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/Span<>> BDC /Span<>> BDC 22. /T1_4 1 Tf 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td EMC 81. Years of life and reign of Genghis Khan. [(\223H)23 (earing 2009,)80 (\224 p. -2.118 -1.529 Td [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ [(\223H)23 (earing 2009,)80 (\224 p. )]TJ ( )Tj ( p. ( )Tj )Tj Later, of course, I had nightmares, and to this day I fear that someone is pointing a gun at me when Im walking in open places., And recently, my boyfriend wanted me to go to a shooting range with him because its a sport he enjoys, and although I was hesitant, I thought, Well, its been a long time, Ill probably be OK. And I sat there as he shot the silhouette, but he had to stop because I started frantically crying. The number of shots fired and the number of vital hits speaks of incredibly accurate, directed shooting, and these were moving targets.. 0.355 Tw /Span<>> BDC HtyTY Q" }]iwQQ*=L`:i_L{NSTw)k+CZ"Rhtn ( )Tj 0.002 Tc 0.176 Tw /Span<>> BDC ( )Tj adobe:docid:indd:dd4a55d2-0e77-11de-96a0-c0933d61f99d )]TJ EMC Successive parole hearings have heard powerful testimony from those who say their lives were permanently scarred by Spencer. EMC Only in San Diego, the city where the tragedy happened to spare the feelings of local residents, the song was banned for several years. Her next parole hearing will happen no later than 9th September 2022. A neighbor once said when she tried to be friends with Brenda at age 5 Brenda ripped the doll of the neighbor's head off. 0.298 Tw /Span<>> BDC Its entirely possible I said that, Spencer told the parole board. EMC Police later found half empty alcohol bottles throughout the house. )Tj EMC (70)Tj EMC 0 Tc 0 Tw 8.5 0 0 8.5 336 453.5 Tm On January 29, 1979, Cam Miller, a 9-year-old student who was waiting for the principal to open the gate to Grover Cleveland Elementary, was injured by a gunshot, along with eight other innocent children. Block 10A, Row 2, Space 46. EMC /T1_4 1 Tf /T1_4 1 Tf (92)Tj 0.02 Tw /Span<>> BDC /T1_3 1 Tf I was shooting into the parking lot.. Despite what former District Attorney Richard Sachs said on the episode of Deadly Women, Spencer's rampage was not "the country's, if not the world's first school shooting case before 1979." They cite the considerable progress she has made in rehabilitating herself in prison. Supporters, though, say she would not have shot anyone if her emotional problems had been addressed. She was so young and ruined her life so quickly. [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ And she began to fire. 25\22626. Psychologist Jonathan Fast introduces the idea that her brain injury, abuse, and the effects of it pushed her to her final actions. An epidemic of gun crime has shocked America, particularly with school massacres at Columbine (in 1999, 13 dead) and Sandy Hook (in 2012, 26 dead). She injured eight children. ( )Tj Brenda Spencer is considered the mother of schoolyard shootings like Columbine and Newton. She shot eight children, and she shot a responding police officer, Robert Robb, in the neck. Im a little more grateful for my normal Mondays now! 6. ( )Tj (73)Tj /T1_3 1 Tf Going to school should be a safe place and not a place to fear. [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ -0.06 Tc 0.479 Tw /Span<>> BDC In late January 1979, Brenda Spencer killed two adults and injured eight children and one adult because of her hate for Mondays. ( )Tj xmp.did:84468427512268118C14E112F7938AD6 ( )Tj )Tj FBI profiler Candice DeLong says doll mutilation is something that has been observed in children and teenagers who latter become killers or stalkers. Brenda pled guilty to two counts of murder and assault with a deadly weapon. Tom Leonard for the Daily Mail Conviction *JHRD%G'6F':,2CSIxV+KH77XdKtdJ'Z^NUhd~/Hy6D+)r( E(jJQn456Tj EoS)5D):IBgdVVWN/#/Cq:~(x{:xhaeB+:?b#{?LSAOk;HDFfMF>479.%1$kvgY 0 Tc 0.76 Tw /Span<>> BDC Mary Rintoul aged nine when she was shot in the attack has mixed feelings about letting her out. 84. She didnt realise she was shooting at schoolchildren, mistaking them for birds. 0.38 Tw /Span<>> BDC [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ Spencer remains in prison despite parole hearings. /T1_3 1 Tf That summer, Spencer, who was known to hunt birds in the neighborhood, was arrested for shooting out the windows of Grover Cleveland Elementary with a BB gun and for burglary. EMC The pain these children must have felt is unforgivable. She had submitted a written statement in which she alleged that her father had begun fondling her when she was 9 and had sexually assaulted her virtually every night. [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ The parole board chairman said that as she had not previously told any prison staff about the allegations, he doubted whether they were true. Her father left home for work around 7 oclock in the morning. EMC I did not know about this case. Wallace Spencer got married to a woman younger than Spencer and had a daughter. She wrote to me saying she was glad shed done it because Id made her famous, Geldof said years later. )]TJ EMC EMC /T1_4 1 Tf /T1_5 1 Tf The perks of Golden Girl membership include a front-line pass for meals and medication and access to a specific dining room closest to the members cell. [(\223H)23 (earing 2009,)80 (\224 pp. Principal Burton Wragg heard the shooting and ran out to get the children out of harms way, and the inmate shot him in the chest and killed him. Although it did not make the Top 40 in the U.S., it still received extensive radio airplay (outside of the San Diego area) despite the Spencer family's efforts to prevent it. School custodian Michael Suchar ran out in an attempt to pull the still-alive Wragg to safety. The Brenda Spencer Murder Case, which was published in 2012, and is the single best source I am aware of regarding Spencer. A teenage friend indicated it had been a planned attack, telling police that, days beforehand, Spencer warned him she was planning to do something that would get on TV on Monday. 75. Her ashes are to be buried at a later date. Spencer has tried to garner sympathy by stating that her father beat and sexually abused her. One survivor of the 1979 shooting described herself as "shocked, saddened, horrified" by the eerie similarities to their own traumatic experience. [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ -2.118 -1.529 Td Yet she wonders whether Spencer could ever adapt to the outside world and if she will snap again. January 29, 1979 (MD)Tj As she continued shooting, SWAT officers surrounded the house and evacuated the school from the rear. The court sentenced her to life in prison with a possibility of parole after 25 years. /Span<>> BDC Youre shooting these people as they become targets, and yet you told me that you didnt intend to hit anyone.. It would have been the drugs and the alcohol talking., The commissioner quoted the police negotiators report, which said she had told him, It was fun to watch the children that had red and blue ski jackets on, as they made perfect targets. The negotiator added that she told him she liked to watch them squirm around after they had been shot.. 26. [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ EMC EMC /Span<>> BDC The crime was committed in front of numerous witnesses, so the girl admitted her guilt. Only after this time, she voluntarily surrendered to the hands of justice. /T1_4 1 Tf A nine-year-old student, Cam Miller, was struck in the back with a bullet that exited through his chest without hitting any internal organs. At various parole hearings since the first in 1993, she has blamed her father and also the influence of drugs for the shooting. EMC [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ Trivia (3) On January 29, 1979, sixteen year old Brenda Spencer pointed her .22 caliber semi-automatic rifle that she had received as a Christmas present from her father out her bedroom window to San Diego's Grover Cleveland Elementary School across the street. /T1_4 1 Tf EMC -2.118 -1.529 Td After her parents separated, she lived with her father, Wallace Spencer, in virtual poverty. (65)Tj adobe:docid:indd:dd4a55d2-0e77-11de-96a0-c0933d61f99d !4!r`8} @~Ohb&54"bpW8I> EMC Being from San Diego, California this article sparked my interest. [(\223H)23 (earing 1994, p. And apparently you two slept in the same bed?. /T1_5 1 Tf ( )Tj Brenda also gets two mattresses and pillows, three blankets and is the priority for the coveted bottom bunk. [(\223H)23 (earing 2009,)80 (\224 p. I dont remember aiming at anybody, Spencer insisted. His crimes and conviction detailed, How did Charles Stanley Gifford die? /T1_4 1 Tf -2.118 -1.529 Td Motive 2016-02-11T19:23:05-05:00 EMC Ive seen first hand how these tragedies affect a community. For all his ex-clients notoriety, Michael McGlinn insists the day she is released is getting close. (91)Tj -0.196 Tw /Span<>> BDC A comment so flippant, sarcastic and callous as "I don't like Mondays" as a motivation for shooting up a school tells FBI profiler Candice DeLong that Brenda Spencer was not mentally ill at the time of the shooting and knew what she was doing. EMC Brenda Ann Spencer, now 56, has spent the last 40 years in prison at the California Institution for Women. 12.894 0 Td EMC In 2001 Brenda accused her father of having drunkenly subjected her to beatings and sexual abuse. Adobe PDF Library 15.0 ( )Tj -2.118 -1.529 Td [( p. 207)70 (. /T1_4 1 Tf ( p. EMC (69)Tj /T1_4 1 Tf Her behaviour including telling a friend she wanted to kill someone, probably a police officer became increasingly disturbing. For what was awarded the Ushakov Medal, The world's first constitution: from Sparta to the US, Platinum hair color: shades, staining, care tips, Canon IXUS 155: user reviews and main features, Conquest of Genghis Khan. We were all very upset and shocked on the way to the hospital, because no one would tell us Michaels condition. The tragedy happened on Monday, so the killer ended her speech with the phrase: "I just do not like Mondays". [(C)11 (opyright )]TJ 0.46 Tw /Span<>> BDC The victims are not only those killed, but the survivors who live the tragedy for the rest of their lives.. In 2005, a San Diego deputy district attorney cited an incident of self-harm from four years earlier when Spencer's girlfriend was released from jail, as showing that she was psychotic and unfit to be released. /T1_4 1 Tf She said the psychiatrist had recommended she be hospitalized as a danger to herself and to others. The commissioner asked if she remembered the police coming, and she said she did. (82)Tj 0.476 Tw /Span<>> BDC -2.118 -1.529 Td Grover Cleveland Elementary School, San Diego, CA The shooting has inspired a song by the Boomtown Rats called I Dont Like Mondays, and has also gained other media coverage through a documentary.8 Her action went down in history as the first high profile school shooting and has become a vanguard to many future, unimaginable school situations and violent outbreaks. Spencer has also stated in a letter from prison that she experiences grand mal seizures that she has to counteract with medications.5 Such a brain injury would definitely be a precursor to epilepsy, which is two to four times more common among violent offenders than the public.6 The lack of treatment she received for this disease, to some, proves the neglect that she experienced from her family and in her childhood. The cellmate looked so much like Spencer, even local police officers believed Brenda had been released early from prison. EMC As of December2015, she has been unsuccessful at four parole board hearings. /Span<>> BDC [You] put your gun down, the commissioner observed. -2.118 -1.529 Td /Span<>> BDC )Tj 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td / )]TJ Brenda Ann Spencer (born in San Diego, California on April 3, 1962) is a convicted American murderer who performed a deadly shooting spree, during which she killed two people at the Cleveland Elementary School in San Diego on January 29, 1979. /T1_3 1 Tf 42. 2 dead9 wounded 0.237 Tw /Span<>> BDC /T1_5 1 Tf Full name is Brenda Ann Spencer. -2.118 -1.529 Td /T1_3 1 Tf Dorothy who goes by Dot recounts Brenda as a child who was "very active, always happy, a good child, well behaved, [and] never had any problems in school" (Dower, 2016). [( pp. They still speak of hearing the gurgle in Mr. Wragg as he lay there dying If such evil can occur in such a benign and tranquil setting, then it can happen anywhere and probably will.. EMC Former student /T1_5 1 Tf [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ We don't have much information about She's past relationship and any previous engaged. EMC Pathology He informed the board that on the Saturday before the shooting Spencer had told another teen that something big was going to happen on Monday that would be on TV and radio. Mikhail Andreevich Osorgin: Biography and Creativity, Sovereign of all Russia Ivan 3: biography, years of government, Prince Potemkin: biography, photo, the activities of Prince Potemkin-Taurian, Ushakov's medals. It can show a rage against the owner of the doll. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "School Shooter Brenda Spencer Denied Parole", "Urban Legends Reference Pages: Music (I Don't Like Mondays)",, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ 35 years later, Brenda Ann Spencer, who killed two and wounded eight, faced her victims in a parole hearing. EMC ( )Tj Brenda Spencer was born April 3rd, 1962 to her mother and father, Dorothy and Wallace Spencer. It didnt upset you that they seemed to have happier lives?, No, she said. [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ ( p. Olive oil for frying and salads. /T1_4 1 Tf The woman eventually left. Brenda Spencer excuse was that she had been abused by her father, yet i dont believe that is a true motive as there are hundreds of other victims and not all of them end up shooting elementary schools. /T1_3 1 Tf A hunting enthusiast, he had enough ammunition in the house for a small army, according to one of his daughters classmates. 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td Incarcerated [(H)23 (are, )]TJ He was an antisocial loner who lived in poverty in a house strewn with empty beer and whisky bottles. [(Scho)-5 (ol Sho)-5 (oters: Und)-4.9 (erstanding H)23 (igh Scho)-5 (ol, College, )]TJ She said she had been under the influence of alcohol, pot, and downers. The 2008 book Ceremonial Violence: A Psychological Explanation of School Shootings, by Jonathan Fast, analyzes the Cleveland Elementary shooting and four other cases from a psychological perspective. 46. 0 Tc 0 Tw 0.471 0 Td (157 cm) and had bright red hair. (76)Tj She is now 51 and will no doubt hear of more school shootings and ask herself if they got the idea from what she did on that long ago Monday. (86)Tj %PDF-1.7 % She has said she also does not recall telling a cop, It was a lot of fun seeing children shot.. /T1_3 1 Tf EMC Brenda Spencer /T1_4 1 Tf /T1_4 1 Tf (61)Tj 89. For two murders and an attack with firearms, she was sentenced to life imprisonment. 0.419 Tw /Span<>> BDC )]TJ Brenda Ann Spencer. The 1999 book Babyface Killers: Horrifying True Stories of America's Youngest Murderers, authored by Clifford L. Linedecker dedicates the book's prologue to Spencer and refers to her crimes in multiple chapters. ( )Tj Do you have any idea why youd go out of your way to harm so many innocent people? the commissioner asked, I didnt consider that other people would get hurt, she said. /T1_4 1 Tf ( p. Discover Brenda Spencer's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career updates. -0.04 Tc 0.496 Tw /Span<>> BDC He was particularly struck by Spencer's claim that she did it because she did not like Mondays, and began writing a song about it, also incorporating the reporters' "Tell me why?," called "I Don't Like Mondays". Brenda Spencer /T1_4 1 Tf The perfect crime has no motive, people have paid with their lives only for the sake of fun bored girl. She described the shooter, a sixteen year old, and the shooters address. The girl herself from an early age was interested in weapons and everything connected with him. /T1_4 1 Tf She had a parole hearing in September 2021, but she waived the hearing for one in 2022. ( )Tj -2.118 -1.529 Td /T1_4 1 Tf The commissioner inquired how many rounds she had fired, and she said she did not recall. I understand that she was not mentally stable but killing innocent people is not justifiable. . /T1_4 1 Tf Brenda Spencer (Brenda Ann Spencer) was born on 3 April, 1962 in San Diego, California, is a School shooting in San Diego, California (USA). A teacher had called for her to duck. EMC ( )Tj Brenda Spencer's net worth Brenda Spencer, the culprit of this shooting, in case her second statement was true, she should not have opened fire to that school, she should have called the police directly. [(\223H)23 (earing 2009,)80 (\224 pp. [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ The total number of shots from the murderer's window was 36. After firing 30-36 rounds of ammunition, Spencer barricaded herself inside her home for nearly seven hours. /T1_3 1 Tf She can only ask for pardon after 25 years in prison. This article brings to light the issue of gun control. 0 Tw T* )Tj /T1_5 1 Tf ( )Tj /T1_0 1 Tf [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ Nothing was different for Brenda Ann Spencer; she was one of the girls who typically hated )]TJ EMC From 2005 to 2017, it housed the Magnolia Science Academy, a public charter middle school serving students in grades 68. Most can agree with former FBI profiler Candice DeLong's remarks that Brenda's father bears responsibility for what happened that day by buying her the gun. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. The murderer was tried as an adult. Three shots rang out. Eight schoolchildren and a policeman who ran into the shots were injured. She is from California. /Span<>> BDC Now, however, Spencers freedom may be in sight. Any inmate over 55 years can join the club, which offers its members special privileges. 1)40.1 (3, 14. /T1_4 1 Tf )]TJ Actor Two were killed, including the head teacher, Burton Wragg, who ran outside and was hit as he tried to help injured children, and the school caretaker, who had tried to rescue the head. 0.007 Tc -0.126 Tw /Span<>> BDC 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td She resembled Brenda. Almost a year after receiving the semi-automatic weapons of the 22nd caliber, namely on January 9, 1979, shooting took place in the school, which took the lives of several people. 78. A)39.7 (vail)]TJ My name is Crystal Hardy, one began. /T1_4 1 Tf The history of the shooting of schoolchildren was widely publicized and inspired by the Irish musician Bob Geldof to create the song "I do not like Mondays". By chance, one of the numbers he called was answered by Spencer herself. The diminutive 16-year-old with bright red hair then armed herself with the .22 rifle and telescopic sight that her father, Wally, had given her for Christmas and started firing shots from a window. In a prison two-and-a-half hours from the scene of the UCSB murders sits the killer who started it all, with the first high-profile school shooting more than three decades ago. /T1_3 1 Tf I dont think the shooting should have been the choice at all, she could have gone to her mom if she had some problems. /T1_5 1 Tf /T1_3 1 Tf ( )Tj /T1_4 1 Tf EMC Her life and career after prison. That had been just before Christmas. [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ My dad told them that nothing was wrong with me and everything was fine, and leave us alone, she recalled. It also be projection, a signal that she's being abused at home by someone. In another letter she wrote in prison, she stated that her father had done everything a person could do to another person. /Span<>> BDC [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ 0.297 Tw /Span<>> BDC As of May 2020, she remains in prison. 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td I feel Im partially liven up the day. Adobe InDesign CC 2015 (Macintosh) 366. This was a horrible event that resulted in two lives lost I have never heard of this case before this article. [(WWW)55 (.SCHOOLSHOOTERS.INFO)]TJ The sighs floating in the air are palpable and nothing seems possible. )Tj /Span<>> BDC [(M)31 (urd)-5 (er C)30 (ase,)]TJ "I don't like Mondays"Possible depression A)40 (vailable at )]TJ )]TJ BT She often spent her time copying out the lyrics of violent punk songs. 8.4751 0 0 8.5 318 581.5 Tm 58tba4u0)^[=0Ue[]Z|_x-~uIwc|64gk{x6%-m>4K;m/e_9*W>^>iL]&S>SzL^eAyC8qk#;+LGOOO,drP n7a S)f They made me numb so I didnt feel anything, she said. Michael Suchar, age 56, school custodian, went to the aid of Mr. Wragg and was also shot., Youre shooting people as they come to the aid of others, he said. The San Diego District Attorneys Office sent a representative to the hearing. representative added that Spencer had complained to the police negotiator that the custodian had tried to get everybody off the school grounds. 0 Tw (-)Tj /T1_4 1 Tf /T1_4 1 Tf There didnt seem much I or the rest of the family could do to help her., He went on to say that his father had gotten out alive from some rough times in the Pacific during World War II. (67)Tj Three of the worst, including the worst in American history, before the Spencer shootings in 1927 in Bath, Michigan School when a 55 year old man blew up Bath Consildated School, killing 43 (as well as his wife beforehand), in 1966 at the University of Texas, where a gunman killed 17 people and wounded 31, and in 1976 at Cal State Fullerton, where seven were killed and two were wounded involved adult male shooters. 17-year-old Brenda Ann Spencer leaves the courthouse in Santa Ana, California, escorted by sheriff's deputies Waking on the single mattress she shared with her father in the living room of their squalid suburban California home, Brenda Spencer remembers starting that day by taking her epilepsy medicine, washed down with whisky. 0 0 0 1 scn )]TJ /T1_3 1 Tf Even as an adult, he was gripped by an abiding fear of leaving his back exposed in restaurants he always sits with his back to the wall. /T1_4 1 Tf [(H)23 (art)30 (, )]TJ EMC 29.647 36.706 Td 0 Tw 2.118 0 Td What if they got the idea from what I did?. I was just set on committing suicide., I am sorry you had to go through everything you went through, but what Im trying to do is find out why you would open fire and kill two people and hurt so many others, the commissioner said. Suchar had served in Vietnam. Brenda Ann Spencer was the killer who started it all. My condolences to the principal and the custodian of the Cleveland Elementary School.