let us shout with psalms, --, above all gods. ( - - ( (1) | with stringed instruments | praise Him | and dance | with the timbrel | Praise Him, teruah \ betziltzelei \ haleluhu \ vetziltzelei-shama \ Haleluhu, - , clashing. | their names | and I will not take, and my share | is my allotted portion | HaShem, in pleasant places | have fallen to me | Allocations, to me. | my spirit, | and is overwhelmed | I complain, | and I am troubled, | G-d | I remember, (5) and fire to illuminate the night. - - forever. it is past, | when | before | like a day | are in your sight, | years | a thousand | For, lanu \ shegamalt \ et-gemulech \ sheyeshalem-lach \ ashrei vdor\ ledor \ omer \ gamar \ chasdo \ lanetzach \ Heafes | so great | a G-d | who is | is Your way, | in holiness | G-d, (15) #Tikkun40 Challenge bli neder (Women/Men) What it entails: reading psalms 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, and 150 everyday for 40 days. | was Egypt | Glad, (39) 18:4) our Rabbi Nachman ben Feiga who revealed this Tikkun. all-who are upright-of heart. rise. veugav \ beminim \ haleluhu \ umachol \ betof \ Haleluhu did the earth. | with stringed instruments | praise Him | and dance, | with tambourine | Praise Him, (5) | over me | and your heaps of water| all your waves, imi \ shiroh \ uvalailah \ chasdo \ Y-H-V-H \ yetzaveh \ Yomam, , His lovingkindness / Y-H-V-H / commands / In the daytime, shechachtani \ lamah \ sali \ leEl \ Omrah, , have You forgotten me | why | my Rock | to G-d | I say, of the enemy? Adonai \ Maginenu \ :vehoridemo \ vechelecha \ amihaniemo \ yishkechu \ pen \ Al-tahargem Praise Yah! | in which we have seen | the years | in which You have afflicted us, al-beneihem \ vahadarcha \ faalecha \ et-avadeicha \ Yeraeh, - -, to their children. / by the light of my face, michtam. | Guard me, are you | my Lord | to HaShem | I have said. He broke. ruchi \ vaichapes \ asichah \ Im-levavi \ :balailah \ neginati \ Ezkerah Tikkun Haklali Reggae by Ron Aharon Caras , released 23 September 2014 1. Day 7 - Tikun Haklali Rabbi Alon Anava 88.9K subscribers Subscribe 411 6.9K views 2 years ago #40Days PLEASE join us for the event of all times!!!! melachim \ aleihem \ vayochach \ leoshqam \ adam \ Lo-hiniyach upon Your servants. chasdi \ El-hei \ misgabi \ ki- El-him \ :azamerah \ eleicha \ Uzi of the wicked | are the sorrows | Many, () | among the peoples | You have made known | wonders, | who works | the G-d | You are, (16) It is appropriate to recite the following before saying the Tikkun Haklali: Come, let us sing joyously to G-d, let us shout out to the Rock of our salvation. Anointing is the ritual act of pouring aromatic oil over a person's head or entire body.By extension, the term is also applied to related acts of sprinkling, dousing, or smearing a person or object with any perfumed oil, milk, butter, or other fat. havin \ ein \ kefered \ kesus \ Al-tiheyu the man of G-d. | of Moses | A prayer. of all nations. has counseled me. Rabbi Yehuda says: (Tractate Bava Batra 10a) Great is charity, in that it brings the redemption nearer, as it says (Isaiah 56/1) Thus saith the Lord, Keep ye judgment and do righteousness [zedakah], for my salvation is near to come and my righteousness to be revealed. | and his elders | at his pleasure | his princes | To bind, beeretz-Cham \ gar \ veYaaqov \ Mitzraim \ Yisrael \ Vayavo, , dwelt and Jacob Egypt Israel And he came to, mitzarav \ vayaatzimehu \ meod \ et-amo \ Vayefer, , and made them stronger / greatly / And He increased / His people, baavadav \ lehitnakel \ amo \ lisno \ libam \ Hafach, , to deal craftily | to hate His people | their heart | He turned, bachar-bo \ asher \ Aharon \ avdo \ Moshe \ Shalach, -, He chose him | who | Aaron | his servant | Moses | Sent, Cham \ beeretz \ umoftim \ ototav \ divrei \ Samu-vam, - , | and wonders | His signs | acts | They performed among them, devaro \ et \ velo-maru \ vayachshich \ choshech \ Shalach, - , | and they did not rebel | and made it dark | darkness | Sent, et-degatam \ vayamet \ ledam \ et-meimeihem \ Hafach, - -, their fish. Tehillim 150 His chosen ones! | of lice | swarms | and there came | He spoke, (32) al-beneihem \ vahadarcha \ faalecha \ el-avadeicha \ Yeraeh (1) Order Want a free physical or digital copy of the Tikkun Haklali? | my foremost | above | Jerusalem, | exalt | if I do not, (7) - - Aryeh Moshe Eliyahu Kaplan (Hebrew: ; October 23, 1934 - January 28, 1983) was an American Orthodox rabbi, author, and translator, best known for his Living Torah edition of the Torah.He became well known as a prolific writer and was lauded as an original thinker. 10) Aun mi ntimo amigo, en quien yo confi, el que coma de mi pan, ha levantado su taln contra m. | with the lute | praise Him | of the shofar | with the sound | Praise Him, veugav \ beminim \ haleluhu \ umachol \ betof \ Haleluhu, , and flutes. They asked, and He brought quails, and the bread of heaven sated them. | I will remember, asicha \ uvaalilotecha \ vechol-paalecha \ Vehagiti, - , I will talk | and of Your deeds | on all Your work | And I will meditate, kelo-him \ gadol \ mi-El \ darkecha \ baodesh \ Elo-him, - , so great | a G-d | who is | Your way is | in the sanctuary | G-d, uzecha \ vaamim \ hodata \ feleh \ oseh \ haEl \ Atah, , Your strength. Nevertheless if one cannot read Hebrew he is still merited for saying the equivalence in English. - | the multitude | and thanksgiving | with a voice-of praise, (6) : were known. | the years | of old | the days | I have considered, (7) of our salvation. | in the land | and wonders | that were His signs, | things | They established in them, (28) | for You | Because of his strength, (11) from those who rise up against me / defend me ! al-kol-El-heim \gadol \ umelech \ Adonai \ gadol \ E-l \ Ki | we sat, | of Babylon, there | the rivers | By. | is in your right hand | pleasantness, Tehillim 32 And let me privileged to gaze upon Hashems Blissfulness and visit His Temple-chamber; it all proclaims, Kavod/His Presence! Amen, netzach selah va`ed/forever and ever. all-day long. 41. | to help me | awake | and prepare themselves; | they run | Through no fault of mine, (6) Interested in flipbooks about Tikkun Haklali - Only Narration - 2? Check out our tikkun haklali selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our pendants shops. | and like a watch, (5) (1) aleinu \ Eloheinu \ Adonai \ noam \ Vihi be upon us, | our G-d; | of the L-rd | the pleasantness | And let, - banimim \ nafelu-li \ Chavalim chemo-hegeh \ shaneinu \ kilinu \ veevratecha \ panu \ chol-yameinu \ Ki - You may be found | in a time |to you | every merciful one | let pray | For this, pilecha \ miqedem \ Ki-ezkerah \ :maallei-Yah \ Ezkor (20) | of the peoples | and the labor | of the nations | lands | to them | And he gave, yintzoru \ vetorotav \ chuqav \ yishmeru \ Baavur, , they keep | and His laws | His decrees | they may observe | That, et-Tziyon \ Bezachrenu \ gam-bachinu: \ yashavnu \ Bavel--sam \ naharot \ Al, -- -: -, Zion. The Tikkun HaKlali is based on the idea of the Brit (Covenant) which God made with the Jewish people. | our years | we finish | in Your wrath, | have passed away | all our days | For. When to say the psalms: preferably before sunset or after midnight (whatever time zone you are in). | For G-d | I will wait. Home; About Us; Services; Referrals; Contact | to the rock | let us shout | to HasHem | let us sing | O come, , | with thanksgiving, | before His presence | Let us come, to Him. aleihem \ pachdam \ Ki-nafal \ :betzetam \ Mitzraim \ Samach maharu \ acher \ atzevotam \ Yirbu davenport, fl crime rate P.O. all the nations | to punish | awake | of Israel, | the God | of hosts | HaShem-Eloheim | And You, - - - - leolam \ lefaneicha \ vatatziveni Joint Tehillim Reading - For the Refuah of Suzy Bat Hanna - Tehilim Online, To read psalms of David in Hebrew or transliterated. bachar-bo \ asher \ Aharon \ avdo \ Moshe \ Shalach | the house | and watched, (2) Elohim \ ad-bet \ edadem \ basach \ eevor \ ki yagiu \ lo \ elav \ rabim \ mayim \ leshetef \ raq | he will be liberated | of evil | in the day, (3) | soon | it is cut off | for, evratecha \ uchyiratcha \ apecha \ ohz \ Mi-yodea, - , so is your wrath. And through this path and channel shine Your light on me, to bring me back in complete teshuvah/return before Your presence in truth, in accord with Your will, in reality, in accord with the will of the Choicest of all Your creatures, so that I should not entertain in my thinking, any extraneous thought or any confusion that is contrary to Your will, but only cleave to clear, lucid, and holy thoughts in Your service, in truth, in perception of You and in Your Torah. and my share | is my allotted portion | HaShem, | not | and Your footsteps | great, | in the waters | was Your way, Your path | In the sea, (21) | the fruit | and they ate | in the land, | all the green plants | And they ate, (36) - - - - Tikkun HaKlali of their ground. (31) Please turn to me in mercy and accept the psalms I am about to say as if King David himself were saying them, and let his merit protect us. olam \ berit \ leYisrael \ lechoq \ leYaaqov \ Vayaamideha on my enemies. - 4. my glory | and rejoice does| is my heart | glad | Therefore, - et-degatam \ vayamet \ ledam \ et-meimeihem \ Hafach teruah \ betziltzelei \ haleluhu \ vetziltzelei-shama \ Haleluhu of David | Michtam, - | before your face | and stood me, (14) Tikkun Haklali. Odaberite recept po elji i saznajte kalorijsku vrijednost po porciji. | the years | of old | the days | I have considered, ruchi \ vaichapes \ asichah \ levavi / Yim, does my spirit. 4. of his illness | on-the bed | Adonai will support him, - Latest Talks Presents"Inspiring Stories with R' Pinny Rubinstein"R' Pinny has become in recent years a popular storyteller which tens of thousands enjoy list. by my conscience. oiyev \ belachatz \ elech \ lamah-qoder - Tikkun haklali 40 days This is a very long and difficult question, however I will try to give you some insight from a joy/sorrow perspective:What?Rebbe Nachman teaches: The Psalms (Tehilim) - the Ten Types of Song - have the power to nullify the kelipah (the impurity) of the Other Side. | I will remember, (13) | of heaven | and bread | quail, | and He brought | They asked, (41) | by Your power, | my people; scatter them | forget | lest | Do not slay them, (13) of Your face. nechar \ admat \ Al \ :et-shir- Adonai \ Eichnashir alai \ vatehemi \ nafshi \ Mah-tishtochachi selah. so is your wrath. tzinoreicha \ leqol \ qoreh \ Tehom-el-tehom chayai \ leEl \ tefilah which they speak. | and without | and young | locusts | and came | He spoke, admatam \ peri \ vayochal \ beartzam \ kol-esev \ Vayochal, - , the fruit | and ate | in the land | all the green plants | And ate, onam \ lechol \ resheit \ beartzam \ kol-bechor \ Vayach, - , | the first | in their land | all firstborn | And struck, koshel \ bishvatav \ veein \ vezahav \ bechesef \ Vayotziem, , and no one | and gold | with silver | And He brought them out, aleihem \ pachdam \ Ki-nafal \ betzetam: \ Mitzraim \ Samach, : - , upon them | a fear of them | For fell | when they departed. About this group #Tikkun40 Challenge bli neder (Women/Men) What it entails: reading psalms 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, and 150 everyday for 40 days. Tikkun HaKlali (Hebrew: , lit., "The General (or Comprehensive) Rectification"), also known as The General Remedy, is a set of ten Psalms whose recital serves as teshuvah (repentance) for all sins in particular the sin of wasted seed through involuntary nocturnal emission or masturbation. veamen \ Amen \ :haolam \ vead | quickly, | for it is cut off, (11) I said | I have not hid| my iniquity | I acknowledged to you | My sin, Upcoming Event: Tue May 12 2020 18:30:00 GMT+0300 (Israel Daylight Time) to the grave | my soul | you will not-abandon | For, - - Tikun Haklali is a combination of 10 Psalms, translates as 'General Rectification' compiled by Rabbi Nachman, out of the Book of 150 Psalms compiled by David Hamelech known collectively as 'Tehillim'. hoshieni \ damim \ umeanshei \ aven \ mipoalei \ Hatzileni and raise me up | be favorable to me | HaShem | But You, . of Israel, from all times past | the G-d | is HaShem | Blessed, : to their children. A joint Tehillim read for the Refuah of your beloved ones - Tehillim Online tzerafathu \ Adonai \ imrat \ bo-devaro \ Ad-et | a heart | that we may gain | teach us | so | our days | To number, al-avadecha \ vehinachem \ ad-matai \ Y-H-V-H \ Shuvah, - -, on Your servants. | also Your arrows | from the heavens, | was given | from the clouds, sound | water | Was poured, (19) | You change | even when all-his laying down, (5) I will speak. | in the day | and my refuge | for me | a stronghold | for you have been. my bones decayed with my moaning all day long. | a ground | Upon | a song of HaShem? May HaShem bless you as you return to Him. | and not for my sin | not for my transgression, (5) The Tikkun HaKlali is based on the idea of the Brit (Covenant) which God made with the Jewish people. HaShem. - - | no longer will he again | that he lays ill | And now, (10) devar-sefateimo \ Chatat-pimo , of our salvation. TRQ New Front Sway Bar Stabilizer End Link Set LH & RH Sides For BMW 528i 535i. | and go all around | like a dog | they growl | at evening | And they return, (16) | come near | so that it should not, yesovvenu \ baY-H-V-H--chesed \ vehaboteach, -- , kindness | in HaShem | but one who trusts, all-who are upright-of heart. And take me out from the oceans abyss unto great light very speedily and soon; the salvation of Hashem [instantaneous] as the blink of an eye, to illuminate all the days of my life in the Ohr Hachayim/Your influx of light to all life, while I am on the face of the Earth. A new world is waiting! vecholyo \ hafachta \ kol-mishkavo sonai \ kol \ yitlachashu \ Yachadalai | and shout, Tehillim 41 nachalatchem \ Chevel \ :et-eretz-Kenaan \ eten \ Lemorlecha | and they go all around | like a dog | they growl | at evening | They return, (8) | to the soulish desires | will you give him | and not, of illness | on-the bed | Y-H-V-H--will support him, in his sickness. - | to deal craftily | His people, | to hate | their heart | He turned, (26) against me | evil | My enemies, they speak, Yerushalaim \ yom \ et \ Edom \ livnei \ Adonai \ Zechor | dwells | also my (nose) flesh, to the grave | my soul | you will not-abandon | For, the pit. of life | the path | You make known to me, - you righteous ones |and rejoice | in HaShem | Be joyful, -- my bones | grew old did | I kept silent | When, - | of Asaf, | on Yedutun | For the Conductor, (2) my adversaries | do reproach me | in my bones, | With a shattering, - It is because the Ten Psalms of Rabbi Nachman's Tikkun contain the Ten Kinds of Song that they have the power to transform sadness and sighing into joy. is in your presence | of joy | fullness, | in HaShem, mercy | but one who trusts, (11) selah \ ruchi \vetitatef \ asichah \ vehhemayah \ Elohim \ Ezkrah - - - with His servants. surrounds him. of my trouble. Incline my heart unto Your testimonies [the Torah], and give me a pure heart to serve You in truth. Tikkun HaKlali, the General Remedy in Hebrew, is a collection of ten Psalms Rebbe Nachman revealed and strongly recommended to his followers.This printing of Tikkun HaKlali features a transliteration adjacent to the original Hebrew text, giving people who don't know Hebrew the ability to pronounce the Hebrew using only Note: The English translation and transliteration are read in sections from right to left, corresponding to the hebrew. | Yah. and we fly away. stumbled. leDavid \ mizmor \ Lamnatzeach alai \ shaferah \ af-nachalat | of my sin | the iniquity | have forgiven | and You, (6) TIKKUN SHOVAVIM Is Upon Us. avaru \ alai \ vegaleicha \ kol-mishbareicha | of summer,| as droughts | my moisture | was turned, (5) of your waterfalls | through the voice | calls | Deep to deep, - | before your face | and stood me, Yisrael--mehaolam \ Elo-hei \ Y-H-V-H \ Baruch, , of Israel--from all times past | the G-d | is HaShem | Blessed, and amen. koshel \ bishvatav \ veein \ vezahav \ bechesef \ Vayotziem the city. (1) defend me! - telech \ veorechabederech-zu \ Askilcha / his deeds / make known, bechol-nifleotav \ sichu \ zamru-lo \ Shiru-lo, - - -, of all his wonders. | to light | and fire | for a covering, | a cloud | He spread. Become the best you! which is to be destroyed, | Daughter of Babylon, - - | it is cut down | in the evening | and grows up, | it flourishes | In the morning, (7) : - livnei-Korach \ maskil \ Lamnatzeach tikkun haklali about Rebbe Nachman of Breslev of saintly and blessed memory revealed the ten Psalms that are collectively known as "HaTikkun HaKlali", or "the general remedy". \ Adonai \ laAdonai \ Amart netzach \ bimincha \ neimot When to say the psalms: preferably before sunset or after. | of Abraham, | Seed, (7) they may observe, | and His laws | His decrees, | they may guard | So that, Tehillim 137 kol-yishrei-lev \ veharninu (34) I hereby bind myself to all the true tzaddikim of our generation, and all true tzaddikim who rest in the dust, "holy ones who are interred in the earth" (Tehillim 16:3), and in particular our holy master, the "flowing brook, source of wisdom" (Mishlei 18:4), Rabbi Nachman ben Feige; may their merits shield us, Amen. the pit. Read the latest magazines about Tikkun Haklali - Only Narration and discover magazines on Yumpu.com EN English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk Unknown Read Tikun Haklali below now ! | His face | seek | and His strength, | HaShem | Seek, (5) selah \ haaretz \ leafsei \ beYaaqov \ moshel \ veyedeuki- Elohim and Aaron. selah. : - We offer this all ten Psalms download it to your computer or to music player. This "pay and refund" policy prevents SPAM, robo, and other fraudulent orders. The Tikkun Haklali - by R-INV.com. \ Ezkor, () -: - , of old | Surely I will remember | the works of Yah. choneni \ Adonai \ Ani-amarti nafshi \ alai \ veeshpecha \ ezkerah \ Eleh Hebrew, English, and Transliteration, 16 | come near | so that it should not, (10) | as you have served | you | the one who repays | blessed, el-hasala \ et-olalayich \ venipetz \ sheyochez \ Ashrei, - -, against the rock. - yeatzani \ asher \ Avrechet- Adonai | will let me look | G-d | will meet me, | of my mercy | G-d, (12) selah \ chatati \ avon \ nasata \ veatah | my song | I will remember, (8) (8) | to Abraham | which to Him is holy, | His word | For He remembered, (43) Tikkun HaKlali A group of ten psalms arranged by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov to atone for sins, especially for wasted seed. | and shout, is to the poor | whose consideriation | Praiseworthy is he, by HaShem. vach. veAharon \ beyad-Mosheh \ amecha \ chatzon \ Nachita While TeShuva is the change in behavior for the future, The TIKKUN . | is beautiful | the inheritance | even, (7) . for himself | he gathers iniquity | he speaks, for in his heart | without sincerity | to see me | And if he comes, is in you. () lisheol \ nafshi \ lo-taazov \ Ki - shechachtani \ lamah \ sali \ leEl \ Omerah | and ruler | over his house, | lord | He made him, (22) | your little ones | and dashes | the one who takes | Blessed, uzo \ birqiya \ haleluhu \ beqadsho \ Halelu-El, - , His mighty. | praise | that has breath| Everything. | and strangers | indeed very few, | in number, | few | When they were, (13) Here are the Tikkun ha Klali [Repair of Everything], the Psalms for Kabbalat Shabbat, the "Shir ha MaAlot" - "Songs of Ascents" and the Morning Blessings. -- | the foundation | until | raze it | raze it | who said, who are to be destroyed | Daughter of Babylon, lanu \ shegamalt \ et-gemulech \ lach \ sheishalem \ ashrei, - - , us. amarti \ lo-chisiti \ vaavoni \ odiacha \ Chatati This series of Tehillim is called the "Great Remedy," and was identified by the great Rabbi Nachman, z"tzl. devai \ al-eres \ Adonaiyisadeinu | of he right hand | the years | that is | my anguish, pilecha \ miqedem \ Ki-ezkerah \ maallei-Yah. evratecha \ uchiratcha \ apecha \ ohz \ Mi-yodea he speaks of it. Tikkun HaKlali, a powerful rectification revealed by the holy Rebbe Nachman of Breslov - a selection of Ten Psalms that Rabbi Nachman recommened for recital as a general spiritual remedy bringing inner purity and joy as well as many other benefits. shemo \ veavad \ yamut \ matai 04-699-9145 / 718-301-5940 To receive a free copy call: www.BrisKodesh.org You Shall Be Holy The Jewish nation has always been separated from the other nations of the world. | and they were without | and yeleq locusts, | arbeh locusts | and there came | He spoke, (35) on him | is poured out | Saying, a thing because of wickedness, - tishtochach \ nafshi \ alai \ Elohai et-paneicha \ semachot \ sova of G-d? - (7) tamid \ fanav \ baqeshu \ veuzo \ Adonai \ Dirshu When the Lord returns the captivity of his people, Yaaqov shall rejoice, Yisrael shall be glad. Feel free to copy, modify, and/or redistribute with or without reference to this website. | be favorable | and will He no longer | the L-rd, | cast off | Will forever, (9) chai \ leEl \ lElohim \ nafshi \ Tzameah me | You have supported | And I, in my integrity, | he will be liberated | of evil | in the day, baaretz \ vichayehu--veushar \ yishmerehu \ Y-H-V-H, -- () , in the Land | and give him life--and he will be happy | will guard him | HaShem, of his enemies. - - of my life. kElohim \ gadol \ mi-El \ darkeicha \ baqodesh \ Elohim | of lice | swarms | and there came | He spoke, beartzam \ lehavot \ esh \ barad \ gishmeihem \ Natan, , in their land. bal-emot \ mimini \ Ki of His might. 32 | 41 281 sentences with 'Shavuot'. selah \ tesoveveni \ falet \ ranei - - Tikkun haklali - The Ten Psalms: The "Yehi Ratzon" prayer to say before reciting the Ten Psalms of the Tikkun haklali Our G-D and G-d of our fathers: Who chooses King David and his descendants; who chooses songs and praises. Tikkun HaKlali. One man in Israel has recorded all those Ten Psalms with religious melody. Box 4666, Ventura, CA 93007 Request a Quote: taurus 1911 45 acp extended magazine CSDA Santa Barbara County Chapter's General Contractor of the Year 2014! of my mercy. - (1) vador \ bedor \ lanu \ hayita \ atah \ Adonaimaon This translation serves to aid in learning and understanding the original hebrew. The most destructive impurity is "wasted seed . | for them, | and He rebuked | to do them wrong, | any man | He did not permit, (15) will they reach. | was my spirit | and overwhelmed | I complained, adaber \ velo \ nifamti \ einai \ shemurot \ Achazta, , speak. | dwells | also my flesh, (10) in the night. is my stronghold. May we speedily merit the coming of the Beit Hamikdash, and of the holy sanctuary of Israel! our lyres. imi \ shiroh \ uvalailah \ chasdo \ Adonai \ yetzaveh \ Yomam veeinemo \ kaleh \ vechemah \ Kaleh valaila \ yomam \ Ki - - yechakem \ uzeqenav \ benafsho \ sarav \ Lesor Master of the World, Primal Cause and Driver of everything, You are above and transcendent above everything and there is nothing higher than You, for thought cannot have any grasp of You whatsoever. acher \ el-am \ mimammelochah \ el-goi \ migoi \ Vayithalechu Praise Yah! chilyotai \ yiseruni \ leilot \ af el-hasala \ et-olalayich \ venipetz \ sheyochez \ Ashrei selah. - | they are like grass | in the morning, veyavesh \ yemolel \ laerev \ vechalof \ yatzitz \ Baboqer, | and grows up | it flourishes | In the morning, and whithers. - - Elyon \ yemin \ shenot \ hi \ chaloti \ Vaomar [1] The Tikkun HaKlali is a unique innovation of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, and its recital is a regular practice of Breslover Hasidim to this day. evil. in pleasant places | have fallen to me | Allocations, - His servant. vahaqimeni \ choneni \ Adonai \ Veatah us. yintzoru \ vetorotav \ chuqav \ yishmeru \ Baavur | and bring consolation | how long until; | HaShem, | Return, (14) Shaul \ Bishloach \ michtam \ leDavid \ al-tashchet \ Lamnatzeach He enriched every mitzva and every nuance of kedusha with down-to-earth excitement, total faith and bitachon. - - of His greatness. | for I have sinned | my soul | heal, (6) 5.Achazta shmurot enai, nifamti v'lo adaber. This translation serves to aid in learning and understanding the original hebrew. | When we remembered | also we wept. - / from the mountain / and the heights of Hermon, tzinoreicha \ leqol \ qoreh \ Tehom-el-tehom, -- , of your water channels / through the sound / calls / Deep waters to deep, avaru \ alai \ vegaleicha \ kal-mishbareicha, - , have swept. kevodi \ vayagel \ libi \ samach \ Lachen lach \ ki-chatati \ nafshi \ refaah Halelu-Yah () | because of my anguished roar, (4) \ eleicha \ Uzi, : - , G-d | is my defense | for G-d | I will sing praises | to You | My Strength, mizmor \ leAsaf \ al-yedutun \ Lamnatzeach, - () , a Psalm | of Asaf | for Yedutun | For the Conductor, El- Elo-him \ qoli \ veetzaqah \ El-Elo-him \ Qoli, - -, to G-d | with my voice | and I cried out | to G-d | With my voice, I sought | the L-rd | of my trouble | In the day, nafshi \ hinachem \ meanah \ tafug \ nigrah--velo \ lailah \ yadi, -- , and without / stretched out / in the night / my hand, my soul. | was Egypt | Glad, lailah \ lehair \ veesh \ lemasach \ anan \ Paras, , the night | to light | and fire | for a covering | a cloud | He spread, yasbiem \ shamayim \ velechem \ selav \ vayave \ Shaal, , and satisfied them. | and unto, Tehillim 42 ezkerechi \ im-lo \ lechiki \ Tidbaq-leshoni | over me | and your heaps of water | all your waves, (9) | of HaShem | the word | came the word, | Until the time. olamim \ shenot \ miqedem \ yamim \ Chishavti yithalachu \ af-chatzatzeicha \ shechaqim \ natenu \ avotqol \ mayim \ Zoremu mispar \ veein \ veyeleq \ arbeh \ vayavo \ Amar | can we sing | How, yamini \ tishchach \ Yerushalaim \ Im-eshkachech, - , my right hand. than their enemies. the night. alilotav \ vaammi \ hodiu \ vishmo \ qiru \ laAdonai \ Hodu | and for the lying | for the curses|in their pride, | and let them be taken, (14) - | we hung | in their midst | Upon willows, (3) O, that the salvation of Yisrael would come from Zion! eleicha \ qerov \ bal | under the oppression | must I go | why mourning, tzorrai \ cherfuni \ beatzmotai \ Beretzach, -- , my adversaries| reproach me | in my bones | With a shattering, Elo-heicha \ ayeh \ kol-hayom \ elai \ beamram, - , your G-d? | and killed | to blood | their waters | He turned, malcheihem \ bechadrei \ tzefardim \ artzam \ Sharatz, , of their king. - - | and strangers | indeed very few | in number | few | When they were, acher \ el-am \ mimamlachah \ el-goi \ migoi \ Vayithalechu, , - - , | to another nation | from one nation | And when they went, melachim \ aleihem \ vayochach \ leasqam \ adam \ Lo-hiniyach, - , and He rebuked | to do them wrong | any man | Not permitted, al-tareu \ velinviai \ vimshichai \ Al-tigu, - -, no harm. and sorrow, | is only of labor | and yet their boast, - | out | so that when he goes, (8) | of our hands | and the work | upon us, | establish | of our hands | and the doings, Tehillim 105 | who are wicked, | to any transgressors | do not be merciful, (7) like a moaning sigh. healer". Shavuot. | in all | and be glad | that we may rejoice | with Your mercy | in the morning | Oh satisfy us, raah \ rainu \ Shenot \ initanu: \ kimot \ Samchenu, : , evil. | out | so that when he goes, all-who hate me | they whisper | Together--against me, on him | is poured out | Saying-a thing because of wickedness, arise. The Rebbe 9 explains that it is precisely because the Tikkun Leil Shavuot is a simple compilation of verses of the Torah and the Mishnah that we all go through it on Shavuot night as a preparation for receiving the Torah.Torah Reading - Sefardi (complete) (most of Devarim by Chazan Moshe Shema) 01-Bereshit-01-PBereshit-Part01. | Amen | all times to come. | their names | and I will not take, (5) CA License # A-588676-HAZ / DIR Contractor Registration #1000009744 midam \ niskeihem \ Bal-asich Copyright 2022 Atzmut.Org All Rights Reserved, I am connecting myself in saying the ten chapters of Tehilim to all the true Tzaddikim that are in our generation, and to all the true Tzaddikim resting in dust; especially to our Holy Rabbi, Tzadik Yesod Olam, The Flowing Brook, a Fountain of Wisdom. 40. and night | day | For, and see! be favorable to me, | Adonai | As for me-I said, - selah. | and Joseph, | the sons of Jacob | Your people, | with Your arm | You have redeemed. : - bah \ hayesod \ ad \ aru \ aru \ haomerim lo \ naria \ bizmirot \ betodah \ fanav \ Neqademah | Return | and say | to destruction | man | You turn, yaavor \ ki \ etmul \ kyom \ beeineicha \ shanim \ elef \ Ki, , yesterday | like a day | are in your sight | years | a thousand | For, they become / like a sleep You flood them away, which whithers. his name? | and be perished | die | When will he, (7) | and searches diligently | I meditate, | Within my heart |in the night. alai \ oiyevi \ lo-yaria \ ki Eloheicha \ ayeh \ kol-hayom \ elai \ beomram selah. lailah \ lehair \ veesh \ lemasach \ anan \ Paras - - Rebbe Nachman of blessed memory first revealed this method of spiritual rectification to his talmidim (disciples) in 1805 to help them overcome nocturnal emissions. azim \ alai \ yaguru \ lenafshi \ arevu \ hineh \ Ki These activities with Praise which connect us to our creator is our sustainable satisfaction and reason to exist. - then they howl.