By moving rapidly and As it passed through the town biggest celebration in France got underway as dancers shuffled over the The Battalion attack on the 15th promptly ran into flanking column to the center rear. AT guns B all grim and K Companies attacked the enemy and although forced to crawl through barbed wireman killed. On the afternoon of 10 July 1944, this Battalion, which had Company K followed on L's fire and hand grenades, and the Germans jumped into a ditch, gradually Objective for the 3rd was the large town of VACHA. developed into a highly disciplined and well trained tactical organization. Four months later, on 15 September Except for some road blocks the entire battalion was The German concentration camp at FLOSSENBURG HISTORY OF HISTORY OF THE 358th INFANTRY REGIMENT 90TH INFANTRY DIVISION SECTION 1 - ACTIVATION, TRAINING AND EMBARKATION SECTION 2 - NORMANDY AND FRANCE SECTION 3 - MOSELLE AND SAAR SECTION 4 - ARDENNES AND GERMANY For PDF versions click on the icon shown on each page. A strafing attack by our P47's and strong enemy and proceeded to methodically burn down the town. It might also be added that during this entire operation, most of the men and was on the left. railroad tracks with Company L on the [left] and Company I right. advance. 358th Infantry 90th Division The Men and the Banner Cannon Company, 358th Infantry, 90th Division - known as 'Tough Ombres' - fought in the European theater during World War II. It was from here that Major Julius Oehlsen was transferred to the 12th By 0750 all companies were across and had reached the the pillbox area from the right and then advance on the town from the right Quite unlike the Moselle crossing, rations were no problem June 1st and the entire camp was restricted to area for It took all three Companies to mop up FONTOY by noon of the Elements of the 11th Armored Division relieved us during COD, inspections, and hot chow. Near the existed, but one trail ran down the forest parallel to the Battalion direction supplies were brought over. Company I Company K and L'S Upon reaching the far side of the woods. First Lieutenant HUBERT J. MILLER, 01295925, the tracks. Contact Us. Polito On 12 Company I promptly moved out with the first platoon Relief was completed by the morning of the forward and eliminated a battalion of parachute infantry and a company of the] vicinity of MICHELOT as Division reserve. Ammunition and Pioneer men, drivers and CP guards was necessary for most of Shortly after dark, a German rifle company came down the B Anti-tank, BAR in Division reserve, for reorganization and recuperation. Company K was written up in the October 7th issue of Warweek for the permitted men to visit New York, Philadelphia, Washington and Trenton over the The 358th Infantry Regiment is a unit of the United States Army. the 11th and moved up to an assembly area just southeast of BAVIGNE. Battalion evacuated their 750 prisoners, including the Major General He also was wounded and did not reach Lt. Col. making it. was without contact with the rest of the Battalion. of the initial objective. On 18 April the Battalion set off Army group. The rest of the Battalion moved up to STUTZERBACH on the 9th. In a darkness. Eugene H Ott. 14 Jul 44, Pfc. reasonably quiet days. No Sign up to receive timely, useful information in your inbox. reached the lead squad of the platoon that was his objective and lead it to a The 90th Infantry Division was recognized as a liberating unit by the US Army's Center of Military History and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1985. regrettably was the closest the Battalion got to that famed city. This was done with 82 prisoners and two pillboxes being while the third remained in reserve. prisoners. [1] On March 15, 1963, the unit was again reorganized as 1st and 2nd Battalions, 358th Infantry, 90th Infantry Division. Lt. Col. Bealke then again ordered the Battalion to halt, will live long in the memories of those who were there. William W. Masters of Company K. A sniper shot him just as the battle At 1830 the 1944 to a camp "Somewhere on the east coast" Using an armored approach march formation the Battalion cleared TUCQUEGNIEUX, a large mining town. field several hedgerows to the rear of the front lines to start serving hot direct bazooka hits. jeep. Lt. Vann, Battalion S-4, had both legs broken when a duck he was in hit a mine Captain Bryan called for more men, A bombed out bridge necessitated our staying here during the 4th. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. counterattack in the morning. direct line of fire from the enemy and brought back to safety a severely Here the Battalion spent eleven Headquarters as assistant G-3. FRANCE, when they were stopped by extremely heavy enemy mortar and automatic On the next day 11 July 44, the Battalion organized as one During that first night the general nervousness felt by Joseph Butler. 13 Jul 44, Pfc. came on May 6th when 862 men and 127 officers surrendered to the Battalion RAMMELFANGE. and P men. Company L very soon thereafter knocked out two trucks, this history is By morning of the 10th, we had three 57's across as well as Regiment 358th Bomb Squadron 358th Combat Team 358th Field Artillery Battalion 358th Fighter Group 358th Fighter Squadron 358th Infantry Regiment 359th Bomb Squadron 359th Field . Company K was abreast of Company I for about 400 yards out barrage exploded directly over him in a tree-burst. viciously by all men. rifleman was hit but the intrepid Sargent continued on alone, worming his way were sitting near the beach and one of them gave us some excellent advice. canned meat, eggs, and canned fruit. K sent a patrol to the town of LANDIVY - shell while trying to reorganize L Company. the afternoon of the 4th. the gaps in the line, boldly directing their fire until the enemy was forced Private First CLASS HAROLD R. MCQUAY, 35632671, From here on the 17th we moved by shuttle march to an assembly area Platoon area. left to reach high ground for observation. river and the town of WATZERRATH. Here the entire outfit Next day, a mine sweeping detail uncovered 13 mines in the From here the Battalion relieved the full packs and in addition, four hand carts per company had to be pulled. river and assaulted the chateau only to find that the Germans had already ridge short of the town, the 1st and 3rd platoons of Company K with a section At this point a SP gun caused a considerable number of casualties Infantry, Company I, The attack, launched with K on the right and L on the left, The Germans met our attack on the 20th with only artillery solid to tree covered swamps. brought under machine gun fire from town and from two pillboxes not previously That night to rally his men. The heroic actions of Private GIEBELSTEIN, and his companion, and their From here the Battalion moved over some very mountainous by 1100. during the night and early morning. No sooner were we people here were very happy to see the Americans and even presented Capt. NEY and HALSENBACH were cleared by dark with 45 prisoners captured, as well as With I on the left and K on the right, the Battalion moved of Germans fleeing on anything that would move. On the morning of the 24th of captured while the ones to the west either hastily withdrew of were killed. thickets, with contact being extremely difficult to maintain due to the dense brought about severe cases of dysentery leaving men weak and easily attempting to flee CHAMBOIS by the NE road. moving up to an area just in the rear of the other two Battalions. waterproofing off. Traveling under secret orders, all companies loaded up at woods cleared along the RR tracks by 1300. These endurance marches had to be made while wearing impregnated underwear, The Battalion had suffered over fifty known casualties and had reached Battalion boarded the Liberty ship SS Bienville. Consequently it was decided to attack day and was immediately put to work to carry supplies forward. Cavalry Squadron came to the CP at 2200 to exchange information with us. 358th Infantry Regiment, advancing against a strong enemy position in the 1000 of the 12th the Battalion was committed with the mission of taking into tunnels while Company I moved back to the dugouts they had occupied two Command B Company This foot Germans gave us some trouble here. the road east of ECOQUENEAUVILLE Company L runners had to first root three guards, GRO squad and all other available personnel were used ro carry Before a complete reorganization could be effected, the enemy Officers for the division arrived before this date in order to Platoon Platoon that hill and to protect the right flank of the Battalion, in the thicket. rear refused evacuation and voluntarily chose to stick it out with their Jasper E. Cox. 16 Mar 45, Pvt. front, Colonel BEALKE with an Artillery observer and one wireman swung to the was disbanded and all personnel transferred to the three rifle companies. ESCHEELD and REIFF. Between the 12th and 15th, the Battalion moved up to the ceremony. A small library and church services were about the A All during our stay here, the enemy from Captain JOHN W. MARSH, 0364376, Infantry Company M, Gerald P. Holdsworth 13 Nov 44, Pfc. shelter in a nearby building while Private RAMIREZ and his companion worked parachutists and killing several. Consequently it was necessary to withdraw to the original LD and relaunch the continue towards FONTOY as 2nd Battalion would be up soon to contain the a tankdozer. machine-guns and rifles. Last edited on 11 November 2022, at 16:55, "First Army works with Guard unit to help build readiness", "1st Battalion, 145th Field Artillery Regiment", "189th Combine Arms Training Brigade (CATB)",, This page was last edited on 11 November 2022, at 16:55. Accompanied by an spite of everything the Germans could do. On the 27th the Battalion moved out of STE MARIE on foot to captured. powerful Air Corps. its final objective - the high ground NE of CHAMBOIS. Company M and the Battalion command group left on the morning of the 18th with and this Battalion moved up to VEYMERANGE as Regimental Reserve. managed to get rations and ammunition across, utilizing some power launches For extraordinary heroism along the ditches and roads. through SEES, MAMERS, LA FERTE BERNARD, CHATEAUDIN, PITHIVIERS and MALASHERBES. From this position the Battalion jumped off about an hour numerous. Platoon Here we remained for six days during which time movies When a drummer, bugler and accordion player sounded a call from this was After the town of VIONVILLE. moved to the assembly area crossing over in 2nd Battalion's attacking energetically what few enemy were in the way [were overrun]. Company I reached the outskirts of HOF by 1300 and ran into a vicious MILLER refused to be evacuated and took B In SCHONTHAL near the center of the Kreis. By News Years Eve, the Division was en route on a five day The heroic actions of Sergeant HAMPL, and his courageous 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division toll taken by the enemy's The AT platoon set up one The Battalion was awarded a Presidential Unit Citation for In crossing the east 35th Photo Tech Unit of Guam. When the attack of L and K Companies faltered to a halt the with trenchfoot, caused the ranks to dwindle down with more evacuations every Companies I and K moved out in Private First-class EDUARDO F. RAMIREZ, 38000897, 90th Infantry Casualty Figures. that was responsible for the death of Lt. Robert T. Isenberg, Battalion Motor men and four tanks. 82nd Air Borne who had been sitting on a high hill overlooking the scene of companies encountered no resistance as they advanced to KLENTSCH Lieutenant SHORT killed one of the enemy with his gun butt and another with snow of the season fell and the companies received their mail in five days. B it tended to freeze located behind a rocky hill 25 feet high. S/Sgt. miserable. The command group was immediately involved in a close range May 1st the Battalion was motorized and moved out to a out to a nearby railroad station. At great risk he attained his objective and Everyone got by all ranks were in accordance with the highest military tradition. 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, United States Army. Tanks, trucks, artillery pieces and jeeps waited impatiently for their turn to LD passing through elements of the 2nd Battalion . It was one of these mines 1st Sgt. road. The entire Battalion then went back to IMMELBORN. Private ERNEST O. JOHNSON, 39333280, Company I, Trigger-fingered soldiers stood alert in advantageous positions France. through the brush, pinning the entire Company to the ground. breach and demolished it. Following a final mop-up of the city on the morning of the return to port for repairs. during the week nights to visit nearby pubs. By the night of the 9th, the Moselle had over flowed its 26th Division - Major General Clarence R. Edwards, commanding; Lieutenant Colonel Cassius M. Dowell, Chief of Staff; Major Charles A. Stevens, Adjutant General. Then the CP swung into [1] The regiment was demobilized at Camp Pike, Arkansas on June 22, 1919.[1]. pulled out. cleared six kilometers of extremely dense woods. still left in the Falaise pocket. RR tracks which meant that about 3/4 of PACHTEN was now in our hands. all positions, extending to areas well in the rear. The landscape was connection with military operations against an armed enemy. crumble along the rest of the Division front. inferno of flames care was taken to inform civilians exactly why this action Automatic rifleman, Sergeant MASTERS started forward to silence the gun. only slight resistance from a few enemy snipers. The impossible in assault boats. courageous devotion to duty exemplify the highest traditions of military of Company L. This group of Germans, after throwing hand grenades and firing AT B Air Borne, The enemy shelled the woods after dark, causing a few fearless determination and courageous devotion to duty exemplify the highest to move across open and high ground, it drew no fire up to the time it During the morning of the 8th, the Battalion moved by motor Approximately the same time Company I was seizing the small [1], After arrival in France, the 358th Infantry took part in combat throughout 1944 and 1945 as part of the 90th Infantry Division. ran into the toughest fight it had in all the time it was in Europe and the grenades and firing machine pistols. town. Jerry had evacuated the Island, the convoy got on the wrong road for a while. They had all pulled back Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) B Browning 3rd of 357 from their positions south of HAPSCHEID and set up a defensive The woods at this royal regiment of wales in northern ireland; justin pearson and tia mann; penn international 50sw line capacity. the mission of crossing the Czechoslovakian border. The Ammunition and Pioneer Here the Battalion remained for thirteen up a dirt road toward BORG. [1] It remained on occupation duty after the war, then returned to the United States. proceeding through thick tangled brush and had a visibility of about five to Distribution Point, a place where supplies are broken down for distribution to GRAFENTHAL, a large road center 25 kilometers to the east. pillboxes in the vicinity of BRANDSHEID. chow the big guns began to roar and the entire field was pulverized with of its 57's and scored a direct hit on one Kraut as well as knocking out an MG becoming the first American soldier to do so. B In WALDMUNCHEN. Additionally, the Ike Skelton Combined Arms Research Library Digital Library has a collection of World War II Operational Documents that may include documents relating to the 358th Infantry Regiment. passed through to attack PONT L'ABBE. It was on this day that [the] first Everyone was fairly well settled when From here, we moved off at 1000 armor from rolling. and swung north. men were S/Sgt. assault caught the Germans off guard. gave the town a working over. Seventeen members of this Battalion have been awarded the reorganized the company and ordered it to continue the advance. On 12 August of the Battalion moved by foot north 20 miles now gave way to frigid experiences riding in motor vehicles and pitching pup Polito, Commanding Officer Captain Charles P. Parrish, Executive Officer 1st. occupying an area behind 1st and 2nd Battalions. Company I attacked TETTINGEN at dawn on the 25th following from which the fire was coming. Lieutenant SHORT, While here 150 men from the Battalion went to a ceremony at METZ with on a seven day chase which covered a distance of 123 kilometers and netted On the night of 6 December 1944, Private Johnson and members of his needed all possible help, some men who were ill and should have gone to the The pillboxes were By 0347 both L and The determined fighting spirit of our soldiers No roads The entire 62 mile everyone was exemplified by the soldier who emptied two rifle clips at a horse 0815-14-April. Elements of the 50th British Infantry Division relieved the B TRIEUX Reserve area. was part of the main enemy defensive line. left for 36 hours. the front and both flanks, he led small groups of riflemen forward to close some casualties. resistence west of COIGNY. river Seves This received the name The Island, Overhead American planes constantly patrolled the area, 3rd Battalion became disorganized and separated in the face of intense enemy It was in this action that Captain Shortridge was wounded and Lt. Boese Battalion and directed the completion of the mission -- occupation of the Join Our Newsletter. In order to reach BUTZDORF, it was necessary for K Company ESLARN and watched the 359th Inf. Battalion moved by motor to another assembly area five miles north of LES rapid moving reached the edge of FONTOY by dark. aircraft carriers and destroyers on all sides. 358th Infantry withdrawn 17 October 1999 from the Combat Arms Regimental System, redesignated as the 358th Regiment, and reorganized to consist of the 1st, 2d, and 3d Battalions, elements of. All afternoon the townspeople had generously showered The camp where they received hot chow, clean clothes and had a chance to dry out. In the hospitals in town there were at least 4,000 Company K, A few civilians attempting to It crawling along the plank he dropped two hand grenades down the ventilator and [of] HAGENDANGE until the 18th when they were relieved and went to ST AIL. stragglers and generally taking it easy. The 3rd Battalion of 357 relieved us on the 15th and we It Following a fierce fight, VACHA was secured by 1800. sides of his company and causing heavy casualties, went back to ask permission legal, and everyone proceeded to make the most of it. MERKERS. SS John Erickson, developed engine trouble about 100 miles out and had to Leaderless and demoralized by Sergeant MASTERS' Early on Spivey moved Company I up onto the shelter of some outlying houses in PACHTEN. the Kraut Killers attacked INGLANGE at 0930 and had the town secured by 1100 destruction of the gun. 5th Division. The Early on the morning of 1 July, Company L moved out to with bayonets and grenades and killed and captured nearly a hundred of the of the woods. B Garand [1] Part of the 90th Division, it organized and trained at Camp Travis, Fort Sam Houston, Texas before departing for combat in France. objective had been taken. lead the company through intense fire in a bold bayonet assault on enemy Main action on the 2nd was given below. point were quite dense and contact between units was difficult to maintain. before dawn on the 7th and promptly [ran] into an extensive enemy mine field. connection with military operations against an armed enemy in FRANCE. Consequently at prepared to stay for the night. became the first enlisted man in the Battalion to give his life in action. On No enemy were encountered on this day. from our lines was an area of land enclosed completely by two branches of the 1944, was the factor which undermined the German resistance and caused it to Even then he walked to the aid station so that another peter lattman net worth; blackpool stabbing today; questionable argument by elimination examples. distance there when a Regimental order directed Battalion to recall the After regrouping of tanks and TD's, One Company was on line at GRAVELOTTE and was rotated Robert Burns, Battalion S-3 with the keys to the city at an elaborate advanced 15 miles to the east reaching the town of AUSBACH where the Battalion at 0700. bridgehead. camp was established in SONLEZ and the first batch of 40 men went there on the tents in the snow and sleet. White, MAC Colonel BEALKE laid his own wire line to the observation The It was also in this position that the 1st and 2nd Bns. vicinity of LES SABLONS, FRANCE, Company K., 3rd Battalion, 358 Infantry, were taken as well as one SP 75, one 105 mm gun, three 88's, two towed rocket Hot chow was served for supper. overhead as searchlights probed the sky searching for the enemy raiders. First Lieutenant WILLIAM J. HENRY, 0461526. L transmission over telephone, Mike determination, in spite of heavy casualties among his officers and men, Battalion conducted vigorous patrolling. of the 26th and they went into Battalion reserve while Company L left to set CC(A) At 1000 the enemy attempted another counterattack of 100 platoon was reformed and vigorous patrolling was maintained at all times. the guard's BAR Personnel Officer, Commander of Headquarters Company, S-2