We recently purchased from Kuranga Nursery Correa alba Star Showers. fruit 5-8 mm high, white to green; seeds c. 4 x 2 mm, brown or grey speckled brown; corolla deciduous. We have had success with other Bywong correas, but this one we will have to try again. Int. Correa glabra, commonly known as the rock correa, [2] is a species of tall, erect shrub that is endemic to Australia. Ben made 7 cuttings from our original plant and these are now thriving in plenty of sun. Do not always follow the advice to protect plants from the frost some are quite able to cope, Correa Coastal Pink (left), Correa Lemon Twist (middle) and Correa Redex (right). A$6.00. Plant Type: Plant Habit: Hedging / Screening, Shrubs Dense, Shrub Like, Spreading, Upright. but yet to be reported in S.Aust. If you are a WordPress user with administrative privileges on this site, please enter your email address in the box below and click "Send". It could be a hybrid, or it could have travelled into our garden on another plant. If however you cannot plant them right away, when they arrive, take out the polystyrene plugs, give them a water and place them in a protected area (not in direct sunlight). Barossa Gold, Cappuccino, Ivory Beacon, Ivory Lantern, Long John, Red Rock Correa, and Rock Correa are all glabra hybrids and are flourishing in our garden, while we only have two reflexa hybrids remaining after all those we have tried, Gwen and Redex. It grows on the western slopes and plains of NSW, extending into western Victoria, eastern South-Australia and south-eastern Queensland. We have planted ten of these tall shrubs, up to 8m high, with dark green leathery leaves and reddish bell flowers., from 2004-18. It is rare in South Australia but common in New South Wales. We planted nine of these low spreading shrubs with red bell flowers, width to 2 m, in April 2004. We have planted five of this tall form of Correa glabra, height 2-3m x width 1-3m, with shiny green foliage and red tubular flowers, from 2007-20, but only two remain. Everything except for our agapanthus, which are bare rooted (dug straight out of the ground and wrapped in news paper). The newest seedling to flower, possibly with Dusky Bells in its makeup. Wilson considered C. schlechtendalii of Behr to be a synonym of var. Australian Native Plants, located in Ventura, CA, is a leader in ornamental trees and shrubs for Mediterranean gardens. Acacia riceana. Lofty and the way it suckers and spreads in the shaded part of the garden. We planted three of these shrubs, Correa backhouseana var. Then I saw Marians Marvel planted in full sun and frost in Murrumbateman. These plant will grow in heavy shade but ours are marching enthusiastically out into the sun. Most correas would be killed in fire and regenerate from seed after fire. We planted this prostrate groundcover, height 0.3m x width 1m, with silver foliage and dainty white star shaped flowers in November 2019. It has naturally hybridised with C. alba, C. decurnbens, C. aemula and C. pulchella. Add to Cart. Our landscaper orginally chose this plant to anchor the eight corners of our two parterres, but the position proved to be too exposed for these plants and they all died. It was selected for its small dense habit - the usual form for the species is normally much larger. I really enjoy Redex because of its glossy crinkled leaves and cheerful red and yellow flowers. We have planted thirty of these narrow shrubs, 1m high x 0.8m wide, with small shiny crinkled leaves and red and yellow bird attracting flowers, from 2004-21. This plant is native to southeastern NSW, between Batemans Bay and Bega. We have planted 17 of these small spreading shrubs, which grow to 75cm high, with grey-green leaves and soft pink flowers, from 2017-21. Correa glabra 'Coliban River' a compact, dense form selected from a wild population near the Coliban River in Kyneton, Victoria. Grow Correas! We planted one Correa Annabell in May 2014 but it died in December. This final image is not from the garden, but of a plant surviving on a back lane in farmland just south of the wooded foothills to the north. Common Name - Rock Correa - A poplar native which responds well to trimming, it makes an attractive hedging variety due to its up right nature. Leaves are elliptical, glabrous on both sides, glossy on top . Plus, with no minimum or maximum order . It is a cultivar of Correa glabra var glabra.. Maria Hitchcock thought that the plant we have was more likely to be Correa Pink Panther. Correa Glabra Green Common Name - Coastal Rosemary - This lower and tighter growing form of Westringia makes tough low hedge breaking away from the traditional green formal hedges it's lighter colour creates eye acting contrast when planted in front of a green or silver hedge like buxus Faulkner or Westringia wynabbie gem. We lost two of them in the horrific heat of last summer, but they are standout performers. It grows to 1.2 metres in height and width. We were told originally that these correas needed protection from frost and direct sun, even heavy shade, but by the way they are marching out into the sun, I doubt that advice. The first of many Correa glabra I planted was the green flowering form. More tolerant of heat full sun and drought in warmer regions than other species. leucoclada. eastern Austral. Glabrous lamina, variable corolla size and colour; calyx small. The three oldest plants in the garden are red and green Correa glabra, and a rough-leaf form of Correa reflexa from the Mottle Range. Yellow- green flowers Feb-Sep. Dry soil, semi-shade. It needs a semi-shaded, cool, moist position and tolerates snow and frost. This is a great low maintenance shrub, hardy enough to be used for council plantings, and attractive enough for the home garden. Upright dense shrub growing to 1.5 m x 1.5 m with glossy mid green foliage turning gold which makes this a highly ornamental plant. It's upright, spreading habit makes it a popular choice for use as a low hedge. Correa pulchella is from southern Yorke Peninsula, SA. rosea, or Red Mountain Correa, is an tall evergreen shrub with rich green leaves and pale red flowers most of the year. We planted three of these Correa pulchella hybrids, 20cm high x 1-2m wide, with dark green rounded foliage and many pink bells, in September 2015. The prostrate version is not as low growing as Mt. Dec 27, 2018 - Buy Correa Plant online from Online plants Melbourne. Synonymy: C. rubra Smith var. Casuarinas Some of the larger species and cultivars make great hedges and boundary plantings. fall into the subgroup of Rutaceae that have simple and opposite leaves, along with 4-petaled flowers.. Correa glabra 'Coliban River' a compact, dense form selected from a wild population near the Coliban River in Kyneton, Victoria. This plant has dark green foliage and bell shaped flowers which are pink in upper section and lime green near the tip. We planted 5 Correa sp. It prefers moist, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil. Variety glabra is found in south-eastern Queensland, New South Wales and central and western Victoria where it mainly grows in rocky habitats near watercourses. often have mostly solitary flowers or up to 10 flowers arranged in cymes. The taller part of the hedge is Callistemon salignus. We have planted 15 of these correas, 1m x 1m, with decorative salmon bell flowers from 2005-19. We have planted eight of these shrubs 1.5m high x 2m wide, with dull green elliptical leaves, hairy below, and cream bells, from 2010-18. Correa glabra cultivars are more successful in our garden than Correa reflexa hybrids. When is the best time to order plants from you? They are a very attractive correa with glossy, dark green leaves, green bell shaped flowers with a unique fused calyx which gives flowers the appearance of a chef's hat. We have planted seven of these hybrid shrubs from 2015-21, C. reflexa var. We planted three of these shrubs, 1.5m high x 1.5m wide, with dark green glossy leaves with red and green tubular bell flowers, in February 2020. Erect dense shrub of 1-3 x 1-3 m, with subglabrous branches; petiole 2-8 mm long; lamina narrowly to broadly elliptic or obovate, 1-5 x 1-3 cm, glabrous or subglabrous above and below. In this species, flowers are tubular with the 4 petals mostly fused, greenish yellow, about 3 cm long, produced solitarily in leaf axils and pendulous. Growing to approx 2m. Correa lawrenceana var. The honeyeaters are happy to feed on it in the safety of the prickly hakea foliage. turnbullii 'Mt Barker Beauty' Origin Selected form collected at Mt Barker near Adelaide in SA. And here is the newest, a metre or so away from the preceding two. Excellent screen or hedge. We have not had much luck with some of the alba cultivars, such as Correa Coastal Pink, which is surprising when you think how successful C. alba is in so many different conditions. We have tried seven specimens of this shrub, which grows to to 1m x 1m, with oval green foliage and red and cream bell flowers from late summer to winter. Ice Maiden and Lemon Twist, also alba hybrids, have met with mixed success in our garden. This plant is native to the Fleurieu Peninsula, SA and is endangered in the wild. We find that Canberra Bells does better in a pot for us, where it can sometimes have 100 red and white blooms on a small bush. We planted three of these shrubs, height 2-3m, x width 1-3m, with pale green tubular flowers in winter, in February 2006. In some cases, depending on availability and when you call, we can even organise same-day delivery. Originally we took the advice that these plants liked shade and we had only mixed success with them. Another foundation planting consists of about 40 plants of the reliable Correa Dusky Bells which have performed admirably. Plant in full coastal sun to shade and adaptable to most soil types. glabra 'Inglewood Gold' a form with gold flowers selected from a wild population near Inglewood, Victoria around 1980 If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance. Another asset is the leaves, when crushed, smell like bubblegum. Correa glabra (Smooth or Rock Correa) Attractive screening shrub. Unavailable . Australian Native Plants Propagation, cultivation and use in landscaping. We planted three of these dense shrubs that may reach 3m high by 2m across, with soft, oblong leaves with rusty backs and green flowers, in March 2007. Thats the end of my tuffies next there is Correa lawrenceana, I am a little obsessed with this Correa it gets tall too like glare but it has these large furry leaves and funny shaped . C. glabra var. We planted three of these compact shrub, height 0.75m x width 0.5m, with dense foliage and many white dainty bell flowers, in November 2019. Electronic Flora of South Australia species Fact Sheet. and We have a number of different Correa glabra growing in the garden, identifed variously as having green, red or yellow flowers. And here is the newest, a metre or so away from the preceding two. We ship all over Australia, including WA and Tasmania. Responds well to pruning if required. Health and safety. Add to cart. [2][3][4], Correa glabra was first formally described in 1838 by botanist John Lindley in Thomas Mitchell's journal, Three Expeditions into the interior of Eastern Australia.[5]. We planted eight of these low spreading evergreen shrubs, 30 cm high and up to 2-3 m across, in March 2004 and another seven in March 2008. . Acacia saligna - Golden Wreath Wattle. One died almost immediately, but the other two are thriving. Plant in full coastal sun to shade and adaptable to most soil types. This plant appeared in our garden about two years ago, in 2018. They are very prune-able and shoot from old wood. In our garden they need some overhead protection. We have only had to replace about ten of these plants due to drought and heat. We planted three of these plants, 1m high and wide, with shiny green leaves and pink and cream bell flowers, in March 2017. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. Lindley in T.L. The leaves are elliptical to sometimes egg-shaped with the narrower end towards the base, papery to leathery, 1040mm (0.391.57in) long and 517mm (0.200.67in) wide with a strong, sweet lemon scent when crushed. Correa glabra 'Ivory Lantern' - Rock Correa. We planted two of these groundcover shrubs, height 30cm x width 1m, with pastel pink flowers, in 2016. Eastern Spinebills and New Holland Honeyeaters are at present feeding in the correas, and who knows how many new hybrid forms may eventuate from their pollen covered foreheads. A few of my plants are planted in a position that receives only dappled light, in this situation they tend to grow more open and a bit straggly (not recommended). We planted 8 Correa Ring A Ding Ding four years ago and have been very impressed by their prolific orange flowers and prostrate habit. reflexa; var. And planted at the same time all those years ago, the red form.