Some conjecture that their names are honorific titles passed down a lineage, so represent a status in deep one society rather than being the names of two longlived individuals. Thus, the conspiracy is built upon lies and misinformation intended to misdirect those who would seek to learn about the cult. Thus, only through the casting of the spell known as Light of Sacred Truth (see Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic) can this avatar be experienced; other spells or cosmic events may cause this avatar to appear, although such happenings appear to be rare indeed. Whatever its origin, Han is believed to undertake important tasks for Yig, whether that is conveying messages, reclaiming sacred artifacts, or metering out differing forms of retribution. Other times, Lilith may manifest in reality wearing some human-seeming mask, and, again, to impart some information designed to influence or task a person or group. If reduced to zero hit points, Nyarlathoteps monstrous form shrivels a little and then flies off into interstellar space. If reduced to zero hit points, Chaugnar Faugn becomes lifeless and inert, seemingly a statue. Like moths to a flame, all are drawn to glow of this blazing fire of passion. The same message may be heard by different people, yet understood contrarily. By the modern age, only four mummified priests of Sebek have ever been found, and these discoveries all appeared to end in tragedy, with violent deaths alleged to have claimed the lives of the archaeologists concerned. In short order, the avatar draws attention, collects a coterie of adoring fans and followers, and drives them to commit destructive acts that lead to social unrest. Telepathic Control: may use telepathy to control humans and other species. Hastalk, bringer of change Sanity Loss: 1D4/1D8 Sanity Points to encounter Hastalk through a microscope. Otherwise, the parasite must leap onto the human, giving it the chance to gain control. Nightmare, Send Dream, Stupefying Blast, Summon Ghouls, Transfer Organ; others as the Keeper desires. Of course, the converse is also true, for it is believed the deep ones know how to summon this avatar, unleashing Cthulhus wrath to support their own designs. DEX 120 Hit Points: 48 Damage Bonus (DB): +5D6 Build: 6 Move: 10 / 45 flying Aura Combat Attacks per round: 4 (bite, skewer, whip) or 1 (tail spikes or body smash) May bite or skewer with its beak, use its tail to whip, body smash, or shoot out dart-like spikes from its hide. Entire clans or cults may worship a Great Old One, with organizations stretching from a small group to a worldwide conspiracy. Here, shall you know the terrors of the void, the nightmare bringers, and the unspeakable lurkers. No definitive account exists to state when the Amber Elder first may have appeared to humanity, although accounts originating from Hyperborea, Mu, and Atlantis suggest this entity was known to these civilizations and may have played some role in their downfall. Look down into this pool and you shall see its eyes and is yawning mouths. Much like the Elder God Bast, Sebek appears to have been mistaken or considered to be a characterized form of Sobek, the crocodile-headed god of the Ancient Egyptian pantheon. The effects are full strength within 10 yards/meters, and are reduced by half within 30 yards/meters, and have their effect halved again (quartered) at 50 yards/meters; thus, an effect causing 1D8 damage is reduced to 1D4 at 11 to 30 yards/meters, and reduced to 1D2 at 31 to 50 yards/meters. Encounters tend to be localized and episodic, with an individual caught in the entitys web, who then goes on to cause trouble as they work toward constructing a stronger link to their new master or become transformed via their contact into monstrous crystalline beings bent on destruction. With over 110 entries concerning Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, Elder Gods, Avatars, and Unique Beings, this tome supplies a plethora of ideas to immerse your campaigns and scenarios deep in the heart of Cthulhu Mythos lore. After studying and selecting the fiendish mythos beast you plan to throw at your players, keep your epic 2 volume slipcase in your library and come to the table with gorgeously illustrated cards with all relevant information at your fingertips! Use the Hit Location table on page @@ and allow a Luck roll to determine if flesh has been touched (rather than clothing). According to Hyperborean scholars, Ghizguth (sometimes Ghisguth) begat Tsathoggua, and is the child of Cxaxukluth. Mhithrha, the great wolf Sanity Loss: 1D10/1D100 Sanity points. According to the Book of Eibon, Groth-Golka resides beneath Mount Antarktos (somewhere in the South Polar region) upon a Black Cone. Despite investigations by a number of researchers, the meaning or purpose of this Black Cone remains elusive, although a few have suggested this may be a cryptic code concerning some form of powerful energy device or one of the exceedingly rare Dark Gates that is thought to reverse time and matter. Arriving in a place, people seem to believe she has always been there, or at least she should be there, making the location her home and ruling it like a queen. Sir Amerys text tells of Shudde Mells confinement by the Elder Gods, as (he writes) they were unable to destroy the Old One. Awful Scream: Zoth Syra and Yoth Kala are both able, at a cost of 5 magic points per round, to emit a scream so powerful as to cause others brains to harmfully resonate. All cults of Ithaqua seem to share the practice of flesh eating, with some including cannibalism. Some suggest a few secretive human groups, who have learned of the Old One in books, have turned their attention to the entity and prepare for the day when it shall come to Earth; perhaps, such folk believe that by establishing their devotion to Hziulquoigmnzhah they will find favor and be rewarded. extensively for sentient slaves, both as food and as in recreational torture, taking vile pleasure in the labor. SIZ 60* HZIULQUOIGMNZHAH DEX 150 (Great Old One) It had a toad-like shape, if its flaccid and sack-like body possessed any shape at all, covered in wet fur that gathered in clumps. Lesser Other Gods Dhyighash: a mass of connected green-black pyramidal shapes ablaze with black electricity. About the base of the tentacles, the skin rolled back to reveal huge saucer-like eyes, some eight in number. If reduced to zero hit points, Cyegha appears to fade from existence, its mass distorting into inky swirls and then nothingness. Within its outer burning skin, its form is myriad of disks or globes, each moving and twisting in confusing patterns. How you portray the actions of any Mythos god is important, but such considerations must be part of the story and plot of the game you are running. Feed: the grabbed victim is pulled into the Old Ones body, where its many fur-like tentacles pierce the skin and begin to suck blood (1D6+1 damage per round)see Hunger page 182. Fighting 80% (40/16), damage 4D6 Grab (mnvr) 80% (40/16), held then crush damage 9D6 The Haunter of the Dark Armor 10-point extra-dimensional flesh. Some may work to hinder efforts of archaeologists working in those areas, while others may conversely aid such digs as a means to unlock lost lore and cult wisdom. Its arms were small, each ending in bony claws that appeared to rip through its flesh, and were fixed and unmoving, thrust out in a groping or clutching fashion, while its legs appeared to be bound together and equally immobile. Thus, it may appear to some that this prison spans multiple locations and is perhaps pan-dimensional, which means the Unspeakable One may reside in different places or dimensions at different times. Sanity Loss: 1/1D6 Sanity points. 217 Yibb-Tstll (? While the effect is unpleasant, it seems to pass quickly. Malleus Monstrorum is a two-volume bestiary for the Call of Cthulhu RPG, published by Chaosium. Humans suffer 1D10 freezing damage per round, plus, if unable to succeed with an Extreme POW roll, the loss of 10 points of CON per round (a successful CON roll means the loss of 1D6 points of CON); if reduced to zero CON, the victim is frozen solid. Any portion of its remains may be enough to reform, which can take place in 2,000 or so years. Sanity Loss: 1D8/2D10 Sanity points. The corpses of such victims may occasionally be found in the Waking World, their bodies scarred with concentric rings of charred flesh while their clothing is strangely undamaged. It is known that the remains of specific humans (usually, humans of note) are sought after by the cult for offerings to the Old One, with some ghouls undertaking pilgrimages to bring such remains to Mordiggian. Only 3 left in stock - order soon. 74 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS DAOLOTH: SACRED LIGHT, THE Lift Veils: Daoloth may allow the veils of reality to be lifted, allowing petitioners to see beyond their reality. Once you've decided on the fiends you're using, keep the books on your shelf and bring the cards to the game . With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. Dark Mesmerism: Cyegha may enthrall and entrance with its mind, a sort of hypnotic call, that pulls humans to wherever it resides, at the cost of 10 magic points. MEDALLIONS OF ITHAQUA Certain lore suggests there are a number of potent artifacts created by Ithaqua in times past. Such foresight may be clear and unambiguous or obscure and contained within riddles, but it is always accurate and horrific. Combat Attacks per round: 8 (tentacles) or 1 (crush) May strike out with its eight tentacles (each with a range of 200 feet/61 m) or may use its massive bulk to crush once every four rounds. Other names: Bu-al-Sugg-ashh, the Dark One, the Drowner, He Who Comes in Darkness, the Night-Thing. An apostrophe indicates a compacted short-I sound. Do you want it to trouble the dreams of people? Bast is a formless thing, who only takes physicality through human perception. Sebek, the scaled one Sanity Loss: 1/1D8 Sanity points to encounter Sebek in physical form; 0/1D4 if incorporeal. In either case, scientific dating would indicate that Yig came to Earth around the Cretaceous era, some 250 to 100 million years ago, if such scales can be relied upon. In essence, the material appearance orincarnation of a Mythos god. Those involved in sea-based archaeology, wreck salvage, and other oceanic activities may find sunken clues to the worship of Dagon and Hydra or, at worst, direct contact with these beings. 155 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult: Brotherhood of the Beast Alternatively spoken about as the Beast and the Faceless God, this is a powerful, savage, and near-mindless manifestation of Nyarlathotep. It reforms in 2D100 years. It reforms in Rlyeh in 1D100 years. Powers Summons: specific summoning rituals calling Zu-che-quon to appear require a sound component; usually, a specially prepared bell or bells, which produce discordant notes. Feaster, Possible Blessings None known. The connection to Yig may not be as strong as some scholars and writers would insist, as others make mention of a link between Byatis, Han, and one other as yet unnamed deity. My research suggests that those who would call up the Old Ones should provide some form of offering, which if accepted, grants them access to immortality, magic, and deep secrets. If you purchase a PDF Huge, multiple eyed, many mouthed, plastic, squamous, rugose, nightmarish, tentacularthe list could go on but is essentially meaningless. Encounters Most will encounter Cthulhu through its cult and the many groups therein. A Luck should be made, with failure causing the consumer to grow weeping eyes across their body, which results in the loss of 1D6 Sanity points per day until permanently insane. Hit Points: 57 Damage Bonus (DB): n/a Build: 9 Move: 0 / 30 in space Powers Enchant Item: items passed through Tulzschas flames may become enchanted and imbued with some form of magical property. Large: water hose, hand grenade, rocket-propelled grenade, lethal poison. The lore does not record the entity as being desirous of an earthly domain, unlike certain Great Old Ones, and it does not seem to manifest on Earth of its own accord, but rather its visits here arisen from summons. and then go forth and wake the slumbering Great Old Ones and bring them fully through to this dimension. NUG & YEB (Great Old Ones) Above the one-thousand bridges over the river of the forbidden city of Yian-Ho rises the black sun. It reforms six months later. When within 100 yards/meters of the entity, a Hard POW roll should be made: if failed, the individual becomes panicked and suffers a penalty die to all skill and characteristic rolls (except when engaged in combat); if the roll is fumbled, the affected person loses all sense of reality and either becomes foolhardy and reckless or retreats into a semi-catatonic state, unable to defend or perform any useful actionsas necessary, allow the players to determine which or use a Luck roll to decide whether their investigator becomes reckless or inert. Get the rulebook here. See the following entries for specific information on the differing cults devoted to this entity. Speculation rises as to who caused this migration and imprisonment, with some citing the mi-go, while others speak of the Spawn of Yuggoth, an older and more powerful race of beings, who cast down this god. Thus, Elder wisdom and magic divide Cyegha in its current state. Powers Appearance: the Red Queen may alter her appearance at will (within the confines of a human frame), adjusting her APP to any degree (a range of 15 to 99). What makes this being different from all the rest? If reduced to zero hit points, Tulzschas glow diminishes and its essence implodes, leaving behind an impossibly hardball of crystal-like material. While activities in the Severn Valley are most noticeable, given the deitys ability to touch upon other places and times, cults to this Old One may exist at any point in human history and in any place. That many of these references feature a multi-headed creature most likely compares to Cthulhus numerous face tentacles, each of great size, and which could be mistaken for heads. The result will probably be messy, but should also be memorable. Among devoted cultists, death is not considered a bad thing, but rather something to embrace, a journey through which they will ultimately change. If reduced to zero hit points, Ghizguth explodes in a messy splatter of acid goo (inflicting 1D8 damage to all within 100 yards/meters who fail to make a Dodge or Luck roll). After studying and selecting the fiendish mythos beast you plan to throw at your players, keep your epic 2 volume slipcase in your library and come to the table with gorgeously illustrated cards with all relevant information at your fingertips! Aura Items, locations, and folk associated with Yig are liable to carry the stench of the reptile house. Lifeless Dreams: although hibernating, Rhan Tegoths mind remains relatively active in a dream-like state, and is at times able to transmit thoughts, affect others dreams, and so on. This guide includes Mythos beasts, Gods, independent races, servitor races and unique entities as well as a few creatures of mythology that could find themselves in a CoC game and a . Great torment shall herald its arrival. That, or else some other power caused the event. Maddening Music: those hearing the insidious music created by the Great God Pan may be overwhelmed with fear and panic, calling for a Sanity roll (0/1D8 loss); with a fumbled result requiring a CON rollif also fumbled, results in instant death from a sudden heart attack. Should these wards become further weakened or broken by cultist zeal, one may presume the entity will be able to go farther afield and spend longer outside its confinement. In addition, once the milk has been consumed, a human should attempt a Hard CON roll (this roll may be made in secret by the Keeper): if failed, the human begins to develop growths on their abdomen, which over 2D6 days form into horrendous alien teats that produce milkif this milk is consumed by another, they regain 1D4 hit points and lose 1D6 Sanity points per drink per day (i.e. One presumes some form of Elder confinement, but this too is unclear. Certainly, some scholars have come to the same conclusion, citing the mi-gos worship of the entity some humans have termed the Haunter of the Dark or Sand Bat, which is not at all human and distinctly alien in appearance. Aura Mgulelocs arrival is signaled by strange hissing sounds, followed by a wet squelching that grows louder until the entity fully manifests. Where Psychoanalysis is not available (such as in earlier historical periods), five days of calm along with a successful Hard POW roll may be substituted. For our older stock, not every product is in every warehouse. Cast Away (mnvr): may dispel a target by hurling them away, using its otherworldly force to fling unwanted nuisances into the air (sometimes into space). Cult While there seems little in the way of organized worship on Earth, inhabitants of other dimensions are believed to pay particular devotion to Aforgomon. Cultist ceremonies tend to have the trappings of high magic and be wellorganized and planned affairs, as the risk to life and mind are so great. Humans may resist such control with a successful Extreme POW roll. Powers Provoke Fear: the avatar radiates an aura of fear, causing humans and others to become panicked and illogical. From the ships bow we spied the blue mist that, at first, we took as lying upon the ocean. Servants of Eihort are spread throughout the cosmos, and the unfortunate displaced wretch could end up anywhere at the Keepers choosing. At the Keepers discretion, it may hijack such summonings, cutting in and appearing in place of the intended being. Han, the dark one Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D6+4 Sanity points to encounter Hans full form. As none of these wizards have been seen or heard from again, no one can exactly determine the truth of their sentiments. Separate, yet connected in body by strands and curling growths reaching toward one another, combining and consuming the other. A manifestation of Ithaqua may float past the investigators, paying them no heed, yet still, fill everyone with dread and horror. Those who seek out Cthylla will surely come to the attention of this sect, who jealously guard against exposure. THE ENTRIES ENTRY FORMAT The format of the entries in this volume is slightly different from standard monster profiles, and is changed from previously published versions. It would appear subgroups of Hastalk may trigger into life, causing localized outbreaks of disease that run hot but just as quickly die out without translating across an entire planet. Those able to placate, navigate, or battle their way through its spawn may attempt to treat with Abhoth. 181 CHAPTER 2 m a l unknown calamity caused the citadel and the ice on which it stood to break free and drift upon the oceans of this planet and those of others. Perhaps seeing Ghatanothoa reveals some portion of this truthso awful as to destroy a person where they stand. All Knapp has to say on the subject is, unfamiliar lights did shine Possible Blessings Imbue: for those who have proved themselves worthy, the deity bestows great strength and speed (temporarily increasing STR by +4D10 points and MOV by +1D4+1 points). The wound caused by this attack does not heal in the normal sense; instead, the wound closes up but remains an angry red and black scar that continues to be painful to the touch. Other names: Lord of Dream, Lord of Sleep, Somnus. Powers Flaming Entrance: appearing, Cthugha brings 1D100 x10 fire vampires with it, which immediately begin to set alight to everything in the vicinityapproximately an area of a football field), although this will expand the longer Cthugha and its minions stay. Fighting 100% (50/20), damage 1D100 (1D10) And, if Earth is doomed, then surely the universe too, for our own planet has no particular importance. humans), forcing them to retreat or return from whence they came. If reduced to zero hit points, the Skinless One crumbles into nothingness or the body splits open and a monstrous form squeezes its way out before departing (usually Bloody Tongue form). Yidhra understands what it takes to twist humanity to its will, using fear, power, and sexuality as effective weapons. This mindless behavior may be placated and negated by those able to calm Azathoth with the music of the spheres (requiring a successful Hard Art/Craft (Musical Instrument or Singing) roll, or certain spells. Many of the names we have for Bast derive from humanity, and it appears some humans in ancient times mistook or characterized this entity as Bast, who was a member of the Ancient Egyptian pantheon. For many, Ythogtha is given token praise during their rites and ceremonies in adoration of Great Cthulhu, but little else. If reduced to zero hit points, the Keeper of the Moon-Lens bursts and its bodily fluids wash into the ground. Powers Overwhelming Aura: those within 50 yards/meters are overcome with the entitys insidious aura (its smell and the tangible effect its presence has upon humans) if they cannot succeed with an Extreme CON roll (those taking precautions deemed suitable by the Keeper may have the difficulty of the roll lowered). The most well-known is Xada-Hgla (Zadaa-gla), an entity worshipped by the insects from Shaggai (see Shan, Shaggai, Insect From), whose vessels all contain shrines to this avatar of Azathoth. The papers strongly suggested that a single soul (or spirit or mind) lives many physical lifetimes, passing from one body to the next. Fighting Swallow (mnvr) Crush (mnvr) 90% (45/18), damage 3D6 90% (45/18), swallowed (see above) 90% (45/18), damage 7D6 Armor None. From the spawn of Abhoth to yuggs, the monsters of the Mythos are herein described, their lore and statistics updated and revised for the Call of Cthulhu 7th edition game. Given the connection, one may suppose that some followers of Tsathoggua are aware of and give attention to Ossadagowah in their rituals, and, given suitable encouragement, such worshippers could raise Ossadagowah above Tsathoggua in their devotions and foster the growth of its cult to new levels. Magic POW: 500 Magic Points: 100 Spells: none. Some may be unearthed during archaeological digs. Consume Life Force: Sebek may drain 1D10 magic points from a human within 20 yards/meters. For many, this resultant goddess was considered an exotic alien (foreign goddess) whose worship might best be characterized as a frenzy of music, wine, and debauchery. Wild Abandon: humans within sight or sound of the Lady may be overcome and driven to acts of wild abandon, effectively freeing them of moral and legal restraints. Mere physical damage will not destroy any Great Old One, Outer God, Elder God, or Avatar. It reforms in 1D100 days with the will of Hastur. Get the rulebook here. Fighting (human) 80% (40/16), damage 1D3+1D4 Fighting (monstrous) 80% (40/16), damage 1D6+1D4 Entangle (monstrous; mnvr) 70% (35/14), held, damage 1D6 (see above) Armor None in human form; 3-point skin in monstrous form. Of course, unless they are clever and find some way to bind the Mythos god in question, as well as find some way to injure them, and can withstand the ongoing magical and physical assaults, most parties of investigators are going to die, quickly. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: DAOLOTH STR n/a CON 500 SIZ 200* DEX 150 *SIZ increases every round unless bound within a magical ward. May scoop once per round; targets may attempt to Dodge. Use this notion to balance combat with investigators. Covers attacks per round, the forms of such attacks, and combat skills values. Regenerates 8 hit points per round (death at zero hit points). bible teaching churches near me. The embrace is powerful, although the victim may attempt to wriggle free with a STR or DEX roll at Extreme difficulty. Throughout, it has been a constant need to consume fresh genetic material as, if any portion is starved, it withers and deteriorates into a pool of inert protoplasmic material. Sanity Loss: 1/1D10 Sanity points. Coub is YouTube for video loops. QYTH-AZ (Great Old One) Something like a cluster of gigantic crystals, packed together into a towering column-like form. Most texts state the deity dwells alone within a deep curtain of night, which is likely a reference to some void or pocket of space existing apart from or distant to the known cosmos. Over the years he has participated in the creation and development of numerous scenarios and campaigns, beginning with Gatsby and the Great Race, back in 2005. It is said that the deitys arrival caused the oceans to boil and tumultuous tidal waves Ghizguth Cult A little-known deity that has no known human cult, although speculation exists that small coastal communities may hold Ghizguth in some regard. The Necronomicon mentions an entity, Nia-Ubb-Hrgath, within a ritual to Shub-Niggurath, but says little more; however, it appears to some that Nia-Ubb-Hrgath is an alternative name for Utulls-Hrher, and so the connection to Shub-Niggurath is established in these scholars minds. Rumors circulate regarding the benevolent Hermetic Order of Silver Twilight (operating in towns and cities on the US East Coast), although these are at this time considered unfounded. Regenerates 1D10 hit points round (death at zero hit points). Either way, even if a particularly unique lloigor specimen, Sebek should be considered a powerful entity and one of great cunning and guile. Whether the deep ones have links to the Deathless Masters is unknown, although the possibility seems quite likely. bullets) deal minimum damage. Alternatively, the deity may use its Heart Attack or Mesmerize powers once per round (see above). With new illustrations throughout by master artist Loc Muzy, the many horrors of the Mythos are brought to stunning life. YIDHRAS AVATARS POW MP STR CON SIZ DEX HP DB Build MOV Madam Yi 110 22 110 300 80 180 38 +1D6 2 10 / 15 flying Y hath 100 20 160 380 160 150 54 +3D6 4 8 / 25 flying Yolanda 100 20 100 200 60 90 26 +1D4 1 9 Monstrous Form 100 20 140 200 100 80 34 +2D6 3 8 Note: all of Yidhras avatars may employ any and all of Yidhras true-form powers. Kassogthas coils may unfurl and extend out to 100 yards/meters in range, moving with frightening speed to whiplash up to 1D4 targets a round, with each strike dealing 2D6 damage. Summons: Ygolonac may be summoned (triggering a Possession, see above) if its name is correctly spoken aloud. It reforms in the center of the planet in 1,000 years. Remember that you get the PDF when getting the physical copy. Every now and then, sparks of bright green light would shine through the image, which moved and lumbered in a loathsome manner. Ancient secrets, whispered lore, and collected facts concerning the alien and otherworldly horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. No comet is this that charts its movement in curves. Subscribe Jeff dives in for a look at, and his review of, the Call of Cthulhu: Malleus Monstrorum slipcase set from Chaosium Inc. 1,255 211 14MB Read more. If true, while a portion of humanity may be content to bend its knee to serpent overlords, most will not. Perhaps not true adherents of Gnophkehs, this cult may carry the knowledge of certain Elder rituals designed to prevent the deitys freedom. In some cases, an affected human may become partially possessed by Hastalk or another Old One, with their body and voice used as a conduit. Explosive attacks deal minimum damage. Certainly, one may presume some human worshippers have desired to become vessels for their gods child, but such matters are most likely limited in number and carry unfortunate and horrific conclusions. bullets). GOATSWOOD Nestled within the Severn Valley, Goatswood is an isolated town to the east of Brichester. Aura Given the fact that a manifestation of Shudde Mell will come upward from the center of the planet, it would be prudent to consider where one stands lest all be swallowed by the Old Ones arrival. If a mutated or great-aged lloigor, Sebek is probably incorporeal but able to take physical form at will. Accordingly, adherents of the Oath may vie for the honor of offering their bodies to be receptacles for their god. Unlike most others of its kind, the summoning of Ygolonac appears to be a simple (but horrifying) affair, with the summoner just required to read aloud the correct pronunciation of the name Ygolonac. Luckily, it seems the correct pronunciation is not quite what one expects, although there have been some unfortunate situations where a person has unwittingly pronounced it right.