Basics Tactics Modified Close Quarters Battle Entry, Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant. Give a nice long look, quick look to make sure you're with your team. Military detonation cord has 50 grains of explosives per foot and there are 7,000 grains in a pound. The square allowed a unit to be almost completely enveloped by an enemy, but still able to keep composure anduse its firepower to themaximum. This page was last edited on 4 February 2023, at 21:29. Recruit: To the left, to the left, to the left! Email address Waugh: And they have to understand how that coordination works together with minimal communication using a concerted effort in order to have that security to the front. I know two of my readers will just love this post, because it doesnt play dress up with facts, or evidence of the gangs of military and police, aka gang stalkers who stormed the US Capitol last monthand that group of persons configured n the exact ways that ROGS Analysis PREDICTED, many years ago. The first person on the left side stack is the Breach Commander. *Six more people affiliated with the Oath Keepers have been indicted on conspiracy charges in the Capitol riot. Militia style anti-government movements - including militias, Boogaloo, Three Percenters and Oath Keepers - are less obviously attractive to women. This footage shows the MAGA hat officer asking the Oath Keepers to help him get up the stairs to help other officers get out of the Capitol. Learn how your comment data is processed. Good chance the stack can be fired upon from the other room. How you stack up in the military is quite a bit different from how you might as a civilian SWAT team or if it's an emergency and officers have to put together a hasty plan to assault a building. 9 Tactical Formations and Some Basic Methods to Get You Moving. Trying to list every element would only cause more confusion. suggest new definition. This is a major development! (LogOut/ The wedge formation is a very old and very effective formation when employedcorrectly. Keep them low. [3] Night combat - combat that takes place at night. Drill sergeant: Better. The meaning of the phrase is context sensitive, and has varied over time, like the difference between "strategy" and "tactics".[1]. It may seemstrange seeinghow firing lines worked, especially when watching movies on the Revolutionary, Civil, or Napoleonic wars, but it was really the most effective way to fight. The operators can change the order of who enters first and what direction they go; first operatoris never wrong, and second operator takes the opposite side. Russian airborne troops use an Orlan-10 drone during an exercise in June 2018. I AM CHANGING THE THINGS I CANNOT ACCEPT" Angela Davis. Meaning that a fast clearing pace, with overpowering use of flash bangs, explosive breaching, and domination of rooms; along with accurate and lethal fire, is going to keep the enemy off balance and effect his capability to effectively engage the assaulters. The FBI matched a phone number from Youngs email, which listed Meggs phone number and described him as a team leader in the Capitol siege. All right, now back on you, team leader. This is especially important due to the specific nature of operations on-base or within high-security facilities. finds relevant news, identifies important training information, WASHINGTON - Prosecutors described members of the right-wing extremist militia group the Oath Keepers as leaders of a long-planned and carefully coordinated scheme to prevent the peaceful transfer. An army in a hollow wedge with a reinforced center could overwhelm the enemy center, while withholding and protecting vulnerable flanks, potentially winning the battle after engaging less than half of their forces. Federal agents described the Oath Keepers as a large but loosely organized collection of militia that believe the federal government has been coopted by a shadowy conspiracy that is trying to strip American citizens of their rights, the criminal complaint filed in the case says. That temporary drop in security can be exploited by a trained enemy- giving him the opportunity to shoot at the team as they flow in or back out of the room. Davos,2022. Who wants an easy $125,000 USD? The group was wearing matching uniforms of camouflaged combat attire and had patches and other insignia for the Oath Keepers. Amusket man would have to hope for a lot of luck to hit a single charging cavalryman. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Powered by. Peshmerga soldiers rehearse urban tactical movement at a training base near Irbil, Iraq. Meaning that a fast clearing pace, with overpowering use of flash bangs, explosive breaching, and domination of rooms; along with accurate and lethal fire, is going to keep the enemy off balance and effect his capability to effectively engage the assaulters. Alexander the Great personally led his cavalry in a flying wedge to great effect in many battles, most notably his resoundingvictory at Gaugamela. We becomelimited by means of the formation being in a singlefile and operators only being able to cover theapproach from alternating sides. (LogOut/ The key function of stack planning is to ensure available space meets demand in military facilities. If those rooms have doors to other rooms in them (when opened) have a view to that T-intersection. He was reportedly the first group of Oath Keepers that pushed into the building in a military-style stack formation. The group prepared a "QRF" quick reaction force in. Tactical formations are essential if you are ever going to breach, in a fire-fight and or etc. All a threat has to do is observe and wait until the assaulters muzzle and attention is fixed on the opposite angle then just pop out and send a quick burst his way. Learn how your comment data is processed. This page was last edited on 6 February 2023, at 20:37. Upon stacking to one side of the entry-point, the first operator (1) enters the portal and takes postion within the room and faces opposite the position he originally faced. According to one former Army soldier who spoke to Business Insider, avoiding civilian casualties is one of the biggest takeaways during MOUT training. Tactical teams all have their own uniquenessabout them, but all tend to utilize similar tactics. Corners were reinforced and occasionally stuck out to provide enfilading fire, though this was not common. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Required fields are marked *. One of the key components of MOUT is learning a mobile combat formation known as the "Rolling T.". Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. When analyzing gangs of stalkers, its important to note how intelligence agencies create, and incite both religions, and religious fanatics; and then military industrialistscapitalize on the publics stupidity on these issues in order to sell armaments. The only ones able to lay down fireare the lead operator or two, then the rest have tomove and reposition to return fire or cover othersectors. []. It was after some hard CQB fighting in Iraq in the mid-2000s Army SF in their formal CQB schools adopted up to 6-man teams. Drill sergeant: You can't just say, "Hey, move." The first time I was exposed to this was while conducting training with an Army Special Forces (National Guard) unit that was involved in Counter Drug operations. Early firearms were quite inaccurate due to lack of rifling and aerodynamically shaped bullets and manyother variables such as the type of powder and loading techniques. Khun Vichai Helicopter Crash, Zakat ul Fitr. Lexipol. The ensuing charge would penetrate intothe ranksof the enemy, usually infantry, andscatter the opposingforce. Plus, what about breaching? Narrator: This video provided by Fort Benning shows a different exercise where future soldiers train with less lethal weapons in order to avoid civilian causalities, so they're ready to protect their fellow soldiers and innocent civilians they may encounter in combat. In Europa Universalis 4, armies work as two ranks of units - a frontline and a backline. Horace. This is the heart of the problem with a four-man stack. And they coordinate so that they both simultaneously appear from that corner so that they can secure the threat as quickly as possible. File photo. Jury Trials and the DVIC: Johnny Depp was defamed by path-narc Amber Heard. The whole idea of the number being set at four in the military is not based off practicality but instead is based off of two things: First as I said before, four men is an ideal number to take down a room but why the military likes it is just based off splitting an Army infantry squad in half. After forming a hollow infantry square and placing their horses in the center, the men marched on a fighting retreat for eight miles until the Cheyenne gave up and withdrew. In a case where all things were otherwise equal, the commander who knew how to organize and deploy his forces effectively had the decisive advantage. Don't just go on your own. Some Germanic armies and Vikings used a modified wedge formation to house skirmishers in the center and deployed spearmen onthe flanks at the base of the wedge. You don't want some guy to just dip around the corner with a knife. All rights reserved. Weekend Knowledge Dump- November 9, 2018 | Active Response Training, A Missing Terminal Ballistic Frame of Reference, Maintaining Consistent Shells in the Tube. For a time yes. Now, here is a scientific claim that I make about gang stalkers: they use the number 13 as both a sign, and a signifier of their activity, and also, others adopt that in their overt and covert operations. You might find yourself surprised by the number. The No., and are one and the same site, Gang stalking is ALWAYS the result of military, police and state surveillance, often hidden behind NGOs and "community policing,"waged BY both right and left wing elements of "democratic" societies who target citizens with highly personalized vendettas, informed by "Big Tech" and social media. The OPFOR mainly served to reveal that our military (as do other militaries) tend to train utilizing battle doctrine formed in the last war. Wait for him to say it. She has worn clothing with an Oath Keepers insignia in public, a witness told agents. *Feds say they planned Capitol attack in advance., Jim Roberts (@nycjim) February 19, 2021. The number one man goes in this direction, number two goes this way, and so on down the line. Alabama resident Mark Grods, 54, could face more than five years in prison and a fine of up to $200,000 after pleading guilty to the riot-related charges, according to U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta . The memberswere discussing the disadvantages of the stackformation on an approach. The founder of the Oath Keepers militia had a 97-second phone call with a senior member of the group who minutes later took part in a military-style "stack" formation with other Oath Keepers. While Rhodes stayed outside the building, other top Oath Keepers entered the Capitol in military "stack" formation, allegedly determined to disrupt the counting of the votes of the Electoral . [7] Diversionary attacks, feints, decoys; there are thousands of tricks that have been successfully used in warfare, and still have a role in the modern day. WASHINGTON Oath Keepers president Elmer Stewart Rhodes III and 10 other members of the militia group have been indicted on charges of seditious conspiracy, according to the Justice Department -. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. -"I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. The formation, known as "Ranger File," is standard operating procedure for a combat team that is "stacking up" to breach a building instantly recognizable to any US soldier or Marine who served. The solider providing rear security for the squad ensures there are no blind spots for the forward-facing soldiers. Terminology and dialectic tropes in the gang stalking dialecticonline. intelligence agents and their associates, all of whom can be tracked and traced like scummy little weasels who steal chicken eggs in the dark of nightand even in broad daylight, unless you know how to trap them, skin them, and sell their pelts to those interested in weasel fur. Dewayne Waugh: Infantrymen are expected to fight in different types of terrain and survive and win the fight, and right now they are getting their first taste of what that's like in an urban environment. Thats more angles and so on. Have that man count the number of times; He has eyes on the team and they dont see him. Amherst College Soccer, A tactical formation (or order) is the arrangement or deployment of moving military forces such as infantry units. 1- gang stalkers have an unusually high number of women in their contingents/cells 2- most gang stalking ring leaders (or cult leaders depending on how you view them)are military/police/intelligence agency trained, working with others 3-occulted intelligence numerology will be a feature of these gangs [] Part 2:The Folly of the Four Man Stack [], [] For some more information on team building clearing tactics, read The Folly Of The Four Man Stack. We also see another key ROGS Analysis talking point too: many of these people are related to each other, as we see in this glad handing news story too. Upon stacking to one side of the entry-point, the first operator (1) enters the portal and takes postion within the room and faces opposite the position he originally faced. FBI agents said the group formed a stack during the riots at the U.S. Capitol January 6, 2021. Retrieved 2022-12-08. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Security, police, military, and intelligence industry trolls frequently stalk and harass researchers who investigate gang stalking, which has been documented by many credible sources. The squad members execute stack arms from their positions in line formation at normal interval from order arms. As you move forward, scan your left and right flanks, to give yourself 180 coverage. This article contains a list of military tactics. Stack Formation. Note the similarities between Kelly Meggs' body armor and placement of the Oath Keepers patch in his MeWe profile picture that @CTExposers found, and this @RNickelsberg photo of him in front of the Supreme Court on Jan. 5, a day before the Capitol. Police1 is revolutionizing the way the law enforcement community And remember: nearly 100% of ALL gang stalking complaints involves current and former military, police. In the lead-up to the attack on the U.S. Capitol, Bennie Parker allegedly communicated extensively with Watkins about potentially joining her militia and combining forces for the events of January 6, the U.S. District Attorney said. Finally, the SAW gunner walks backward, keeping his head on a swivel in order to provide rear security. In doing so, turns his back to the rest of uncleared hall. For every open door that gives view of another space in the structure, that is a new angle one must cover. Instead, it was in hallways and from other adjacent rooms that had view of the rooms the teams were going into. They recognized, that while during multi-team CQB- 4 men are plenty to a stack since multiple stacks are going in at the same time to flood an objective. Narrator: As seen in this footage of US Army soldiers during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, troops are often tasked with searching and securing villages, but the rolling T is only used in situations when there is a possibility of a hostile threat. Blogroll: For academic and journalistic research, I recommend that you read or follow the blogsbelow. In that example, note the accusations of pedophilia, one of the worst slanders that the Jewish-christian society can use to target an individuals credibility. 9 Oath Keepers indicted for conspiracy, including 7 members of the tactical "stack" seen entering Capitol in combat gear "As always, while conducting security operations, we will have some of our men out in 'grey man' mode, without identifiable Oath Keepers gear on. Copyright 2023 Armored vehicle wedge formations as well as light infantry wedges allow for visibility and supporting fire by each unit while affording the opportunity to get maximum firepower ina fight. Entering a room using tactics. The advantages to this formation include having the ability to control elements even in a tight terrain, and allows for quick maneuverability to assign squads as the assaulting element, and assign certain squads to support-by-fire. The second operator (2) crosses the entry-point, into the portal and stands within the room, away from the fatal funnel, without changing his facing direction. No matter how fast one may be, action usually beats reaction. interacts online and researches product purchases Meggs was photographed by several journalists and his image was published in multiple news articles, the FBI said. Eli from Project Gecko running a first live fire drill with a student in a CeFed. Theory and Reality are two different things; what works in the classroom will not always work in life. By William McLaughlin for War History Online, William Mclaughlin is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE. Historically used with cavalry, the formation involves a mass of troops in a triangular wedge with the tip charging at the enemy. Military people learn to show up to everything (especially an official formation) at least 15 minutes early. OF COURSE! The line pike formation saw use periodically through antiquity and the middle ages as a tactic against cavalryformations, butbecame very popular againwith the adoption of handguns. Soldiers formed an infantry square almost always in response to cavalry charges. Infantry squares were organized in groups of 500to1,000, sometimes more, with sides being at least two men deep. Going back to basic military tactics, we haveessentially made it easier for a bad guy to pickoff operators in the stack. The caption said, A member of the right-wing group Oath Keepers stands guard during a rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court Building on January 5, 2021.. A 200-square-meter compound built to resemble a European village serves as the MOUT training site, where soldiers spend up to 60 hours in training during their time at Fort Benning. Please use the links below for donations: READ NEXT: Jessica Watkins, Oath Keepers Member Charged in Capitol Riot, Kelly Meggs: Florida Man, Oath Keepers Leader Charged in Capitol Riots, Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. The Flaw in the Four Man Stack If one is not set up to cover the angles, you are not set up to really handle CQB.This is the heart of the problem with a four-man stack. Key Background. The problems open up once those stacks start to spread out in a structure. FBI Around the time of Meggs Facebook post, the FBI says Young arranged for firearms and combat training for himself and others in Florida. Check out these four tips on how to clear a room, straight from a Navy SEAL. The square seems to have been occasionally utilized by Asian armies as well, often to repel cavalry charges. When in reality, the threat could be smart enough to be using the angles presented by open doorways to adjacent rooms, halls or other spaces that can be used to set up ambush points where he has a clear view of the stack. The Flying Wedgewas alsoused to great effect during the era of the Napoleonic wars. It is written solely to introduce the concept of tactical movement to those with little experience or knowledge in this area. It was intended to quickly break an enemy, but if it didnt, it could become surrounded and then easy to combat. or 16. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Modified room-entry technique is a combination of thecrisscross and buttonhook entry techniques. The Oath Keepers, which claims tens of thousands of present and former law enforcement officials and military veterans as members, is one of the largest radical antigovernment groups in the U.S. today, the Southern Poverty Law Center writes.