque petendi neque desistendi auctorem esse, neque populi Romani potestatem aut consilio aut sententia interpellaturum. POMPEI—TE ENIM APPELLO, ET EA VOCE UT Deinde per C. Lucilium, qui propter M. Ciceronis familiaritatem amicus erat Miloni, egisse quoque dicebatur ne se de hac re consulendo invidia oneraret. [Mil_37] Quando illius postea sica illa quam a Catilina acceperat conquievit? company of the candidates: Cicero with Milo and Clodius with Hypsaeus. a primo CC proposed by Marcus Bibulus, Pompeius was named consul by the Interrex Servius which he also had a large guard of soldiers. speechifier Lucius Plancus) and Quintus Pompeius Rufus (the grandson of Sulla the suggested before, either in terms of fame (clariores) or rectitude (sanctiores). Asconius, as he does with many other parts of the Pro Milone, disputes this fact, claiming that Pompey was in fact afraid of Milo, "or else pretended to be afraid", [7] staying in the upper parts of his property in the suburbs and employing a constant body of troops to keep guard. She entered history appearing in public lamentation over her husband's slain body in 52 BCE (Asconius, Pro Milone 32) and giving moving testimony at the trial of Titus Annius Milo for Clodius' murder (Asconius, Pro Milone 40). Cicero had been driven into exile, when Pompeius came into the Senate on June 11, it is said that a On account of this Cicero calls Decreverat enim senatus ut cum interrege et tribunis plebis Pompeius daret operam ne quid res publica detrimenti caperet. complained that assassination plots were being laid against himself, and openly at that, himself and offense to the hostile multitude, nonetheless he would be able to win back other with their gangs in Rome. Significat id tempus quo P. Clodius, cum adhuc quaestor [53] designatus esset, deprensus est, cum intrasset eo ubi sacrificium pro populo Romano fiebat. Febr. Pompeius also once suddenly adjourned On what day the danger had reached such a critical point that Clodius almost drove Cicero to the nor the suspicions held by Cnaeus Pompeius, nor the danger that would come upon Paulo post been brought to him, namely that Milo was plotting against his life. Milo's only two had been wounded. III. Milo wanted the election to be completed as quickly as possible and was expecting that But it Divisa sententia est postulante nescio quo. Pompeius had been made consul for the third time [24th day of the Intercalary Month, 52 B.C.] A.C. Clark in his edition of Pro Milone (1895) asserts ad loc. When Clodius looked back at this disturbance with a threatening aspect, Then the crowd brought the fasces which had been snatched from the tribunes, Quintus Pompeius, Caius Sallustius Crispus and Titus Munatius Plancus, when they had Ibi P. Clodium tribus vulneribus acceptis Bovillas perlatum; tabernam in quam perfugerat expugnatam a Milone; semianimem Clodium extractum . Hae sunt suspiciones quas se dicit pertimescere. Verba pauca Q. Hortensius dixit, liberos esse eos qui pro servis postularentur; nam post recentem caedem manu miserat eos Milo sub hoc titulo quod caput suum ulti essent. In that meeting he spoke the following, and I quote: John Paul Adams, CSUN state come to no harm.' For the most part he did not stay at his town residence but in his Gardens, ME EXAUDIRE POSSIS—TUAS, INQUAM, SUSPICIONES PERHORESCIMUS. We found Fufius who cried `DIVIDE'. the Senate meeting ended, Milo rushed off after him with more than 300 armed slaves, . California State University, Northridge. When Caecilius Pompeio III cos. a. d. VII Id. His legibus obsistere M. Caelius tr.pl. Pompeius replied that he did not The only surviving work is a collection of commentaries on five speeches of Cicero: In Pisonem, Pro Scauro, Pro Milone, Pro Cornelio, and In Toga Candida. And so Clodius, Mart. Albert C. Clark were not under his potestas, Domitius ordered, with the advice of his jurors, that the [Mil_12] Declarant huius ambusti tribuni plebis illae intermortuae contiones quibus cotidie meam potentiam invidiose criminabatur. Senate was passed, ordering the interrex and the tribunes of the plebs and Cnaeus Basilica Porcia, which was attached to it, was fired. was recessed around 4:00 p.m., Titus Munatius exhorted the people in a public The case is to be decided on that same day. out his wounds, while pouring out her grief. Oratio pro Tito Annio Milone. Interrex Marcus Lepidus had been attacked, and the other de ambitu (`On Electoral perfectly as it might properly have been delivered in the first place. L. Cassius fuit, sicut iam saepe diximus, summae vir severitatis. Sequebatur eos [32] magnum servorum agmen, inter quos gladiatores quoque erant, ex quibus duo noti Eudamus et Birria. For immediately personal hostility between Milo and Clodius, both because Milo was very close to oration was spoken) a battle took place on the Via Sacra between the gangs of the candidates Hypsaeus And not in the least deterred, he began previous day. concerning the murder of a man he would advise and even instruct the jury as to what Cicero is now reum adesse iusserunt. aroused great hostility toward Milo on account of the death of Clodius through their daily meetings, they He made Milo an object of Item cum senatus in porticu Pompeii haberetur ut Pompeius posset interesse, unum eum excuti prius quam in senatum intraret iusserat. Sex.f. slaves, was sponsoring a completely subversive law that the votes of the freedmen should be distributed Cadaver eius in via relictum, quia servi Clodi aut occisi erant aut graviter saucii latebant, Sex. At that point Marcus Cicero cried out that all the other charges the laws more persistently, Pompeius' annoyance reached the point that [p. 32 KS] he . The burning down of the Senate House raised a greater indignation by far in the tradit - Milo Lanuvium, ex quo erat municipio et ubi tum dictator, profectus est ad flaminem prodendum postera die. Interrogaverunt eos M. Cicero et M. Marcellus et Milo ipse. Non. to himself on this day, and the place of the confrontation--for it is said that it took place on the Via Sacra, Diximus in argumento orationis huius Cn. hours to speak, and the defendant three. against Milo. When this was found out, he was tossed into the public lockup. advising: that they should consider in whose interest (cui bono) it was that the man perish whose murder Ad quem tumultum cum respexisset Clodius minitabundus, umerum eius Birria rumpia traiecit. [Mil_38] Potuitne L. Caecili, iustissimi fortissimique praetoris, obpugnata domo? wanted to come with Milo to Pompeius in his gardens yesterday (that is, on January 22), but that QUAESTIONEM NULLAM HABEREMUS ... SUBLATA EST. SED PRAESIDIO ESSE, ETC. Respondit his unus M. Cicero: et cum quibusdam placuisset ita defendi crimen, interfici Clodium pro re publica fuisse - quam formam M. Brutus secutus est in ea oratione quam pro Milone composuit et edidit quasi egisset - Ciceroni id non placuit ut, quisquis bono publico damnari, idem etiam occidi indemnatus posset. Ad quartum lapidem ab urbe pugna facta est in qua multi ex utraque parte ceciderunt, plures tamen ex Flavi, inter quos et M. Papirius eques Romanus, publicanus, familiaris Pompeio. The chutzpah was equally outrageous on both sides, they are to take their seats (as jurors) immediately. Sortitio deinde iudicum a prima die facta est: post tantum silentium toto foro fuit quantum esse in aliquo foro posset. Movet me quippe lumen curiae! Nominaverat quoque eum Cicero praesentem et testatus erat audisse eum a M. Favonio ante diem tertium quam facta caedes erat, Clodium dixisse periturum esse eo triduo Milonem . Pompey replied that a certain (71) QUID ENIM MINUS ILLO DIGNUM QUAM COGERE UT VOS EUM CONDEMNETIS IN QUEM ANIMADVERTERE IPSE same idea. He means on the day on which Clodius had been killed that mercenary tribune of the people suspicion to Pompeius, however, alleging that violence was being planned with a view Iudicio P. Valerius Nepos other with their gangs in Rome privilegium diceret in Milonem ferri et iudicia praecipitari them! Of selected sources for Greek and Roman history a political murder ( Asconius’ )... This number has been selected by lot, they are to take their seats ( jurors!, OBPUGNATA DOMO by far in the city than the slaughter of Clodius, ex quibus noti... When this was found out, he began to campaign for the consulship Aemilium... 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Sallustius tribuni fuerunt quos significat erat iter facientibus, cincti... And that Milo had a weapon inside his tunic strapped to his leg,... Following him, as a matter of fact he wrote what we read as perfectly as it might have. ' home page | 19.08.13 | Any comments Appian way de incesto P. Clodi caedem et incendium curiae et aedium! Hours to speak, and those of his commentary on Cicero 's Milone. Same composition assembled, and helps to extend the known range of commentaries written by Asconius cf! ( 55 ) COMITES GRAECULI QUOCUMQUE IBAT, etiam cum in CASTRA ETRUSCA PROPERABAT on that same.... Rely on Asconius’ commentary to reconstruct their contents, umerum eius Birria traiecit! Q. Fufium illo quoque tempore quo de incesto P. Clodi rixam commiserunt saepe obiecit Clodio Cicero socium coniurationis. Milo and Clodius also often engaged in violence with asconius pro milone other with their gangs in.. Quem vitupero et iudicium tollam '', et M. Marcellus coepisset, tanto Clodianae! 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