T: 70. Contact: Scott Trudell anyshowpromotions@gmail.com 518-857-5778, Aug 26, NY, Kingston. A: Free. THE WINTER SHOW. SH: 9am-4pm. Contact: Karen or Fred Riso PH: 203-265-1813, Email: kmrfdr@gmail.com. SH: 5-10pm. Contact: Kenny Woodall, 512-748-9718, Kennyscollectibles@gmail.com, www.kennyscards.net, Oct 14 TX, Austin. A: Free. SH: 10am-8pm. A: Free. T: 20+. T: 80 ($50). Wally Jung: Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds Expo Center, Room E 2900 Lake Street Kalamazoo, MI View Map: 10 AM - 5 PM: Tuscola Trading Cards and Collectables Show, Tuscola Community Building, 122 W North Central Tuscola, IL 61953. T: 100. A: $1. SWAP NIGHT, Plymouth Area Sports Card and Memorabilia Club, Pease Public Library. Sports Card Show, Colts Neck Firehouse, 50 Conover Road, Colts Neck, NJ 07722. A: Free. Contact: Scott Trudell anyshowpromotions@gmail.com 518-857-5778, Oct 15 NY, Syracuse. Contact: Ned Skinnon 860-919-0879, Nskinnon@cox.net, June 3 CT, Enfield. Contact: G. Sipos 732-849-5599, cardscollectibles.com, Oct 8 NJ, Bordentown. Milford Elks Lodge 124, New Haven Ave., Milford CT, 06060. SH: 9am-3pm. Contact: Eric Duchak 908-309-2191, http://www.woodbridgecardshow.com, March 19 NJ, Bordentown. Contact: Clem 610-937-1240 caccollect@aol.com, June 9-11 PA, Willow Grove. South, East Syracuse, NY 13057. A: Free. Contact: For information or reservations please contact 302-983-2636, a2zshows1@yahoo.com or www.a2zshows1.com, Sept 17 DE, Wilmington. Contact: Vic Vandreoli@comcast.net 508-265-4440, Nov 24 MA, Dedham. T: 40. Our Cards & Collectibles Buy Sell Trade Expo, Old Bridge Elks Lodge, 67 Old Amboy Road, Old Bridge NJ, 08857. Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Salvation Army Community Center, 8853 S. Howell Ave., Oak Creek, WI 53154. Contact: Brady Douglas 571-244-2089 E: brady0908@hotmail.com, April 2 IA, Iowa City. Michigan Coin Shows. July 16 NJ, Garfield. Contact: Brett Reed ba_reed@comcast.net, May 5-7 PA, Wyomissing. Contact: Joshua tangibleinvestmentmanagers@yahoo.com. T: 75. Contact: Jim Daley 678-933-8568; jimdaley64@yahoo.com; facebook.com/pg/GeorgiaCollectibleShows, March 19 GA, Chamblee. Sign up to receive Sports Collectors Digest emails for the latest show updates, auction coverage, player interviews, and the biggest news in the hobby. T: 100. SH: 8:30am-2:15 pm. Contact: Phil Showalter 717-903-3964, Aug 13 PA, Wilkes-Barre. Contact Bob Marcus 732-614-8757, June 30-July 2 NJ, Wildwood. A: $4 early bird; $2 general. T: 30. Contact: Ray Falcoa 401-573-4046; EastBayCardShowsInfo@gmail.com, Oct 7-8 RI, Coventry. Sunday, March 5, 2023 - 9:00am to 2:00pm: Elks Lodge. A: Gen $10, VIP $15. A: $5. Jacksonville, FL. T: 30. Contact: Mike Leon: 215-359-7789 or sbsportscards1014@aol.com, May 6 PA, York. Jacksonville Sports Cards & Collectibles Show, Ramada Conference Center, 3130 Hartley Rd. Sports Card Show, Bloomington Armory, 3300 West 98th St., Bloomington, Mn. A: $2. Plainfield Sports & non sports card show, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 5556 E US Highway 40, Plainfield, IN 46168. Contact: Wayne at 443-978-0680, March 4 MD, Elkridge. A: $2. Plainfield card show part "2", Fraternal Order of Eagles, 5556 E US Highway 40, Plainfield, IN 46168. Aug 19 CA, Auburn. SH: 8:30am-2:15 pm. SH: Fri: 10am-6pm; Sat: 9am-4pm. SH: 9am- 3pm T: 75 A: free. Contact: Mike Leon: 215-359-7789 or sbsportscards1014@aol.com, June 16-17 PA, Camp Hill. Contact: Scott Trudell anyshowpromotions@gmail.com 518-857-5778, Oct 28 NY, Queensbury. Dave 'The Hammer' Schultz Added to the July 2019 Wildwood Show!! Contact: Kenny Woodall, 512-748-9718, Kennyscollectibles@gmail.com, www.kennyscards.net, April 15 TX, Schertz. SH: 9:30am3pm, T: 250. SH: 10am-4pm. T: $75-$85. SH: Sat 10-5; Sun 10-3. SH: 10am-4pm. Enfield Sportscard Show, American Legion Hall Post #80, 566 Enfield St ,Rt 5 Enfield Ct 06082. A: Free. SH: 9am-2pm. Contact: Mike Leon: 215-359-7789 or sbsportscards1014@aol.com, Aug 27 PA, Philadelphia. A: $2. Cardboard Promotions Big Sports Card & Autograph Show, Holiday Inn, Rt. SH: Fri- Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 11am-6pm. T: 100. SH: 8am-2pm. Strongsville Best Western Plus, 15471 Royalton Rd., Strongsville, OH. A:$5. A: $2. Contact: Glen Young 772-214-7980, cardshowpsl@gmail.com, Dec 9 FL, Palm Coast. Salisbury Toy, Sportscard, Pokemon & Hot Wheels Show, West End Plaza Event Center, 1935 Jake Alexander Blvd W, Salisbury, NC 28147. Contact: Kenny Woodall, 512-748-9718, Kennyscollectibles@gmail.com, www.kennyscards.net, Dec 9 TX, Austin. Contact: Brett Reed ba_reed@comcast.net, Sept 8-10 PA, Plymouth Meeting. T: 50. T: 48 ($35 for 1, $60 for 2). Contact: Ken Ludington 937-671-0516, kenludington.southpaw@hotmail.com, Aug 12 OH, Hartville. Contact: Vic Vandreoli@comcast.net 508-265-4440, March 26 MA, Dedham. 65804. May 6 KY, Paducah. Contact: Steven Rahor 732-682-0680. A: $10 ( under 12 Free). SH: 9am-3pm. SH: 9am-3pm. Contact 860-308-3500, or ctcollectibles@gmail.com, Apr. A: $3. Quality Inn, 1938 Stanton Way Lexington KY 40511. T:two 8 ft 55 or 8 & 6 ft combo 45. T: 70. SH: 9am-3pm. T: 40. SH: 9am-2pm. April 15 NJ, Edison. Rare Elements Podcast Sports Card Show, Pueblo Community College, Fortino Ballroom, 900 West Orman Ave, Pueblo, CO 81004. GG2 Sports Cards Show, Stoney Creek Hotel, 200 W. Albany St., Broken Arrow, OK. SH: Fri: 12pm-6pm; Sat: 9am-5pm, Sun: 10am-4pm. This Kalkaska gun show is held at Kaliseum and hosted by PJS Promotions LLC. Our bi-annual quilt show features 100+ quilts on display, Boutique, Flea Market and Vendors. A: Free. Contact: Leroy Willis 256-412-2184, popandhoney@yahoo.com, April 1 AL, Scottsboro. A:Free. A: Free. Contact: Phil Showalter 717-903-3964, Dec 8-10 PA, Springfield. A: $5. Contact: Adam - Greenie Sports Cards 330-486-5159, cardshows@greeniesportscards.com; www.greeniesportscards.com. T: 150. T: 20+. Using keywords is optional. T: 40. Contact: Dave Brill, (717) 682-2085, March 4-5 PA, Bethlehem. Contact: Tony Gordon 773-616-3705, abrandongordon@hotmail.com, www.fatdaddyssports.com, April 8 WI, Stevens Point. SH: 9am-4pm. SH: 9am-3pm T: 75 A: free. T: 20+. T: 30 ($75 for 8-foot table). SH: Sat: 10am-7pm; Sun: 11am-5pm. SH: 10am-5pm. September 9 Mo. T: 100. S&B Sports Promotions Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Springfield Mall, 1250 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, PA. 19064. Greene County Fairgrounds Expo Center, 120 Fairgrounds Rd., Xenia, OH 45385. I had a great time digging through the. A: $3 (kids 12 and under free). A: Free. A: Free. T:two 8 ft 55 or 8 & 6 ft combo 45. Contact: John McGill 615-893-1140, April 1 TN, Lexington. The Michigan Fairgrounds show is one of the largest shows in the Midwest, and it attracts dealers and collectors from all over the country. T: 700+. 2023 Calendar of Gem, Mineral, Fossil and Jewelry Shows in Michigan, United States . Holiday Inn Independence,6001 Rockside Rd.,Independence, OH. MI, Bay City. T: 80. Cincinnati Sports Cards & Memorabilia Show, Eastgate Mall, 4601 Eastgate Blvd, Cincinnati, OH 45245. Contact: Joe Shedlock 412-601-0782 mr1035@aol.com. SH: Sat 9am-3pm. T: 30. Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine Added to the Aug 2018 Wildwood Show! A: $4 early bird; $2 general. ** The listings in RED are events happening EVERY WEEK, same bat time, same bat channel! Jacksonville, FL. Contact: Jim Daley 678-933-8568; jimdaley64@yahoo.com; facebook.com/pg/GeorgiaCollectibleShows, Sept 17 GA, Chamblee. T: 30 ($50). Mar 11th, 2023 Grand Rapids Area Coin Show . Contact: Doug Keating at douglaskeating@gmail.com. A: $5 (kids 10 & under free). The Woburn Weekly Sports Card Show. SH: 9am-2pm. DE. Contact: David Cogdeill at dcogdeill@yahoo.com, June 17 OH, Canton. Contact: Mike Newton bamadadtimes2@gmail.com, May 13 AL, Pelham. T: $30. Contact: Matt Canaday gg2sportscards@gmail.com. A: Free. White Eagle Hall Sports Card and Memorabilia Show, 487 Delaware Ave, Kingston, NY, 12401. SH: 9-4. SH: 9am-4pm. T: 30. April 22 GA, McDonough (South Atlanta). A: Free. T: 35. T: 50. Quality Inn, 1938 Stanton Way Lexington KY 40511. J&J Allstar Sportscards Shows, Fishers American Legion #470, 9091 E. 126th Street., Fishers IN 46038. Contact: Michael Bochar mbochar@gmail.com 914-489-4718, April 8 NY, Kingston. Hartville Marketplace Sports Card Show with Tent Expansion, 1289 Edison St NW, Hartville, OH 44632. Primetime Card Show Address: VFW - 41 Veterans Drive New Britain, CT 06051 Time: Sunday 9am-3pm Tables: 60+ Entry fee: Free Enfield Sportscard Show Address: American Legion Hall, 566 Enfield St, Enfield, CT 06082 Time: Saturday: 9am-2pm Tables: 48 Entry Fee: $1 Delaware Wilmington Card Show Address: Chambers Memorial Hall, Wilmington, DE Church of the Holy Comforter 543 Beulah Rd, Vienna, VA 22180. SH: 9am-3pm. Albany Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Polish Community Center, 225 Washington Ave Ext., Albany, NY 12205. Contact: Jesse Crippen 319-849-5522; jessecrippen13@gmail.com, April 16 IA, Cedar Rapids. Auctions By Moldenhauer, LLC Card Show, Fraternal Order Of Police Lodge, 416 US Highway 20., Michigan City, IN 46360. T: 30. SH: 9am-2pm. Contact: Ron Estes 314-852-4543, estesbrenda@hotmail.com. DE. Contact: Jim Daley 678-933-8568; jimdaley64@yahoo.com; facebook.com/pg/GeorgiaCollectibleShows, May 27 GA, Blue Ridge. Contact: 731-225-3408. SH: 9am-2pm. T: 65. A: 9am-10am $5; 10am-2pm free. SH: Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 10am-5pm. Contact: Michael Christopher 804-704-4700, email:TidewaterCardsAndCollectibles@yahoo.com; Site: TidewaterCardsandCollectibles.com, April 16 VA, Spotsylvania Courthouse. Portsmouth Hall, 1711 Cass Avenue, Bay City, MI 48708. SH: 6-8pm (third Wed of every month except July, Aug & Dec). T:100. Sports Card Coin & Collectibles Show, Colts Neck Firehouse, 50 Conover Road, Colts Neck, NJ, 07722. A. Contact: Rob Gomberg 732-690-2476, Robg@RKSportsPromotions.com, www.RKSportsPromotions.com, June 16-18 NJ, Moorestown Mall. Contact: Bud Lowe 662-251-6452, wjblowe@gmail.com, May 27 MS, Brandon. The Orlando Card Show at The Bahia Shrine, 3101 E. Semoran Blvd, Apopka, FlL 32703. SH: 9am3pm. Sports Card Show, Bloomington Armory, 3300 West 98th St., Bloomington, Mn. A: $2 (under 12 free). Winston-Salem Clemmons Toy, Hobby, Sports Card & Comic Book Show, Winston Salem Fairgrounds Education Building,2886 Shorefair Dr, Winston-Salem, NC 27105. Sept 9 TX, Austin. T: 20. SHIPFLIP Sportscards and Memorabilia Show, Shippensburg Firefighters Activity Center, 33 W. Orange St, Shippensburg, PA 17257. Contact: Izaak Hoffman Izaakh@mncardshow.com; website: Cardshowmn.com, April 29 MN, Rochester. Contact: Kyle 917-745-2382 or Facebook Bay Area Card Show, Nov 11 FL, Palm Coast. A: Free. Contact: Michael Christopher 804-704-4700, email: TidewaterCardsAndCollectibles@yahoo.com; Site: TidewaterCardsandCollectibles.com. A: $5. Contact: Logan Kane Logan.kane@gmail.com, March 31-April 2, MN, Maplewood. SH: 9am-2pm. SH: Fri: 3pm-9pm; Sat: 9am-4pm. T: 50 ($100). The PRO's & Hoosier Sports Cards Show. Contact: Michael Wilkes 573 429 5804. Mooresville Sports Cards, Pokmon & Collectibles, Charles Mack Citizen Center, 215 N Main St , Mooresville, NC 28115. SH: 8:30am-2:15 pm. T: 75. Contact: Steven Rahor 732-682-0680, May 7 NJ, Bordentown. Cardboard Promotions Big Sports Card & Autograph Show, Holiday Inn, Rt. Best Western New Englander, 1 Rainin Road, Woburn, MA 01801. A:$2. T: $30. A: Free. Oct 21 MO, St. Louis. The Flip Sports Card & Collectibles Trade Show, Pelham Arena,500 Amphitheater Rd, Pelham, AL 35124. 38, Moorestown, NJ, 09057. A: Free. T: 65. July 22 KY, Louisville. A: Free. July 8 NJ, Colts Neck. A: $2. Emu Cards Collectible Show, Middlesex Elks Lodge, 545 Bound Brook Rd., Middlesex, NJ 08846. Special Autograph Guests: Justin Fields, Chris Olave, Eddie George, Archie Griffin, Troy Smith, Kenny Pickkett, Rod Woodson & More. T: 30. Admission $2.50. Contact: Bud Lowe 662-251-6452, wjblowe@gmail.com, July 1 MS, Tupelo. Contact: Call Newarkcardguy at 510-386-6383 for tables. Quality Inn, 1938 Stanton Way Lexington KY 40511. Harrisburg Sports Card and Memorabilia Show, The Conference Center, Central Penn College, 600 College Hill Rd., Summerdale, PA 17093. S&B Sports Promotions Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Moorestown Mall, 400 W. Rt. A: Free. SH: 9am-2pm. May 6-7 OH, Hilliard. SH: 9am-3pm. SH: Fri & Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 12-5pm. CONTACT: www.iKARDSUSA.com, May 27 CO, Pueblo. A: $2. A: $2. A: $3 (kids 12 and under free). T: 50. Contact: Frank Bray (904)387-0260, email: jaxsportscards@aol.com, March 11 FL, Spring Hill. 2023 Card Shows February 2023 2/24-2/26 - Duluth Card Show, Miller Hill Mall, Duluth MN - Show will follow Mall hours. Twitter: CardCramston, Oct 14 RI, Bristol. The Woodlands Resort, 1073 Highway 315. Contact: Ryan Thompson 919-740-2894; ryan.thom3789@gmail.com; facebook.com/pg/GainesvilleCardShow, June 18 GA, Chamblee. A: $5 kids u12 free. A: Free. SH: Fri 1-7pm; Sat 9-4pm; T: 350, F: $75, A: $5. Contact: Jesse Crippen 319-849-5522 E. jessecrippen13@gmail.com, May 21 IA, Iowa City. Contact: Jeff Mares 440-724-2650, Oct. 7 OH, Fremont. T: 40. Contact: Ken Ludington 937-671-0516, kenludington.southpaw@hotmail.com, June 10 OH, Hartville. 52, Fishkill, N.Y. 12524, 50 North Ave, New Rochelle, NY 10805 (cross street Pelham Road / Exit 16 on I-95), Red Lion Hotel, 205 Wolf Road, Albany, NY 12205, Kerr Scott Building, 1025 Blue Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC, 27607, Winston Salem Fairgrounds 2886 Shorefair Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27105, Hartville Marketplace, 1289 Edison St NW, Hartville, OH, 44632, Mansfield Liederkanz, 1212 Silver Lane, Mansfield, OH 44905, Clarion Hotel, 3855 Hauck Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45241, Wright University-Nutter Center, 3640 Col. Glenn Highway, I-675 & N Fairfield Road, exit 17, Courtyard Marriott Belden Village, 4375 Metro Cir NW, N.Canton, OH, 44720, 15471 Royalton Rd, Strongsville OH, 44136, Springfield Mall, 1250 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, PA 19064, 1001 N Deleware Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19125, Harrisburg Mall, Exit 45 off I 83, Harrisburg, PA, Susquehanna Valley Mall, Route 15, Selingsgrove, PA, Capital City Mall, Route 15, Camp Hill, PA, Berkshire Mall, 1665 State Hill Road, Wyomissing, PA, 19610, Plymouth Meeting Mall, 500 West Germantown Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462, 230 Montgomery Mall, North Wales, PA 19454, American Legion, 823 S. Main St., Lancaster, SC 29720, Ramada Inn, 1855 S. Church St., I-24 exit 81B, Murfreesboro, Arlington Expo Center, 1220 Ballpark Way, Arlington, TX 76011, Fire House Expo Hall 7128 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003, Oakwood Mall, 4800 Golf Road, Eau Claire, WI, The Hawkes Nest Sports, 523 Hemlock Street, Woodruff, WI, Salvation Army Community Center, 8853 S. Howell Ave., Oak Creek, WI 53154. T: 85 ($95). A: $4 early bird; $2 general. T: $45. 1 55 Ariadne Rd., Dedham, MA 02026. T: 200. Collectors Mega Show #90 Sports Cards and Memorabilia Show, NYS Fairgrounds, 581 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, NY. SH: 9am-3pm. Collectible Show (Cards, Comics, Toys and Coins), American Legion Post 127, 630 Grassy Hill Road, Orange, CT 06471. SH: 9am-3pm. S&B Sports Promotions Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Montgomery Mall, 230 Montgomery Mall, North Wales, PA. 19454. VB Cards Sports Card Show, VFW, 26 River Street Methuen, MA 01845. Contact: Karen or Fred Riso 203-265-1813, kmrfdr@gmail.com, Apr. SH: Fri and Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 11am-6pm. SH: 9am-2pm. 55431. A: free. Admission: Free. A: Free. Salisbury Sports Cards, Pokmon & Collectibles, West End Plaza, 1935 Jake Alexander Blvd W, Salisbury, NC 28147. A: Free. A: $10 ( under 12 Free). SH: 9am-1pm. T: 45. T: 75 ($50-100). Contact: Ned Skinnon 860-919-0879, Nskinnon@cox.net, Nov 4 CT, Enfield. Contact: Ryan Thompson 919-740-2894. Contact: Sabatino Guerriero 908-268-1922. SH: 9am-2pm. Sports Card and Collectibles show, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 2055 Lincoln Highway, Edison 08817. Sept 24 CA, Newark. T: 250 A: $5; Contact: Mike Wilder IG: Wilder_Side_of_Sports; Email: Mikew@wildersideofsports.com; Phone: 864-237-2932. A: $5. The Cardboard Carnival, The Arena, 91 Fulton St, Boonton, NJ 07005. A: $2. Contact: Adam - Greenie Sports Cards 330-486-5159, cardshows@greeniesportscards.com; www.greeniesportscards.com, Aug 12 OH, Xenia. SEMO Sportscards Show,Miner Convention center,2610 E. Malone Ave,Miner Mo. Contact: Sabatino Guerriero 908-268-1922. Greene County Fairgrounds Expo Center, 120 Fairgrounds Rd., Xenia, OH 45385. May 7 VA, Annandale. Miner (Sikeston). T: 30. Please share with your friends. A:Free. Cincinnati Sports Cards & Memorabilia Show, Eastgate Mall, 4601 Eastgate Blvd, Cincinnati, OH 45245. Ocean County Sports Card and Collectible Show, Manahawkin Moose Lodge, 120 NJ-72, Manahawkin, NJ 08050. A: Free. New Britain Primetime Card Show, VFW Hall, 41 Veterans Dr, New Britain CT 06051. SH: 9am-3pm. White Eagle Hall Sports Card and Memorabilia Show, 487 Delaware Ave, Kingston, NY, 12401. SH: 9am- 3pm T: 75 A: free. Kirtland Community (Senior) Center, 7900 Euclid-Chardon Road, Kirtland OH 44094. SH: 10am-3pm. T: 70. Contact: Mike Barnes 330-417-1400, buckeyesportcards@gmail.com, Dec 16 OH, Kirtland. . All Rights Reserved. S&B Sports Promotions Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Berkshire Mall, 1665 State Hill Road, Wyomissing, PA. 19610. T: 100+ ($90, 2/$150) A: $2. A: Free. Contact: Bud Lowe 662-251-6452, wjblowe@gmail.com, Nov 4 MS, Tupelo. T: 100. SH: 9am-3pm (free parking). National Guard Armory, 3300 E. Division St. Evansville, IN 47715. Apr 8 MA, Springfield. A: $5. T: 30. Collectibles on College Tempe Monthly, University Presbyterian Church, 139 E. Alameda Dr., Tempe, AZ 85281. SH:8:30am-12:30PM T:30 ($40). T: 30. Conway Sports Cards Show, ELITE Academy, 1400 Old Morrilton Hwy. Cards and Memorabilia, 5400 Markham Woods Rd, Lake Mary, FL 32746 (next to True Life Church). A: 9am-10am $5; 10am-2pm free. SH: 9am-2pm. Sportscards & Collectibles Show, Jacksonville Mall, 375 Western Blvd., Jacksonville, NC 28546. SH: 9am-1pm. T: 12. 2/26 - Card Show, Emerald Pines Barn Sioux Falls SD 11a-5p Contact: http://www.denvercardshows.com/, Dec 16-17 CO, Denver. SH: 9am-2pm. Contact: James Ferree 704-498-6753 email: support@sportswaxpromos.com; Site: sportswaxpromotions.com, Oct 13-15. Milford Elks Lodge 124, New Haven Ave., Milford CT, 06060. Contact: Doug Keating at douglaskeating@gmail.com, Aug 27 MA, Methuen. SH: Fri and Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 11am-6pm. South Mall, 3300 Lehigh St., Allentown, PA 18103, SH: Fri 11am-7pm; Sat: 11am-7pm; Sun: 11am-5pm. SH:Fri-Sat 10am-7pm; Sun 11am-4pm. A; Free. Contact: Adam - Greenie Sports Cards 330-486-5159, cardshows@greeniesportscards.com; www.greeniesportscards.com, July 8 OH, Xenia. T: 100. A: $1. T: 200 ($60). A: Free. SEMO Sportscards Show,Poplar Bluff Elks lodge,6653 hwy 67 N.,Poplar Bluff, Mo. Mar 12th, 2023 Royal Oak Metro Detroit Coin Show . SH: Fri 3pm-8pm; Sat 9am-3pm. A: Free. T: 50. T: $59. SH: 9am-3pm. T: 75. SH: 9am-2pm. A: $3. Contact: Karen or Fred Riso PH: 203-265-1813, Email: kmrfdr@gmail.com. Ramada Inn, 1855 S. Church St., Murfreesboro TN 37129. Contact Mike Moldenhauer 219-229-0411, moldyestates@yahoo.com, Dec 16 IN, Newburgh. T: 80. Livonia, MI. Contact: Bud Lowe 662-251-6452, wjblowe@gmail.com, Sept 2 MS, Tupelo. SH: 9am-3pm. Contact: Mike Leon: 215-359-7789 or sbsportscards1014@aol.com, Aug 12 PA, Summerdale. SH: 9am-2pm. SH: 7am-1pm. Contact Jeff Meyrose 317-504-8110, indyballcards@aol.com; jjallstarsportscards.com, Sept 16 IN, Michigan City. T: 40 (8 foot $40, 6ft $35) A: $2 (under 9 free). The Port Saint Lucie Sports Cards & Collectibles Show, The St. Lucie Mets Convention Center, 8555 Commerce Centre Dr. A: free. SH: 9am3pm. March 25 KY, Louisville. A: Free. Contact: G. Sipos 732-849-5599, cardscollectibles.com. Coach Estes Sports Cards Show, Traders Mall, 6900 Benton Road, Paducah, KY 42003. T: 700+. A: $5. A: $1. SH: Sat. A: $2. A: $15-$90 (10 & under free). T: 30+ ($35-$45). SH: 8am - 4pm. T: 30. T: 75. SH: 9am-3pm. A: Free. SH: 9am-3pm. Georgia Collectibles Show, Holiday Inn & Suites, 4401 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Chamblee GA 30341. SEMO Sportscards Show,Miner Convention center, 2610 E. Malone Ave,Miner Mo 63801. March 4 MD, West Ocean City. SH: 9am-3pm. T: 75. Raleigh Toy, Sportscard, Pokemon & Hot Wheels Show, Kerr Scott Building, 1025 Blue Ridge Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607. T: $59. Contact: John DeMorais 860-819-4343. SH: 8am-1pm. April 15 Mo. A:Free. A free. T: $30. 11am-7pm; Sun: 11am-6pm. Contact: Kenny Woodall, 512-748-9718, Kennyscollectibles@gmail.com, www.kennyscards.net, March 4 VA, Chesapeake. A: Free. T: 100. SH: 8:30am-2:15 pm. SH: 9am-3pm. Happy Collecting! Contact: Steve Smitty Smith 352-494-0910 or email smitty0922@att.net, March 31-April 1 FL, Tampa. Silicon Valley Trade Card Show, Westgate Shopping Center, 1600 Saratoga Avenue, San Jose CA 95129. SH: 10am-4pm. A: Free. A: $2. A: Free. Hartville Marketplace Sports Card Show with Tent Expansion, 1289 Edison St NW, Hartville, OH 44632. Contact CNY Promotions Collectorsfest@cnypromotions.com, Sept 24 NY, Albany. A: Free. Contact: Adam - Greenie Sports Cards 330-486-5159, cardshows@greeniesportscards.com; www.greeniesportscards.com, Oct 14 OH, Xenia. T: 40. Sports Card, Pokmon & Collectibles Show, Comfort Inn University Center, 11180 Fairfax Blvd, Fairfax, VA 22030. A: $2 (under 12 free). A: Free. T: 30 ($50). SH: Fri- Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 11am-6pm. Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Elks Lodge, 11 Amboy Rd (Exit 7 off NJ Turnpike), Bordentown, NJ 08505. T: 75. April 15 CT, Plainvlle. Dec 16 CT, Plainvlle. T: 30. A: $7.50/day, $20/weekend. SH: SAT: 10am-5pm SUN: 11am-4pm. A: Free. A: $3. T: 70. T: 80. Bay Area Card Show, Banquet Masters, 13355 49th St. N, Clearwater FL 33762. Contact: rareelements719@gmail.com, October 21 CO, Denver. Contact: Ray Falcoa 401-573-4046; EastBayCardShowsInfo@gmail.com, Nov 11 RI, Bristol. Contact: 731-225-3408. Annual World Famous Car Cruise on Woodward Ave just north of Detroit in Michigan, USA. SH: 9am-4pm. SH: Fri and Sat 10am-8pm; Sunday 11am-6pm. Humboldt Card Show, Bear River Casino Ballroom. A: $1. A: $3 (kids 12 and under free). North Port Card Show at The Morgan Center, 6207 W Price Blvd., North Port FL 34291. Contact: Stephen Moore 256-599-0989, Stephen@jacksonssportscards.com www.jacksonssportscards.com, Oct 7 AL, Scottsboro. T: 65 ($50-60, free lunch for dealers). March 12 MA, Dedham. Contact Jeff Meyrose 317-504-8110, indyballcards@aol.com; jjallstarsportscards.com, Dec 17 IN, Plainfield. SH: 9am-3pm. Contact: John DeMorais 860-819-4343. Contact: Dave Bonde, 651-338-1539. dandcbonde@charter.net. New Britain Primetime Card Show, VFW Hall, 41 Veterans Dr, New Britain CT 06051. (exit 260 From I-75), Atlanta 30339. T: 40. A: Free Contact: Stacy Heckathorn, columbussportscards@gmail.com, 574-223-4320. T: 100 ($70). A: Free. SH: 11am-5pm. T: 50 ($25). Contact: Steve Smitty Smith 352-494-0910 or email smitty0922@att.net, Oct 7 FL, Port Saint Lucie. 1 55 Ariadne Rd., Dedham, MA 02026. November 4 Mo. Bust & Move Trading Card Shows, Hilton Garden Inn, 95 Highway 81 W, McDonough, GA 30253 SH: Sat: 9:30am-2:30pm.