But there were other things going on. The nagging feeling that were being hoodwinked or spun a story that suits anothers endgame is something I havent been able to shake and is probably part of the reason why this constant drama winds me up. From what I have read in the press it all seems to be filled with either information that was basically already known and just confirmed (King Charles wasnt the best father) or petty details (the lip gloss incident with Kate). No matter what, many millions seem to be watching and in some ways they lead by example. I feel the same way as Liz, that it plays like a thriller. He seems wholly dependent on Meghan and her circle/colleagues for money. What concerns me with Harry is he says he wants a relationship with his brother and father and yet his behaviour says otherwise. However I am confused because when Meghan had suicidal thoughts she said she contacted the firms HR department to talk about it. That is very interesting, given Harrys chapter about Charles and paternity in Spare. Thanks for sharing your psychic insights, it is much appreciated. North; South ; Harry Styles's Zodiac Sign. We walked around it and my husband stepped away from me towards the lake to look at something. Thank you. A long way to saythrough this lens you present (theres more than meets the eye and its a global operation), it makes sense why Ive been unsatisfied with the surface story; so this post is very liberating. Stay safe, Which would then mean any ceremony committed in a house of religion a blessing with no legality what-so-ever. You cant get past astrology, though! The Behaviour Panel, 3 Americans and 1 Briton. Weve not seen this astrology in the skies, since Henry VIII. I just hope that relationship with Meghan lasts because it will be the only one he will have left. Power changes hands. So I think in order to preserve their family George, Charlotte and Louis will be given a choice as to whether or not they want to be in the line of succession. Everyone had their heads down reading the program except Charlotte. I believe that these are Harrys children no question. There are few people whom they can truly trust thus bond and unity within the family is critical (else a lonely existence). Not only contradicting some of the Oprah claims with Tom Bradby but also contradicting as nonsense Omid Scobies claims in Finding Freedom about MMs supposed security training. Looking at Harrys natal chart, the publishing program will run until 2026, and being a Penguin Random House author myself (having been published by the same two men Harry thanks the marvellous Bill Scott-Kerr and Larry Finlay) I have to say not just sequels, but a paperback mass-market edition with unseen photographs and a new bombshell for the front page. harry styles astrology predictions. Im still waiting for the media to wake up and realise the three times Prince Harry fails to mention Russian names in his book. Hi Jessica, Im sure all the readers in this discussion will be grateful to you for the tip. Welbys reasoning (with tears) being that the CofE must be kept in alignment with the beliefs of African churches. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. I saw M and H really diminished and tied to a radiator. He said: I think two nights ago I dreamt we had got to the point [of placing the crown on the Kings head] and I had left the crown at Lambeth Palace. Hi Jessica, Thank you Jessica Questions remain about why she was found without a seat belt when dozens of photographs show her habitually wearing one. While these 2023 astrology predictions are based on your zodiac sign or Sun sign, we recommend that you also read the overview for your ascendant or rising sign for a few additional nuances. Harry was obviously the big goal around then. Harry Styles's Prediction Birth to August 15, 1998 Harry Styles may get indulge into unwanted expenditure. This is in keeping with the problems with the dresses, her father and Prince Charles stepping in to give her away, the press coverage issues etc. 109126-mainGrammy predictions 2023 ceremony with Beyonce, Adele, Harry Styles - 1breakingnews.com. It is an outstanding bible which should be on every astrologers bookshelf. Foreign politics This happens in a year when, historically, the line of succession in the Royal Family will be disrupted. Wow! Thus, the rise of astrology and other ways of believing/living where women are equal to men (though astrology is still dominated by so many men in powerful positions at the top; part of Pluto in Capricorn is just that system). Thus not having anyone in mind he lit upon the idea of making Elizabeth his bride. Hi Jessica, 2008 was the year that Pluto entered Capricorn. Cultural references that trigger memories; familiar archetypes, themes and stories. The astrological chart shows the cover-ups involving the family and a huge amount of family karma at a time when he may have been thinking about the autobiography or even taking meetings about it. March will be very interesting indeed. Another kind of shift?. But Im aware that our president pretty much presides like a monarch Seems we cant really get rid of them (just joking). I am not sure what that means but it was interesting. That would mean ( if you take account of the Nostradamus quattrain that mentions that this will be the last king. I am late to it and dont want to add to your workload but I thought this was interesting and hasnt yet been mentioned. Because reading your pages this week is bringing up something. The quote from King Lear springs to my mind-How sharper than a serpents tooth it is to have a thankless child. after Harrys commitment in the army and his actions in Afghanistan since Charles, as a real connoisseur of the Quran and a religious perennialist was against the belligerent intervention in Irak; he apparently expressed his moderate opinions to Tony Blair at the time. Have you read Spare? The commentor Hello said that re Dianas death: ..it wasnt an accident, in fact a white car projected the Mercedes towards the pillar.. I immediately remembered what Id read in Penny Thorntons book With Love from Diana. Yet, that is not his job. This is by far and away the discussion everyone wants to join, so far in 2023. The other big, big factor is the South Node (karma) in Scorpio (sex, death and money). The astrology of March seems exciting on the one hand but concerning too. And your responses are so generous and detailed. Diana eventually made peace with Raine. Once you see the geopolitics and the financials, the new battle front of Australia in this manufactured online feud becomes nice and clear. Dont know why that thought has inserted itself! It bothers me that he has been isolated from family and friends. Yes, you can imagine MI5 opening that chapter in Spare and falling off their chairs. Julie. Diana comes into the sitting room with a large gift-wrapped present, which she hands to me. Hi Jessica Based on the assumption that the wedding happened during the usual hours when weddings happen, this gives us a Moon somewhere around roughly 10 degrees Gemini. It also contains the word ELOPE, which is religiously what Henry did with Anne. Sometimes the universe has a sense of humour. And lastly one of Williams names is Arthur. Horoscope magazine, drawing from an article that had appeared some years previously in an astrological publication, The Quarterly, reported that at the time of Williams christening, a sudden draft almost blew out the candle being held aloft by Charles. I remember the 2018 wedding, I saw a grey air around it. That stuck with me because of the way it was said and who told me. They were posing for photographs and were seated Charles behind Diana on a childs rocking horse. Hi Jessica, you questioned earlier in the thread why Harry would mention his role against the T-ban in his book (I dont like to name names! In ..1989, I had what Jung might have termed two big dreams. Of course hes taken back and kept almost in seclusion, but treated extremely well with care and love (unlike the woman in the attic!). As for probing history, the Church of England was formed when King Henry VIII divorced his wife, Catherine of Aragon, who had borne him no sons, so he could marry Anne Boleyn. and when He set apart His throne on the winds And they have been doing so for a while. Kyra Oser is the brilliant psychic who alerted me to it. A the moment Andrew uttered the question, all the lights in the studio went out. Chart houses split the chart into twelve realms, beginning from the Ascendant, which add another dimension of themes corresponding to the signs starting from Aries. A CBC investigation on 14th April 2022 traced the ownership of Mille Fleurs, the Vancouver Island mansion where Harry and Meghan escaped to after leaving the United Kingdom to a Russian billionaire. Interestingly I have noticed on online forums their biggest and most vociferous defenders are Republicans who want to do away with the RF altogether. Astrology is usually ignored by the establishment (publicly) but very much used privately. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. Surely not. Once we are past March and the crisis for the Church of England and Charles, I will look at Dianas chart again. This was of course the aim of certain foreign enemies all along. I would not normally be so suspicious with Anglican policy changes, debates and announcements but there is something else going on here, and its powerful stuff nicely hidden from view. Hi Jessica, thank you again for another fascinating article on the royal family! That tiara is known as the Russian emerald headdress. I must find those. These transits are a perfect storm in the ancient chart for the Church of England (its birth chart) but also Charles III. Anyway, thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and insights with the world! Also mentioned India pro Russia due to links/ finances etc. Like I know they represent the country & provide stability, but my goodness the privilege! If this was an episode of The Crown you could create several storylines. What is justice? What was Harry Styles first word? Hes been a long time Trump supporter. May it be full of love, prosperity and good health. You cannot see arrogance in an astrological chart, but you can certainly see fate for one man, and fate for big organisations, entwined. What do you think? Welby is massaging an earthquake here. Its pretty interesting when you look at all of that. In a church. Thank you for your dedication! So this is bigger than the Princess of Wales and her wardrobe or the Duchess of Sussex, come to that. Prince Georges mars is at an even closer conjunction to jupiter than QEIIs so he predicted he will ascend at an even younger age than QEII did. You wrote that youve read Spare: does Harry really casually mentions the 25 Talibans? The physical outbursts of expressed pain in the family predate Harry and Williams. But at the end of the day, it does matter how you treated your (first) wife. The good news is, Saturn leaves Aquarius on March 8th 2023. The world of billionaires and little black books, Russian oligarchs and super yachts does not last. In regard to your revelation that the Church of England is pursuing the idea of a female God at the General Synod, well, Heavens to Betsy (Betsi?). Harry claims to have slammed Hamlet shut, but Spare is reminiscent of the play. She is also divorced and has remarried. You are also right the balance of power is shifting. It is part of Harry and Meghans form, to disrupt. Only to then read a prepared speech, unveil a plaque etc, with barely a hint of the real person underneath. ITV and Sixty Minutes botched it. This is not bigamy, but it is a strong example of how you cant just move on in astrology. From Proverbs 8:3-31 (excerpts): For at the gates of the Mighty, She hath taken a seat, Blind spots. (Oak trees again). It would be historic (it can only happen once in your adult life). If Anne is back, I think that would be astro-logical, timely with the Aquarian Age, according to what historian Hayley Nolan says about her, which is that she was, quote, a passionate fighter for those who had not been afforded the same privileges in life as she. She kept fiddling unnecessarily with the heavy left collar (checking that the device was on?) This actually happens to Prince William too. Billionaire Burkle has a 42.5% stake in Soho House according to The Guardian. Lost everything. I also wonder where are those missing tapes and what else was said? Oh, thats interesting. I stood my ground for mutually fair terms and that has worked OK so far. Despite many operations on the Bible, truths still remain. Whatever it means, it meant to me some sort of US connection. Going back to astrology again, we find Neptune in Harrys birth chart, triggered. I heard the word suffocating then from my spirit guide. Somehow I dont think Angela Kelly will tell us, verbatim, but being a loyalist to our Queen and a brilliant chronicler, lets hope we see some truth for the history books. Who is the producer of the Shakespearean drama in front of us? It is clear to you that the cold war never stopped. Dear Jessica thank you for such a detailed and intricate analysis, and the myriad of comments are fascinating. I also just heard from my colleague Kyra Oser who is one of the most respected psychics and mediums in the world, based in Canada. This is the renovation for a dream home, or a relocation to a new home. You have predicted MM losing her titles and being offered the same status as Peter Phillips around March time. The Riven Rock subdivision is located on the former Riven Rock Estate. In fact it seems to do more damage to Harry than the Royal family in my opinion. What does the astrology say? Love & blessings! QE2 inherited it from her grandmother Queen Mary and wore it several times in all 3 versions. He then saw Arab-looking men discussing things like the deed has been done and mission accomplished..in July 1997, more than a month before it actually happened! The Church of Englands rules are: marriage can only happen with two witnesses present. This could be the March bombshell astrology predicts! After that we find him in a role which is a holiday from the real world, from the year 2026, which seems to suit the monarchy. Thank you for the compliment. You must have already resigned your membership as you dont appear to be a member here any more. The King was determined to end the affair and insisted that his son had to marry. have you told us the life you had before working for the government during WW11? I was struck by many similar patterns in family dynamics and Dianas reactions but one stood out about 49 mins into the video where Diana recalls a show-down she had with her fathers wife (her version of an evil stepmother) Raine Spencer during the weekend of 16 September 1989 at the wedding of her brother Charles to Victoria. The United States Pluto in Aquarius may change the firm but it wont destroy it. I am also very sorry for Harry. Dangerous. Most people equate her and daughter Margarets relationship with Group Captain Peter Townsend as being eerily similar. So it isnt a concept unfamiliar to the Anglicans. Thank you so much. The South Node shows past lives, you see. There is a constitutional crisis. You have the South Node in Libra, the wedding and marriage sign, and the transiting South Node moves into Libra from July 2023, so your past life returns to you. In the interests of brevity, (Im trying for it!) King Charles & Camillas wedding, of course is a different matter. Lady C then answers, quote, I am telling you, everybody is sitting on a massive secret. It also doesnt bode well for The Royal Family. Still trying to work out the end game. Thanks again for everything you do. Hi Jessica, this feature has generated a lot of comments and surprisingly didnt create the polarization one would expect when reading about the Royal Family; it is a testament to your approach of clarity and fairness in every aspect of your features driven by your expertise in interpreting astrological charts of people and places/countries. The Special Relationship between the US and UK is partly at stake here, which is why there is global interest. Perhaps its not Meghan. Since that is yet to happen, we luckily have you, this space filled with wonderful people to express their piece of mind, share their piece of knowledge and info with the hive. I would not be hugely surprised to find out that the late Queen had set some of this drama in place. Harry could be more of a 'do-er' than a 'thinker.'. May be I need the distraction and this taps into my anger. It is not in the headlines yet (thank God as being a headline in the news politically is not a good news at all) but the same undercurrent goes on and is yet to increase and become a conflict point. Enemies come to light and many work against her. Arthur is Williams second name. Belt off. Given that Peter was a key figure in the second dream and that we were by the sea, I wondered if there was an echo of the time of Christ here. Happy Lunar New Year of the Rabbit. I note what you say about the Russia/China/Commonwealth connection and I was deeply shocked to discover just a few minutes ago, that South Africa, my country of birth, and a member of the Commonwealth, is allowing Russia to use its seas for naval drills. Pluto will be in opposition to your Leo factors until 2044 and he only makes it to 0 Aquarius from March-June 2023, so it will be some time before you see the usual questions about how much power or control you have in a situation. I remember seeing him on television years ago (back in the days when I still watched TV) and he was so charismatic, so compassionate, so impressive, so articulate. Do you think the Spencer side of his family might be a good way to at least to renting a home at Althorp? Regarding splits in the Church of England, it seems there is already a formal division where traditionalist priests that cannot accept the role of women in the modern Church are allocated to work exclusively in parishes which support that same view. Perhaps his unconscious is talking to him about the coronation or perhaps he is part of a set-up that is bigger than himself. The Eclipse fell at 0 Leo shortly after these peculiar photographs were taken and was exactly square Harrys Pluto at 0 Scorpio. Some are suggesting the first nuptials werent legal either. It was big. Years ago I met someone and I remember telling my husband after meeting her, that I felt angels are among us. This may be so, but another option is that the ghost writer is not contracted to display his own intellect and beliefs, but to portray those of his subject, using his language, his emphases and distorted perceptions, and his intentions. I imagine you know what these yacht girls were on hand for. Pretty interesting. Ive just read about a French court ordering the removal of a statue of Our Lady from a town off the west coast of France citing separation of church and state. Some readers question if Lady Colin Campbell is not a Trojan Horse, which would be too strange for words, but in 2023, anything is possible I guess. You know what would fix so much of this? Mine is that she was killed on the pretext of her landmine activism and, in a botched rush job, because she teased the press she had a secret to reveal. Julie. (Incidentally, Putins spokesman Lavrov(?) What we have been seeing is really a crisis waiting to happen it will happen in March. As to the end game, I am afraid there is something very dark here. The scene changes to my then home, Bramshott Court. CBC April 14th 2022. Fact is, Harry has this whopping Sagittarius (foreign affairs) statement in his chart. Hello Jessica, If the Monarchy survives this. Or was this trick photography? Thank you. The biographer Tom Bower says Meghan married Trevor under a chuppah, the canopy for a traditional Jewish ceremony. The Queen granted Prince Harry permission to wear this particular uniform for the royal wedding. https://www.rbth.com/lifestyle/328410-why-did-prince-harry-wear/amp. The loyal faithful within the Church of England are part of that. Oh dearthis is turning into the perfect storm, not exactly a storm in a teacup! This isnt just Diana: Her True Story by Andrew Morton. This will change the way we work and live forever and deliver a four-day week. Cath. I wonder if this was on the storyboard along with Wallis Simpson and Princess Diana? I cant imagine British soldiers walking around talking about their kill-rate and becoming dehumanized. Neil Sean also reminds us that Angela Kellys third book of her publishing deal , sanctioned by the Queen, is yet to appear karma on its way for Harry perhaps? I am astounded and horrified at the nastiness in the ( especially British) media Jeremy Clarkson /Piers Morgan etc shown to Meghan Markle and that people can be so critical of someone they have never met. He, therefore, benefits from Meghan's Air Sign influence. Sorry about the lateness of this comment, I kept putting it off because the image I see of Harry is so disturbing. Really fascinating stuff! It is important to step back and see the BRF as a taxpayer-funded military organisation. In my work, almost every day involves two or three clients with family problems. The scales are unbalanced. I happened by fluke upon a YouTube Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDCVA_widM0&list=PL1SF5eVUCum1Y5-jWQkHivnvJBL3N4B58&index=12) of a NBS USA TV Feature by journalist Ann Curry airing secret videos of Princess Diana speaking to her speech coach Peter Settelen in 1992 (any eclipses as coverups?). The exact minute depends on your time zone, Im afraid, and I dont know that. What immediately springs to mind is the mentions Soho House gets & its involvement with H&M meeting etc. We were told about his fathers Dior products, but not about the name of the controversial tiara. It doesnt require a Royal to do it. Princess Margaret (another Sun Leo like Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon) also had heartbreak. In trying to understand why Ive kept paying attention to people I find dull, I thought maybe it was experience with narcissists in my family and how the reality they present is so often at odds with whats really going on. Sorry you have to endure getting comments like Annes. I know youre getting a lot of comments regarding this feature, it never is boring when it comes to the Royal Family, is it. The later Kings, Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI were usually shown not wearing a crown but a crown image was placed somewhere on the stamp, often hovering above the Kings head. I had no idea this had happened. I am exhausted by it all at times. He may have been wrongly accused or have had a valid reason for supposed actions if true. Both liked the high life, non? Ive not had time to do this, but perhaps readers could look at the guest list for the wedding. Elaine, Diana and Harry did have the same transits during the media and publishing world cyclones around them. What do you think of it? I know all of you have sympathy for Harry but I think he is a low grade psychopath/sociopath with absolutely no emotions, just hatred and jealousy of William.