Do I charge for my autographs? The forgery laws in California are very specific and selling a fake celebrity autograph is not covered under them. * Comics (grading and facilitation fees extra) $250* Flats under 1117, including Funkos pops $250* Flats 1117 and over including rolled posters $275* Props such as Cowls or Shields or large 3D items such as batmobiles please email for a quote. Visit us, have a discussion, vent away or just have some fun playing games or taking a quiz. Could you imagine being a fly on the wall of that meeting? No. Thomas Jane wasnt charging in 2010, and Lloyd Kaufman has been vocal against autograph fees. But a picture with Joe with no autograph?, Thats right, NO autograph. 4) Also, if prices seem strangely low for an autographed item, chances are its a fake. So when I found out he was speaking at a local college there was no way Id miss the chance to actually see him. In fact, most "sports autographs" look nothing at all like the person's genuine signature on a contract or check. People tend to justify their reasons, but thats a matter of personal preference. Many older athletes didnt earn the same kinds of salaries that they do today, and they actually need the money. The one caveat? Guest autographs are limited and tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis through Epic Photo Ops (Fan Expo's official Photo Op & Autograph provider). Fox is a regular guest at comic cons. Pingback: Celebrity Autographs - How to spot the legitimate ones - Mymusicarena, Your email address will not be published. Winkler was doing a television appearance promoting the same book for the last two years. Each autograph ticket gets you 1 signature on the item of your choice (some restrictions may apply). Is it illegal to fake a celebrity signature? A lot of the autograph fees are set by organisers, rather than guests. For celebrities, attention from autograph seekers can be flattering, annoying or even intimidating, depending on the timing, location and nature of the request. In recent years, comic-book conventions have become big business for movie and TV stars, who charge their fans top dollar for the opportunity to get a signature or a photograph. Because people will pay for them, they ave become a marketable commodity. There wasnt a book he wrote, fiction or non, that I wouldnt hunt down and devour. A celebrity at an event charging for autographs is selling a product and working. as long as its reasonable. However, I dont feel like me buying the book entitles me to a signature, and I realize that writers and artists are simply being gracious when they do sign their stuff. 1 Can't Pay To Meet Harry Styles. Prove to THEM youre their fan. Ive been signing my name on books and comics for longer than a considerable portion of you have been alive. OT: What is this salty discharge emanating from my eyes after reading the last page of Spidey 2099. But buyer beware, while many artists offer fans this unique opportunity, there are also those who have a history of selling fakes as well. So go ahead and invest in some scratch off lottery tickets and maybe if you get some matching numbers you will winthe 50 smack-a-roos to garner yourself some expensive crumbs to pay for your fandom. Freedom to do whatever you want to do within the confines of the law. I wanted to go see him and have it signed. As a fan, of course, I prefer it when Im not getting charged. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Freedom to spend. Tom Brady. Or maybe youll suggest that cancer patients should get autographs for free, in which case wed like for you to draw the line for people who deserve free autographs and those who dont. Youre a favorite of mine and I reread Calhouns exploits as often as I reread Pratchett. Professional photo opportunities will be available for purchase through Wolf . I'm talking about when celebrities charge money for autographs at conventions, mainly NYCC. Any remaining autographs will be sold on-site at the Guest's table. Yes, celebrities do charge for autographs, although the prices vary depending on the celebrity. Some may see it as a way to compensate for the inconvenience or the invasion to their privacy. My reason would be to wear the cosplay in the photo op with the corresponding celeb. The stars who receive luxury travel and accommodations . The growth of streaming has had a drastic negative impact on the revenue of mid-level musical artists. People came to see the stars, and the stars would oblige their fans' reasonable requests. These headphones save my life on planes. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Either criticize both sides or dont, atleast be consistent. 1 Why do some celebrities refuse to sign autographs? I mean you cant be giving stuff away for free when you can make money off of it, right? I know, at Agemecon 5 I was having every one sign my con tee shirt, and I was joking with the B5 cast that this was the second most expensive tee shirt I had. But Im grateful the Good Doctor treated us as he did. Fan mail is simply a way for a fan to reach out to a public figure to express their admiration or share their thoughts. Some will be more, sometimes substantially more. Florence Pugh is gearing up to do her first ever autograph signing in 2022. Celebrity DMs: Why They Are The Worst Way to Make Contact & 3 Best Alternatives. Sylvester Stallone. Comicfest in San Jose, Humberto Ramos had a policy where hed sign one book for free but then charged after that. The best thing to do is talk to other people who have attended previous conventions to get a sense of who charges for what, and how much. Let's say an athlete is getting paid $10,000 for an event for 500 autographs. Media guests were few and far between, but cool when they were there. The fact that the signing sold out proved that it wasnt overpriced, as many fans eagerly lined up to pay the high price. I wish all comic writers thought about this like you Peter. It helps to cover convention expenses because many conventions dont provide per diems. Answer: As a rule - no. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. My firm represents sports and entertainment figures and we have a strong relationship with the NBA Retired Players Association. Through various partners, ACE Comic Con is offering a variety of prices for fans to choose from in order to get in on the unique opportunity. I rarely draw attention to it, unless someone brings me something like 50 comics to sign. If you cant get out to meet Fox in person, there are always companies willing to take your items on consignment to get them signed for you. While I had more stuff that I wanted signed, I thought that was fair as well. Honestly, this seems like a price set to keep autograph seekers at an arm's length. At photo ops, it's sometimes considered rude to try to talk to the celebrity for too long because other people are waiting to do the same thing. Autographs have become a multi-billion dollar industry. So if they can get minor guest for /$500 charge /$10 a throw it doesn't take long to get into profit. The athletes demand an appearance fee for their time, which the promoters seek to recoup by charging for autographs. It's not like the celebrities need it. Freedom to not charge. When they started to see their autographed photos sold by third parties, they began to realize the value in charging. @nickelcitycon, Jeff Scott Perdziak (@JeffPerdziak) May 20, 2017. But I am only an hour away from the Tidewater event, so my wife and oldest daughter can tend to them long enough for me to finally meet you!! Was he in the Super Bowl did he win it From the outside it might seem like celebrity appearance costs shouldnt exist; that actors make enough money from their jobs, and that they dont need bilk their fans out of even more cash. Multi-millionaire athletes are free to charge people money for their signature. Then Id show it off, as proof I met my idol. And should I ever get the chance to meet PAD again (I live in NC, which is hardly a big draw for comic book professionals), Ill gladly donate to his tip jar while getting another book autographed. It's a trade: you get an autograph and a memento, and they get money. As of 2022, the going rate for Michael J. Foxs autograph is $245. After that, buyers have to go to the secondary market where prices can reach $300 or more. They always say they love the fans, and care for them, but have a God complex when their fans show support. But by then youve already done your duty reinforcing the cycle, and the people are even less likely to allow fan photos at the tables. A celebrity gets a request for an autograph through the mail. When I was younger, Id get the autograph out of respect and admiration for the person I was talking with. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If you want buy an autograph from an A-list celebrity then expect to pay near $200 or much more. I am the proud owner of autographed copies, signed at different times, of BUT I DIGRESS and MORE DIGRESSIONS. Sometimes you can tell that the forger traced an autograph. I dont go to cons as much these days, and the few I have been to have happened to be anime cons. I have never had the chance to meet you, as I have two disabled children and I cant travel without them. This brought the price of Arnold Schwarzeneggers autograph to $416. While items sent in by customers started at $560, the cost of add-ons, like character names, started at an additional $300. In the past, the only way to get an autograph from an A-list celebrity was to meet them in person at an event or on the street. of course I will have only 1 or 2 items signed at a time. Can someone hack my PC through online games? Now go back to your $15 an hour job and get me my Benjamin. Hertzler took to Facebook and notes a differentiation between the typical premium prices for Star Trek autographs and his recent notice of the exorbitant premiums at the Nickel City Comic Con. I had the pleasure to meet Peter David at a con or two back in the early 90s, and have a few books that he was kind enough to autograph. At the recent Orlando MegaCon I bought2 T-Shirts with funny geek quotes that poke fun at sci-fi pop culture because nothing is more satisfying than getting laughs when a new set of eyes stops to read your shirt. Im pretty sure a portion of Tebows autograph fee went to his charity..pretty sure, They absolutely can charge whatever they want. Can you really afford Kim Kardashian? Star Wars Autograph Quiz | Can You Tell Whats Real or Fake? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Wouldnt have occurred to them. Just came back from a local comic book convention and got some autographed DVDs from a few heros of mine though I noticed that autographs are about $20 each. Have a personal gallery or a blog to share with your friends. Dealing with piles of fan mail is, however, an administrative burden for most celebrities. Freedom to charge. No one has been a greater fan of the famed San Francisco quarterback of legend, Joe Montana, than I. I lived in SF from 1981 to 1988 which includes the SF 49er Super Bowl Championships, where Joe worked miracles to win. Then saying just dont buy it then is what every defense says about something thats wrong like go play a video game people cheat and say the same thing oh well its in the game well ya what thy doesnt mean you should do it and ruin the game same thing here he shouldnt do it.