In which type of musical form is there a musical statement (A), then a contrasting statement (B), then a return to the first musical statement (A)? Carroll selects Agent Weston to be the victim and has his followers abduct him. [player 2:35], The following difficult piece for the violin was written by one of the few musicians of the time who could play it. Paul is quoted as saying that George Martin's ________ gave him a sense of responsibility and composure and helped Martin "deal with us when we got out of line". [player 1:55]. Which of the following are true of the career of Guillame de Machaut? What is the brass instrument shown in the image? The symphony had its origins in the overture, which was the introductory music for Italian opera. What is the texture when there is a melody accompanied by chords? Meanwhile, Joe has hit a roadblock with his book as he struggles to understand what motivates Hardy, and takes Jacob and Vincent to kill the militia leader before he can talk. During the attack, they screamed phrases such as "Joe Carroll lives", "Resurrection", and "Ryan Hardy can't stop us". Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? Hardy soon discovers that the charismatic Carroll has surrounded himself with a group of like-minded individuals (whom he met while teaching and while in prison), and turned them into a cult of fanatical killers. Listen to the audio clip. (:11), How dissonant harmonies create tension and instability throughout, Listen to the following example. According to the text, art of the Romantic period valued emotional restraint and clarity of form. In general, operatic arias of the Romantic period, for example those by Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), provide good examples of homophonic music. Secular music was increasingly valued as an art in the Renaissance; Medieval music was found in limited manuscripts, whereas Renaissance music could be printed and circulated widely. Largo, moderato, allegro, and presto are Italian terms in music that indicate. Top rated: 4 Lowest rating: 2 Summary: Articles about Music 152 & Harmony Final Test Answers - Quizzma The most salient compositional aspect of the following excerpt is: (00:35).Imitation between voices. Renaissance composers did not specify the instruments to play a composition, so performers would use whatever instruments were available; Renaissance musicians played wind, string, and percussion instruments; Mixed groupings of different kinds, such as recorders and viols might be heard in ensembles of as many as thirty musicians. 1:54. In contrast to the Renaissance, where vocal and choral music took center stage, instrumental music established itself as the most significant genre of the Baroque period. The composer of this selection is: player 10:26 Jacob Obrecht The Renaissance was the Golden Age of: Choral composition for small ensembles What element of the musical style of the following piece indicates that it is from the Renaissance period rather than the Medieval period? One is the tenor and has the chant. What was one of the most influential innovations that helped spread and popularize Renaissance secular music? Stories were based on "real people," and the music was light and humorous. Distracted by the search for Joey and unable to find any leads in Carroll's escape, the FBI lose faith in Hardy's ability to catch him and his followers and usher in a new agent to oversee the investigation. Kester arrives, ready to flee with Maggie. (:11), The following excerpt is not an example of triple meter. Dufay Which of the following examples features melismatic singing? The creation of music as it is being performed is called, The property of sound that refers to how long a musical sound lasts is called. We thoroughly check each answer to a question to provide y'all with the most correct answers. The term _____ is used to refer to the organization of beats into regular groups of strong and weak ones. First, describe what that design It repeats the same music as the A section. dua to make someone love you like crazy. Quickly and professionally. Which characterizes the music heard here? The following excerpt represents melody with harmonic accompaniment. Work with our consultant to learn what to alter. (7:31), The placement of accents in the following example causes us to perceive its meter as: (:25), The following excerpt is an example of ritardando. Which of the following correctly describes this excerpt from the Pope Marcellus mass? (:07), The following excerpt represents polyphonic texture. Although the violin is mostly a single melody instrument, violinists can also play chords using an instrumental technique known as: (:30), The repeated rhythm pattern is part of the accompaniment, Listen to the following selection. True or false: Josquin Desprez, one of the greatest Renaissance composers, wrote only religious works like motets and masses for the church. [player :34]. With Ryan arriving in time to call an ambulance, he learns that now bedridden Weston not only knows Claire's location, but is the only one who does. "Daryl" walks into the house, revealed to be Joe Carroll. 2:55, The following musical excerpt is from the Classical period. Identify the opera in question. While Claire tries to escape with Joey, they are blocked by various followers and Roderick puts an ankle monitor on her. (play :18), An advanced 12th-century four-voice organum, Which of the following examples represents sacred music? Example B (Player :53), This movement from a piano sonata by Beethoven exemplifies: While at Maggie's home, her phone receives a text message from Kester. It is a passamezzo by Caroubel; it is in duple meter; it does not use percussion instruments. The composer pictured above, an international artist of Hungarian heritage, decided to become a technical wizard at the keyboard after hearing Paganini playing the violin. Many instruments come in different sizes, which means they have different. . They find a lead to a bunker, to which they find out that it's a boot camp of followers and are forced to kill the followers in training. In an AABA song like Arlen's Over the Rainbow, part B adds ________ to the song. 2.2.What type of people worked. good friday agreement, brexit. Fell free get in touch with us via phone or send us a message. False Correct! False Correct! While being held captive with Megan, Hardy is able to cause dissension among Emma, Paul and Jacob. Knowing that it is only a matter of time before Carroll finds her, Hardy must outsmart a group of followers and move Claire to a safe place. (player 2:06), The following musical excerpt represents strophic form. True From the Classical period onwards, sonata-allegro form was replaced by other forms as the basis for most instrumental music. In addition to its use in music, dissonance can also be found in other art forms such as literature, film, and visual art. Here's a hint: some related derivatives are "sonata," "supersonic," and "resonance. The following example was composed by a musician whose career exemplifies the dominance of composers from Northern France and the Netherlands during the Renaissance. What is the technique of combining several melodic lines into a meaningful whole? Which statements best describe the recording? 1. leaf leaves\underline{\color{#c34632}{leaves}}leaves, 2. reindeer reindeer\underline{{reindeer}}reindeer. There is a main theme that is varied in each repetition. :08, Beethoven is sometimes referred to as "The Father of the Symphony.". This music example illustrates a chord played one note after another. Meanwhile, the FBI look inward, investigating the connection between one of their own safehouses and a crime committed by a member of Carroll's cult. :28. :47, Listen to this music example and answer the following question: Who would be a likely composer for this work? List the point of entry, stasis, inciting incident, at least 3 rising action events leading to t Listen to the audio clip. Which of the following statements accurately describe the rhythm and melody heard in Renaissance music? Identify the event that did not occur during the Classical period: The following piano sonata was composed by one of the first female virtuoso performers. Which of the following statements are true of Gregorian chant? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) . Back at his house, he enters a passcode-locked room with pictures and files from the case of Carroll's cult pinned all over the walls. With Hardy distracted at the evacuation center, cult members capture Parker and bury her alive. Answer: True Which of the following choices is the defining characteristic of polyphony? Which of the following statements about the Renaissance madrigal are accurate? Humans can only "fully become" by exploring their inner feelings. You can get your paper edited to read like this. A brilliant, charismatic, and psychotic serial killer communicates with other active serial killers and activates a cult of believers who follow his every command. In musical form, what technique lets us recognize previously presented melodies, harmonies, and rhythm patterns? Which of the following excerpts is most likely a composition by Paganini? Emma and Jacob recapture Claire, and with their help, Joe escapes with Claire on a boat. A flashback reveals Molly joining Joe on the condition she be the one to kill Ryan when the time is right. [player 3:02], The dynamics of this excerpt indicate that it was composed in the Romantic period because: A brilliant, charismatic, and psychotic serial killer communicates with other active serial killers and activates a cult of believers who follow his every command. . Listen to the audio clip. strict religious upbringing, Singing School is related to _____ ? Throughout the papers, the idea of that more perfect union occupies center stage. The following excerpt is dissonant. Frustrated, Weston asked Ryan why he had ignored all of his calls and messages in the past year while Weston was struggling with after-thoughts of the case. (:11), The following excerpt represents a melody without harmonic accompaniment. Elegance, delicacy, softness, and playfulness, The following excerpt comes from a famous aria in one of Mozarts most enduring operas. I am hoping to see you at try-outs this afternoon. True or false: The beat in music is always clearly emphasized and strongly felt. True The following example was composed by a musician whose career exemplifies the dominance of composers from Northern France and the Netherlands during the Renaissance. He leaves the house and picks up a convenience store worker, Megan (Li Jun Li), later knocking her out to kidnap and hold her hostage at the house. 1:01, The vocal technique illustrated by the following example is known as: and pitch (e.g., C, G, or D) constitute a harmony. She claims to be separated from Kester because he was abusive, having stabbed her on a previous occasion. Which of the following is a distinguishing characteristic of sacred music from the Medieval period? 16:54. However, dissonance doesn't always need to be resolved, and the perception of chords as dissonant tends to be subjective. Which of the following statements about minstrels or jongleurs are true? Emma sneaks Joey away while Paul and Jacob scuffle with Hardy; Paul is stabbed by Hardy, who takes the opportunity to help Megan escape. That instrument is the: In a brief conversation with Emma about Jacob, Paul reveals to her that Jacob has been lying to them, and has never actually killed. answer. Claire is abducted by Carroll's followers, but Hardy and Parker refuse to let her go without a fight. True Musical texture refers to how melody and harmony relate to each other. Polyphonic music was not always based on Gregorian chant; Composers used drinking songs and imitated birdcalls in their works. Which of the following describe the words and music of Renaissance music? Listen to the following two excerpts from Handels. The sacred text and overall musical style of this example suggests that it is part of a/an: How does the texture in the second listening clip differ from the first? During the Romantic period, choral music enjoyed its highest popularity since the Renaissance period. (:28) false. :40, Which of these examples is a recitative? The sudden quiet and crescendos leading to important parts of the piece are examples of changes in. Maggie returns home under protection by FBI agent Reilly. You know, there are scholarships available for winning students this year." The rhythm may be described as having a: Which excerpt represents the Theme? Their fight takes them to a boathouse where a rogue gunshot ignites tanks of gasoline; Hardy manages to escape as the building explodes with Carroll trapped inside. False Which of the following examples represents secular music? The dance-like characteristics of the following piece indicate that it was written by: The Rite of Spring French: Le Sacre du printemps is a ballet and orchestral concert work by the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. Listen to the audio clip. Which of the following is a salient characteristic of secular music from the Medieval period? Work with our consultant to learn what to alter. 1:00, The following musical excerpt is from a recitative. The following excerpt features characteristics of polyphonic texture. (:18). A year after the anniversary of the supposed death of Joe Carroll, individuals wearing masks of Carroll's face appear on a New York City Subway car and stab everyone on the train to death, except one woman, who escapes after being stabbed in the arm once. False Correct! The lute imitates the voice's upward leaps and so becomes more prominent than before. Emma is caught by Weston, who is shot by a local policewoman later revealed to be working with the mysterious "Roderick". What does variation in tone color often produce? (play 6:30), This is an example of a musical genre known as It is more ornamented. MethodFemale students volunteered to take part in a discussion on the psychology of sex. "I just don't have the time." (:28) false. Roderick is caught by Ryan and says he'll give up Joey if he gets his freedom. ers job and responsibilities are in general, then describe what you would do if you designed this show. Ryan, gaining what strength he can, grabs Molly from behind her hair and strangles her to the ground and breaks her neck, killing her. Which of the following events occurred in America during the time period known as the Renaissance? Which of the following statements are true about the texts used in medieval mass? The following excerpt comes from a famous aria in one of Mozart's most enduring operas. The beat is not very evident because different melodies overlap with each other; each melodic line has rhythmic independence; imitation of the main melody is a common device used by composers. During the Baroque period, the term sonata was used for musical works __________. The great European churches and cathedrals of the Medieval period were important to the development of Western music. Weston and Mendez begin searching for information on possible suspects for the murders and only identify one person, Carlos, who has been missing for over a year. None of them reacts in time. The chords in this excerpt are dissonant. false. In the lower center, at the front of the picture, there is a harp; In the lower left corner of the picture, there is an organ or regal; In the middle-right edge of the picture, an early keyboard instrument is seen on the table. A melody consists of a succession of: Pitches. Listen to the audio clip. Consonant harmonies usually provide a feeling of tension. True or false: Attentive and perceptive listening is necessary for recognizing and fully understanding the properties of musical sound in a performance. Why was the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris important? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. (:46), Which of the following excerpts has a fast tempo? Watch The Following: Promo Exist Needledrop, Watch The Following: Cc 2012 Press Kevin Bacon, Watch The Following: Cc 2012 Press James Purefoy, Watch The Following: Cc 2012 Press Kevin Williamson, In a recent interview, Kevin Williamson revealed that one of the first ideas for this show was in his draft for Scream 3 (2000), the one movie of the franchise that he ended up not writing. :21. It has several notes per syllable. The use of secular tunes and theatrical singing in Catholic church music; Catholic church music used noisy instruments and complex polyphony; Catholic church music had lost its purity. The conclusion drawn from the audio file is that the following excerpt represents melody with harmonic accompaniment.. Pianissimo (pp), forte (f), and fortissimo (ff) are Italian terms and symbols for which musical element? Which of the following statements about Hildegard of Bingen are true? Ryan Hardy and his team obtain video footage of the immolation incident and he recognizes the victim (Todd Faulkner) as a literary critic who gave Joe Carroll's book a scathing review. Listen to the audio clip. (play :55). False This music example illustrates a chord played one note after another. Carroll reaches out to Hardy with an unusual request, and despite the threat of swift and violent retribution if his demands are not met, Hardy realizes that he might be holding onto a bigger bargaining chip than first thought. Prima practica emphasized equality of voices whereas seconda practica emphasized a hierarchy of voices. His name is: Which of the following excerpts features frequently changing tempos? Which section of the orchestra is playing in this musical selection? Not even if they are several agents in the same spot. The tape studio, synthesizers and computers. When Carroll's son Joey (Kyle Catlett) is abducted by his father's followers, the FBI discovers that it is the first step in a wider plan for Carroll to escape custody, humiliate Hardy, and be reunited with his ex-wife Claire (Natalie Zea). Frustrated, Hardy begins to suspect that Carroll either has Followers inside the system, or that he is coercing someone to do his bidding. The following excerpt comes from a famous aria in one of Mozarts most enduring operas. This excerpt demonstrates: How dissonant harmonies create tension and instability throughout. Carlos assures they have nothing to worry about. The following excerpt comes from a famous aria in one of Mozart's most enduring operas. Could we generalize the results from such experiments? During the Classical period, opera buffa (comic opera) plots were based on myths and historical figures. Then, on the line provided, write COM for common or PROP for proper and CON for concrete or ABS for abstract. This music example illustrates a chord played one, Consonant harmonies usually provide a feeling of, The following excerpt represents melody by itself, The following excerpt represents melody with, Which of the following types of texture does it, Which of the following choices is the defining, This music passage is an example of: (:16), The following excerpt represents monophonic, The following excerpt represents polyphonic, This piece of music is a good example of: (:20), The following music excerpt features: (:17), This music excerpt is an example of: (:31), The following excerpt represents homophonic. They start off the piece, and are repeated throughout. Music created in medieval Europe and later can come alive and be reproduced today thanks to. I need scholarships for college." The following piece was written by a leading figure of the post-WWII Germanavant-garde . It is polyphonic. Paul and Jacob are able to escape with the help of other Followers disguised as FBI agents. (player 17:17), Which excerpt most likely represents theme and variations form? What term refers to simultaneous tones in music that add support and richness to a melody? He manages to get an ambulance to his apartment and he and Claire are rushed to a hospital. English madrigals in honor of "Oriana," or Queen Elizabeth I. Why was the music of the 14th century referred to as ars nova? The following excerpt is dissonant because it contains elements that are in conflict with one another. Composers and arrangers can introduce some elements of variation in a piece of music without altering its basic form. Match the search results: Listen to the following two examples from a piece in . Carlos runs to another hotel room where a woman, Gisele, answers the door and lets him in. Enraged at Alex for mocking Debra's death, Hardy shoots him in cold blood. Which of the following forms is not based on the principle of repetition? 94 Surprise, II and more. When a melody serves as the starting point of a composition and is modified in various ways as the work progresses, it is called a. In this performance, the accompaniment is played by a vielle, which is a medieval _____ instrument. How were instruments of the Renaissance typically used in performances of that era? This music example illustrates a chord played one note after another. :13, Clear pulse and meter with regular, dance-like rhythms. he climax, the climax, the falling action, and the new stasis. A multi-movement sacred work for soloist and choir intended for a concert performance, A piece for solo instrument or a small group of instruments, A piece that contrasts a solo instrument with an ensemble. The course places the Romantic period in music between the years: A musical genius, but also someone with strong anti-Semitic views, the man pictured above was one of the most influential composers of the Romantic Period. After being recognized at a police station by Weston, Roderick is forced to go on the run, and his disagreements with Joe come to a head when he abducts Joey as "insurance" against Carroll and the FBI. "Mayza," she said, "I saw you at the practice run yesterday, and I was very impressed with your ability. Overall, the use of dissonance in art can be a powerful tool for creating tension and drama, and can add depth and complexity to a composition. Two simultaneous pitches of the same letter name and pitch (e.g., C, G, or D) constitute a harmony. Home Flashcards OnMusic Appreciation Final, The texture of this example is That excerpt did not represent melody by itself. Nadia Boulanger was a prominent music teacher who taught some of the most influential composers of the 20th century, including Aaron Copland, Philip Glass, and Walter Piston. (player 5:37), Which of the following selections is an example of a Renaissance consort?