I think its just you want. Bp. Normally Id say to just ask pretty directly, but it sounds like you already know the answer. Bp. Yes, 16 times. He then sent me a few texts that were friendly in nature. She decided to call Uber and I did offer her ride but she wasnt comfortable so didnt pressure. Not sure what to do here, as its very enjoyable both in person and on the phone to talk. My question is if he doesnt text me can he still be interested? So, what does it mean a guy or a girl slows down texting you? Share that youd like to try one more date to get to know a little more about each other. I texted him on Xmas eve (one week, and he had not contacted me) a playful text about him missing snow angels and hoping santa had him on the nice list this year. I did not reply to him immediately. If you werent serious before and he wasnt being a chump, yahgive him another chance with boundaries. He is very nice and we have met once for lunch Why Men Disappear From You - Learn the real reason why men disappear from your life & how to stop it from happening again. The first meet he gave me a black $70 dollar wristband, its 1 of his product, he also told me he wanted to start building with me. Now its January and hes leaving for Iraq in February. The last almost week now he has been more sporadic with his texts and I dont know if hes lost interest or if hes just busy. Give him a little more time. Sorry but it just seems to me that he is. He was calm, consistent, driven, witty, positive. That's a HUGE excuse to keep you at arm's length. Because both of us work, the times we get together are sometimes weeks apart But keeping in touch daily seems to be moving the relationship forward. He responded with hes interested but felt I backed away. He then said, how about a day the following weekthats 2 weeks after he met me. Give me a shout when you have some time we can swap stories and catch up, like what dirt Jim has on you ;-). Should I just ignore his texts and him altogether? He was very open. Should I ask him about this, Thanks a lot! And certainly, as my article says, dont do it via text, sister. Bp, I had a pinger for 3 years. Next! I have this woman that insists on texting. He's Bored 5. Thank you Denice. Im still waiting for his reply, but I feel like that move makes me look so desperate. Its a waste. He would send me good morning texts every morning and ask me how my day was going. Ask if he is and just accept the answer. He does ask me questions and wants to get to know me, but very slow in response. I have also seen his IG, do you think its a good idea to add him there too? However, if it continues, Avgitidis says its a sign of something else: Youre not a priority so one of those things I think is if theyre not responding to your text message in the evening after work Youre on the back burner.. Is he ultimately looking for the same as you? He was, opposed to the year before, talkative and interested and I enjoyed conversation with him. He asked me for our third date on that meet up. Please dont spend your emotional energy on a man who may have disappeared. He knows about my life.He is very busy in his work and he usually doesnt reply to all my text though. Any advice?? I feel pressured into responding politely when Im really not enjoying the exchange. We meet up and we have good chemistry, despite being a bit awkward. He school assessment finish at 10 am. You don't need permission for that. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! This screams NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER! I left the Sunday afternoon before everyone went out for lunch, he left before everyone to the restaurant before I could say good bye, I texted him saying it was great seeing him again, jokingly apologizing for him cutting out before I could say good bye and to have a safe drive home. I love word play and use quotes and memes which most of the time get a positive response. Very open with his feelings and i have told him i like him as well. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. My response: Hi there handsome! And we cannot meet as he lives in another state. If not, hes just not for you. I was immediately attracted to him and he said I was his dream girl and that he was gonna put some serious time into me. But I do know what I suggested in the article; if hes not spending time with you and getting to know you in person then hes not that interested. I thoroughly dislike text. I thought I was doing something wrong but now I know. Sorry Shannon but dont be mad at him. I missed that in your first message. Your guy friends are correct. I chat with a guy via whasapp for 4 months and we only met up twice. Any suggestions how I can ask this?? I dont love him ( but I would)I love energy comes from him when I get close. Then the complimentary texts started again for a couple of days. He called me, we had a nice conversation, decided to meet on Thursday but when we hung up, I wondered, why hadnt he asked how my holiday was, how my father was doing? Make your move, and meet each other or awkwardiness will increase. We talk every day but its not like we text 24/7. I am not strong enough to ask him yet and tell him I know but nor do I think I should have to. Im a 49 year old woman. Is it bad to text him saying it is ok if he lost interest and let him know he doesnt have to text me just to be nice? What is the right approach when you have met a girl and have been talking to her via texting and voice call to ask her out? Ive said if things dont go anywhere with the girl your dating txt me and if Im still available we could go out. Bp. He tells me he was being friendly, he does have a lot of female friends, but hes only known her for one night. So next day he left for vacation. If a guy only does that, theres a reason. So judge anything based on the calls or video calls. I asked how he felt about the first date and we made plans for the 2nd about a week after our 1st date. You dont know him at all. Hes working in Europe at the minute, coming home every 3/4 weeks. (I could see it when we first became friends on Facebook) But when Van showed me the post it was nothing that he had to hide from me. But for now, sounds like youre just dating. It's also important to be open and honest about your intentions. Any insight? I DO wish you the best, Bp, A great blog. This past week he hasnt texted near as much and I texted him two days without a response. I think online dating works best for younger people who really want to start a life together. So many times I wanted to share all the fabulous things I was doing with my life. Well I am always the one initiating texts to a mature man and he will reply with polite texts as well. Is it possible he is changing his mind? It may not be a personal thing about you. On days when I dont, he texts me when hes done with work first. Hes been very sweet and romantic and shared some painful stuff with me. Move on and find a man who recognizes your wonderful-ness. Youve apologized and done what you could. We still text non stop and enjoy each other but we made plans for the following week after our date and he said he was too tired and so exhausted and that he feels terrible. This isnt that guy, Anne. So, in the future do not spend 3 months of your life texting and talking on the phone before you actually meet someone. Booooo! He is not ever going to meet me is he? Bp, Sooooooo very true..I just went through this..texted him for the last time and told him what I thought of him..a lesson learned. Also, theres nothing that says you cant keep him in your life and still date other men. I really like this guy and he likes the same things as me. Still, get the daily texts and funny cat videos. I made a move a couple of days later and sent him a photo and said: I wish we were cuddling right now. ago. But also continue to do what you did: let him know what you need. While doing this you leave too many variables open as in: Him pretending he's someone he's not. We have had a very sexual relationship by phone, text and twice in person. No mention of going out. Neither did he. Phone can help get a sense of their energy. Hes asked to take it slow and be patient as he has been traveling but how do I know if hes blowing me off or honest. We finally met and went on a date the same day. I replied saying that I didnt mean to come across dismissive, but that in my opinion, if the moment feels right for both of us, then perhaps we will kiss, but weve only been on one date. He would call me and even FaceTime me a lot and we would even have FaceTime dates where we would watch movies together from home. Thank you so much! Its so different these days. Im no fling. We have spoken on the phone twice, but we both seem reluctant to do that again. I send more texts, sometimes playful but not sexting. I understand things end but I feel so used and he strung me along and I also do not understand how he can say he cares about me abd always will whether I know it or not? If they used to. Only give him a couple hours of your time before the first meeting. He said: I just got home from hockey, bit drunk, so no calling for me, I am going to sit on my couch. However from what I know about men, he WAS telling you the truth. I definitely dont want to chase him but what gives. As old as I am and as few men as there are in my area do I call it quits or just enjoy the texts? They are married or just want to text message me to death! He mentioned meeting up one weekend but that never happened. I think he might no longer be interested, which makes me a bit sad. And Im the one whos saying lets meet in person but they want to keep texting. I scent as you say in this article it creates kind of a connection, but not sure it is the right connection. Please move on and take some time to consider why you would give all this energy to a man who doesnt even want to spend time with you. He has started professing his undying Love, loyalty, commitment, he sends me things with hearts and blowing kisses and he tells me that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Im wondering, did I mess up by pressuring him too much? If so, then the slowdown in their texting is nothing more than the usual ebb and flow inherent in all areas of a comfortable and secure relationship. Now he has been back for over a year since he is now attending a closer college. They werent short texts but nice and long enough to say thinking of you, hoping you are having a nice time with your family, etc. He asked me out and had a great date. Bp. Now he DOES want to have kids with me. I met a man a month ago who lives in Colorado; l live in Florida. It angry, upset or annoyed- I just have no idea what to say or if I even feel like it warrants a reply because a. Let me get settled. Are this normal? Little did I know I would be embarking upon a 10-month journey..without ever actually leaving home. I am Asian and he is from the states. Whats your take on this? Hi G2bjillie. I dont know and recommend that you ask him. Ive told him a lot about myself, but Im afraid this is going nowhere. We belly laughed the whole time, had a TON of stuff in common, great flowing conversation and we were both super attracted to each other. You asked for what you wanted and he basically is saying nope, wont do it. When a man is truly interested and looking for a real relationship you dont have to pressure him. Also in my mind I felt that it wouldn't make a large difference given that we can't really meet for a while anywaythanks though, i may suggest it when i text him :). Talked about meeting later that week for lunch but then he couldnt due to meetings. We have had a several other meetings, usually he came to my place. Hi, Have a question Now. I know I need to move on, but part of me wants to wait it out until he is past this hard time in his life. I was receiving the good morning text and we had converstations throughout the day. If you've been questioning why he's been hitting your inbox every day, know for sure what it means below. Which was a first for me (I have never met anyone this way)we texted/talked for about 3 weeks before meeting in person, we hit it off on our first date and have been seeing each other since, its been 2 going on 3 months now. Is he just a super nice guy, or does it mean he really IS into me? So a day later I was surprised to get a text saying he couldnt see me on that date as babysitting for his grandkids. If you have been texting him and he merely responds with a polite text back, but doesnt ask you out, then you have your answer. Important detail we are in different states at the moment. There are days where I dont even want to try anymore. Then nothing for two days then a call to say he was on a long distance haul with work he drives a delivery van he said he was thinking about coming to see me when he got back but it would be too late that night 9.30 or 10pm and he was exhausted. I have asked her for her phone number, but she refuses to give it to me. The messages were always short and I was wondering why he even bothered to message me so I asked. He sent a few texts every few days in the beginning and now its daily. I think momentum in dating is important. He has mention several times that Im too beautiful and he cant believe he has someone like me in his life, but i dont feel like im in his life at all really.. only a small fraction. This is just one of his texts and this is mild. Anytime I suggest something hes like we have to do this. He started saying he would really like to meet in person, but he never asked for a date. Hi Bobbie, My problem comes with him having a difficult time at the moment. Is that common for single dads?) So I was talking to this guy through a dating app and everything seemed great. He has mentioned he was afraid to disappoint me as the business travel was canceled. Hi, glad Ive found your site. He has told me that he is coming home in December and that he is going to make a trip to come and see me. Should I give out my address. More than anything, this entire adventure was a lesson in manifesting the love that I hope to find. In the meantime move on with your life and dont fall into the trap of thinking texting is dating. Its been a couple days now with no communication. I feel stupid hope u can advise me at 50 I should know better. Take pictures and make sure you keep some mementos if you have a good time. Just let him know that youd be glad to SEE him again as you think thats the best way to get to know someone. Plus why didnt he want a 2nd date? Now fastforward to 2 months into seeing one another one weekends and him calling every single day until 2 weeks ago.