The electric blue acara is not a naturally occurring fish. Unless there is food collected in the substrate, it will rarely travel to the bottom of the tank. They rarely interact; therefore, you can keep them together in a smaller tank with other free-swimming fish. In addition, small invertebrates, like dwarf shrimp and snails, will also be seen as food for your electric blue acara. It should be smaller than the normal tank size in order to encourage the mating process. This is quite common but its worth being aware of. 22. You will require a tank with a nominal capacity of 60 gallons if you want to keep a pair of electric blue acara and a bristlenose pleco. Now, you can add your plants. Combining the two species can result in a colorful and attractive community tank. If its taking your fish four minutes or longer to eat their meal, youre feeding them too much! Most cichlids are known for their aggression but the Electric Blue Acara is the well-behaved child in the family. Cichlids like the electric blue acara are omnivores, but they favor a meat-based diet high in protein. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Temperature and water quality are far more important to angels than the electric blue acara. 1 Bristle Nose Pleco. The general rule for this is to make sure the total number of these fish is divisible by two. The one place on their bodies where the bright coloration fades a bit is their forehead. They are calm and go about their business at the bottom of the aquarium. Over the next two months, the baby fish will continue to develop. The Electric Blue Acara typically grows to a max size of between six and seven inches in length. Water temperature: The temperature range required for the water environment of electric blue acara is 68-82F. Any single-tailed goldfish with this trait is a Shubunkin, even if it was bred from another line. Therefore, you shouldnt be concerned about putting dangerous plants in the tank. Prevention is always preferable and involves far lesser risk than cure. Unlike a lot of their relatives, the mellow nature of this fish plays a big part in the high success rate that breeders have with them. Size. Poor food, poor water quality, and the bacteria clostridium difficile have all been key contributors. Reply. One clutch includes about 100 to 200 eggs. Once these fish have reached the 4-5 inch mark in their growth theyre able to breed. The tank has live plants and a 50 gallon boi wheel filter. How to Know If It Happens, Why Did My Ghost Shrimp Die? Some fish stores may label this species as blue acara or simply acara, which can be confusing. These aquarium fish will do best on a sandy substrate where they are free to change their surroundings based on their own preferences. You must also include the minimum tank size for that tank mate if you want to keep them together. If you dont want to hassle with this then you can feed them pellets and flake fish food provided it has enough nutritional value to keep them healthy. However, males and females can be difficult to tell apart, especially when theyre typically sold as juveniles in aquarium stores. A solid blue fish with no orange color is especially prized. Tank Requirements for Electric Blue Acara. With proper care and attention, your electric blue acara can live a long and healthy life. You should always prioritize the health of the fish in your tank, so this is a section you dont want to skip. Kevin Clamser says . Electric Blue Acaras are active fish that spend much of their time digging in the substrate, exploring their surroundings, and rummaging through plants and underneath decorations. The electric blue acara is a freshwater species of cichlid. Option 2 -. His site was created to share his knowledge and unique teaching style on a larger scale. Blue Acara enjoy caves and areas of dense planting where they can hide if they feel stressed. It would be optimal to have a temperature range of 68-82 F but keep it at around 75-76 F. . These fish originate from South and Central America and can be found in slow-moving waters just like a lot of their relatives in the cichlid family. This allows for ASD to promote items that are more effective to promote via Amazon versus selling on this site due to shipping costs, the vendor's choice to only carry through Amazon, or order minimums. With that being said, there are still some care guidelines that youll need to abide by if you want them to live a long and happy life. To do so, try to replicate their natural surroundings as much as possible with lots of hiding spots for them to feel comfortable. I don't need to stuff as many fish as possible into this tank, I would just like a balanced, fairly peaceful community tank to enjoy for the long term. You can find Electric Blue Acaras at some good local fish stores, depending on where you live. The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is an American long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bomber.The B-52 was designed and built by Boeing, which has continued to provide support and upgrades.It has been operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) since the 1950s. When ready, the female will lay her eggs on flat rocks or other accessible surfaces throughout the aquarium. The temperature in a breeding tank should ideally be about 77 degrees Fahrenheit; once the spawning is complete, you will want to remove the adult fish to prevent them from eating their fry. A minimum tank size of 30 gallons will suffice for a single fish. They have a striking electric blue color that stands out no matter what other fish you keep in your tank, and it is one of the most stunning cichlids which is also surprisingly easy to keep. This filter should be rated for at least 2x the size of the tank as these are relatively big fish. Electric blue acaras are an extremely popular hybrid cichlid. The blue andinoacara pulcher requires dense vegetation andplantsit can hide among, and it is a good idea to go with either potted plants or plants that float on the surface and try to give the tank that cozy feel that a cichlid typically enjoys. I have 12 of various varieties in my 75 gallon aquarium and wanted some to enjoy in my 20 gallon. On the other hand, most dwarf cichlids clock in around just 4 . Because blue acaras are not all that common and I would guess the electric blue is in fact a jack Dempsy. Additional aeration is usually not necessary but an air stone can be used to help circulate lower portions of the tank and to add aesthetic. As mentioned before, electric blue acara can be kept with a variety of live plants. If possible, you must also eliminate the source of the issue. Formalin, sodium chloride, and malachite green are effective treatments for ich. Tack on fifteen additional gallons for every new fish you want to keep. They dont fight or bother their tank mates, and they can be bashful enough to hide among the plants. Austin, Texas 78750. They are in a 75 gallon with 8 skirt tetras, 4 pictus cats, dwarf gourami and a super red pleco. There arent any diseases that are exclusive to this species of fish. How many Blue Acara should be kept together? Size: 6-10 Inches Tall. They are nothing like their popular relatives such as the African cichlid, Oscar fish, Jewel cichlid, and Jack Dempsey. Place an upturned saucer on the substrate. If the light fixture is too intense, then floating plants and other aquarium decorations can be used to diffuse bright areas. Easily clean your aquarium by connecting this to your sink! When placed with more aggressive species, they will be able to hold their own. They are identical to the original danio and demand the same level of care. The best thing is to feed a balanced flake diet, with other live food and vegetables. Use a sandy substrate to cover the bottom of the tank, and place plenty of flat rocks on top that the female will use as a place to lay her eggs. Our primary topics include aquascaping, tank guides, equipment reviews, and showcase of various examples of great aquariums across the web. . Size. Electric blue prefers a large bloodworm and a tubule. They are simple to look after and normally go about their business. These gorgeous, large cichlids are found in the South and Central areas of South America, Columbia, Trinidad, and Venezuela. So for the 75 gallon with a pleco you would want a filter or combo of filters that turn over about 1800 gallons per hour. They should have a tank that is a minimum size of 40 gallons for a pair. Electric blue acaras are usually kept in pairs. Some of these species will do great in a fish tank in your bedroom, while others are true monsters of the deep sea. In this article, we will go for ten of the best Blue Acara tank mates, including some interesting facts about each of them. Electric blue acaras appreciate having tank mates, which can help them feel less stressed, remaining healthy and happy. Electric blue acaras are a colorful freshwater fish native to South America. If you do a little research, youll determine that wood and coral sand are two frequent aquarium components that impact pH. These Dwarf rainbows are prefect for smaller aquariums. Green Country AquariumsSynodontis Lucipinnis Congo Tetras Silver Tip Tetras Bumblebee Catfish Green Tiger BarbsElectric Blue Acara Turkana Jewel Cichlid They are larger fish that need to be fed several times throughout the day. This can go a long way in keeping them happy and providing comfort and enrichment. If you want your fish to thrive, you must have good water quality and follow the suggested water parameter requirements. Best Substrate For Planted Tank The Key To Awesome Aquascape, Best Low And Medium Light Aquarium Plants, Dwarf Hairgrass: Planting, Carpeting, And Care. Mark has been featured in two books about aquarium keeping both best sellers on Amazon. This temperament combined with their ease of care makes them a very easy fish to keep! Almost any event that causes changes in habitat or a disturbance in routine and behavior can produce stress. Cichlids are somewhat aggressive when put in a tank with other fish, but the electric blue acara despite being a cichlid. Electric blue acaras are relatively large fish that enjoy their swimming space. 80gal planted Angelfish community. All in all, the electric blue acara has very basic cichlid care requirements. South American cichlids of a similar size to the Acara can make suitable tankmates. First, trim off any dead leaves or broken stems, and plant the specimens as per the suppliers instructions, ideally in pots to prevent the Acaras from uprooting the plants. The average size of Electric Blue Acara is somewhere between 6 and 7 inches in length. They prefer a tank with many plants, which the electric blue acara also enjoys. Fish can quickly succumb to shock. Youll need to catch your fish quickly to save it from pH shock or any shock. With the knowledge drops Ill offer today, you will be ready to embark on keeping these unique fish in your aquarium. Once that happens, the fish are more likely to fall victim to attack by the parasites that cause common fish diseases, such as Ich and Fin Rot. They require basic care that even a beginner can keep up with, and they are a beautiful addition to any freshwater tank. Set up a big tank for them. 55-gallons with once per week water changes Discus fish stock levels can be 15 to 18 adults, or once per month cleaning 5 to 6 adults. They will spend some time delving into the substrate and studying it. In the wild, this fish can live double that! (Lets Find Out! A long . In male specimens, the fins are longer than the females, and the rays of the anal and dorsal fins typically arch around the caudal fin. Andinoacara pulcher is a genuine show-stopper with its surreal glow, making the aquarium tank it sits in stand out. The same can be said about the aquarium decorations used. 1 PAIR - Cichlid Rams Short Body - Electric Blue Balloon Ram - RARE FISH . The parents will continue to deliver care until the fry are fully free-swimming. Put the blue acaras in one tank and leave the other fishes where they are. A variety of events might create stress in fish. Its also important to avoid overfeeding. Because these are bigger fish, theyll eat bigger foods that cause a lot more nutrients to enter the water column if left to rot. Fish are fascinating creatures that come in practically every size, shape, and color. This freshwater fish is resistant and adapts easily to new and changing conditions in the tank, but you need to make sure that there is enough open space for the electric blue acara to swim. The size of an adult electric blue acara can vary, but they usually grow to be somewhere between five and seven inches. The bomber can carry up to 70,000 pounds (32,000 kg) of weapons, and has a typical combat range of around 8,800 miles (14,200 km . The male will quickly fertilize them once laid. . Electric Blue Acara care is fairly straightforward and easy to manage no matter how experienced you are. Right now, the acara is much bigger than the oscar. Use antibiotics such as metronidazole, octozin, and others as the best treatment. It is not recommended to only keep one single electric blue acara as this could cause stress in the form of aggression or reclusion. Breeding electric blue acara is fun and easy. Some fish will become anxious and begin to hide. Electric blue acaras are hardier than most fish. These beautiful fish are vibrant in coloration and behavior and are some of the easiest cichlids to breed. Contact|Policy & Privacy|Resource|Advertisement, TheAquariumGuide is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Black Phantom Tetra 101: Breeding Guide, Care, & Disease. The Blue Acara has no fin damage, although he is typically the one being chased. They need a minimum of a 20-gallon tank with the usual 10 to 15 gallons extra capacity per fish. While the practical benefits of owning this fish are certainly a plus, the main draw is their striking blue appearance. Praziquantelis is the most widely utilized therapy. They are omnivorous and require a varied diet of dry and wet foods. Failing to provide this will lead to serious health complications. Due to their peculiar tendencies can cause some havoc in a community tank; however, this is rarely a major issue, and if the tank is large enough, they will keep to themselves. That being said, they need a high-quality diet to keep their colors shining brightest. The Python is a mainstay in the fish hobby. $36.00. For EBAs, the water temperature in the tank should be around 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also treat your fish with vegetables like broccoli on special occasions. This is usually pretty easy to notice so youll have a heads up that things are about to happen. Switch on the heater and the filter system, and leave the tank to cycle for at least ten days before introducing any livestock. So, you can probably house ten African cichlids in a 55-gallon tank. If you keep them in small-sized groups, they can become shy. If the fish can fit inside the jaws of an electric blue acara, it will consume it. . You have some flexibility when it comes to choosing suitable Electric Blue Acara tank mates. Electric blues will likely claim a piece of this real estate for themselves and guard it against other tank mates, though usually in a passive manner. If the pH is slightly out of range yet the fish seems fine, you should consider that pH only. Affected fish have red skin or gills, excess mucus on the skin, flicking or rubbing on substrate and tank dcor, labored respiration. The pair will fiercely protect their fry for up to two weeks, and will be ready to breed again shortly after this time period. Don't worry - we have you covered! The electric blue acara, also known by its scientific name andinoacara pulcher hybrid, is a freshwater fish which relative the blue acara, is native to Colombia, Venezuela, and other countries in South America. These cichlids grow up to 4 inches in nature, but they've been known to grow larger in captivity. Electric blue acaras are a type of hybrid South American cichlid. Ich and skin fluke are two of the most common sicknesses that Electric Blue Acara might get. As mentioned before, it can be difficult to tell the males apart from the females. Males are typically larger with more elongated and pointed dorsal fins, while females are smaller. If you take care of them properly and stay committed to maintaining their habitat then youll have them for a while. Because theyre hybrids, they exist only in the aquarium hobby and have been exposed to the most common health problems. Discus is the most colorful fish. The bond and amount of time you have with your fish is what its all about. Theyre also quite easy to care for. They are iridescent, too, and come in a variety of colors. When the water runs clear, add the substrate to the aquarium to a depth of two to three inches. If so, youre in for a real treat! Like all fish there are some of the usual suspects youll want to look out for. It would benefit if you used a soft sand substrate to cover the bottom of the aquarium where the blue andinoacara pulcher lives since this allows your electric blue acara fish to dig without risking injury. The short course in Malawi's is as follows (note there are no "rules" here, only broad suggestions frequently very successfully broken): The water temperature in the tank should be kept at a constant 72 to 85 Fahrenheit, with 75 to 76 Fahrenheit being optimal. These fish can grow up to 6 inches long and boast shimmery blue bodies in terms of appearance. While some fish have names that only indirectly represent them or names that might even be misguiding, this fish is everything the name indicates. This allows for the male and female fish as well as the fry until they are big enough to stop receiving parental care. Ensure you know what kind of diet your fish needs and attempt to keep to it. Then when we finally got the chance to see one in person it was mind-blowing. The electric blue acara may not occur in the wild, but its closest relative, the blue acara, does. Stress is something that fish, like people, must cope with regularly. They get along with a wide variety of fish and dont cause any problems in community tanks. Going to add Dwarf Flag Cichlids (Smiling Acara) this week as they only get to about 3 inches. This line is also found on the back edge of their caudal fin, but its much smaller and usually very faint (you might not even notice it). On the flip side, I dont recommend very large or aggressive species either, as they may harass and stress the Acaras. How many Blue Acara are in a 30 gallon? You must also include the minimum tank size for that tank mate if you want to keep them together. Thats why ensure the aquarium fishes have a healthy habitat and constantly lookout for any signs of illness in the aquarium fish. oscar tank mates 125 gallon . Its important to be mindful of their natural diet and how you can replicate it in captivity. Their fins do show gorgeous red coloring and their silvery bodies reflect cool blues and violets. If youre looking for a cichlid-tank setup, then here are the best compatible cichlid species for your electric blue acara: Though they are labeled as semi-aggressive fish, electric blues can be both ends of the spectrum when needed. All Possible Causes, Dropsy In Fish: Your Guide To Symptoms & Treatment, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates, Dojo Loach Care 101 (aka Weather Or Pond Loach), Picasso Triggerfish Care Guide: Size, Tank Mates, & Diet, Clown Triggerfish 101: Diet, Tank Size, Care Tips & Mates, Marine Betta or Comet 101: Diet, Tank, Mates & Breeding, Ribbon Eel Care Guide: Tank, Color Change, Diet & Size. The bare minimum tank size for an electric blue breeding tank is 40 gallons. So, youll need a canister filter or extra powerheads to help produce a powerful enough circulation. They will be the star of your tank no matter what other fish you have! It can cause the fish to acquire a potentially lethal secondary infection in addition to skin damage. There should also be some rocks where they can lay their eggs. Millie is a passionate aquarist who caught the fishkeeping bug in high school and has been addicted ever since. If you want to keep these two fish together, keep an eye on their behavior in the tank so you can see any fighting right away. So the total stocking would be 2 EBA's, 2 Regular Blue Acara and one L200. Therefore, they have a short lifespan with a life full of colors and patterns. Each year, he continues to help his readers and clients with knowledge, professional builds, and troubleshooting. Electric blue acara is low-maintenance. Fortunately, Electric Blue Acara are pretty hardy fish. The fishs body is mainly steel-gray with stripes and spots on its head and body. The fishes have to thrive in very soft water from very hard water. Water hardness: The ideal degree of water hardness ranges between 3Dh-20Dh. Of course, there are some species that one should not keep with electric blue acaras. The flatter the better! 2. That said, it's still essential that you maintain the water quality in the tank. The problem is that these fish regularly uproot and disturb their surroundings, so the species of plants kept must be able to tolerate some rough handling. Youll also want to make sure they get some variety. The blue hues will flawlessly complement the bright yellow shades of yellow labs. The best electric blue acara tank will have a minimal design with open space that accents the natural colors and behaviors of the fish. Though some hobbyists may try to tie or glue these plants down, your fish will rearrange the tank to its liking eventually. Red flags to watch out for include lethargy, loss of appetite, and general disinterest in their surroundings. Use this length as the benchmark when determining mating viability. The fish are sexually mature once they grow to around two to three inches in length, although most begin breeding at four inches. The upper or middle level of the aquarium houses most electric blue acaras. (Cause & Prevention). These fish may then be bred in the main display aquarium or in a breeding tank. Once mature, the best pair may be picked. After these few days, the eggs will hatch. Although the Blue Acara does occasionally visit the surface of the aquarium, fish that are hanging from the surface are generally sick. Because hobbyists dont usually keep light-demanding plant species with electric blue acaras, there is no recommended light setup; these fish will thrive under a fluorescent or LED light fixture. Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. It has orange, brown, black, and gray stripes on its body. Keep in mind that you will need at least a 90-gallon tank or larger to provide your Acara Cichlids with enough space to live and grow. It is best to keep them in groups of six or more and, as an albino, come in a variety of hues. Alison Page has been an avid fish keeper for over 35 years and has owned many different species of freshwater tropical fish including bettas. Slowly add them in little increments, measuring the change as you go. Keep in mind that a low water flow in addition to high lighting can fuel algae growth. It is true for most fish, but the electric blue andinoacara pulcher is a cichlid that does not enjoy swimming in dirty waters. These fishes can be kept in groups and coexist nicely with their species. pH range: 6 to 8. Always ask the store representative to watch them eat; if there is any refusal, the fish is most likely sick or stressed. Primarily, this means youll want to have plenty of hiding places where they can feel safe. I have 9 pearl gouramis in my 40 gallon breeder. Its no mystery why this already popular fish is being found in more and more freshwater tanks around the world. Failure to do so will result in catastrophic health consequences. Theyre active diggers, which means youll often see them rummaging through the substrate in search of little things to nibble on. Electric Blue Acara Care. They're peaceful and will avoid starting trouble with other fish, . Other hobbyists keep only electric blue acaras in their tanks and let them breed. This is one of the most overlooked benefits of owning this fish in our opinion. Gouramis have always been a popular choice for community tanks. You will want the water temperature in the breeding tank to be around 75F. Blue Acara 29 gallon planted tank. A tank of this size will weigh a lot more than smaller tanks, especially when filled. You wont be disappointed. . When choosing ready-made feeds, it is recommended to pay attention to specially developed mixtures for cichlids. Thus, the faster you can improve the fishs position, the better. There may be a few things to think about when trying to breed the Electric Blue Acara, but it does not change that the andinoacara pulcher is perhaps the easiest cichlid to breed. The name of the Electric Blue Acara does a great job summarizing their appearance. If you have a photo I can identify it I was obsessed with South Americans cichlids for years. There are many ways to set up a tank with the electric blue acara in mind. This is a hybrid mainly derived from the naturally occurring blue acara, Andinoacara pulcher; it is believed that they were mixed with blue ram cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) at some point as well. You can replicate that in the home aquarium by adding a layer of dried leaves to the tank. Once they have started, they are likely to continue as long as water quality and other tank conditions are met. Is this because of aggression? Once this is over the parents will watch over their eggs while they grow. As well see, male and female pairs will need to form on their own in most scenarios. Learn how your comment data is processed. Most tanks do well with under 20 ppm nitrate. That provides the fish with enough room to swim. It is an aggressive fish and is knon for being a good fighter. In fact, some cultures cannot even "see" bluemeaning that they cannot easily differentiate it from green! That being said, they cannot tolerate ammonia or nitrite and breeding will demand more specific parameters. They are social fish that are not prone to hiding, but the digging is especially intense when the electric blue acara is getting ready to breed. You should stick to feeding a quality brand of fish food for your cichlid fish to stay healthy and live a long life. The bristlenose pleco is one of the greatest tank mates for electric blue acara. These fish swim in all areas of the tank but mostly tend to hang out in the lower to mid regions. Max size of fish: 4.5 inches. The electric blue acara is known for burrowing and digging in the material at the bottom of the aquarium, which can be quite entertaining to watch! Or you landed on here because you had no idea what they are? As with all species of fish, providing your pets with an environment that closely mirrors that of their preferred wild habitat can go a long way to keeping the fish content and stress-free. Electric blue acaras do best in a slow to medium flow, though they can adapt to higher water currents as long as there are areas of lower flow throughout the aquarium. Do not keep violent fish with electric blue acaras since they may be attacked and injured. It is a member of the cichlid family and can grow to be up to 10 inches in length. . Although Electric Blue Acara are pretty low-maintenance fish, we recommend spending a little time to ensure that their habitat is suitable. WI. So, every week you must carry out partial water changes to remove excess ammonia and nitrites and to keep nitrate levels down. Malawi bloat is a common disease of cichlids. Electric Blue Acaras are quite large fish that generally inhabit bodies of water where the flow is relatively strong. They mainly stay towards the bottom of the tank but will venture into the upper middle portions at times. To do this youll want to mimic their natural environment as much as you can. The spiny rays on the backs of their fins work as a protection against otheraggressive fish, and the dorsal fin is often (but not always) pointed. Electric Blue Acara Care. If left in the wild, a blue acara can live twice as long as that! I can almost always see at least 6, and sometimes all 9, hanging out at the front of the tank. If you have the room for a 55 gallon I would suggest getting a 75 gallon bigger footprint better for medium size fish. Being able to care for a stunning fish like the electric blue acara is a great way to gain confidence as a hobby aquarist, so make sure you have a tank that is not too small, a stable water temperature, an appropriate tank mate, and nutritious fish food.You can soon witness it swimming happily in the tank. Their lifespan can be impacted by the usual factors that affect any fish. Very small fish is also a bad idea as it could, unfortunately, be confused with live food. Pretty much anything peaceful that can thrive with similar water parameters is possible. This will prevent anyone from potentially getting picked on. $24.99 shipping. be sure to allow one gallon of water per one inch of fish.